My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 302 Improper Education

Chapter 302 Improper Education
When Sun Jin came back, he talked about the money and the purpose of the money.

Shu Shu directly ordered Xiao Chun: "In addition to matching the cards, I will pay twenty taels from the internal account..."

Although the elder brother's office is small, it also divides internal and external accounts.

The foreign account is managed by Li Yin, that is, to withdraw money, you need to ask Shushu for the right card first.

It was set up in July.

Nine princes were shy in their pockets, so Shu Shu supported five hundred taels and put it on the account.

Brother Nine's monthly bill of fifty taels of silver is transferred to the foreign account after being sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs every month.

The internal account is handled by Xiaochun.

Xiaochun took out the pair of cards and the silver, and handed them to Sun Jin.

Shu Shu instructed: "My master is in the yamen, so I don't care about the news. With you by my side, just watch and inquire more on behalf of my master. Don't be stingy with the money. I'll pay you when you run out... Just like yesterday, the same news , Elder Brother Shi got a letter from the clan mansion, but the master is like a deaf or blind man in the house of internal affairs, next time you have to be more careful and think about it..."

Sun Jin bowed, answered carefully, and didn't mention it when he went down.

Seeing Sun Jin come and go in a hurry.

Xiao Chun pointed to the direction ahead and said, "Which one is just idle like this? Everyone else is so busy that they hit the back of their heads..."

Needless to say, He Yuzhu was by Brother Jiu's side, almost inseparable.

Sun Jin's role here is not only to act as a close servant, but also to act as the chief follower for Brother Jiu to assign him to run outside.

Li Yin's place here was originally planned to be trained to be the chief of internal affairs in the future, but now the foreign affairs are also taken care of.

Only Yao Zixiao received the same monthly reward as the other three, but he was not free.

Shu Shu said: "Go back and ask the master to see if there are other arrangements..."

Elder brother has the right manpower in several critical places.

If the government is opened, there will be a few more vacancies.

For example, the manager of the big warehouse, the general account room or something.

All decent and leisurely work.

Right now it is useless.

But Yao Zixiao should also be aware that he, the master of Fujin, doesn't value him, but he just doesn't know what will happen to him next.

Shu Shu was a little curious.

Among the eunuchs like Brother Nine, He Yuzhu is loyal and prudent, Sun Jinzhou is capable and capable, and Li Yin is also solid and reliable.

Only Yao Zixiao, who only dealt with him once, had a bad impression, so he ignored it.

But to be on the same level as the other three, the ability should not be much different.

The days of the second school are leisurely.

The master is comfortable, and the people below are also relieved and stable.

In fact, Shu Shu still has a bit of gossip.

That is, whether the eighth elder brother has brought the eight Fujin sign today, please see me.

But this will not be known until Brother Jiu returns from the front.

Most likely it will come.

If you drag it on any longer, it will be hard to find excuses.

Shu Shu is not bad as expected.

The eighth elder brother did bring the eight blessings into the imperial city, and handed over a sign to see you.

Fortunately, Kangxi asked someone to leave a sign and sent a message to let them meet at the beginning of the afternoon.

Unfortunately, the couple met An Junwang who was also planning to hand over the sign.

Seeing Ba Fujin's plain make-up, respectful expression, without the confidence and pride he had before, Prince An was furious.

In their lineage, there is no tradition of sitting back and watching their flesh and blood being bullied.

Hearing that the eighth elder brother was waiting to meet with his wife, he immediately sent someone out of the palace to call for his younger brother King Xi and Wu Beizi.

No matter how closed the door is between the brothers, they have a unified position to the outside world.

Especially with regard to Guo Luoluo's niece,
At that time, before Ama passed away, she mentioned to them that she wanted to learn how to correct the red flag.

The princes and grandchildren of Li Lie worked together, and several princes and county palaces became horns of each other, even the emperor could not move lightly.

Their brothers were born late, have no military achievements, and their titles are all entrusted with grace. There are too many variables, and they are married to the imperial line. In the future, multiple princes will support each other, so that the palace can be better passed on.

Now, what is this?
The prince and son-in-law didn't borrow their strength, and their own family was demoted and lost one after another.

The four brothers from the same mother were originally a prince's son, two county kings, and a Baylor.

When Ama passed away, he, the prince's son, was actually the descendant king of the county.

The third son, the king of the county, and the fourth son, Baylor, were all reduced to Beizi.

In March of this year, the third child's shell was also taken.

Anjun Wang was already full of anger.

What does that mean today?
Questioning the upbringing of Prince An's Mansion?

