My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 303 Fighting

Chapter 303 Fighting Skills
Shu Shu thought it was a child's play.

You must know that the fault of the eight blessings is mainly disobedience to the queen mother.

"The emperor has allowed King An to pick him up? Is this a turning point?"

Shu Shu was puzzled.

Brother Nine nodded and shook his head: "Yeah, it's not a turning point, the starling's errand was not picked up, and Ningshou Palace didn't spare the plea..."

The eighth elder brother still took the eight blessings to Ningshou Palace to kowtow to the queen mother to plead guilty.

The queen mother has always been kind, but the eight lucky ones are happy again, what else can they do?

On the face of it, the old lady forgave Ba Fujin, but she also told her to take good care of the baby and not to enter the palace again before giving birth.

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help frowning.

The Queen Mother must be disgusted.

It's just for Kangxi's sake.

Since Kangxi sent his son and daughter-in-law there, the Queen Mother had no other choice but to forgive.

Accompanied by the Northern Tour for several months, Shu Shu must be partial to the Queen Mother in her heart.

She showed it on her face and didn't hide her displeasure.

"What is this? What are you going to Ningshou Palace for? The Queen Mother said she didn't want to see her, why can't she see her..."

Kangxi was not a kind person.

Is this a "arrogant strategy", or what?
Shu Shu and Brother Jiu said sullenly: "Even the queen mother has to give in to the face...The fifth sister-in-law and I are also in vain. Anyway, I am afraid of her and don't like to deal with her. Grandpa Just don't think I'm lazy and disrespectful..."

What she said was serious, Brother Nine laughed.

He looked at Shu Shu and said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you telling me this? Could it be that Master is confused, instead of protecting you, he wants to favor others?"

Shu Shu: "..."

Has Eighth Brother become someone else?
Shu Shu endured her joy, showed a bit of reserve, nodded and said: "I made a slip of the tongue, it was enough before, anyway, I can't get along now, and I don't want to fight in the future, just don't pick me because of this ..."

So let me remind you in advance that even if the mansions are next to each other in the future, it will not be a good thing for the whole family.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said: "I haven't told you the key, don't be annoyed, Guo Luoluo's family is not well, Khan Ama pointed out a side Fujin to the starling..."

Shu Shu was shocked.

But it seems that it is not so unexpected.

Because according to the historical data of later generations, the eighth elder brother had a side Fujin, and he seemed to have lived until the Yongzheng period.

Because the eighth elder brother and the ninth elder brother had removed their clan identities, their biographical information was also deleted from the jade document.

By the time Qianlong restored the family identities of the two uncles in his later years, many materials were incomplete.

I am still a historian of the Qing Dynasty, with a little bit of textual research.

Seeing Brother Jiu's appearance watching the excitement, Shu Shu was curious about Fujin's identity on this side.

"Which family's noble daughter? It will make it difficult for Bafujin?"

Brother Jiu didn't sell the lawsuit either, and said bluntly: "It's Ma Qi's concubine..."


Shu Shu showed surprise.

The first feeling is, this, this, can't it be the Twelve Fujins who have been cut off?
Immediately she felt impossible.

Since Brother Nine said she was a concubine, it was clear that she was a concubine.

Kangxi, a supporter of the theory of blood, would not refer to his son as a concubine as Fujin.

This one is not the Twelve Fujin, but the sister of the Twelve Fujin.

But even if she is a concubine, she is also the daughter of the Fucha family.

Ma Qi is not only the secretary of the household department, the minister of political affairs, but also the family background of the Fucha family, and he is also one of the official families in Shangsanqi.

Ma Qi's grandfather was the minister of the interior, and his father was the secretary of the household department. This is a tired official family.

Ma Qi's brothers also have good prospects and are in high positions.

Brother Nine showed genuine joy on his face: "Grace of Han Ama, all the three assistants of Ma Qi's family have been assigned to starlings, haha... The flag belongs to a noble woman, not someone else, let's see what Guo Luoluo can do... ...Even if King An wanted to protect his niece, would he still be able to separate the starling from the Fucha family? Khan Ama opened his eyes and finally realized how much he loves the starling..."

Shu Shu smiled on the face, but was wary in her heart.

Is Kangxi stupid? !

Such a big help has been given to the eighth elder brother, for fear that the eighth elder brother will not think about it! ?

