Chapter 297 Don't Dare To Self-Profess (Second Monthly Pass)
Brother Jiu said it firmly, but there was anxiety in his eyes.

Regarding the matter of the title in the future, the couple had already discussed it.

Brother Jiu knew in his heart that his title would not be too high.

I thought before that if it dragged on for a few years, I might have a wave with the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, and the biggest possibility is that everyone will be Beizi.

Even if there are shortcomings, it is not too shameful.

The fourth child is several years older than the starling, and it's still the same Baylor this time.

When he returned from his northern tour, he became more ambitious and willing to work hard.

Otherwise, will Shushu and Tian Gege really bow their heads?

With the matter in front of him, he still cares about it but becomes chaotic, and cannot be indifferent.

If you want to earn a high title, you don't have the confidence, because you don't have any merits, you can wait on the title.

As for the errand of palace inspection, don't say that I was just the beginning, and the hard work in the end was done by Seventh Brother, even from the beginning to the end, I did the inspection by myself, and the credit was limited.

Brother Nine was at a loss, his mind was in a mess, and he didn't have any clues.

He suddenly remembered what Shu Shu had said in the carriage this morning.

Shu Shu wanted to accumulate credit with his father-in-law and get promoted a few levels in his career.

You don't always think that way for no reason.

He took a longing, sat next to Shu Shu directly, and said with flattery: "You mentioned your father-in-law's world title in the afternoon, and you will never target it in vain. Did you come up with a good idea? Come on, tell me. Prioritize, if you have a good idea, let's use it first, don't delay repairing the mansion..."

He was very frank, not at all polite.

In his eyes, everyone is a family, if Shu Shu has a good idea, there is no difference between using it by himself and using it by his father-in-law.

When I get another one later, my father-in-law can use it again.

Shu Shu didn't speak immediately.

The biggest and most practical achievement, what else?
Cowpox, of course!

Benefit the country and the people.

It's just too eye-catching.

It's not suitable for a subject like Qi Xi, nor is it suitable for a prince like Brother Jiu.

En from above.

This matter is not something that a minister can take on.

You can't be greedy for this credit, you can find an opportunity to dedicate it to Kangxi in private.

But he can't get it to exchange for the title on the bright side, Wan Jiasheng Buddha.

Corn and potatoes, inserted halfway in, the face of grabbing credit is too ugly, and it doesn't match up with the Ministry of Internal Affairs...

Ministry of Internal Affairs...

Shu Shu felt that she was not kind enough.

It seems that we still have to stare at the Ministry of Internal Affairs to earn achievements.

There are so many institutions here, and the personnel are so complicated, it is not difficult to find faults.

Just find the entry point.

There is also the matter of elder brother eleven, I have no clue after investigation, and elder brother nine is suspicious and blind thinking in my heart, the pimple is getting bigger and bigger, this is not good.

Shu Shu took a bit of seriousness, looked at Brother Nine's reminder, and said, "Perhaps I can start with the matter of the thirteenth brother and fourteenth brother moving..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "How do you do it? Staring at the manpower to tidy up the yard, an errand that can be done by a doctor of the Household Department, it's not decent to grab it and sell it to Khan Ama... ..."

Shu Shu shook her head, and talked about the fact that the grandma next to the little elder brother in Zhijun Wangfu was bribed.

Brother Jiu felt the same way, his face was livid.

Shu Shu sighed and said: "Before I thought that Nanny Liu was the only one who was bad, but from my young brother's perspective, it is really difficult to guarantee the character and behavior of this nanny and the babysitter. It's really hard to guard against..."

"Then take this opportunity to check the people around Thirteen and Fourteen..."

After the ninth elder brother finished speaking, he denied it first: "All the ladies in Yanxi Palace in Zhaoxiang are watching, and the thirteenth brother and the fourteenth elder brother are born of high-ranking concubines. I don't care about it... Besides, with Shisi's dog temper, if he is neglected, he will turn his back on him long ago, so he won't worry about anything..."

