My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 291 A Homecoming

Chapter 291 Feels Like Home (Second Monthly Pass)
In addition to offering porridge, King Anjun Fujin also sent two nuns to come out with Chang Shi, both of whom were close to the county king Fujin.

The two held a large package in their hands.

Inside was a new cotton cloak, and a pair of cotton boots.

The boot bucket is more than a foot deep.

It looks a little silly, but it is warm.

"It was Fujin who sent someone back to rush to make it. Thinking of your inconvenient situation, Han started from his feet..."

The two of them waited on Ba Fujin and said in a low voice.

Bafujin looked dazed.

It seems that back in the days of the palace, my aunt took care of her daily life, and she was so careful and thoughtful.

My uncle has only three sons, two concubines and one concubine, the eldest son of the concubine died, leaving only two elder brothers, one concubine and one concubine.

My aunt doesn't have a daughter, so she has always regarded herself as a daughter.

In the early years, because of the eyebrow-eye lawsuit between himself and his little aunt, it's not that my aunt didn't come forward, and she was reprimanded by Tai Fujin for this.

Bafujin drooped his head, feeling remorse in his heart.

I was too willful before.

Following the "feeding porridge" of the Anjun Prince's Mansion, it was as if the valve had been opened, and the Clan Prince's Mansion followed suit.

Prince Kang's Mansion, Prince Xian's Mansion, Prince Zhuang's Mansion, Prince Jian's Mansion, Prince Yu's Mansion, and Prince Gong's Mansion, sent people to the door one by one, either Chang Shi or his children.

Then came the Xinjun Palace, the Pingjun Palace, the Shuncheng Palace, and the Xi County Palace.

Then there are several Baylor Houses and Beizi Houses.

Finally, there are more than a dozen Zhen Guogong and Fuguo Gongfu.

Interrupted by the one after another "feed porridge", going to the mourning hall to stay with him is not so difficult.

When entering the watch, Shu Shu came out with her sisters-in-law, wearing a thick cloak, tightly covered, and a mask on her mouth, not afraid of the cold wind and soot, and went to the side hall to eat porridge in just two quarters of an hour.

It is said to be "porridge offering", but no one really only delivers porridge and tea. Most of them are vegetarian seats.

Shu Shu held back her saliva and followed her sister-in-laws.

Sifujin and Wufujin came to persuade them.

Shu Shu "reluctantly" moved two chopsticks.

That is, each chopstick holds a bigger mouth than others.

Others have a daylily and half a piece of fungus, while Shu Shu is almost a mouthful.

After three or five "feeding porridge" meals, everyone put on a show.

Qifujin had eaten enough, and Fang Lai refused to move his chopsticks again.

Others would rather stay longer in the mourning hall than go back to the side hall to go through the motions.

Shu Shu persisted until the end, and she was [-]% full after eating.

Keeping in good health is important, so she also started to follow the trend and did not go back to the side hall.

As for the Seventh Fujin and the Eighth Fujin, both of them had their mothers and maids with them, and there was no shortage of people to serve them.

At this time, relatives and friends such as Shu Shu and the others are of secondary importance.

The main ones are filial sons and filial daughters.

That is, the four little princesses and the little brother in the county palace.

After entering the shift, the little elder brother was called up, and Qingxi hugged him personally.

He should have just woken up, his face was still dazed, his dark eyes looked around curiously, he was immediately attracted by the silk flowers in the silver vase on the coffin table, and he reached there with his little hand: "Huahua, aunt, Huahua..."

Qingxi hurriedly took his little hand, and coaxed in a low voice: "My dear brother, I can't take this one, let's take the other one..."

As she said that, she ordered in a low voice to the maids who waited on the incense burners in front of the coffin to bring a spare silk lotus for the little elder brother.

This is a vase for offerings, and it is more than a foot long.

The little elder brother took it and hugged it tightly in his arms, muttering something in his mouth.

Qingxi thought he wanted something more, and leaned over to listen to it, feeling a little shy in his heart.

"Huahua, keep it for Ernie..."

The four little princesses also came over.

Sangege and Sigege's eyes are swollen, and they have already been taught what "death" is by their two sisters.

