My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 295 You should set things right

Chapter 295 The chaos should be put right
After taking a good bath, Shu Shu lay down.

Compared with the outside, these two schools are home.

Although it only has the right of residence, it feels different after all.

The bedding and tents here have been replaced.

The big wedding is a red gauze curtain.

When I returned from the northern tour, I changed to a thicker one, a brown-red satin one.

Now they are all withdrawn and replaced with blue silk curtains.

The bedding and other things have also been replaced with plain Songjiang cloth.

Shu Shu wasn't here for the past two days, but Nanny Qi and Xiao Chun were there, and the quilts had been dried on the kang for two days, and now they are fluffy and soft.

Brother Jiu went to take a bath.

Nanny Qi came in, looked at Shu Shu and hesitated to speak.

Shu Shu blinked: "What's wrong with Mammy? What's wrong with you?"

Nanny Qi said in a low voice: "According to the rules, Fujin and Elder Brother are going to separate rooms in the present filial piety period... But if you really want to move Elder Brother to the front, you need someone to take care of you, or you can move the room to the west. I tidied up my study..."

In the study room ahead, there is still Yao Zixiao.

Shu Shu didn't worry about the maids, and it was impossible to pick two of them for Brother Jiu.

What she was worried about was Yao Zixiao, who was worried about letting him get too close to elder brother Jiu.

Before that, Shu Shu had thought of moving Brother Jiu's study to the backyard.

As for Yao Zixiao, if he continues to be idle, he can help Li Yin in the future and take charge of the internal affairs of Elder Brother's office.

Where it matters, you still have to avoid him.

It's also not fair for Yao Zixiao to be served by brother Jiu's side, but it's better than endless troubles.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Then clean up the west room and move the bedding over there..."

Nanny Qi complied, and went down to tidy up.

When Brother Jiu came out of the bath, he realized something was wrong with Dong Shao.

There is only one bedding left on the kang.

His face drooped.

He naturally knew the rule of not being able to have intercourse during the filial piety period.

"I don't do anything, just sleep... Let's move it back..."

Brother Nine said with a discussion.

Ever since the two got married, the days of separation have been few and far between.

It was better to stay up late for the past two nights.

The situation is different.

Going home now, we have to continue to separate...

Shu Shu pulled him away, and begged in a low voice: "Master, think about it for me. There are many people in this palace. When we were reading in the room, someone could make up a story to pass the gossip to the mother's ears... ...I'm still sleeping in the same room these days, I don't know what other crimes have been brought down..."

Brother Nine sighed, "It's better to go out..."

Elder brother served many nuns and eunuchs, but it was difficult to handle them like iron buckets.

In the final analysis, these people are all from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They came here to work as errands, so they are not considered servants under the name of Brother Nine.

Thinking about the coffins in the morning, those people kneeling on the ground.

Brother Jiu said in a low voice: "It's better to go out, the mansion is yours, and the slaves are all yours, whoever dares to be disobedient, just clean up..."

Shu Shu thought about the land reserved by her family.

Since the eighth elder brother can say it, it should be almost the same.

"Why don't we go out in a few days and take a detour to see if it's repairing or rebuilding..."

Shu Shu also became interested.

Next, they will go out of the palace a few times for "burning seven".

After seeing Zhijun Wangfu and Sanbeile Mansion, who would like to stay in Elder Brother's place.

The county palace has three roads, and each road is as big as three or four elder brothers.

That's not even a garden.

Counting the garden, the county mansion covers an area of ​​[-] to [-] mu.

Elder brother occupies only two acres of land.

Shu Shu whispered: "My lord, taking advantage of these few months, the Mongolian princes are taking shifts in Beijing and doing their best to sell medicines. When the time comes, we will get money. We will add some when we repair the house next year..."

Brother Nine is interested.

The construction of the mansion, except for the middle road, is according to the system, and there are corresponding standards.

There are two buildings in east and west, which are more random.

"Aren't you thinking about fruit trees, let's build a garden on West Road later..."

When it comes to this, Brother Nine is not enough.

"It's still too far away, so you will be tossing around, and you will suffer when you enter the palace to pay your respects to your empress..."

Shu Shu said: "There should be no place on the edge of the imperial city, except Zhijun Wangfu and Sanbeile's mansion are in the west city, not far from the imperial city, and the other Baylor's mansions are almost at the city gate..."

Brother Jiu said: "If you really want to build a garden, it should be next to Haizi, it's cool in summer..."

The Haizi mentioned by Brother Nine is the piece of Shichahai in later generations.

Earlier it stinks and the yard over there is worthless.

As a result, in the twenty-seventh year of Kangxi's reign, the river was dredged, and the abandoned rice fields were re-opened into a river.

Water lotus.

There are willows on the shore.

