My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 292 Good things come true 3

Chapter 292 Good Things Come in Threes
Shu Shu's ears perked up, signaling Walnut to speak quickly.

Okay, why is it comforting?

In the morning, he proudly introduced Huayuanzi.

The implication is that the regulations here will not be lowered.

The emperor thinks highly of the third elder brother, and the title will go up, and the trouble will cost money if it is removed or subtracted.

Walnut pointed to the west, and said in a low voice: "Just now when the dining room delivered the noodles, Sanfujin found out that Sanbeile asked Tian Gege to move to the west main courtyard, and asked her to take care of the housework..."

Shu Shu is silent.

This kind of mansion has the same rules and regulations, and there are three roads in total.

In addition to the middle road, it is the east road and the west road.

Most of the east roads are reserved for future heirs,

Some of the west roads are cared for by elders, while others are lived in side rooms.

Unless you directly point to the concubine, there is an unwritten rule that the concubines of the clan can only be sealed up if they have "merited in childbirth".

Otherwise, it would appear that he favors concubines and concubines, is suspected of being lustful, and is not decent enough.

Tian Gege moved his residence and took care of the housework. This is not the name of his wife, but the fact that he already has a wife.

Third elder brother is a scumbag.

Really can't wait.

You must know that San Fujin gave birth one after another, and the second son is not a hundred days old.

This is not the only thing that Sanfujin is worried about.

When she found out she was pregnant at the beginning of the year, she imitated Qi Fujin and followed Concubine Rong to beg two beautiful girls from the House of Internal Affairs.

As a result, Concubine Rong is really good at picking people, both of them are suitable men, and now both of them are pregnant.

One is about to give birth, and the other is more than five months away.

It really is "good things come in pairs".

Shu Shu didn't want to go to Dongci to grind her teeth.

What consolation?

Who doesn't have Gege?

It is said that the world respects rules, but the royal family is the place where rules are least respected.

Before the prince Fujin entered the door, every family was arranged in two squares.

No one is immune.

Those who are unlucky and whose wedding date is postponed will just come in and become a mother.

If you are really narrow-minded, you won't have to live this day.

But she was the only one who got to the point of Sanfujin, was not welcomed by her mother-in-law, and her husband didn't win her over.

The eldest sons of Wubeile Mansion and Seven Beile Mansion ran all over the place, and it was never heard that anyone dared to block Fujin's eyes.

As for Zhijun Prince's Mansion, Eighth Prince and his own two offices, Gege is just a decoration, he doesn't know his name or person.

There is no empress who will stare at her son's bed and insist on forcing elder brother to sleep with a concubine.

If you really want to do that, the emperor will not tolerate it.

Living at home is still up to the prince Fujin.

This husband and wife is also a process of grinding and confrontation.

Before, everyone thought that San Fujin was the lucky one among the prince Fujin, with a respectable natal family and a high-ranking husband, who gave birth to two legitimate sons.

Walnut was born in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he is more disciplined than Xiaochun and the others. He winks, but right now, he is also worried, whispering to Shushu: "It's all used to it. If Sanfujin doesn't back down, Sanbeile dares to fight like this directly." Face……"

Fortunately, Fujin was established in his own family, and Concubine Yi is also a kind mother-in-law, otherwise I don't know what will happen in the future.

In the Dongji room, Sanfujin had already shed her tears, and said with a bit of weakness: "Let everyone see a joke..."

Si Fujin cried with him, wiped away his tears at this moment, and sighed: "The third master is famous for reading a lot, so he won't break the rules. Within three to five years, it shouldn't be a problem..."

The treatment of the side wife is different from the formal invitation to the side wife.

There is also the issue of seniority order.

There is no side Fujin on the elder brother's side, but there is a concubine in the East Palace, which is the eldest son of the prince and the mother of the second son of the prince, but he has not officially invited the crown prince to be a side Fujin. It is an eyesore for the third elder brother to ask you to seal it. Feng Huan could barely speak, but the words about having no children were too eye-catching.

Sanfujin has always been very strong, and when she was humiliated in front of her sisters-in-law, she couldn't help but cry once.

Now, she was a little irritable and panicked, feeling uncomfortable, looking at Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin next to her, with pity for the same fate, and said: "I am a lesson from the past, and the two brothers and sisters should also learn from it..."

Wu Fujin's eyes were red, his expression remained unchanged, he nodded and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law, for your suggestion..."

Qi Fujin raised his eyebrows and said: "Want to ask for a concubine? Dreaming! If I give birth to a brother, I don't need a concubine. I can't give birth to a brother, and I will choose the best among the bastards... Only those who have meritorious service in childbearing can invite me." Madam Feng, then please ask Brother Feng's birth mother to be..."

This remark stunned everyone.

Listening to what she meant, the Seventh Baylor Mansion was not like Seventh Prince's Baylor Mansion, but her Baylor Mansion.

Even the concubine candidates have to go beyond Seventh Brother to decide by himself.