Shu Shu reminded: "There is also the Princess's office...they are behind the Ningshou Palace, but the Empress Dowager is a big let-down..."

In the earliest days, when the four concubines were acting together for the palace affairs, Concubine De was in charge.

When the concubine was canonized, the fourth concubine handed over the palace power, and the concubine de also handed over the errands there.

But that side still belongs to the boundary of Ningshou Palace, without Kangxi's order, the Crown Princess can't take over rashly.

It's been a vacuum for years.

It is true that the few princesses raised there now will have a much more tragic ending in the future.

Or died in childbirth, or died of emergency.

There are not many happy endings.

They all wither in their twenties.

The probability of premature death is too great.

Thinking about Brother Jiu's previous gastrointestinal problems, Shu Shu had to suspect that there was something wrong with it, which made the princesses weaker than ordinary people.

Anyway, you can check it out, change it if it is found, and encourage it if it is not.

If it is really due to precautions in advance, it is also a merit to let the princesses avoid the fate of early death.

Brother Jiu thought of one thing, and said: "During March last year, Twelve Gege, the wind and cold disappeared, and it was fine earlier... Besides, it was in leap March, and the weather was already warm..."

The couple looked at each other.

"Maybe you can check this first..."

Brother Jiu's face became more serious.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "It's still the same sentence, go straight on the road, Ye Ming'er will talk to the emperor directly, and ask for an order, so that the official salt will be sold as private salt, and there are no people inside and outside... There is no need to make a big fuss If you really want to find out something, it's not easy to exchange credit for this. When the time comes, I will tell the Crown Princess in private and let her come forward. It will be regarded as a complete honor for the Empress Dowager, and also sold the favor of Yuqing Palace..."

The prince has been stable for ten years.

If they showed disrespect to Yuqing Palace at this time, and slapped Yuqing Palace in the face, Kangxi would not be able to fall behind.

This kind of matter involving brothers and sisters should not appear too utilitarian, and there is no need for an obvious exchange of benefits, otherwise, even if it is hard work, it will be easy to be criticized.

Brother Nine listened.

After several days away, Shu Shu was also tired.

After entering the shift, I left the study and went back east to rest for a while.

Familiar place, warm kang, soft bedding.

A good night's sleep.

Brother Nine in the study looks like pancakes.

All kinds of confusion in the mind.

In a daze, he seemed to see Nanny Liu standing in front of the tent, and asked in a low voice, "Old man, do you want to help me?"

When he opened his eyes, what appeared in his mind was Da Gege of Zhijun Prince's Mansion.

The little girl in her teens was not tall enough, but her body was straight and her face was full of wariness.

There is Eleven Elder Brother, who has a meek temper and never speaks loudly with others.

It seems that she is also very convinced by the nanny around her...

Brother Nine turned over and sat up, tears falling "patta", "patta".

If he hadn't been muddle-headed before and had noticed something wrong with Nanny Liu, wouldn't he have paid attention to the four institutes?

Tired from sitting, Brother Nine lay down.

He turned to look east.

If Eleventh brother's death was really caused by the Hesheli family's handwriting, how would the prince choose?

It seems that it is not difficult to guess...

Brother Jiu's face was more serious.

Early the next morning, when Shu Shu woke up, it was already the beginning of the morning.

Almost six hours of sleep.

Brother Jiu sat on the edge of the kang and looked at her, and was relieved when she opened her eyes.

"Too sleepy, if you don't wake up, I will push you..."

Brother Nine scolded.

Shu Shu stretched her waist, revived with full blood.

But when she saw Brother Nine's face clearly, her movements stopped: "Master, this is... choosing a seat..."

Brother Nine nodded, yawned and said: "Yes, so I didn't rest well... After a while, I will go to the Qianqing Palace, and then go to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs, and I will be back at noon..."

Shu Shu didn't expose him either.

Insomnia will only cause dark circles, but not swollen eyes.

She said: "Then I will order the kitchen to stew pork ribs soup with yellow essence and jade bamboo at noon, and when the time comes back to eat..."