Seeing Da Fujin lying on the coffin, San Gege and Si Gege burst into tears.

The two of them didn't dare to go forward after receiving the order, so they tightly held the hands of the sisters and looked at Da Fujin without moving their eyes.

Da Gege pursed his lips, pulled his sister, looked at the coffin, and sometimes looked at his brother.

Seeing this, Sifujin hurried over to take care of her.

But Wu Fujin was paying attention to Shu Shu, seeing that she was no longer afraid, he was relieved.

After all, the rules are like this, making an excuse is to hide for a while, but it is also easy to be picked on by others.

Shu Shu is very calm, the children are not afraid, what is she afraid of?
Fear is an emotion that comes and goes quickly.

Once you get used to it, it's fine.

To be honest, if there were ghosts and ghosts in this world, Shushu would be happier.

In that case, she didn't ask for anything, and immediately went to study the "Book of Changes" in her hand, whether it was cultivating immortals or practicing ghosts, she would learn it first.

It would be another story if he was lucky enough to survive three hundred years later.

Unfortunately, just thinking about it.

There are still barriers between humans and ghosts.


This is still a world dominated by ordinary people.

Everyone, rich or poor, high or low, has to experience birth, old age, sickness and death.

Drums sounded in the distance.

This is from the Bell and Drum Tower.

The Bell and Drum Tower is responsible for telling the time in the capital.

Ring the bell at noon.

After nightfall, every watch starts to beat the drum once, several times in a row, to announce the watch, until it is dark at Yinshi.

So busy, the night passed.

When the fifth watch is over, the vigil will be over.

Little Elder Brother and Little Gege were all carried down.

Sanfujin's waist is going to be on the wood, so I have to repeat the old saying, and once again invite everyone to go to Baylor Mansion to freshen up.

San Fujin and the two wives of Prince Yu's residence declined, they planned to go home and come back before shifting.

During the day, we will continue to receive condolence guests, and they won't be able to do anything if they stay, so there's no need to mess around.

Sanfujin brought regrets, did not stay with guests, and only looked at Sifujin.

She could tell that that savage Ba Fujin listened to Si Fujin.

Wufujin, Qifujin and Shu Shu are also relatively close and convinced of Sifujin's appearance.

She was still thinking about how to persuade Si Fujin if she declined.

She couldn't take it anyway.

The cotton robes outside can be worn again, and shoes and socks must always be changed.

Unexpectedly, Sifujin said directly: "Then please trouble the third sister-in-law..."

A guest courtyard was also vacated in front of the palace for the Fujins to wash and change clothes.

But Si Fujin felt that there were so many sisters-in-law, and it was inconvenient to take turns washing and grooming.

And the people around him, more than [-] people, also have to tidy up, and they must not be unkempt.

Sanfujin held back the words on his lips, and said, "Why bother, I'm not an outsider..."

As she spoke, she quietly looked at Fujin Ba.

This one doesn't know how to act, who knows what else to do.

I didn't want Bafujin to stand beside Qifujin, motionless, and didn't intend to refuse.

Sanbeile's Mansion and Zhijun Wang's Mansion are on the same street, that is, the street and the end of the street, less than half a mile in front and back.

Si Fujin summoned the steward of the palace, asked for two shoulder chariots, and gave them to Qi Fujin and Ba Fujin, while the others strolled over on foot.

Of the six Fujins, except for Shu Shu who came out of the palace, it was not easy to take many people with her. There were only two maids by her side, and the others were four, complete with maids and mothers.

In this way, the little thirty people were transferred to the Sanbeile Mansion in a mighty way.

Looking from the outside, this Baylor mansion is similar to Zhijun Wang's mansion, except that there is no plaque.

The specifications of the mansions of the imperial clans of all levels in the "Great Qing Huidian" are all customized.

From the number of door studs to the color of the carvings.

Both the Baylor Mansion and the Zhijun Wangfu are regulated by the Junwangfu.

When it was repaired, it was repaired according to the rank of the county king.

Later, the news of the third elder brother's conquest came back to the capital, and the House of Internal Affairs was supposed to be refurbished, but the rules of the civil engineering industry in Beijing did not allow construction in winter.

