My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 300 Everything in the World Has a Cause

Chapter 300 Everything in the World Has a Cause
When Shu Shu heard this, she was very unkind, and secretly delighted.

Stopping errands, it doesn't sound like it's heavy.

But if there is no deadline, it will be very troublesome.

Now that he has become the core figure of the clan's gossip, this impression will be discounted.

In fact, as Brother Jiu said, Kangxi's anger has been relieved by the matter of Dafujin in the middle.

Strike while the iron is hot, it's just right to come here to plead guilty.

No matter what Eighth Brother thinks in his heart, he must have a correct attitude.

But the situation of the Eight Fortunes...

Could it be a physical reason?
Shu Shu still hopes that this child will be born smoothly.

In that case, maybe it will change the pattern of Babeile Mansion.

Brother Jiu was in a hurry, but the palace gate was about to be closed across the palace wall, so he couldn't even go to Babeile's mansion.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "If I knew it earlier, I would have passed in the afternoon..."

He felt the inconvenience of not having a confidant.

This kind of news, the clan has almost spread, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs must also know about it, but I haven't heard of it.

The tenth elder brother persuaded: "Mynah has always acted reliably, there must be other reasons, I will send someone over there tomorrow to have a look... You don't want to mobilize people to go there, or else mynah will come to plead guilty, it seems that you persuaded me to come, Can't show myna's sincerity..."

Brother Jiu listened, thought about it carefully, and looked at Shu Shu.

Still saying this?

Before the starling enters the palace, do you want to avoid suspicion?
Shu Shu also felt that this order was very important, so she nodded and said, "What Brother Ten said makes sense, since he admits his mistakes, he should appear willing..."

So, don't get involved in it first.

If the eighth elder brother doesn't cope well and loses his holy family, it may not be a blessing.

Brother Jiu nodded unwillingly and said: "Then send He Yuzhu over there tomorrow to have a look..."

Elder Brother Ten came here specifically to talk about this, and after he finished speaking, he was going to go back to the third institute.

Shu Shu was preparing for an extra meal in the afternoon, so he directly kept Elder Brother Shi.

Nothing else, just use the chicken soup stewed at noon as the base, and one serving of cat ears per person.

With two cold Dongzi dishes, it is refreshing and refreshing.

After eating, Elder Brother Ten went back.

Brother Jiu slept for two hours in the afternoon, and he was much more energetic. He sat cross-legged on the kang, chatting with Shu Shu.

"Ama Khan said that it is a bit ridiculous to ask the starling to teach the Guo Luoluo family well before entering the palace? Going down as a nanny, I have used everything, and I still use starlings to worry about how to manage my wife..."

Shu Shu was noncommittal.

With Guo Luoluo's arrogance, how could he put down his body and accept the discipline of the palace nanny?

If that were the case, it wouldn't be her.

Even when she is tough on the outside and soft on the inside, the targets she faces are people of the same or high status, not including the maids of the palace.

Ninth elder brother underestimated Guo Luoluo, and also underestimated eighth elder brother.

The only one who can really restrain and discipline Guo Luoluo is the eighth prince.

Kangxi gave this punishment, which is actually very symptomatic.

Eight Baylor House.

Eight Fujins were lying on the kang, and the night on the kang was already completely cold.


She told the girl to give orders.

The grandma was beside her, and hurriedly said: "Fu Jin, even if you don't have an appetite, you can still eat two bites for the little elder brother in your stomach..."

Ba Fujin still asked the maid to clear the table, and then followed the worried grandma and said, "Mommy, I want to eat chestnut noodles, and I want to make it myself, add more sugar..."

"it is good……"

The grandma agreed and went happily.

Don't be afraid of wanting to eat, just be afraid of not wanting to eat.

Ba Fujin looked at the water glass in his hand, it was a glass of sugar water.

She felt bitter in her mouth, and drinking sugar water didn't help.

When she came back yesterday, she was very tired.

After bathing and changing, she couldn't open her eyes.

As a result, the eighth elder brother will take her to the palace to plead guilty.

She was full of troubles and faint fear, and she didn't want to enter the palace at this time.

It just so happened that she felt that her stomach was a little uncomfortable, and her stomach was falling down, so she was frightened.

The eighth elder brother immediately sent someone to invite the doctor over.

By this time, she had already recovered, and her stomach didn't hurt much.

But during the doctor's consultation, she still complained that she was uncomfortable.

On the doctor's side, naturally following her words, he gave a diagnosis that the fetal image was unstable, and he needed to rest in bed.

She could see clearly that Brother Ba was not worried, but an indescribable expression.

Like disappointment, like confusion, like doubt, and like anger.

Ba Fujin almost changed his words, but he still bit his lip.

As a result, a whole day and night.

He didn't show up.

It was placed directly in the study in the front yard.

No one was sent to say anything.

In the morning, Ba Fujin held his breath and didn't eat.

In the end, he didn't come either.

The same goes for noon.

At night, still.

It seems that the tolerant and gentle boy in memory is a little blurred.

