My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 298 Help the Poor and Amiable Master Jiu

Chapter 298 Helping the Poor and Amiable Master Jiu

Kangxi remained calm, and said: "The matter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Didn't you order Ma Qi to go there? If there is anything you can't decide, you can go to Ma Qi in the future, and don't come to the imperial court..."

Otherwise, be a good secretary of the Ministry of household affairs and serve as the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is because there are similarities between the Secretary of the Household Department and the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

One is the National Finance of the Prime Minister, and the other is the Finance of the Prime Minister's Office of the Interior.

Otherwise, he would have to personally decide such a trivial matter?
Brother Nine frowned, and said: "It's a matter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it's not a matter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Having said that, he looked around.

In addition to Liang Jiugong serving at the side, there is also a eunuch who serves the pen and two eunuchs from the imperial tea room.

Brother Nine shut up and acted cautiously.

Kangxi's heart skipped a beat, and he nodded to Liang Jiugong.

This is the discovery of something wrong with the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Not only is it a matter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but it is related to the royal family, or the clan?
Liang Jiugong walked to the door and whispered to the three eunuchs to go down.

Then, after Liang Jiugong came in, he didn't go to the imperial court, but bowed himself and stood guard at the gate of Nuan Pavilion.

Only then did Brother Jiu take a few steps forward, and said: "Ama, my son couldn't sleep last night, let him go through his own situation, thinking of the little brother in the eldest brother's house, I am afraid that someone will plot against the royal blood... My son, please check the princess... ..."

Kangxi's face sank all of a sudden.

"Yinyu, do you know what you're talking about?"

Kangxi was angry.

The place where the princess is not is in Ningshou Palace.

There is an empress dowager in Ningshou Palace, and he would not disturb it easily, so how dare he offend a grandson?
Brother Nine nodded and said: "Ama Khan, the son is the prince brother, and there are slaves who dare to plot against the son. The younger sisters are weak, but the rewards around them are generous...The servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Khan Ama has also seen the courage. What else is there to dare to..."

Kangxi frowned.

As early as July, after the incident of the Second West Office broke out, Kangxi ordered Zhao Chang to investigate the elder brother's office and Zhaoxiang's office.

It's because I'm afraid that there will be other deceitful things.

What Zhaoxiang said is good, there are no mistakes.

In the East Second Institute, Concubine Rong arranged for a distant relative to work as an errand, and she was suspected of meddling in the prince's family affairs.

In the East No. [-] Institute, the seventh elder brother arranged for Shang's in-laws to be in charge of the prince's dining room, but after investigation, he appointed the staff himself, and no outsiders intervened.

In the West Third Institute, before the death of Concubine Wen Xi, all the people related to Niu Hulu's family were returned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the West Fifth Institute, Twelve Elder Brothers promoted their relatives and in-laws, and they were a little cautious, which is also human nature, and it is within the range that can be tolerated.

Kangxi didn't even remember what the princess said.

After all, brother is the one who is in charge of the house.

Elder brother landed in Zhaoxiang's house, and lived in the East and West Sixth Palace with his biological mother or adoptive mother when he was one year old.

Before entering the study at the age of six, he moved out of the palace and entered the elder brother's house.

If you are young, it is not impossible if the wet nurse or nanny coaxes you into control.

Just like Brother Nine.

She doesn't look stupid, and she has been coaxed by her mother for ten years.

On the side of the princess, she was the same as the prince before the age of six, and after the age of six, she lived in the princess house in the southeast of Ningshou Palace.

They are surrounded by eunuchs and eunuchs.

Kangxi's expression was still ugly, and he said, "How to check? Take all the baby nurses around the princess to the Punishment Department?"

It's okay if something is really found out, but if it's a waste of time, what will the princess face?

Some nannies and nurses are still high-ranking officials and female relatives, and have the duty of teaching the princess to behave.

Their morals are questioned, and the princess's upbringing will also be questioned.

Since the ninth elder brother came to the imperial court to ask for an order, he came prepared.

He and Shu Shu have already discussed this matter.

The easiest way is to check the property of these milk insurance families.

Banner real estate transfers and land sales must go through the Eight Banners Division of the Ministry of Households.

It is extremely simple to clarify the family assets of these people.

Confirm the household registration, and go to the Eight Banners Division to check the documents of the house and property.

When the time comes, it will be found out that the source of the huge amount of property is unknown.

It is enough to prove that there is a ghost in it.

