Chapter 301 It's not surprising that there are many people

Nothing matters except life and death.

Shu Shu is a very thoughtful person.

So even if he was secretly happy for the eighth elder brother, it was just for a while, and then he put it aside.

Live your life first.

On the contrary, Brother Nine, even though Shu Shu and Brother Ten persuaded him not to go out of the palace to visit Brother Eight, he sent He Yuzhu out of the palace early the next morning.

Then, when he arrived at the Zongli Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Brother Jiu took the errand files from various places.

The fifth elder brother's father-in-law, Mr. Zhang Baozhu, has been promoted from the sixth department to the doctor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He is on duty here at the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It's just that this is my brother's old Taishan, so I have to be polite and respectful, how can I handle it?

It's still about honor.

Brother Jiu saw a person's name, so he sent a written note to the imperial dining room to pass it on.

It was passed on to no one else, but to the relative in charge of Walnut, a woman from Ersuo Palace.

This is a smart one.

As early as September, when I was with the retinue, I greeted Brother Jiu.

But in the next two or three months, they were all in peace, and they didn't blindly cling.

On the contrary, the errands in the dining room were done properly, and the entrusted manager did his duty conscientiously.

The mouth is relatively strict, and up to now, he has not publicized his relationship with Brother Nine in the imperial dining room.

Brother Nine felt that this person had a tight mouth and was able to advance and retreat with certainty, so it might be useful.

However, the territory of the imperial dining room has already been divided up by the Ma Jia family and the Wu Ya family, and even the concubine Wei's family has a place.

The Gao Pin Que above was also divided among the in-laws of the three families.

Even if this person did a good job on the northern tour and replaced the general consul with a sixth-rank chief, but when he returned to the capital, he could only return to his original form.

The owner of the imperial dining room is above the head, and there is one person in the imperial dining room, Shang Shan, who is the fourth rank, and four deputy Shang Shan, who are the fifth rank.

Because the concubine Rong's family had withdrawn from the imperial dining room, there was a vacancy for a vice minister, but unfortunately, he was immediately targeted and found a way to make up for it.

The master touched the side.

It is not easy to go further.

After a short while, the master came with the pen post style.

"Slave Gao Yanzhong has met Master Jiu, please be safe..."

When the man came in, he gave a thousand salutes.

Brother Jiu waved his hand to signal him to get up, and took a look.

It's really stable.

After returning to the palace, the rights were handed over, and she returned to a normal state, still neither arrogant nor impetuous.

Brother Nine's favorability increased by two points.

"Your family is an old householder of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

"Returning to Master Jiu, that's exactly the case. The servant's family lives in Liaoyang, and the Taizu came back to his grandfather..."

Director Gao respectfully replied.

Emperor Taizu once moved the capital to Liaoyang and built Tokyo City.

Counting from that time, it was nearly eighty years,

"Is there any official in the family?"

Brother Jiu continued to ask.

"My father used to be a military officer in Zhili before his death..." Mr. Gao replied.

Zhili soldiers prepare for the road, and they are of the fourth rank.

Already a mid-level official, not too low.

You must know that the fifth rank is a hurdle, and it is difficult to jump over it without relationship or ability.

Moreover, it is not easy to jump out of the position of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "There are limited vacancies in the imperial dining room. They are all concubines and concubines. It is not easy to move. I want to transfer you to be in charge of the yamen... that is, the doctor's position is full, so let's do the main thing first." Spend some more time, look back and see where there are vacancies and make up for them..."

Master Gao endured his excitement and said: "Master Jiu is so kind, I am so grateful, I will obey Master Jiu's orders..."

Having said that, he hesitated for a moment, took out a booklet from his sleeve, and offered it with both hands.

"This is a handwritten note written by the servant in the imperial dining room for the past few years. It records the personnel affairs of the imperial dining room. Because the people from the Ma family were transferred out two months ago, many newcomers came in. I need to delete and add some. After a while, I will pay my respects to Master Jiu, as a reference..."

I'm leaving the imperial dining room today, so I don't need to remember it in the future, I will present it today.

Brother Jiu picked it up out of curiosity, and opened the first page.

It's not actually recording anything private.

The first page is the name of Sipin Shangshan, the leader of the imperial dining room, his resume, and the scope of jurisdiction, as well as his in-laws and children.

There is no note about the relationship with the concubine of the harem, but a slight mention.

After turning a few pages, Brother Jiu felt that he really found a treasure.

All kinds of news can be inquired carefully, and the rare thing is to summarize and sort them out.

After reading this brochure, the division of power in the entire Imperial Dining Room is clear at a glance.

The jurisdiction and relationship of several Shangshan and deputy Shangshan are also very clear.

If brother Jiu doesn't want to interfere with the imperial kitchen, then it doesn't matter.

If you want to intervene, it can really be used as a reference.

Who can move and who cannot move.

Who's tell's feet are roughly where.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

This high chief is indeed a talented person, and he is self-motivated.

Brother Jiu is not afraid of self-motivated people, as long as he has the ability, he is willing to give him a chance.

Even before he was transferred to be in charge of the yamen, there was one more thing to explain to him.

If he was transferred first, he would be stamped with the seal of the Prime Minister's Office, and his behavior would be easy to attract attention.

"Before you come here, my lord gave you an errand, which is to privately check the homes of the princess's nannies and nurses to see if there are any major expenses after the errand, such as buying land and real estate, or filling vacancies at home, and marrying off children. There is something conspicuous in the expenditure of..."

