Chapter 296 That Wouldn't Be a Big Joke

Aunt Xianglan had been away for a while.

Brother Jiu was still silent, not as energetic as before, and a little frustrated all over his body.

Shu Shu looked at him, feeling emotional in his heart.

The houses in the Forbidden City, not to mention them, even the emperor, are just passers-by.

If it is true that a house is sealed up after the death of the original owner, then there is no place to stand now.

Thinking this way, Shu Shu said so.

Brother Jiu said with frustration: "I know this truth, but I feel a little uncomfortable..."

"October has been gone for two years, no one mentioned it, and no one will remember it in the future..."

"Fourteen is the same. There are so many empty yards in the east house, so I have to live in the fourth house..."

"The courtyard over there hasn't been repaired in the past two years. It can't compare to the fifth East School, and it's also very different from the first one here. When the time comes, let him be jealous..."

"If Fourteen dares to make a fuss, let's see how I deal with him. Anyway, I won't spoil him in the future..."

In the end, Brother Nine was gearing up and eager to try.

Shu Shu cooperated and said: "Yes, let Brother Fourteen regret going..."

Shu Shu knew that that was what brother Jiu said.

There is the emperor and all the empresses in this palace, the elder brother wants to discipline the younger brother, the most he can do is a few words, what else can he do?
It's not like ordinary people, the younger brother is naughty, and if the older brother says to fix it, he will fix it.

In that case, where is the emperor's father?
Not only is it not good, but it is also bad, tyrannical and unfriendly.

It's better between the same mother and brother.

Just like the fourth elder brother disciplines the fourteenth elder brother, and the fifth elder brother disciplines the ninth elder brother, as long as he doesn't punish him, it doesn't matter how much he reprimands him.

No one will be picky.

Even if you do it, if the reason is justified, everyone will understand.

Even if you want to reprimand someone like half-brother, you still have to weigh it.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing even between the concubine and the princess.

Yikun Palace, Dongci Room.

Yifei is holding a small copper hammer not much bigger than her thumb, and she is smashing walnuts on several tables.

Nothing happened all day.

Just for fun.

Otherwise, with so many court ladies and eunuchs, there are people who can do it.

Sitting on the edge of the kang, Xianglan picked up the cracked walnuts and carefully picked out the walnut kernels inside with a toothpick.

There is a slapped porcelain jar next to it, and there is already a half jar of peeled walnuts in it.

"My elder brother's bedding was moved to the study room, and the tents are all made of plain silk. Fujin was born in a family, and the rules are absolutely correct, and the empress is just worrying about it for nothing..."

While picking and choosing, Xianglan reported what she saw and heard when she went to the second institute.

Yifei breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not that I question the rules of the Dutong Mansion. Who is called Lao Jiu's willfulness? I'm afraid that Lao Jiu's family's thin skin will not be able to cope with Lao Jiu's pestering..."

Xianglan disapproved: "My elder brother is on errand, and my mother still treats him as a child. When the slave passed by, the two of them were reading a book... Elder brother looks a bit like an errand prince..."

Concubine Yi sneered and said: "Lao Jiu is self-aware. He is now holding the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one bottle is not full, and half of the bottle is dangling. If he doesn't study again, he will be timid when he turns around..."

Xianglan hesitated for a moment: "The servant said something about the four institutes, my elder brother is not very happy..."

Concubine Yi was silent for a long time, before she sighed: "Living in this palace, who can be happy..."

As she said that, she stroked her belly with a gentle look on her face.

Three months soon.

Although I haven't shown my bosom yet, I can still feel the hard ones.

"I was looking forward to being an elder brother..."

Concubine Yi's eyes were red, she looked up and looked around, and muttered to herself: "Mantian gods and Buddhas, if my eleven is still there, let him throw it into my stomach again..."

At sunset, Zhaoxiang's office.

Brother Thirteen woke up after a long sleep.

Two days ago in Zhijun Wangfu, although the fourth elder brother didn't ask them to watch the spirit, he asked them to take a nap in the East side hall.

