Chapter 299 True Dutiful Son

Shu Shu is methodical, walking according to her own rhythm.

Two quarters of an hour of needlework.

Then it was half an hour, listening to Xiaochun and Qi Mama talking about the trivial housework in the second school.

If you need to make decisions, take an idea.

Mostly just listen.

The rules were set before, and now the daily routine is carried out according to the rules.

"For the two grids in the back, why should Fujin leave it like this? If he doesn't punish him, he might be more courageous next time..."

Thinking of the two people behind, Xiao Chun felt wary and displeased.

These two were restless before, and when Shu Shu and Brother Jiu followed Shengjia's north tour, they had hookups with outsiders.

On the twelfth day, when Shu Shu came back with his escort, Xiao Chun mentioned it once.

At that time, there was no penalty because Shu Shu had just returned, so it was not good to do something to Ge Ge directly, otherwise it would be easy to be criticized by others.

Of these two princesses, one is really smart.

One is brainless, or pretending to be brainless.

Quite fun.

If it were a different relationship, Shu Shu would be happy to make a small observation and get along with each other friendly.

Eighteen ugly girls, even if the two characters are plain-looking, but if you pay close attention, you can discover their own advantages.

Zhao Jiage has a lively personality, a fit body, a slender waist and long legs.

Wang Gege's skin is delicate, not tall, and he doesn't look fat, but because of his small frame, he is very sensual.

That is to say, the flag is concealed, the curves are not obvious, and the facial features are flat, so it is not so eye-catching.

But to put it bluntly, if you don't look at the appearance, all men will love such a figure.

Even Shushu, a woman, wants to touch her twice.

Brother Nine is a brat, he didn't get enlightened before, he only looks at people's faces, and missed this piece of jade in the rough.

Thinking of this, Shu Shu laughed to herself.

How hypocritical.

What would happen to me if these two gegejiu princes had already accepted them?
What can I do? !

Didn't she know at the beginning of the marriage that she would have to have a concubine in the future...

If it was the next draft, or the annual election of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if Concubine Yi and Kangxi pointed at Gege, Shu Shu would remain calm.

The so-called balance is nothing more than that.

At that time, a good wife is another approach.

Except for the eight blessings, all sister-in-laws are templates.

I will definitely want to open it.

Joy and sadness, anger hurts the liver, longing hurts the spleen, sorrow hurts the lungs, and fear hurts the kidneys.

The ancestors have already summed it up.

Later generations also added two summaries specifically for women.

Tolerate ovarian cysts for a while, and take a step back from breast hyperplasia.

This is even scarier than the heart, liver, spleen and lung, because these two areas are high-incidence areas for carcinoma in situ.

It will be difficult for future generations to get it, and it will be a fatal crisis.

If you've got it in this life, where are you going to go?
Shu Shu feels that she is a "theoretical school", which is true for the love between men and women, as well as for complex interpersonal relationships.

She is willing to put on a good look, but only she knows what's in her heart.

All trade-offs have a premise, that is, whether it is worth it or not.

"Isn't this the right time? Let them copy the Ksitigarbha Sutra, once every three days..."

Shu Shu ordered casually.

The "Ksitigarbha Sutra" has a total of more than [-] words.

If you copy it once a day, it's making things difficult for people, and you can't finish it from morning to night.

If it is repeated every three days, the average is more than [-] words per day.

Calm down, the day is almost over.

These two princesses are also very interesting, have you forgotten that they still have lawsuits on them? !

Shu Shu was impatient with them jumping around again. Thinking of this, she said to Xiaochun: "You go, meet Wang Gege, and ask her what kind of relationship she has with Mother Liu, and why Mother Liu promised the eldest son and daughter to follow her? Come out here... whoever got the line, who's way through the internal control leader's office... tell her, if you want to talk, I will tell you, if you don't want to talk, when will you look into Liu Mama's matter again, it's a must Trouble her to go to the Punishment Division..."

With a solemn face, Xiaochun nodded and listened.

The eldest son and eldest daughter? !
wild ambition.

If he murdered Fujin himself, could he get away with her share?

Shu Shu said again: "Zhaojia Gege went there too, and told her that no matter how dishonest she is, Ben Fujin will help her ask the nanny to check her body..."

This one has a more pronounced tail.

Cooperating with Nanny Liu to cheat, he made a note of the prince's daily life, and taught the prince's personnel affairs in a certain year and month.

This is one catch.

Even if she wanted to break the boat, she couldn't do anything about herself.

There is also the witness of Brother Nine.

The person involved doesn't know whether he slept or not.

Xiao Chun didn't quite understand, but she didn't ask any further questions, and reminded: "Fu Jin, should I just forget about adding vegetables before, I don't know how to raise them..."