Is it the emperor who wants to teach the eight blessings, or the Prince An's mansion who raised the eight blessings?
After a while, Prince Xi and Wu Beizi both arrived.

So, when the government affairs were dealt with in the morning and the rotating bachelors and ministers withdrew, when Kangxi thought of the eight elder brothers and his wife, he knew about the three brothers of Anjun Wang handing over their papers to see him.

Kangxi's complexion suddenly became ugly.

He took the meeting booklet and glanced at the signed place several times.

Two county kings, one shellfish!
One conferment, two benefactions, not an inch of merit.

So Long En, is it not enough? !

Is this because he is too generous?
However, Kangxi still picked up the brush and wrote "Zhun" on the booklet.

He wanted to hear how the Prince An brothers would argue.

This is not the first time for the An Wang family to protect the short-term and protect the imperial court.

As early as the Taizong Dynasty, Abatai, the grandfather of King An Jun, was Baylor and was controlled by his wife. He twice refused Emperor Taizong's proposal of marriage, and refused to marry his daughter to the Mongolian vassal king.

The princes and ministers condemned Abatai's wife to death, and Abatai insisted on protecting her, but in the end they just fined Abatai's wife.

The matter of marriage was also settled, Taizong was lenient and allowed them to marry a daughter nearby.

Abatai's wife still didn't do it, and risked her displeasure by practicing witchcraft, hoping to use witchcraft to divination for her daughter to choose the location of her in-law's family.

Witchcraft is a taboo of the royal family, and was later reported. Abate's wife and daughter were sentenced to death, and Abate was sentenced to be dismissed.

As a result, Emperor Taizong was magnanimous, pardoned his wife and daughter, and did not deprive him of the title, only fined one thousand taels of silver.

Abatai also had a daughter who was arrogant and rude after marrying Mongolian Taiji, and ignored her husband, and was accused before Taizong.

He still protected his daughter, reprimanded his son-in-law, and was fined again.

One after another, it is recorded in the history books.

Emperor Taizong could treat his concubines kindly, so couldn't he treat his clan kindly?

Because the prince divided the five-banner Niu Lu, recently, the clan has been more sensitive.

Kangxi was looking for an opportunity to show his lenient side to the clan and princes, when the brothers from Prince An's Mansion bumped into him.

Then let them be fulfilled...

Shu Shu didn't know that Brother Eighth had another change.

The butterfly's wings flicker, and the direction of this history is blurred.

She wants to stretch out in the yard.

He asked Xiaosong to prop up the target.

The master and servant moved and moved.

You can't keep cats in the house.

It turned out that both the first office and the fourth office had movements.

It's not surprising that Shu Shu knew that the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were going to move.

The first place is okay, the yard here has been repaired in the spring, and it only needs to be cleaned and replaced with wallpaper.

The doctor from the construction department came over and knew that the next door was the house of his immediate boss, so he couldn't wait to hold his breath.

On the other side of the four institutes, there was a lot of movement.

The violent dust is also from morning to night, and there is no quiet time.

Here at the three institutes, Elder Brother Shi had just arrived at the clan mansion and had a lot to learn, so he was left in the yamen by the enthusiastic clan members to teach him.

I haven't come back today, and I guess I won't come back until I hold the lamp.

Therefore, the projects of the four institutes will not affect him.

Five here.

Brother Twelve was greatly affected.

Since a few years ago, the elder brothers in the front had walked six times one after another, and after leaving the study room, the elder brother in the study room left school early.

Because in the early years, the emperor's father was staring at the homework in the study room, he would come over every afternoon to inspect the civil and military homework.

At that time, there were many elder brothers who went to the study room, and it took more than an hour to complete the test.

Now every three to five days, every quarter of an hour is about the same.

Therefore, the time to go to the study room and get out of class is early.

The movement of the four institutes will affect the twelve princes.

The eunuch, the head of the five institutes, came to see him, and said, "My brother, do you want me to go to the Construction Department of the House of Internal Affairs? Or wait for Jiu Ye to come back, and you can go and talk to Jiu Ye..."

Elder Brother Twelve didn't answer, but asked instead: "Has the four institutes broken ground?"

The chief eunuch had already walked around before, and he knew about the same, and replied: "No, I just need to pass the flue..."

The three entrances to the main house that my elder brother placed were all made of earth dragons.

The courtyards of the previous four schools were idle, and no one replaced Dilong.

And the flue in the dining room must be dredged.

That's why there was such a big commotion and so much dust.

Brother Twelve didn't know what to think, shook his head for a while, and said: "Then let him go, the third school didn't say anything, don't go to the fifth school to make trouble..."