After ten years of hard work, it has become a scene in the capital.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt yearning.

"It's okay, when we are rich, we can buy a house next to the water and build a summer resort..."

She is very proud of the plan.

After hearing this, Brother Nine rubbed his fists and said: "Then I have to work harder, go to the inner hall more often, and stroll around the outer hall, there are still [-]% of the princes of Outer Mongolia..."

Picking up the big plan to make money, the couple both regained their energy and moved to the study in the west room.

On the kang in the north, bedding has been laid, and curtains have been hung up.

Brother Jiu glanced at it, snorted lightly, and didn't say anything more. He accepted the separation of husband and wife from today onwards.

The two sat directly on the South Kang, with a Kang table in the middle.

Brother Nine took the pen and ink, and said: "There are almost enough manpower. Old ten's side, Thirteen's side, manpower is ready-made, but big brother forgot to ask..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated: "Fifth brother said hello before... What about mynah? Mynah is not rich..."

But with the Eight Fujin, he was very responsive.

That is unreasonable.

I just caused trouble in the palace, and I can make another trouble in the county prince's mansion.

Moreover, he bullies the soft and fears the hard, dare not offend those high-ranking sister-in-laws, and has repeatedly disrespected Wu Fujin.

She also stared at Shu Shu, who was younger than her, and was picky. It was really unbearable.

Anyone who thinks highly of his little uncle will not be like this.

With this attitude, if I still send the money over, it seems cheap.

Her grandma is still from Mongolia, and now she is being raised in Prince An's Mansion. If she intervenes or makes trouble, she will probably be on the same page.

Shu Shu softly said: "If Babeile is called, will Qibeile be called? Will Sanbeile be called? But if you cage everyone together, what will Yuqing Palace think?"

Brother Nine was already hesitant. He nodded after listening to Shu Shu's words, turned briskly, and said, "Yes, it's not appropriate to have more people. Later, there will be other money-making business, so let's recruit myna alone..."

Shu Shu smiled.

She originally wanted to bring tea.

If you want to buy spring tea and sell it in the capital, it's time to send people to Jiangnan or Fujian.

Forget it, take a bite of the meal.

Earn money little by little.

Keeping distance from the eighth prince is the most important thing.

"Brother has quite a few banners and coat collars under his name, it would be nice to give him a grace to go out at this time..." Brother Jiu drew two circles on the paper.

"Old Ten's here, there is Guieriang who was in charge of the population back then, and now many of them work as errands in the third institute..."

Speaking of this, Brother Jiu thought of something, and said: "Old Ten is not quite right. He never talked to Niu Hulu's family before, but the day of the initial ceremony was different from the previous one, and he got close to them." Woke up……"

"However, Yin De, the eldest son of Niu Hulu's family, is not bad. He is only a third-class shrimp, but his character and behavior are much better than his brothers..."

Yin De...

Shu Shu has never met him, but he has heard of his name.

What happened to Niu Hulu's family was also hot news in Beijing a few years ago.

Especially the one, two and three series of unspeakable stories with the concubine's same mother and brother, the ex-gong Faka, and his sister-in-law.

Even if Shu Shu is the daughter of the boudoir, she has heard about it.

Later, when the sister-in-law became a widow, many people waited to watch the excitement.

In the early years, this was to be inherited.

However, since the Taizong Dynasty, there has been a clear law prohibiting "acceptance".

Everyone is not allowed to marry the "concubine" and the aunt, aunt, sister-in-law, and sister-in-law of the clan.

If a woman loses her husband and wants to keep her family property and children, she can inherit all her husband's property, and the children will also be raised by herself.

If a woman wants to remarry after losing her husband, it is up to her will.

If there is something that does not abide by the law, it will be charged with "adultery".

In fact, "acquisition" has not been cut off.

After Prince Suwu was murdered, Dorgon and Azige took over Fujin, Suwang's mansion.

Among the families of the Eight Banners, there is no shortage of brothers who died to their wives and sisters-in-law, and brothers who died to their wives.

As long as they are peers, not respecting relatives and elders, no one will interfere.

As a result, everyone waited for half a month, but instead of the follow-up story of Faka and his sister-in-law, they waited for the funeral report of the fourth wife of Niu Hulu.

Not surprising when you think about it.

People live a face.

Regardless of whether the adultery between the two is true or not, if it spreads so wickedly, neither the natal family nor the husband's family will sit idly by.

According to everyone's guess, the fourth wife was forced to die by her natal family.

On the contrary, the husband's family has more scruples.

Even if it is confined, it will not kill the fourth wife, that is to make enmity with the Tong family.

On the other hand, it's Tong's family, one family and two fathers, one big family.

The fourth wife, a married woman, has lost her virtue, and it has also damaged the face of the Tong family.