These two princesses are called Prince Gege, but the internal affairs office keeps records, and they are still included in the palace ladies, and the daily supply is the same as that of walnuts.

When Shu Shu was around Jia En himself and Brother Nine, he also joined Jia En and allowed them to order food.

Now, it is time to stop.

Maybe the courage of these two came from adding vegetables.

Seeing Shu Shukuan, the little feet stick out.

Shu Shu nodded, and Xiaochun went away with high spirits.

The first days were peaceful, and this is the correct model.

Nanny Qi sent walnuts down and brought a small box.

Slightly familiar.

Shu Shujiong.

Isn't this the little clay figurine that Mother Wu left behind before the wedding?
The box is ready, what else do you want to do?
Nanny Qi sat on the edge of the kang, and said: "Fu Jin, don't be embarrassed, it's a rule to have different houses during the filial piety period, but the rules are dead, but people are alive... It's not just the filial piety period, the days will come every month, isn't it? Do you want elder brother to be vegetarian?"

"Once this man has sex, how can he resist it?"

"Now I'm at Elder Brother's place. There are only a dozen people in total. Everything is in Fujin's eyes. There is nothing to worry about... You can go out later. Who knows if there will be more people coming up ..."

"Even if the mansion is clean, there are still people outside. Elder brother is on errand, and in the future there will be dinner parties and so on..."

As Nanny Qi spoke, she opened the box, picked out several groups of villains, and explained them one by one.

"It's just a matter of knocking on the door..."

"This kind of thing can also be shaken..."

It can only be said that the joy of the ancients was still based on the reproduction of offspring, so there are not many things that can be referred to.

Shu Shu's face turned red.

It doesn't have to be so complicated.

The door to the new world has long been opened.

It's just that the past few days are really sad, and the couple are no longer in the mood to mess around.

After ten days and a half months, the mood turned around and there will be no delay.

Separation is separation, and I didn't say that I couldn't linger one or two quietly.

Nanny Qi didn't know yet that the girl she had grown up to watch had already become a little yellow person, and she persuaded: "Fu Jin has become a woman, not a girl, and I have to learn a little bit. It's good for this couple. In between, if you are happy in the house, life will go smoothly..."

Shu Shu looked at Nanny Qi, thinking about persuading her to get married again.

To be honest, Nanny Qi is the dowry girl next to her Ernie, who is about the same age as Ernie, only in her early forties.

She took Nanny Qi's hand and said, "Why don't you just take a step forward and find an honest man to recruit him in. Then I will back you up and ask him to be obedient..."

At this age in later generations, let alone remarriages, there are many people who are first married.

It's not an isolated case that there are more than forties.

Nanny Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Does Fujin think this slave is too wordy? In this life, slave, the only hope is that Fujin is doing well..."

In fact, there were other thoughts before.

That is to wait until the little master lands, and take care of the big and small masters.

Now, Nanny Qi doesn't think it's important anymore.

The one born by Fujin is the little master.

If Fujin is not born, then she will continue to be Fujin's little master.

Seeing this, Shu Shu stopped talking.

For every lifestyle choice, the most important thing is to follow your heart.

As long as I am happy.

It doesn't matter if others look good or not.

After Shu Shu completed the "teaching task" exclusive to the little woman, Nanny Qi went down with the box in her arms.

This has to be kept well, so that other girls can't see it, so as not to stir up spring hearts.

Shu Shu went to the study, opened the "Book of Tang", and turned to the section "Benji of Taizong".

People of later generations have already made various summaries of history.

The three waste princes are well known.

It seems that the reasons for the abolition of the crown prince are different. In fact, there is only one point: "the father is not old, but the son is strong."

However, in the selection of the heir after the prince was abolished, the three emperors were different.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was Li Ai, who was superstitious in his later years. The youngest son, Liu Fuling, was "born fourteen months pregnant" by his mother. In addition, the other princes had shortcomings in character, so he finally chose the youngest son as the heir.

After Tang Taizong abolished the eldest son, he also abolished the second son, the initiator and most beloved son, and chose the youngest son as the new prince.

It can be said to be "Li Ai", but in fact it is still "Li Li".

This paragraph can be taken out and shown to Brother Nine.

Let him figure it out.

You must know that the princes of the Qing Dynasty were conferred with the population.

Kangxi never considered Eighth Prince from the beginning to the end.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be too far behind his brothers' titles.

Not only the eighth elder brother, but also the princes since the eighth elder brother.

Even the ten elder brothers were treated by the county king early on, but in fact it was not officially canonized until the forty-eighth year of Kangxi, and the population of Zuo Ling was divided.

