Chapter 294 Is it a wife or a concubine?
Speaking of his concubine, Shu Shu was silent.

In her previous life, she had the impression of concubines and concubines in ancient times, that is, the legitimate wife gave birth to concubine children, and the concubine's concubine gave birth to concubine children.

There is nothing to dispute.

What I have seen in my life is not like this.

The concubine is actually a wife, not a concubine.

Those born in the concubine are also legitimate sons and legitimate daughters.

Therefore, the inheritance of the imperial line of the Qing Dynasty has always been the inheritance of the direct branch.

Both Emperor Taizong and Emperor Shizu are direct princes.

It was not until Emperor Kangxi that there was a precedent for a concubine prince to ascend the throne.

In the past few years, the relationship between the royal family and the clan was tense, because Emperor Kangxi's background was not convincing.

Kangxi directly entrusted several concubine brothers to Prince Heshuo, which did not conform to the "Great Qing Huidian", just to promote them and suppress the clan princes.

Because he was assigned as the leader of the upper three banners, which did not involve the rights and population of the lower five banners, no one from the clan came forward to object.

However, everyone can also see that the emperor is a little sensitive about the difference between his concubine and his concubine.

No one would have thought that in the [-]rd year, in order to curb the proliferation of clan titles, Kangxi himself raised the distinction between concubine and concubine, and restrained concubine from respecting concubine.

It is stipulated that the children born to the side Fujin will no longer be enshrined together with the children of the descendant Fujin, but will be lowered to two levels.

As for the concubine's concubine's son, only the clan above the concubine's son can confer the concubine son, and give the lowest rank among the titles, General En.

As for the sons of the clan below Beizi, they are all idle clans and will not be granted titles.

According to this classification method, Emperor Taizong and Emperor Shizu cannot be regarded as legitimate sons, and everyone's background is similar.

But in the palace, the rules are still different.

The elder brother in the palace is not only divided into two classes: concubine and concubine.

Instead, it was divided into several classes.

The prince waits.

The son of the imperial concubine is the first class.

The son of the four concubines is the first class.

Concubine first.

The elder brother from the concubine is left.

If the provisions of the "Great Qing Huidian" were strictly followed, the sons of these concubines would not be able to be granted high titles in the future.

Seventh elder brother is a special case, according to the concubine.

But the twelfth elder brother will be Beizi in the future, which is the same as the elder brother above.

Kangxi, the emperor's father, seems to have a lot of trust in Elder Brother Twelve.

Shu Shu found a blind spot.

Kangxi is very satisfied with this son...

Xinuan Pavilion of Qianqing Palace.

Kangxi was listening to Zhao Chang talking about the burial ceremony of Zhijun Prince's Mansion.

The deceased is gone.

What Kangxi cared about was the condition of the elder brother, the eldest son.

"My lord has porridge this morning..."

Since Zhao Chang is a confidant, he naturally knows what his master cares most about.

After talking about the funeral, he talked about the daily life of the big brother.

"Yesterday, the lord ordered someone to tie up the little elder brother's nanny and nanny, and asked the lord to interrogate some of the people around little Gege... It was found out that someone bribed the little elder brother's people, not only to give The little brother wears silk, and in the name of keeping his filial piety, he will reduce the food for the little brother..."

Kangxi's face turned black.

According to the custom handed down in the early years of the palace, when a child is sick, he cleans his stomach for two days.

But that's when you're sick.

Is it okay to be hungry and full on weekdays?

If a child of two or three years old is born, he can't speak clearly, and he won't complain.

If the foundation is broken, it will be another ninth elder brother.

"Don't alarm my elder brother, you should check it carefully, I want to see who dares to murder the emperor's grandson..."

Zhao Chang bowed and agreed.

He hesitated for a moment, and said: "Si Bei Le ordered people to keep his mouth shut the day before yesterday, and concealed the matter of Jiu Fujin's grooming for Da Fujin..."

Kangxi was puzzled: "What's there to hide?"

What's more, it's not the elder brother who is the owner of the county palace, but the fourth elder brother who speaks, isn't it a little bit of an overreach?Tube too wide?

Zhao Chang bowed and said, "Before the burial this morning, many clan relatives Fujin saw Da Fujin's remains, and they all asked about the person who repaired his face. I guess they wanted to invite them over when something happened..."

Kangxi frowned when he heard this.

If that's the case, the fourth brother's move is considered comprehensive.

The prince Fujin Jingui, no one dared to work for her easily.

But if those who speak are all elders of the clan, it is difficult to refuse.

Those who come and go again and again seem to be like the idiots. If they lose respect, they will not leave anything good.

Kangxi didn't find out before.

Ninth elder brother talked a lot, Kangxi felt that not only the seventh child was "cold in face and warm in heart", but also the fourth child.

More like a brother.

Thinking about these days, the older elder brothers are all working together to help the elder brother with the funeral, Kangxi feels relieved in his heart.

Brothers and friends, Christine.

As for the little one...

Elder brother...


Elder Brother Twelve...


Thirteen elder brothers...

always sensible...

Brother Fourteen...

Grab my brother's cotton cloak...

Kangxi felt that he could be disciplined.

"Wuuu... I want to see Khan Ama, so hurry up and report to me..."

Brother Fourteen's cry came from outside the door.

Kangxi felt a headache, and looked at Zhao Chang: "Didn't it mean that the fourteenth brother has been honest these two days, why did he start to make trouble again?"

Zhao Chang was also confused, and said: "The fourteenth master is really fine, the eighteenth guarded the spirit for a quarter of an hour, and then went back to the side hall. He seemed to be frightened, and drank the soothing soup to rest; last night, Sibeile was fine. Let the little elder brothers go out..."