In addition, no one is willing to be this villain, so he eagerly wants to change his palace.

Who knows when it will come back.

No one thought that the prince's move would be so hasty, and they always thought it would be delayed until the next year.

Sanbeile's family moved out and moved into Baylor's Mansion, which was the standard of the county king's mansion. They didn't have to force the House of Internal Affairs to start construction in the winter, tear down the door nails and demolish the house or something.

Just lived like this, but there is no door plaque.

San Fujin directly took everyone to the main room in the backyard, just behind the Yin'an Hall on the middle road. It was a big room with a width of five rooms and a depth of three rooms.

There are five wing rooms in the east and west of the courtyard, and there is a verandah between the wing rooms and the main room.

Not only is the room tall, but the yard is also extremely spacious, which is quite different from the elder brother in the palace.

Hearing movement in the courtyard, there were mothers coming out from the East Wing.

It turned out that the two elder brothers of Baylor Mansion lived in the main courtyard with Sanfu Jin, and now they are placed in the east wing.

This is also the current rule. If a noble lady does not nurse the child herself, the mother and child will be placed separately, so as not to have a bad rest.

Sanfujin paused, and asked a few questions about the little elder brother's food and sleep.

Knowing that everything is fine, she took everyone to continue walking.

"There is a garden in the back, which has brought running water. After a while, you all come to play..."

Sanfujin spoke with a bit of pride, and greeted everyone to enter the main room.

There was a girl who came back first to prepare.

There are places for washing and washing in the east and west rooms.

Hot water, washbasin, and new towels are all ready.

In addition, she asked someone to open the west wing, so that the attendants of each family could take turns to wash up.

Sanfujin asked Sifujin to take the seventh and eighth Fujin to freshen up in the east room, and brought Wufujin and Shu Shu to the west room.

People who meet happiness are precious, and Sanfujin doesn't want to bump into Bafujin again.

I didn't suffer a loss yesterday, but it wasn't considered an advantage.

It's too heavy to say.

Compared with the four Fujin, it seems not gentle enough.

I have to find a way to make it up.

Thinking of this, San Fujin got busy, and asked someone to fetch new bedding from the warehouse, and spread it in the East and West rooms, so that everyone could rest after washing up.

Treating people and things with care is completely different.

The Fujins really felt like "home away from home".

No matter what others say, Shu Shu is not polite.

Even if he was young, he was exhausted after not closing his eyes all day and night.

She combed her hair, washed her face, brushed her teeth, rinsed her mouth, soaked her feet, and simply wiped her body. After changing her underwear and socks, she lay down on the kang in the Xici room.

Wu Fujin also finished grooming, and sat next to Shu Shu when she saw this: "Is your back sore? How about I rub it for you..."

Shu Shu heard Wu Fujin mention this, thought of Xiao Song, and said: "No sister-in-law, the girl next to me knows this..."

Before, Walnut was by her side to wash and wash, and Xiaosong went to the wing room to tidy up.

At this moment, when Walnut passed by, it was Xiaosong who came over.

Shu Shu asked Xiao Song to massage Wu Fujin first.

Wu Fujin was also really tired, so instead of going outside with Shu Shu, he just lay down next to Shu Shu.

Just as Xiao Song was about to make a move, Shu Shu stopped him.

Thinking of everyone traveling north together, she carefully warned: "Don't rub your waist, it's mainly your neck and shoulders..."

Komatsu agreed.

Wu Fujin was rubbed comfortably, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

Xiao Song relaxed his movements, and finally withdrew his hand.

Shushu is next.

Shu Shu is also drowsy.


It's just that she looked at the door and stared at people, afraid that someone would come in and talk and wake up Wu Fujin.

I have to stay up all day and night, so I can rest for a while.

Staring at the heavy eyelids, Shu Shu also unconsciously fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already early noon.

In the second room, apart from herself, only Walnut sat on the small stool beside the kang and dozed off with her head bowed.

Shu Shu turned over and sat up. With this movement, Walnut woke up.

Shu Shu slept soundly, and asked, "What time is it? Where are the other Fujins..."

"It's not right yet, the Fujins are all in Dongci, comforting the Sanfujin..."

(End of this chapter)

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