Brother Jiu explained it carefully.

Since they are not allowed to investigate directly from the Eight Banners Division of the Ministry of Household Affairs, they can only inquire quietly.

This high chief, thoughtful, low-key and considerate, is the investigator chosen by Brother Jiu.

Director Gao listened carefully, remembering everything in his heart, and didn't ask any more questions.

Brother Jiu is also very satisfied with this attitude.

But Brother Nine also knew that he couldn't just wait for Master Gao's side.

It is easier and faster to verify if the inside and outside of the palace are investigated together.

He told Sun Jin: "You used to run outside all the time, do you know Ningshou Palace?"

Sun Jin shook his head and said: "Except for my elder brother's place, the servants usually go to the imperial dining room, the house of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Yikun Palace, and the hall of the Qianqing Palace. I don't go to the East Court much, but I have a fellow villager. Little brother, I'm currently in the Ningshou Palace sweeping class..."

In the sweeping class, he is the lowest eunuch.

But just right, very unobtrusive.

Brother Jiu said: "You don't have to waste time here, go back and pay Fujin twenty taels of silver, and find a chance to explain a few words to your little brother..."

That's it, I asked in detail.

Sun Jin agreed, came out from the Zongli Yamen, and went back to elder brother's office.

Two main houses.

Shu Shu sewed the legs of her trousers.

Very simple work.

The cuts are all made by Xiaochun, and they are all embroidered with big needles.

What Shushu needs to do is to sew slowly according to the drawn line.

She took this as her homework, and felt that it was like practicing calligraphy, and she could also calm down and cultivate her energy.

"I haven't done big needlework for Ama, Ernie, and Amu yet. I will write it down later. For next year's birthday gift, I will add this one. A set of underwear for Ernie and Amu. Ama will make a coat, and uncle will make it." a belt..."

She told Xiao Chun to say.

Xiao Chun said: "Madam's birthday is in the first month, Mrs. Uncle's is in March, Your Excellency's is on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, and Uncle's is in May..."

The needlework of the tunic is more demanding.

That's why Shu Shucai postponed until next year, so she can prepare carefully.

It is limited to these elders.

The little ones really don't care about her, Shu Shu knows her own level, so she doesn't use her weaknesses to avoid her strengths.

Thinking of her younger brothers, she had to tell Xiao Chun a few words: "Brother next year will be a adult, he will not be a child anymore, pick out decent materials, let the needle and thread make two sets of clothes, the size will be one inch higher than the size of the master, One inch was released from the waist, and I was rewarded with silver, so it was not in vain to order them..."

Xiaochun wrote it down, and said with a smile: "The servant girl also respects our elder brother, and is ready to come up with a set..."

Shu Shu nodded with a smile, "I've called you sister for so many years, I really should sew a set..."

The master and servant are happy.

Nobody mentioned Grid in the backyard.

Shu Shu is not paying attention here.

As long as you keep yourself safe, there is no need to embarrass yourself.

Women's life is not easy.

If I were a man, I wouldn't accept it all.

Whoever makes himself a woman has different positions and moods.

Xiaochun didn't want to mention it here, for fear of affecting Fujin's mood.

She felt that just staring at the back was enough.

Don't keep talking about it to upset Fujin.

But when it comes to elder brother Fusong, Xiaochun can't speak honestly.

"Fu Jin, do you want to discuss with Madam about purchasing property for Elder Brother? In the name of Madam, it would be more reasonable to change the name..."

Raising my nephew from childhood to adulthood, she is both a biological aunt and a foster mother.

It is also the kindness of the elders to buy an estate for the nephew.

As for other members of the natal family who are making trouble, don't bother.

Who is it that Brother Fusong does not have Enie?

Everyone else has complete parents.

But if my Fujin buys property for my cousin here, when my five young masters become adults, do I want to buy more?
Even if the young masters are still young and won't be picky about this, what about the young wives in the future?
If Fujin's bowl of water is flat, it will cost a lot to throw away, it will be too eye-catching.

It seems that the private house is subsidized to the natal family. In the eyes of the elders in the palace, will they be picky about this?

A bowl of water is uneven, and when you lift it up later, it's all right and wrong.

Shu Shu put down her needle and thread, a little irritable.

In fact, even if Ernie buys the property for Fusong, there are hidden dangers.

The aunt is flattering the Dutong Mansion, just wanting to take advantage of the eldest sister-in-law.

If you know this, the marriage of the children below will probably be entangled with Er Nie.

It is obviously a family of flesh and blood, but as each of them gets married, it breaks down into several small families.

Relatives seem to be separated by a layer.

Shu Shu is the eldest sister, and the younger brothers have not yet married, but she has already witnessed it once from the princes in the palace.

"Elder brother is different from Xiaoer and others, and it is more difficult. If Xiaoer and others are not considerate and complain that my sister is partial, then let them go..."

Shu Shu didn't mean to change her mind.

Except for those who gave birth to her and those who were born to her, there is no one who cannot be abandoned.

Everything has a first come first served.

Before anyone else became her younger brother, Fu Song became her younger brother first.

The two sisters spend the longest time together and have the deepest relationship.

If brother is narrow minded, Shu Shu just ignore him and it's over.

Not to mention the brothers and daughters-in-law who have not yet been seen.

Where can everything be thoughtful?

As for the palace...

I still think of more open sources.

In the future, the elders will have more birthday gifts, and it is not surprising that there are many people who are gifted, so they will not be picky about how generous they are to their natal family...

(End of this chapter)

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