Poor fourth wife and a pair of children, whether they are big or small.

It's not big, but I can't live independently.

To say that he is not young is that he has memorized things and knows the reasons for the death of his parents.

Although there are pro-grandpa and pro-uncle, they are taboo over there and don't like to talk to these two children.

Here, my uncle, whether it was Faka who was the head of the family in the past, or A Ling'a who is the head of the family now, it is no different from killing the father and the enemy.

In the end, Yin De came forward and invited people from the Tong family and Niu Hulu's family to seal up the property of the fourth house in public, and took over his nephew and niece to raise them.

No matter what, it is commendable to be able to take over the two children at this time, and the property is still so clear.

Shu Shu, however, remembered the history of the county prince's mansion chief whom he had met these two days.

That is the third grade.

Elder brother Shi, the governor of the prefecture, can also choose by himself.

If the tenth elder brother wanted to support a room in Niu Hulu's house, the timing was just right.

"Ah Ling is afraid of the elder brothers above, pressing down Yin Desan and other guards not to be promoted, so it's better to jump out of the guard's place... Wangfu Chief Shi is a third-rank official, so he will first upgrade his rank, and then make up for the vacancy of the flag. ..."

Shushu said.

Attending the leadership, there are also the capitals of the Eight Banners and the deputy capitals.

That depends on opportunity.

Brother Jiu heard this, and said enthusiastically: "In that case, Ah Ling is probably going to die of anger..."

Thinking of Ah Ling, he felt uncomfortable.

Originally thought that it was Niu Hulu's family that Khan Ama had taken a fancy to, but before that he planned to choose Niu Hulu's big Gege to be a Fujin for him.

As a result, seeing A Ling'a that day, and seeing A Ling'a's friendly attitude towards him, brother Jiu remembered an old news.

It is said that Aling'a fell in love with his son-in-law, so he proposed the marriage with Khan Ama.

Brother Jiu didn't take it seriously at the time.

Now that I think about it, I really can't tell.

Aling'ah's title is so evil that it will kill Faka to death.

That's Elder Brother Ten's real uncle.

Are you not worried about this half-hearted uncle, A Ling'a?

People outside the palace may not understand their relationship with the old ten, but A Ling'a, who is an internal minister in the palace, knows it well.

Deliberately marrying your daughter to yourself, what do you want to do?
"The fourth master Niu Hulu who went there is a very kind person, and he is also close to the old ten... Many of the small daggers and finger wrenches that the old ten gave to the brother-in-law first came from the four. Master gave it to Old Ten..."

Mentioning this, Brother Jiu sighed: "Old Ten knows what's in his heart, so he wants to give Yin De a hand... A good man is not rewarded, this is not normal, we should set things right..."

Shu Shu nodded, rejoicing in her heart.

This aristocratic family is in a mess, it's really chaotic.

For example, in my own family, the clans have been married from generation to generation, and after marrying the clan's daughter, the men are more or less "inwardly afraid", but the world is peaceful.

The couple gossiped, then turned back to the topic, and continued to meet each other to study drug dumping.

Those princes who were in the paddock before "saw" the effect of the medicine.

Now that the capital is here, we have to think of a way for them to "witness".

The two were thinking of a way when there was movement outside.

Xiaochun's voice at the door also became louder: "Aunt Xianglan..."

Immediately came Xianglan's voice: "The dining room made sugar fire today, and my mother heard that elder brother and Fujin came back from the palace, and sent me to bring a plate..."

Shu Shuben was sitting on the edge of the kang, got up to welcome him out.

Xianglan glanced at the plain robe on her body, and she was blessed.

Shu Shu helped her up, and directly welcomed Xianglan into the west room.

The mother-in-law didn't easily send someone over, probably for "inspection".

If there is no room allocation on my side, I should mention a few words if I can't say it.

Then seeing is believing.

Brother Jiu is still sitting.

Xianglan came in and glanced at the tents on the northern kang.

When Brother Jiu saw it, he was dissatisfied, and said: "Is the mother asked the aunt to bring something? Really, can I still be a child? When did the master break the rules?! Besides, even if the master forgot, still There is Fujin..."

If someone else had changed, he probably wouldn't be able to answer the conversation at this time.

Xianglan watched Brother Jiu grow up, and was used to his blunt speech, her expression remained unchanged, and said: "With Fujin here, my mother is not worried about Brother Jiu, but she is also worried about Fujin. Fujin was tired when he came back, and he didn't think well for a while... Also, he came over to tell Elder Brother and Fujin that the fourth place is going to be cleaned up, and Elder Fourteen will move here before the end of the month..."

Brother Jiu's expression froze...

Three more ten thousand, ^_^.Ask for a small ticket!

The next chapter will be updated at 8:23 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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