Huang Jing and Polygonatum Polygonatum are both calming the nerves and invigorating the brain.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Stew a chicken with Codonopsis ginseng, and you can make up for it..."

Banner people observe filial piety and do not have the habit of being a vegetarian.

Except for the food reduction in the first three days, there are no other vegetarian requirements.

The daily taboo is "men don't shave their hair, women don't wear hairpins".

But in terms of food, don't eat barbecue.

Because according to the customs passed down outside the customs, barbecue is prepared for the birth ceremony of newborns.

Mostly distilled vegetables.

That is, stews or stir-fries, reheated.

Brother Jiu took He Yuzhu and Sun Jin out.

Shu Shu also asked Xiao Chun to take the sewing basket, and continued to sew a purse for Brother Jiu.

The previous plain purse almost finished work.

In addition, she asked Xiaochun to find two pieces of Songjiang cloth from the warehouse, and planned to sew underwear for Brother Jiu.

Shu Shu felt that those who should check in had to check in.

Always let people know that she is a virtuous person who regards her husband as her heaven...

Outside the Qianqing Palace.

Brother Nine is waiting to see you, and he is checking in.

In Xinuange, the atmosphere was a little dignified.

Several ministers of state affairs are here.

With a cold expression on his face, Kangxi was talking about his dissatisfaction with the officials in Shengjing: "Shengjing's Minister of Industry, Su Hena, is pretentious, arrogant, conceited, and upside down.

Over the age of [-], still not satisfied with the old, dyed hair, dyed hair, even dyed eyebrows, not yet dyed, a black mess, no minister is decent.

However, thinking that he was a veteran who was single-handedly picked up by himself, he softened his heart again, and said to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Kulena: "The bachelor is serving as a probationary order..."

It's just that civil servants are old, and they can still be supported by honors; military officials are old, and it's hard to ride a horse, but it's hard to keep them.

Kangxi sighed in his heart, and said to the minister of the Ministry of War, Xierda: "Shao Fengxiang, the deputy commander of the left wing of Jingkou, is very old, and he needs to be dismissed..."

This is also a veteran who once participated in the Ping San Francisco with the clan kings.

Kangxi explained: "Choose a son to make up Xiao Xiao's riding school..."

As for the successor candidates for Shengjing Minister of Industry and Jingkou Left-wing Deputy Dutong, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and the Minister of the Ministry of War have already prepared candidates.

Kangxi looked at the resumes of the candidates and circled the two of them.

Bai Erke, the director of the Shengjing Ministry of Rites, was promoted to be the minister of the Shengjing Ministry of Industry.

Cai Yumao was promoted to be the deputy governor of the left wing of Jingkou.

When the ministers of state affairs went down, Kangxi was not in a good mood.

Time urges people to grow old.

Even the emperors in the world cannot keep the sun and the moon from changing.

Hearing Brother Nine begging to see him, Kangxi became irritable and lost the mood to tease his son, so he waved his hands to see him.

One by one, without winking.

During these days, have you been too kind?

But he still hesitated a little, and asked Liang Jiugong: "You look at Brother Jiu's face, does it look like something is wrong?"

Liang Jiugong didn't dare to answer indiscriminately, he thought about it carefully, and said: "Your complexion is not very good, your eye circles are swollen, and your face is also turning blue. I am afraid that you have encountered difficulties..."

Kangxi's complexion is not very good.

Is this for the four institutes?

That's too ignorant.

But he was also afraid that Brother Nine had other important matters, so he nodded to signal people to come in.

Brother Jiu came in and noticed Kangxi's complexion was not good.

He wasn't surprised, the expressions of the few people who were discussing the affairs just now were not very good when they went out.

It is estimated that there is something unpleasant about the government.

He doesn't walk in Liubu, and doesn't care about what's going on outside, he just wants to do his duty and do his job well in advance.

He said solemnly: "Ama Khan, I have something to do here, I dare not be self-confident, please agree..."

(End of this chapter)

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