At this time, the influence of the princes and brothers above has been laid out for more than ten years.

Niu Hulu's family stood in line earlier.

Even if Brother Ten wanted to thump, it would be futile.

The ninth elder brother, the twelfth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother are all left.

According to the current county king's twelve assistants, Baylor's six assistants, the biggest possibility for Beizi is three assistants.

But at this time, the third elder brother, the fourth elder brother, and the fifth elder brother have been promoted to the prince, and the seventh elder brother has also been promoted to the county king.

It's not the same weight at all, how can we fight?
Huddling together to keep warm seems to be a big deal, but in fact it is a bluff and violates a taboo.

When Brother Jiu came back, he found that Shu Shu had a fulfilling life.

I did a lot of things this morning.

The purse was put away, and half of the trouser leg was sewn.

He also copied [-] pages of the Ksitigarbha Sutra.

I read dozens of pages of Tang books and made a [-]-character reading note.

Brother Jiu's mood was no longer as heavy as it was before going out in the morning, and he was a little lighter.

Holding his reading notes, he teased Shu Shu and said, "I just realized that you are busier every day than someone who has a serious job..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "It's also the first time for me to be Prince Fujin, and as a wife, I'm afraid that there may be some shortcomings, but I don't want to study hard..."

Brother Jiu said disgustedly: "Stupid, look for this in the history books? What can you find? There are not many women with the same name on it, most of them are concubines and vassals..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "My lord is right, it's a bit off, it's useless..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Everyone's life is different, but you don't need to study it specially. If you want to find a reference to Sui Xingshi, then you won't talk about it in private. If you want to talk about it on the surface, just look at the fourth sister-in-law. Well...except for the eldest sister-in-law, the fourth sister-in-law has been married the longest, but she has never been said to be anything wrong, only boasting..."

Shu Shu nodded.

To be honest, these Prince Fujin, except for Ba Fujin's inappropriate behavior, no one else can find fault.

After all, she was selected from the Eight Banners Show Girls. If her character was really flawed, she would not stand out and become the prince Fujin.

But Sifujin is indeed more generous and tolerant.

Perhaps it was because she entered the palace since she was a child, which smoothed her edges and corners.

But it didn't smooth out her kind nature.

It can be seen from her preaching to Ba Fujin that she is a kind person.

Otherwise, sweep the snow in front of the door, and whoever cares will die.

Speaking of this, Brother Nine thought of Brother Eight, and muttered: "I wonder if there is something wrong with Brother Eight's family? In the morning, my master went to the Ministry of Industry and wasted no time..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu thought of Ba Fujin's pregnancy.

Could it be that there is something wrong with this child?

It doesn't seem like a good idea, but I hope everything will be alright.

Boiled chicken and ribs all morning.

Two bowls were distilled at noon, and the couple ate them.

Brother Jiu didn't sleep well last night, so he lay down after eating.

Seeing that Shu Shu was in high spirits, he dragged her to accompany him.

Seeing that there was no one else, he whispered softly.

"I have been thinking about it all morning. Khan Ama is also a good pretender. She looks like a normal person. She must have taken care of her heart, and she is not a heart of stone. Besides, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a bad record..."

"Anyway, I have said everything I can say. If there is any evidence, let him think carefully..."

At the end, he gloated: "This time, it's Khan Ama who can't sleep..."

Shu Shu was by the side, helping Brother Jiu to pull up the quilt.

This is the true filial son...

Brother Nine was not someone with a city mansion.

Letting go of one worry, he fell asleep.

In the afternoon when Shen Zheng and Elder Brother Shi came over, he was still soundly asleep.

After thinking about it, Shu Shu pushed Brother Jiu to get up.

Otherwise, if you sleep too much, you will be sleepy at night, and you will be in a daze tomorrow, which is a vicious circle.

The news of the Clan Mansion is actually no better than that of the House of Internal Affairs.

But at the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, everyone has a different status, and no one came to Brother Jiu to gossip with him.

The clan mansion is different here.

They are all cousins.

Most of them are elder brothers.

Everyone counts according to the etiquette of intimacy, and they are willing to get closer to each other.

Therefore, in the morning, the tenth elder brother got the news that the eighth elder brother was dismissed from his errand and confined at home.

He came here specifically to tell brother Jiu the news.

Brother Jiu was really dumbfounded when he heard this.

"Then why is my starling still talking?! Didn't he bring Guo Luoluo's sign to plead guilty yesterday afternoon?"

In the end, not to mention yesterday, today has also passed the whole day, and I haven't heard of any movement...

 I went out to meet the teacher today, the next episode will be together at night, everyone can watch it together tomorrow morning, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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