Is this the eighth brother?
Ba Fujin looked at the door, not knowing whether he was expecting him to come or not.

Coincidentally, there was a figure at the door, and the eighth elder brother came leisurely.

He is dressed in plain clothes, not gorgeous, but it looks like it is shining.

Ba Fujin looked straight at Ba Prince's face, with nostalgia in his eyes.

The eighth elder brother didn't come empty-handed, he was carrying a food box in his hand.

He sat on the edge of the kang, looked at Bafujin, like looking at an ignorant child, and said gently: "Even if you feel uncomfortable, you still have to eat..."

As he spoke, he opened the food box, brought out a bowl of lotus seed red bean paste, and put it in front of Ba Fujin.

Ba Fujin lowered his head and watched.

The red red bean paste is a few lotus seeds.

A picture appeared in Bafujin's mind.

A little princess without a head, hiding in the garden and crying.

Guo Luomafa is seriously ill, the imperial doctor said that he will not be able to pass this year...

Little Gege didn't want to worry his elders, and he didn't want others to comfort him, so he wept silently.

A teenager in his teens came lightly with a food box, smiling, his eyes were like stars.

"Are you the orb..."

Little Gege looked like a cat whose fur had exploded, his eyes widened: "Who are you?"

"I'm Yinhu..."

Nine years have passed, and he is still Baozhu, and Yinhu seems to be Yinhu, not just Yinhu, he is still the eighth elder brother.

Ba Fujin rubbed his belly, lowered his head and said, "I'm fine, let's go to the palace tomorrow morning..."

The eighth brother sighed, and his face was more tolerant: "Don't force it, it's my fault, it was indeed my negligence before, and I didn't teach you well..."

Speaking of this, he paused, and said: "I will teach you well in the future, will you listen?"

He seemed to be asking, but he also had other intentions.

Bafujin was silent for a while, then nodded slowly.

Only then did Eighth Brother let out a sigh of relief.

It can't be delayed any longer, if his wife doesn't go, he will go to the imperial court alone...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

At this moment, Kangxi didn't think of Eighth Prince at all.

All afternoon, he was unhappy.

The second nanny's method of controlling elder brother is secretive and effective.

The Zhijun Prince's Mansion wanted to use food to plan for the little elder brother's body, but it was similar.

Where did these sneaky tricks come from?

How many people have used it?
Eleventh elder brother and twelve princesses were not the only ones who died in the palace!
There are twelve dead princes in total.

The seven princesses who died.

Nearly half of the total number of princes and princesses.

Except for a few who were less than a month old, the others were all over the first year.

There was nothing unusual about the medical pulse case before.

Children are difficult to raise.

In the palace of the royal family, there are not a few Ge Ge and Elder Brother who died young.

So Kangxi checked it again, and found nothing, so he let the matter go.

However, he was worried that the concubines would take care of the prince and daughter, so he came up with the Zhaoxiang Institute. As long as the prince and daughter landed, they would be raised until they were one year old.

Comparing the elder brother's grandson and grandson Gege mentioned by elder brother, is there a big difference in the proportion of princes and daughters who die young? !

The eldest elder brother's five legitimate children all stood still.

The three young elder brothers of Yuqing Palace all stood still, three of them were tall, one was in good condition, and the other two were Yueshang, because they were not raised well in their mother's womb.

Among the other elder brothers, elder brother Sun and Gege Sun were younger, but except for Yuezi Lishang, they all stood still.

Kangxi's face was gloomy, so he put on his end mask and came out.

Liang Jiugong followed, but he didn't dare to ask which empress palace he was going to.

Looking at this direction, the direction of Yikun Palace is right on time.

Thinking about it is also true, since I think of Eleventh Brother and Twelve Gege, I must be looking for the mothers of the two little masters.

However, when Kangxi walked to the left door of Guangsheng, his footsteps stopped.

He thought of Concubine Yi's pregnancy, so he shouldn't get emotional.

He returned the same way, passed Qianqing Palace Square, and went to the East Sixth Palace.

Went to Yonghe Palace.

The East Second Room of Yonghe Palace.

There are many things on the kang.

A red sandalwood painting glass whistling deep forest screen.

A pair of blue and white flat bottles with eight treasures and ten thousand characters.

A sapphire relief of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea.

A pair of bronze basalt wax stands.

A pair of agate Pixiu paperweights.

A pair of white jade gourd jade pendants.

Kangxi didn't pass it on to anyone, so he went straight into the hall and looked at it seriously: "How did you find out all these things?"

Concubine De got up, served Kangxi to remove the cover, and said: "Brother Fourteen is going to move, so I think of these decorations, ask someone to find them, and give them to him tomorrow..."

She was dressed plainly, just a blue homely robe, with Buddhist beads on her wrists, and a sandalwood fragrance all over her body.

Smelling this smell, this is just coming out of the Buddhist hall.

Kangxi looked at the Kang.

It's all town houses...

Kangxi was speechless.

He sat on the kang table, looked at Concubine De, not knowing how to persuade her.

The queen mother pays homage to the Buddha, and the concubines follow her example, and most of them believe in Buddhism.