This is packed up for Brother Fourteen to live in.

It is also for this reason that the people in the construction department are so diligent.

If they really cared about the adjacent three and five schools, there wouldn't be such a big fight.

It was only when brother Jiu came back and heard that something was wrong with the fourth institute, he realized that this end was in a mess.

He walked over, frowned for a while, and called the person in charge to come forward and said, "What's the matter? The head office is quiet, why is it so messy here?"

The steward hurriedly bowed and said, "Jiuye, the yard here has been deserted for two years. Apart from the ground dragon and the flue, the floor tiles outside have also accumulated silt. The outer wall of the house needs to be cleaned. , the wind is still strong, the smoke and dust will be bigger..."

The manager's face was covered with sweat, and he replied respectfully.

Brother Jiu's expression softened a little, and he said: "Then ask someone to pull the curtains on the left and right to block it, otherwise, this dusty place will be dirty..."

The steward responded respectfully.

Brother Nine did not leave immediately, pointed to the third and fifth institutes and said, "If you can't sprinkle water, you should be more diligent. Remember to arrange for someone to clean up the yards of the two elder brothers. Don't be busy for a few days, and disturb others... ..."

The steward's body bowed even more.

Brother Nine looked at him several times and thought something was wrong.

Construction department, isn't this my mother-in-law's territory?

Why do I feel that this person seems to be flattering and fawning on Brother Fourteen.

"You came to work, did someone say hello?"

Brother Jiu thought about it and asked directly.

The steward's face was stiff, but he didn't dare to hide it, he whispered: "My lord sent someone to build the yamen, and I said once..."

Brother Jiu was not surprised when he heard this.

Ah Ling is the uncle of the fourteenth elder brother. Knowing that the elder brother moved to the palace, it is easy to say hello.

Brother Jiu ignored it, but after returning to the second office, he couldn't help muttering to Shu Shu: "It's also a move. Compared with Shishiyi, no one cares about Thirteen... Zhang Concubine's mother's family is normal... "

Shu Shu didn't answer, but her mind was thinking about sweeping and tidying up the yard.

Living in the palace is all provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Things like furniture and furnishings are also prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The concubines in the harem are arranged according to their grades.

How much furniture, how many decorations and so on.

Here, brother prince, I don't know how to divide.

It shouldn't be as big of a difference as a concubine, after all, there must be a premise to pay attention to "the son is more precious than the mother", that is, "follow the father".

Brother Nine became enthusiastic and said: "Anyway, it's under our noses, let people pay more attention, and don't let people bully Shisan..."

Shu Shu nodded.

There is not much difference now.

After all, Zhang Concubine is one of the most favored concubines, and the thirteenth elder brother is also a half-grown boy, not a six or seven-year-old elder brother. If he wants to control him, he can control it. No one should dare to bully the prince.

It may be another situation when the thirteenth elder brother loses his mother.

Seeing that the ninth elder brother did not mention the eighth elder brother, Shu Shu wondered.

What's next?

She also wants to know what's next.

She glanced at He Yuzhu.

Didn't he send out the palace in the morning to the Babeile mansion, what news did he bring back?
He Yuzhu glanced at him, and said in a low voice: "The eighth master brought the signboard of Bafujin in the first afternoon, so that the king of Anjun saw it, and the king of Anjun brought the king of Xijun and Wu Beizi, please see me..."

Shu Shu was surprised: "Are you going to make an apology?"

Even if you want to support Ba Fujin, it's not this time, is it?

Did they forget that only one Viscount Bei was lost in April?

The emperor wants to discipline his son and daughter-in-law, so it's the turn of others to intervene?

Is it too ignorant...

He Yuzhu whispered: "Prince An received the charge of 'improper education', took the initiative to suspend his salary for three years, and took Bafu Jin back to the palace for discipline..."

Shu Shu was speechless.

If it is an ordinary in-law, it is reasonable and reasonable for the mother's family to come forward for the married daughter, and it is also the reason for caring for the daughter.

But the opposite side is not an ordinary in-law, but the royal family!

Is this hitting people with money?

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "Their family's family style has always been like this, they don't help their relatives..."

Speaking of this, he smiled and gloated: "What can Ama Khan do? Can he scold his son, but can he scold his clan? This time, the old man should understand in his heart that it is unreliable to ask the starling to discipline Guo Luoluo Besides... besides, this Fujin was pointed out by his old man, and it was not chosen by myna. If myna was wrong three points, then Han Ama, who 'knows people unknown', would be seven points wrong..."

 I didn't sleep much last night, my mind is fuzzy, and it may be delayed at night, everyone can be together tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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