But thinking about the distribution of power in Zhenglan Banner, Shu Shu also knew that this was Kangxi's strategy to drive away wolves and tigers.

This Zuo led a wave, and Fujin pointed at him, not only to fill in the power of the eighth elder brother, but also buried a nail between the eighth elder brother and Prince An's mansion.

However, she still suggested to Brother Jiu in a good voice: "One moment at a time, since Mr. Ma Qi has become a member of the Babeile Banner, and he is also the Yue family of Babeile, then he will be more polite to Ma Qi in the future. For Babeile's sake..."

It's not that her butt is crooked, and she is going to stand on the side of Fujin Fucha.

It's for Ma Qi, an old fox who has been honored for three dynasties.

It's not a bad thing to follow and learn more.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "I don't know this yet? I'm in the yamen, and I'm being polite to Mr. Zhang..."

The gate of Babeile Mansion.

Eighth Brother got out of the carriage, still in a daze.

For most of the day, his heart was ups and downs.

Right now, I can't tell whether it's more joy or more fear.

"Old eight!"

The fourth elder brother just came back from the yamen, saw the eighth elder brother standing here, and rode over.

"Fourth brother..."

The eighth elder brother seemed to see the backbone, and hurried forward to meet him, and pulled the fourth elder brother's rein.

The fourth elder brother got off the horse, looked at the eighth elder brother who was looking uncertain, and asked with concern: "What's the matter? Khan Ama is training someone again?"

He also worried about this younger brother.

Before going to the yamen this morning, the fourth elder brother also made a special trip to the Babeile mansion, just to urge the eighth elder brother to go to the imperial court to plead guilty.

But after the apology, what will happen to Khan Ama, the fourth elder brother can't say, the left and right will not be worse than the current situation.

Thinking of this, the fourth elder brother looked at the carriage and felt unhappy.

What happened to Guo Luoluo?
Don't know how to get off the car?
What about the rules?
The eighth elder brother has already pulled the fourth elder brother, and prayed: "fourth brother, my brother is in trouble, and I want to ask you to make up your mind about something..."

Speaking of this, seeing the fourth elder brother looking at the carriage, he hurriedly explained: "Fu Jin was taken back to the palace by King An..."

The fourth elder brother frowned, and then became angry: "The king of An Jun has passed, and he even interfered in the prince's family affairs..."

The eighth elder brother was not happy, he pulled the fourth elder brother and said: "Fourth elder brother, let's go in and talk..."

The fourth elder brother threw the reins to the guards behind him, followed the eunuch Su Peisheng and said: "Go and tell Fujin that the Lord is with the eighth elder brother, and ask Fujin to bring some food from the kitchen..."

It's time for dinner, and there will be food prepared in the kitchen of the Four Baylor Mansion.

When the fourth elder brother came back from the yamen, he could eat hot and delicious meals.

Su Peisheng responded and went back to report.

On the fourth elder brother's side, he followed the eighth elder brother into the Babeile mansion.

The two brothers went directly to the study in the front yard.

Counting to nine is extremely cold, and the earth dragon burns extremely hot.

The house is as warm as spring.

The two brothers went outside to take off their clothes, wiped their hands and washed their faces before sitting down to talk.

The eighth elder brother suppressed his excitement and felt uneasy, and said: "Fourth brother, today, thanks to the grace of Khan Ama, I called the assistant leader for my younger brother..."

The fourth elder brother listened and took it seriously.

You know, they moved in a hurry. At that time, only the population of the coat was reserved, and the population of the banner had not yet been allocated.

The fourth elder brother thought about the example of the third elder brother.

After the third elder brother was demoted to Baylor, all the six assistant leaders brought down by the upper three flags were taken back, leaving behind the six assistant leaders of the Xianglan Banner.

Because of this, the prince of the Xianglan Banner didn't say anything, but the princes of the other banners were all waiting and watching the remaining few Baylor's banner assignments.

At this time, if according to the example of the third elder brother, the six assistant leaders are all assigned from the Gongzhong assistant leader who is under the Five Banners, it may cause dissatisfaction among the clan.

"From Shangsanqi to bring three assistants?"

The fourth elder brother thought for a while and said.

Eighth Prince nodded, but hesitated behind him.