Sanfujin felt that she was bragging.

"The eldest son is different..."

Sanfujin reminded.

For example, Concubine Hui, among the four concubines, the holy family can't compare with Concubine Yi and Concubine De, but because she gave birth to the eldest son of the emperor, she became the head of the four concubines.

Moreover, she has also won the trust of the emperor, and has taken care of Zhaoxiang's house, which has brought up the little elder brother and little Gege.

Qi Fujin said disapprovingly: "Just now the third sister-in-law said that you are a lesson learned from the past, but in fact it is not so. On the other hand, Prince Gong is a ready-made gentleman. It is worth learning from us..."

Prince Gong's wife died early, and now he is the successor of Fujin, who has an eldest son in his own birth, but ended up having an intestinal carbuncle when he was sixteen years old.

Over the past ten years, Ji Fujin had no desire to have a son, but he also prevented Prince Gong from choosing a son.

As for the side Fujin, there was no sign of him.

Now the sons and daughters-in-law are flattering, the concubines are flattering, and Ji Fujin is the only one in the backyard of the palace.

On the contrary, Prince Yu's side, Prince Yu Fujin's situation is not very good.

Her direct son died young, and the two elder brothers who stood up were both born of the same mother.

In order to promote his son's status, Prince Yu asked his elder brother's biological mother to confer the title of Prince Side Fujin early on.

Now that the family of four lives in harmony there, Prince Yu Fujin has become a decoration.

Everyone was silent.

In the Prince's Mansion of the Sanjiatang, one aunt, two aunts, and three princes, Fujin, had all given birth to legitimate sons, but none of them lived there.

Children are difficult to raise.

Giving birth to an elder brother is only the first step, and it is considered a success to grow up.

Ba Fujin rubbed his belly, his face turned pale.

Qifu Jin has always been bold, but at this moment she is also a little apprehensive: "No wonder the children are all debt collectors. Before they are born, Er Nie has to worry about it..."

Si Fujin felt that the words were not very auspicious, so he got up and said, "I'm going to visit the ninth sibling, I've been asleep for four hours..."

In the second room, Shu Shu was touching her stomach.


Seeing Si Fujin come in, Shu Shu hurriedly got up, and said with anticipation: "Sister-in-law Si, should I use the table?"

Whether it is prepared by Tian Gege, or Sanfujin asked someone to prepare it separately, it should be eaten.

She went to bed after grooming in the morning, skipped breakfast, Shu Shu really felt hungry.

Whether it's porridge or tea, let's make it first.

Sifujin was stunned by the question.

The vegetarian seats were still placed between the east and west, but everyone had no appetite.

All the empathy in this world is because of myself.

Sanfujin was wronged and cried for a while, and they stayed with her for a while, but the tears were shed for herself.

Each has its own difficulties.

Seeing Shu Shu's face pink and glistening, without any haze, Si Fujin felt more relieved, so he smiled and nodded: "It's already past meal time, it's time to eat..."

The sister-in-law went to Dongci room.

Si Fujin looked at the table, there were some vegetarian dishes and snacks, and two kinds of vegetarian porridge.

It's still warm.

But afraid that San Fujin would feel uncomfortable, Si Fujin said: "It's getting cold, so let's move out, see what kind of vegetarian porridge and noodles are there in the dining room, and serve a few bowls to make a cushion, and we have to go there before dark, no It took too long..."

Now the night is long and the day is short, and it is almost dark between Shenzheng and Youchu.

Now it is almost the beginning of the application period, and it is true that there is not enough time.

Sanfujin hesitated for a while, and said: "Why don't you make people hot, just deal with it?"

Everyone is puzzled.

Looking at her appearance just now, she really didn't want to see Tian Gege, so she was wronged and cried because the other party sent me a meal.

Why did you eat it again?
Sanfujin said with a sneer, "It's not good to throw money away..."

It's hard for her to say that Tian Gege is a chicken thief, and she will sue. If she uses this to sue, the third master will probably be long-winded.

Everyone is speechless.

Si Fujin broke the siege and said: "No need to heat it up, it's still warm, just eat two bites like this..."

There is no objection.

A large dining table was set up on the ground, and everyone sat in turn.

Four dishes, four bowls, four cold dishes, four vegetarian dishes, and two vegetarian porridge.

Except for Shu Shu and Qi Fujin, no one else had much appetite.

Shu Shu followed everyone's speed and ate leisurely.

With the experience of last night, she didn't worry about being hungry at the wake, and just paid attention to her food intake.

Yesterday the clan members "gifted porridge" once, and today it will be the turn of the family and in-laws of the county prince's mansion.

Eat small meals more often.

It is also healthy.

Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin looked at Shu Shu several times, but they didn't persuade her.

After all, Tian Gege's matter, even if it is not his own, is really disturbing.

After eating porridge and rice, everyone brushed their teeth, washed their faces and changed their clothes again.