It's not all based on this, and then investigate the situation of each family, the situation of the husband and children.

Did the husband and son spend money to make up for errands, and whether the children’s marriage expenses exceeded the family’s income.

As long as the traces are exposed, it is a one-time catch.

If you are cautious, if you are greedy for money, you will not hide it privately, if you are poor and happy, or if you are as timid as a mouse, you will not make a big mistake; or if you are guilty, you have other big plans.

No matter which one it is, it's time to ask people to stare at it and distinguish it.

There are many servants in this palace, the masters have no secrets, and the slaves also have no secrets.

Kangxi's eyes narrowed, and his heart trembled.

Is the family assets clarified through the registration of land property and houses of the Eight Banners Division of the Ministry of Households?

Not only the coating of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be checked in this way, but also civil and military officials, clan princes and princes can be checked in this way!
His expression remained the same, he looked at Brother Nine, probed a bit, and said, "Why did you think of starting from the household department? Is it because of Ma Qi?"

Brother Nine shook his head, glanced at Kangxi, and was puzzled: "Didn't Khan Ama let his son watch "The Law of the Qing Dynasty"? My son remembered Gui Dan's suing Dong E's Yinlou. At that time, apart from "The Law of the Qing Dynasty", there When it comes to "Eight Banners Shu Li", when my son was looking for books in July, he looked for them together..."

Kangxi felt that Brother Jiu was starting to be unpleasant.

What is that look? !

It's like laughing at his forgetfulness.

I asked him myself, and he answered yes, and asked myself the other way around?What's wrong with this?
Kangxi said with a straight face, "Nonsense! If everyone can check other people's property, wouldn't it be a mess? Don't set this precedent!"

In that case, who can guarantee that there will be no secretive and sneaky things.

People from the Eight Banners are familiar with each other.

If one family loses power, the other family wants to annex its family property, and after checking the family background, it can "prescribe the right medicine."

Brother Nine was very surprised: "It's not someone else who is looking for it. Han Ama made a secret decree. If you don't tell others, it's okay for my son Tongma to know?"

Kangxi said sternly: "Can you guarantee that the news will not be leaked?"

None of the doctor, principal, and post style of the Eight Banners Division is used. A minister and a prince elder brother go to the official file?
The Eight Banners entered the customs for nearly a year, and the relevant documents cannot be said to be as vast as the sea. There are always several houses. How can I find them?
Brother Jiu was dumbfounded.

It really can't be perfect.

But this is indeed the most direct and simplest method.

Kangxi looked solemn: "I allow you to thoroughly investigate the princess's place, but you must do it in private. You are not allowed to alarm the queen mother with great fanfare, and you are not allowed to directly mention people without proof, hurting the princesses' dignity..."

Brother Nine heard this, hesitantly appeared on his face, hesitant to speak but stopped.

Kangxi said unhappily: "What? You can't play tricks, it's troublesome?!"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Ama Khan, it's not because of this, my son only wanted to investigate, but didn't want to deal with people... The son was thinking about it, and when he got the evidence, he asked his son Fujin to report the matter to the princess in private. It would be more appropriate for the Crown Princess to come forward to punish..."

This doesn't look like a fake, Kangxi believed his own eyes.

In this way, he was confused instead.

"It's not for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to gain prestige, so why are you tossing about this?"

Kangxi noticed the heaviness and sadness on Brother Jiu.

Is it just because of Nanny Liu's matter, or the matter of the little elder brother of Zhijun Prince's Mansion?

Kangxi didn't believe it.

He looked directly at Brother Nine with majesty: "Yinzhen, you have to know that the errands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not child's play, you can't think of it as a..."

Brother Jiu raised his head and looked at the emperor's father, but he thought of his wife's words, "Go straight on the road".

Princess Cha is like this, brother Cha is old, why can't it be like this?
Brother Eleven has been his younger brother for twelve years, and he has also been the son of Khan Ama for twelve years!
Thinking of this, Brother Nine's eyes turned red, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Khan Ama, my son has been suffering... since July, my son is sick..."

Kangxi swallowed the words he wanted to reprimand, but his tone was still stern and impatient: "Didn't the imperial doctor change the prescription? I've seen you well, why do you keep thinking about these..."

Brother Jiu felt that his voice was a little far away, but he still spoke clearly.

"Since the incident about Madam Liu broke out in July, my son went to investigate the chief eunuch and nanny of the four institutes..."