"What's the matter? King An made things difficult for Guo Luoluo?"

The fourth elder brother said with concern.

The eighth elder brother smiled wryly and said: "Sai Weng got a horse, how can I know it's not a disaster... Brother, some don't know whether to rejoice or suffer..."

The fourth elder brother guessed: "The three assistant leaders of the Zhenglan Banner are the former members of Prince An's Mansion?"

If so, it is indeed embarrassing.

Because the owner of the Zhenglan Banner is still King An.

These three assistants are probably not easy to subdue.

It's not easy to use it after subduing it.

"Didn't you pull people from the upper three banners? Then lift them up twice and let them balance themselves. You can watch from above..."

The fourth elder brother carefully taught: "At the beginning, you have to favor the few who were brought down by the upper three flags. After all, they were assigned later, and their foundation is not stable. You, the master, show more trust, and you just use this to calm your heart..."

The elder brother of the prince, who was a little older, had been accompanied by the nurse since he was a child, and there were also the chief eunuch and the haha ​​bead eunuch.

How to subdue the people around you is a skill that must be mastered since childhood.

Eighth Brother sighed, and then said: "The three leaders of Shangsanqi are all Manchurian leaders, and they are the three leaders of Lord Ma Qi's family..."

The fourth elder brother was stunned, and then said: "It's not unusual, there is an example of the elder brother..."

When the eldest elder brother lowered the flag, there were many high-ranking officials and eunuchs among the leaders of the upper three flags.

This is to help the elder brother, but fortunately Xianglanqi has a foothold.

The eighth elder brother should be the same here.

"This is a good thing..."

The fourth elder brother showed joy: "There must always be someone to order, so as not to be restrained by Prince An's mansion..."

The Fucha brothers seem to be indifferent, but they are all high-ranking, and they are also counted among them.

The eighth elder brother became more and more embarrassed: "Khan Ama issued an oral order and pointed out Ma Qi's second daughter to his younger brother as the side Fujin..."

Fourth elder brother: "..."

This is really the first among the princes!
This court has never heard of the existence of Finger Fujin.

Either it refers to Di Fujin, or it directly rewards two princesses.

This refers to the marriage side Fujin, which dates back to the Taizu dynasty.

At that time, it was also because the marriage between Manchu and Mongolia was a national policy that there was a corresponding marriage.

The fourth elder brother cares about chaos, and he can't say whether it is good or bad.

But seeing that the eighth elder brother was uneasy, he said with certainty: "This is the respect that Han Ama has for you, and it is also to beat you Fujin... If Guo Luoluo's temper does not change, you will not be able to survive this day, and it can be regarded as both. It's a beautiful thing..."

The eighth elder brother looked complicated.

Is it really important?
Or was Khan Ama unable to bear the Prince An's Mansion, so he "beat the cow across the mountain"?
After a while, Su Peisheng brought the food box over.

Two brothers, one has something on his mind, and the other has something on his mind.

It's useless and tasteless.

The fourth elder brother saw that the eighth elder brother had almost recovered, so he went back to the next door.

Sifujin was looking at the warehouse booklet.

At the end of the year, there are many places that need to go to the ceremony, and some of them need to be prepared in advance.

Seeing Si Age come in with a straight face, Si Fujin hurriedly stood up to meet him.

come back so soon?
Could it be that the eighth elder brother has difficulties again?

The fourth prince rubbed his brows and said: "Ama Khan wants to fight against Prince An's mansion, but the old man will fall into the trap..."

Si Fujin said with anxiety: "It's the eighth sibling who was punished..."

Husband and wife.

Even if Guo Luoluo was at fault, but if the punishment is in the clear, then the eighth elder brother will really be ashamed.

The fourth elder brother shook his head, and talked about the division of the three assistant leaders of the Fucha family, and also said that he married Fucha's daughter as the side Fujin.

"If there is no mention of marriage, the eighth child can still stand on the top and watch the fun, and let the people below balance it... But with this, there will be no peace in the future..."

The fourth elder brother was worried, but he also knew that there was no room for change.

Sifujin was silent.

Is this the bestowal on Fujin? !

Just half a year after the wedding, when the eight blessings are still happy?
Can the eight blessings stand it?

Continue to haunt in "Tang Ren's Table"
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(End of this chapter)

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