But like Concubine De, she is the only one who eats long fasts every now and then and pays homage to the Buddha every time.

Kangxi hesitated.

The reason why he wanted to see Concubine Yi and Concubine De was to ask Elder Brother Eleven and Twelve Gege about their past lives.

But Concubine De's appearance...

Concubine De lost three children.

Do you have to bring it up to make her worry too?

Maybe there is no other secret at all, just a normal illness.

Lao Jiu was suspicious and talking nonsense, he just checked it out in private, and he didn't have to bother others to accompany him.

He changed his words and said: "If you are worried, just let Fourteenth Brother live in Dongtou..."

Concubine De shook her head and said: "When the heart is upright, the qi is upright, when the qi is upright, no evil will invade..."

Kangxi didn't really want to answer the conversation.

Brother Fourteen, that little bastard, is pure courage!

It has nothing to do with being upright and upright.

As if seeing Kangxi's slander, Concubine De poured a cup of tea and served it, and said softly: "With the emperor's instruction, even if the fourteenth elder brother has shortcomings now, he will become a filial and courteous elder brother in the future, fourteenth elder brother Brother admires the emperor the most, and wants to be Manchurian Batulu, to win glory for the emperor..."

When Concubine De mentioned Fourteenth Elder Brother, her face showed pampering unknowingly.

When Kangxi saw him, he was in a waning mood.

The deceased is gone.

Even the birth mother doesn't remember them much.

But what about the living?

Brother Fourteen is the end of the month, and he hasn't moved yet.

The fourth elder brother who moved away didn't even mention it.

Kangxi frowned.

He has always been weak.

Think of my fourth son.

The cold and cheerless ones are all because of too much influence when I was a child.

He sat impatiently, got up and said: "I just came here for a walk, now I'll be back..."

After finishing speaking, he pulled off the end cap and came out of Yonghe Palace.

He missed Concubine Yi a little bit.

But he didn't go to Yikun Palace either.

When he returned to Qianqing Palace, he saw that two plates were late, and there was a small bacon biscuit that Concubine Yi liked to eat, so he sent Liang Jiugong to deliver it.

Yikun Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Yifei is also using it later.

Now she has two bodies, one eats and the other feeds, and she is very hungry.

However, she has given birth three times, and she has long experienced that she knows not to open her mouth to eat.

If the appetite is stretched, it will be very troublesome.

When the child grows up, it will be difficult to give birth.

Birth test is the test of life and death, it's not a joke.

She asked the dining room to steam egg custard.

For a bowl of egg custard, use one egg and add half a bowl of water.

After steaming, it is tender and tender. Sprinkle some chopped green onion in soy sauce to fool your mouth, but you don't actually eat much.

On the opposite side of Concubine Yi, Concubine Zhang was sitting, also holding custard in her hand, but eating very slowly and reluctantly.

She lives in the back hall of Changchun Palace, which is very close to Yikun Palace, so she will come over today for a sit down.

Her appearance like this is all in the eyes of Concubine Yi.

But Concubine Yi didn't speak immediately, but after finishing a bowl of egg custard, she sighed, and then said: "Concubine Duan is talking nonsense again?"

Zhang Bin smiled wryly, with depression between her brows.

Concubine Yi shook her head and said: "From now on, I only care about the children. What a blessing to have both sons and daughters! There are only a handful of concubines in the palace..."

Therefore, the jealousy and ridicule of a down and out concubine should not be taken to heart at all.

"Who in this palace doesn't talk about people, who doesn't get talked about? You have been in the palace for many years, you should have known this truth long ago, and it will be fine after a while..."

Concubine Yi has also listened to the gossip about Concubine Zhang in the past few days.

It's just an old saying about falling out of favor.

Among the successive concubines, who hasn't heard such ridicule?
In the past few months of the northern tour, Kangxi turned to Concubine Yi when he wanted to talk, and the young and beautiful Guerjia nobleman when he wanted to relieve boredom, and Concubine Zhang retreated.

Now that Shengjia has returned to the palace for ten days, the situation of the northern tour is known, and there are many gossips.

The lord of the Changchun Palace is a concubine with a weird personality.

And rely on the old to sell the old, and the words are not listened to.

Even when Concubine Yi was in front of her, she used to be eccentric in the early years. Later, she caught up with Concubine Yi to take care of the West Sixth Palace. After cleaning up the concubine twice, Concubine Duan became honest.

Concubine Zhang is here, but Concubine Duan has no worries.

Not a single good word, all kinds of vitriol.

What can Zhang Bin do?
The position is the same, but in fact they are different.

Concubine Duan has a canonization ceremony, but Concubine Zhang is only sealed by mouth.

Concubine Duan has senior qualifications and is still the head of Changchun Palace.

In recent years, there has been a lot of unkindness to the concubine Zhang.

Treat it like a nobleman.

Even if there is no wanton abuse, but yin and yang qi, pointing and cursing are indispensable...

I didn't get home until almost seven o'clock, and the author's scumbag speed...

The next chapter will be updated at 8:25 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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