But outside is the dojo, the sound of chanting is constant, and the two little ones have to be taken care of, Brother Thirteen hardly closed his eyes.

So when he came back today, he took a shower and changed his clothes, then went back to the dormitory and lay down.

When I woke up, most of the day passed.

The room was dark.

There was faint movement next door.

The structure of Zhaoxiang's office is similar to that of elder brother's office.

They are all three courtyard structures, connected in a row, and divided into four in total, so this place is also called Zhaoxiang Four.

Different from West No. [-] and East No. [-], the Zhaoxiang Institute here has only one gate and shares the dining room of the Zhaoxiang Institute on the east side.

The yard here is relatively compact, and the entire Zhaoxiang place is not as big as the two yards of elder brother's place.

There are no wing rooms and ear rooms in each set of courtyards, but only front, middle and back rooms, each with five rooms.

The queens and princes before their first birthday are raised here.

It is not to monopolize a yard, but to have one person in a row of houses.

In this way, up to twelve princes and daughters can be raised here at the same time.

Because there is no place in the elder brother's place, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother moved back here when they were six years old.

One of the two lived in the first house, and the other lived in the second house.

The two schools were originally connected by the Moon Gate at the front, but at the request of Brother Fourteen, the gate was also opened in the middle courtyard.

The thirteenth elder brother got up, and heard the fourteenth elder brother's bluffing voice coming from the next door.

A young lady overheard the movement, came in to light the lamp, and helped Brother Thirteen to wash up.

Brother Thirteen asked curiously, "What's wrong with Fourteen, what are you happy about?"

The little eunuch said: "After the master fell asleep, the Fourteenth Master went to the Qianqing Palace and came back to ask someone to pack the box..."

Brother Thirteen heard this, and continued to wipe his face unhurriedly.

In fact, he was a little uncomfortable at first.

It was as if he left Elder Fourteen alone.

If Brother Fourteen insists on going to the head office with him, then the two of them can live together.

Wait until a few years before they get married and then separate.

As for whether the fourteenth elder brother will grab the head or something, the thirteenth elder brother is not worried at all.

If the thirteenth elder brother hadn't said it was okay, the fourteenth elder brother would pester him, and Khan Ama said that he would not give him Xitou.

Brother Thirteen has already said it.

Khan Ama dotes on his son, but he will not break the rules.

The thirteenth elder brother is safe here, and the fourteenth elder brother can't wait.

Angry, he walked in like a little rooster, folded his arms, looked at the roof, and muttered in a low voice: "Some people are really not loyal enough. They look like good brothers on weekdays and act But stingy and sneaky, as if someone would rob him of the house..."

Elder Brother Thirteen explained: "It's really not intentional. I talked to Khan Ama as early as on the North Tour Road. At that time, I was with Brother Nine and Brother Ten, and I wanted to live closer..."

Brother Fourteen stared at him, his eyes still swollen: "It wasn't intentional, and I didn't think of me... We played together when we were young, why did the Northern Tour leave me after a few months?"

The thirteenth elder brother smiled wryly.

I am also selfish for a while.

Even when we were young, we were together in the study room, and our ears were never clean all day long.

He wanted to separate by moving the palace.

Thinking about it now, it's really not kind.

The fourteenth elder brother snorted softly and said, "What's the big deal! I begged Han Ama to go to the four schools. How can you make a table and leave me alone?"

Elder Brother Thirteen was silent, and said for a while: "The fourth school hasn't been repaired for several years, it's not as clean and tidy as the East one..."

Fourteenth elder brother curled his lips and said: "What's the matter, after I live in, I will repair it every year..."

Brother Thirteen thinks of Brother Eleven, the old owner of the Fourth Institute.

Brother Eleven is one year older than him.

But because the residence is divided, and he is not a gentleman, he is not very familiar with him.

In memory, this elder brother is different from Fifth Brother and Ninth Brother.

A slow, slow-moving person.