While everyone was busy, Si Fujin called Ba Fujin to a place where there was no one else: "How is the eighth brother and sister? Do you feel a belly drop or something else? If you feel uncomfortable, please speak up, don't force yourself..."

As for letting Ba Fujin return to Babeile's mansion ahead of time, Si Fujin didn't mention it.

She felt bad about that.

Bafujin made a mistake before, and it is something that should be performed well. At this time, he should follow the crowd.

In this way, there will be no merits if there is no merit.

But you can't just ignore your physical condition for the sake of performance.

It is better to focus on the child in the womb.

Ba Fujin shook his head and said, "Thank you Sisao, I'm fine...I feel warm on my body and my heart..."

Si Fujin glanced at her cotton boots, smiled and did not comment.

Looking at the appearance of Ba Fujin, it is good or bad to be close and trustful to the Anjun Prince's Mansion.

Even if it is close relatives, there is still time to weigh the pros and cons.

One layer worse, it's even more different.

It may be the icing on the cake, but it may not be able to give timely help.

The mountains fall against the mountains, and the water breaks.

Only by yourself can you be truly at ease.

Not close to each other.

It's not easy for outsiders to say much.

These truths are still for Bafujin to realize by himself.

A group of people arrived at Zhijun Prince's Mansion again, which was still the west side hall yesterday.

It's just that the room is different from yesterday.

There are two more charcoal basins, and an extra layer of sheep felt cushions on the seat.

Everyone's seats are much more comfortable, and the room is warmer than last night.

Not long after everyone came over, the two generals' wives, San Fujin from Prince Yu's Mansion and Prince Gong's Mansion, also arrived.

It's still the process of yesterday.

That is, today the "feeding porridge" was replaced by Concubine Hui's natal family, then Dafujin's natal family, and then the princes Fujin's natal family.

It is estimated that they got the news yesterday, and today they are not left behind.

They even sent people over to lead Guo Luo Luo Zuo's residence.

On the Dutong Mansion side, Zhuliang and Fusong were still here.

Shu Shu got the news and went to see her in person.

Zhu Liang has nothing to worry about here, honest boy, and Ama and Ernie are watching.

Here in Fusong, there is a gambler, Ama.

"What's the matter? Do you still gamble?"

Shu Shu was very worried that his uncle gambled so much that he really ruined the last family property, so he would not agree to split Fusong's household.

In that case, it will stick to the body.

Fusong's stepmother has given birth to many children, the first few girls and the last boy, regardless of family separation, are all burdens of Fusong.

Fu Song whispered: "It is estimated that I was tricked and owed three thousand taels of silver, and then the government came forward, and I don't know how to say it, and asked for the IOU..."

Fu Song's great-grandfather is Shu Shu's great-grandfather. Amin has six sons in total, five of whom are noble.

In addition to Fu Song's great-grandfather's crime, his wife and eldest son were executed together, and their children and grandchildren were expelled.

The other four great-uncles were later re-naturalized, one Beizi and three Zhen Guogongs.

It has been passed down through generations, and now there are two Fuguo Duke's Mansions and two Fuguo General's Mansions.

They are all in Xianglanqi, and the mansions are all on the same street as Fusong's house.

After hearing this, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Someone can take care of it.

There are two auxiliary state mansions, the head of one family is of high seniority, he is the cousin of Fusong Ama and Jueluo family;

No matter which family, as long as they come forward, they can crush Ama Fusong to death.

But when I think of Beizi, it's the mother's family of Bafujin's aunt...

Back then, Guo Luoluo's family was conspired against Fusong's family property, but it was his family.

Shu Shu then asked: "Which Duke came forward, the uncle and grandpa, or the uncle..."

Fu Song said: "It's Tang Shu's side..."

That is the room in Beizi Mansion.

The current head of the family is Mrs. Guo Luoluo's nephew and Jueluo's cousin.

Shu Shu's expression remained unchanged, but she kept this matter in mind.

This Fuguogong is called Chiktaha.

He is the current head of Amin's clan.

He has been very respectable in recent years, and he has been the right clan member of the clan mansion since [-] years.

Thirty-five years with the emperor's personal conquest.

He also has a younger brother who is a third-class Fengguo general with a low title, but he is the vice capital of Xianglan Banner Mongolia.

Others don't know whether Shu Shu is close to his uncle or not.

In the eyes of the world, uncles are extremely important.

Is this really taking care of relatives and admonishing the people behind the scenes who plot against Fusong Ama?
Or do you repeat the old trick, halfway through, and find that Fusong Ama has an extra backer, and plan to stop?

It's hard to say.

Counting the time, Shu Shu said to Fu Song: "Your birthday is in March, less than half a year away, bear with it..."

Fu Song's private money is kept by Shu Shu.

She planned to wait until Fusong's household was separated, and make up for it again, and searched for a yard in the city.

It doesn't have to be too big, just two in.

The remaining money was used to buy two shops in Nancheng, and there will be income in the future.

Fu Song nodded, with anticipation...

It's still three changes and ten thousand!

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:22 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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