Kangxi was still a little irritable at first, but he was not at ease when he heard that the fourteenth elder brother was frightened first and also used soothing soup.

I was afraid that my son would be really scared or something.

He hurriedly ordered Liang Jiugong who was standing beside him: "Why are you still standing, why don't you bring elder brother in quickly..."

Liang Jiugong responded, and went out to bring Fourteenth Brother in.

Next to him was the chief eunuch next to Brother Fourteen.

The fourteenth elder brother was crying "Wow", but when he saw Kangxi, he burst into tears with a "Wow".

His braids were loose, he was still wearing a crumpled plain suit, with tears and snot coming out of his face, he looked extremely wronged.

Looking at it like this, he came back from outside and came here without washing up.

Kangxi frowned and said, "Okay, why are you crying?"

And it's still like this.

Brother Fourteen cried "Wow" and ignored him.

Kangxi looked at the chief eunuch, with a stern look: "Brother, what wronged you?"

The chief eunuch knelt down: "Reporting to the emperor, it was Elder brother who found out that Lord Thirteen was going to move to Elder brother's house..."

So regardless, I came here.

Kangxi looked at the fourteenth elder brother, and he didn't have the indulgence he had before, and said with displeasure: "If you want to talk, talk well, if you want to cry, go out and cry..."

Concubine Hui mentioned about Zhaoxiang's two elder brothers moving to the palace the day before yesterday.

At that time, Kangxi came back from Zhijun Palace, feeling sorry for his son, so he went to Yanxi Palace to talk to Concubine Hui.

Concubine Hui mentioned that Zhaoxiang's elder brother moved to the palace.

Brother Thirteen's residence, without dispute, is Ganxitou.

As early as on the North Tour, Elder Brother Thirteen had begged him in front of the imperial court.

It's not a big deal at all, Kangxi agreed.

The residence of the fourteenth elder brother was chosen by Kangxi, and it was in Gandongtou.

The positions of the various places in the palace are divided into high and low.

Just like the West Fifth Institute and the East Fifth Institute.

The two heads are the closest to the Qianqing Palace, so the location is the best.

The situation was different when the elder brother at the front moved to the elder brother's place.

Otherwise, this residence will be allocated according to status.

Although the thirteenth elder brother is the first according to the seniority, but according to the identity of the biological mother, the fourteenth elder brother is also suitable to live in Dongtou.

What's wrong with this?

The fourteenth brother didn't expect to be treated like this, looked at Kangxi, sobbed and said: "Khan Ama, are you... are you still Khan Ama in your shell? Have you changed someone?"

Looking at it like that, I'm going to call "Where is the monster"...

Kangxi glared at him, and said, "You're already in your teens, how did you learn the rules? Who taught you to cry when you're in trouble, it's not a good look!"

He is really upset.

There are more than a dozen sons, not to mention that everyone is capable of both civil and military skills, and they can all be handed out.

This little one is spoiled.

Elder Fourteen's eyes widened: "Ama Khan is biased, my son is sad, why can't I cry?"

Kangxi frowned and said, "They're all the same yard, why is the one in the west just fine? Can't you live in the one in the east? Stop rambling, I won't allow you to change yards!"

This habit of stealing things from my brother is not good.

Kangxi will not condone.

When I was young, it didn't matter if I played with toys or something, and I was young at that time, so I didn't know the rules.

Now that you are grown up, you have to follow the rules.

Elder Fourteen was dumbfounded, then blushed and almost jumped up.

"Who cares about Xitou?! Could it be that my son is so ignorant that he insists on robbing Shisan's yard?! Ahma, why are you doing this, you are wronging people..."

As he spoke, his tears came out again.

To say that the grievance just now was laced with rage, but now it is laced with grief and anger.

Kangxi was originally impatient, but now he can't laugh or cry.

"If you don't grab Shisan's yard, why are you crying?"

The fourteenth elder brother sobbed: "The ninth brother is in the fifth west house, and the tenth brother is also there. When the thirteenth brother goes there, he leaves his son in the east... My son also wants to live in the west house, and there is still an empty yard there. Why do you still ask your son to live in the east... Huh, my son is afraid..."

Kangxi got a headache from crying and scolded: "Don't cry anymore, hold back!"

Brother Fourteen pursed his lips, but the tears flowed like a brook.

Kangxi glared at him and said, "Didn't you call yourself Batulu? And your fourteenth master is afraid?"

Brother Fourteen choked up and said, "I wasn't afraid earlier, but I started to be afraid the night before yesterday... woo woo..."

This is exactly what Zhao Chang said before.

Kangxi softened in his heart and said: "When the palace is moved out, the staff will be divided up. There are many eunuchs and mothers around, and there will be no shortage of nights..."

The fourteenth elder brother shook his head, and said pitifully, "Ama Khan, that son doesn't want to be alone in the East, so let him go to the West Fourth Institute, it's close to the brothers..."

Kangxi's heart softened.

"The West Fourth Institute has been empty for several years...I'm afraid it's not as good as the Dongtou Institute..."

The fourteenth elder brother hastily suppressed his tears: "It's okay, it's okay, my son doesn't pick... it's the same as moving there first and then tidying up slowly..."

Kangxi thought for a while and said, "There's no need to be in such a hurry, let the Ministry of Internal Affairs clean up first..."

Although there is no construction in winter, the yard that has been empty for several years has to be swept inside and out, and the wallpaper has been changed.

The fourteenth elder brother smiled openly: "Nahan Ama told them to hurry up, don't be too annoying, my son wants to move there before the end of the month..."

(End of this chapter)

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