The fourteenth elder brother also thought of this, his eyes started to roll around, and he snapped his fingers and said: "Seniors are orderly, and there is a difference between seniority and inferiority. If you really want to talk about it, shouldn't everyone change yards? Ninth brother is the oldest, It should be moved to Xitou, then the tenth brother's second, the twelfth brother's three...then your four, my five..."

Elder Brother Thirteen glanced at him and said, "Then go talk to Brother Nine and Brother Ten..."

The fourteenth elder brother was moved, and then he thought about next year's retinue, and said seriously: "It's just a place to live, how can there be such troubles? Anyway, we will all open a house in the future, and we won't live long, so let's deal with it for a few years..."

It's as if he wasn't the one who thought about it just now.

Elder Brother Thirteen didn't argue with him, and said: "That's the reason, since seniors and young are in order, there is only the reason for us to make room for the older brothers, there is no reason for the older brothers to make room for us..."

After the fourteenth elder brother finished speaking, he was still a little unwilling to give up, and said with anticipation: "It's not good to bother the brothers, or we can switch... the side is also cold..."

Elder Brother Thirteen shook his head and said, "No, I'm not afraid of the cold. I told Mynah to take good care of the flowers and trees in the courtyard of the head house. When spring comes next year, I will move to Baylor's Mansion..."

The fourteenth elder brother suddenly diverted his attention, pouted and said: "The starling is too stingy, there are no flowers and trees in the House of Internal Affairs, and they have not been raised for many years, or they were transplanted before the wedding? Why are they so expensive? ?”

Brother Thirteen didn't answer.

Ba Age is usually frugal, but he is not stingy.

Pay attention to the flowers and trees, mostly because of the eight blessings.

I heard that the eight Fujins like those, and the eighth elder brother greeted the Ministry of Internal Affairs just two years ago, and asked someone to train them specially.

Although there were rumors of Bafujin's arrogance, Brother Ba did not mean to criticize his wife harshly.

The couple seem to be in love.

There is also Brother Jiu, who has a hard mouth, but he is cowardly in front of Sister-in-law Jiu.

Seems like a great wedding.

Brother Thirteen sighed.

Even if you can't grow old, like big brother, there are times when your heart hurts, but the love for many years ago is real.

The fourteenth elder brother saw that the thirteenth elder brother did not speak, and said angrily: "Just be a good person, and refuse to say a single gossip..."

Brother Thirteen looked at him, frowned and said, "You know it's not appropriate, then don't say such things in the future, we are younger brothers, so there is no reason to pick on brothers behind their backs..."

Elder Fourteen was not happy to hear it, so he turned his head and left: "Okay, okay, I didn't do it on purpose, didn't I just do this in front of you? I won't say anything if I'm someone else, I'm not a fool, really, No matter how long-winded I started, I don’t learn from good people..."

After all, "Dengdengdengdeng", ran away.

Second institute here.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu are doing small accounts under the lamp.

It is a pre-sale form.

Make an estimate of the purchasing power of the inner and outer halls.

Not very ideal.

Not surprisingly.

Because many of the people paying tribute in Beijing are the sons and servants of princes and princes, not people with real power.

"I thought it was too simple..."

Brother Nine put down his pen, a little frustrated, and then explained to himself: "But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later..."

He wasn't self-motivated at all.

Patience is not enough.

Shu Shu didn't want to see him put down the burden.

Anyway, I still have to work hard for a while now.

Always have a full impression in front of Kangxi, and it's okay to be lazy when the time comes.

She said: "The title will be delayed, but the staffing of similar houses will not be delayed. Needless to say, the tenth brother should directly follow the regulations of the county prince's mansion. I just don't know that our mansion is built according to the Baylor mansion." According to the regulations, or according to the regulations of Beizi Mansion..."

Brother Nine heard this, "Teng" had to stand up.

"Of course it's according to the regulations of Baylor Mansion! The brothers above are all Baylor, but when it comes to the master, they are Beizi. That would be a big joke..."

 At two o'clock in the afternoon, I will push the big news, and I implore everyone to support the monthly ticket, and the readers who are raising are also begging to subscribe, and then the author works hard to code, and strives to move forward on the list. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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