Less than three years had passed, and Kangxi naturally remembered clearly the death of the prince.

The chief eunuch punished him and went to the Compassionate Ning Palace for sweeping.

The nanny who was the foreman beat the board and changed her job.

Kangxi said displeasedly: "You think I'm a fool that anyone can be fooled?! Eleven brother's pulse case, I checked it myself, there is no difference..."

Brother Jiu looked at Kangxi's attitude and couldn't help feeling desperate.

He drooped his head, and said: "The nanny died after leaving the palace, and her husband married the widow of the Jin family to fill in the house... The girl of the Jin family was still sweeping the sprinkler at the end of June, and her son Fujin chose someone She was one of the candidates at that time, and her son Fu Jin chose someone else, and this big girl entered Zhaoxiang's office through the internal management office at the beginning of July..."

Brother Jiu finished speaking in one go, and the depression in his heart dissipated a lot.

Kangxi was confused.

However, I also heard a few key points.

"Dead", "Jin Family", "Internal Management Office", "Zhaoxiang Office".

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu looked up at Kangxi, with complaints in his eyes.

Isn't this the Forbidden City of Khan Ama?
Shouldn't you be able to hide everything from him? !
Kangxi was irritable and gritted his teeth: "What kind of amazing family is the Jin family?"

Dedicated to the prince's elder brother's camp, his heart can be punished.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "It's just an ordinary coat. It's the family of my son's eldest aunt, so my son finds it strange. Isn't this kind of family working in the palace to flatter my son's mother? How can I get to the inner management collar?" It's..."

At the collar of the inner tube, Suo'etu...

The personnel affairs arranged by Kangxi himself naturally don't remember chaos.

He looked at Brother Nine, his heart turned a thousand times.

Is this a suspicion with Yuqing Palace?
Or is there someone else behind it?
Kangxi held back his anger, and scolded: "Absurd! I'll let you make up a story about irrelevant things! Don't think wildly, you'll be suspicious all day long, and you'll be disturbed everywhere..."

Brother Nine was not surprised by this result.

He plucked up the courage to express his doubts, but he also knew that empty words were speculations, and there was no evidence.

He drooped his head mournfully, and said in a muffled voice, "Yes, my son knows his mistake..."

He admitted his mistake, but didn't want to change it.

Since there is no hope on Khan Ama's side, let's check it out slowly.

If it's really "suspecting neighbors and stealing axes", it's just a waste of energy to think about it.

If there is a grievance, even if the prince wants to protect Suo'etu, he must try to get revenge.

Brother Nine already had various schemes in mind.

His half-dead virtue made Kangxi feel blocked, he waved his hands and said: "Go on, come to the imperial court every... every ten days, if there are unresolved matters, let's report together!"

Kangxi originally wanted to talk about January, but thinking about Brother Jiu's young age and the complicated affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he changed his words.

Brother Nine nodded and responded respectfully.

If it wasn't for something, he wouldn't mind coming to Yuqian!
When Brother Jiu retreated, Kangxi's face was extremely gloomy.

Liang Jiugong stood at the door with his chin on his chest.

Mother, what are you doing so diligently? !

You should have retreated outside the Nuan Pavilion just now!

Can't hear, can't hear!
Kangxi looked over.

Liang Jiugong had no choice but to bite the bullet and come in.

Kangxi's expression was complicated: "You servant heard Brother Jiu's words? Do you think Brother Jiu is suspicious, or there is something weird about it..."

On the other side, Liang Jiugong would definitely not dare to talk too much.

But now that the emperor asked, it is enough to prove that the emperor listened to him.

Liang Jiugong felt that he was not "adding insult to injury" to those bastards in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but helping the poor and amiable Master Jiu.

He thought about it carefully, weighed what he was about to say several times, and then said: "I'm thinking about it, Master Jiu is probably being paranoid..."

Kangxi raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Then you think these are all nonsense?"

Liang Jiugong didn't nod, and didn't shake his head, he said: "I'm stupid, I can't tell the truth, I just think about the heart disease that Lord Jiu said, maybe not only Lord Eleven, but also Twelve Gege..."

Twelve Gege, born by Wu Yashi, the concubine of the Yonghe Palace, was born on the twenty-fourth day of the fourth month in the twenty-fifth year of Kangxi, and died on the ninth day of the third month in the thirty-sixth year of Kangxi, in the twelfth year.

Thank you everyone, continue to beg for small tickets!

The next chapter will be updated at 8:24 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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