My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 305 You Said, I Believe It

Chapter 305 You Said, I Believe (Second Monthly Pass)

Brother Nine knows that Brother Ten is saying good things, and he also knows that Brother Eight must be in trouble, and wants to seek perfection everywhere.

But he was angry in his heart, his face was drooping, and there was a look of unkindness in his eyes.

Is it the blood that matters?
Or is it for Guo Luoluo's face? !

Taking a step back at this time, wouldn't Guo Luoluo's momentum rise again?
If she is lucky and directly gives birth to an eldest son, why would she care about whether she favors Fujin or not...

He looked directly at the eighth elder brother and said: "I heard that my elder brother brought you Fujin to Ningshou Palace to pay for the emperor's grandmother, right? Then when will you go to Fifth Brother's mansion to pay for it?"

The eighth elder brother was surprised, and then his face flushed, and he said: "The imperial doctor ordered her to rest for two months. After three months, I will take her to the fifth brother's house to make amends..."

Brother Nine snorted softly, with drooping eyelids: "Let me remind you, don't forget that there is me, Fujin... Even if you are a young one, you can't always get angry again and again, isn't that useless?! My father-in-law's family is the first Ordinary, but also a daughter raised in the palm of your hand, what is the bullying this time?"

Elder Brother Ten was about to pull him, but after hearing this sentence, his movements slowed down.

Brother Ba's face was ashamed, and he said flatteringly: "Your sister-in-law has a bad temper and has wronged my younger siblings. Later, I will make amends to my younger siblings on her behalf..."

The third elder brother was not here originally, and he was talking with a few clan princes. Seeing the younger brothers gather together in a small circle, he felt uncomfortable for a long time, and forced the fifth elder brother to come over.

When he came to the front, he slowed down and listened to everything.

The third elder brother secretly smiled in his heart, but his face was serious. He looked at the ninth elder brother and frowned and said: "What's the matter with the old nine? What is the identity of the old eighth Fujin, and what is your identity as Fujin? Don't talk about what is going on in the palace, just say In this ranking, how can a sister-in-law make amends to her sister-in-law? Regardless of seniority or inferiority..."

As soon as yesterday's news spread, the third elder brother felt the most uncomfortable.

Why did you assign Fu Cha's family to Lao Ba? !
Among the several assistant leaders under his name, the biggest official position is a member of the leader.

On the old eight's side, the descendants of the Fucha family are prosperous, and only the Ma Qi brothers are four high-ranking officials.

It's not an ordinary flag, but a marriage.

Prosperity and prosperity in the future.

If the Fucha family is lucky, there will be an extra grandson and nephew in the future.

Where is Lao Ba here?
Both Di Fujin and Side Fujin were able to do it well, and their errands were also successful when they were on duty in the Yamen.

It looks like it was given to the boss, but is this in the way?
It can't be said that in the future, when the crown prince ascends the throne, in order to show generosity, he will deliberately favor brothers who are not in harmony.

Who will this "virtuous king" belong to in the future?

Even if they keep pace with each other, the third elder brother can't bear it.

If the fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother are with him, he can still accept it.

But the eighth elder brother was born by a daughter of Xinzheku.

For the sake of the face of Prince An's Mansion, the imperial father appointed the eighth elder brother, the concubine prince, as a concubine.

Without a formal canonization, nor a serious position as the lord of the first palace, do you really think that you are the son of a concubine?

This is like eating soft rice endlessly, right?
Third Elder Brother has a toothache these days, and he also wants to eat loudly.

The third elder brother meant something, and the ninth elder brother was really annoyed.

He looked at the brothers in front of him, and felt that none of them were very pleasing to the eye.

"It's unreasonable to only talk about seniority and inferiority, isn't it? Then our elder brother and Fujin, who are at the bottom of the ranking, deserve to be bullied by you?"

The third elder brother didn't expect to burn the seedlings on his body, coughed lightly, and said: "No bullying, no bullying, just teach me a few words..."

Brother Jiu picked up the corner of his mouth and said: "Then you can remember this sentence well. From now on, when you come to elder brother, stay quietly, and don't make any noise..."

Third Elder Brother: "..."

This bastard, he was trying to persuade the fight with good intentions, why didn't he know what was good or bad? !

The ninth elder brother looked at the fourth elder brother again.

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "Speak well, don't be weird..."

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said: "I advise you to say a few words less, don't forget the seniority and inferiority, the eldest brother is not here now, the third brother is the elder, and you, if you want to teach the little brother a lesson, you have to go back later." A row……"

Before he finished speaking, Fifth Prince's slap had already arrived.

"Papa", Fifth Brother's subordinates did not spare any effort, and slapped Ninth Brother on the shoulder twice.

He is stocky and stronger than ordinary people.

Brother Nine grinned and couldn't stand still. He stared at Brother Fifth with dissatisfaction and asked, "What's the matter with you, Brother Fifth? Keep talking, what are you doing?"

As he said that, when he saw Elder Brother Shi standing motionless in front of him, he also complained, "Old Ten, what are you doing? I don't know why you are pulling Fifth Brother, so you just watch Elder Brother and I get slapped?"

Elder Brother Ten pursed his lips.

He thinks this slap is too little!
Two more slaps are not much!

No matter whether the eighth elder brother was suspended from his errand, or pointed out about the matter of Fujin, no one else mentioned it.

Because it's not a happy event.

There is still the past, I am afraid that when it comes to this, the eighth elder brother will not be able to wipe it off.

Brother Nine is fine, he insists on bringing it up, as if he doesn't think it's too big to watch.

If you don't feel happy in a word, your face will be sour.

If it was a good day and a bad day when I was a child, no one would take it to heart.

Now, it's different.

The fifth elder brother was already lecturing his younger brother: "It's right to protect the ninth sibling, and you can't always be bullied. Even if you go to the eighth brother, the third brother and the fourth brother didn't offend you..."

He preached in a serious manner, and everyone looked strange.

Ninth elder brother felt a pain in his shoulder and head. He looked at fifth elder brother and frowned and said, "Fifth elder brother, are you stupid? Men and women are different. I am a brother-in-law, so I can find my sister-in-law to talk about it?"

The fifth elder brother glanced at the eighth elder brother, his face was confused, and said: "The eighth elder brother can replace the eighth elder brother, why can't you? It's all the same reason..."

Everyone is quiet.

Eighth Prince's face flushed.

He looked at Fifth Prince, a little uncertain.

Brother Fifth, was this intentional or unintentional?

The fifth elder brother has turned his face away, and continues to train the ninth elder brother: "If you don't know how to talk in the future, just talk less..."

Ninth elder brother looked down at himself, then at fifth elder brother, unconvinced, and said, "Why can't my younger brother speak? It's just telling the truth, I have to be like third elder brother, and say a word Going eight hundred miles away, there are several meanings, it's not like having good intentions, and you have to ask people to figure out their own voice..."

The third elder brother was originally gentle and refined, very like a big brother, but now his expression can't be tense.

The ninth elder brother has already looked at the fourth elder brother, with disgust: "Still like the fourth brother? Fuck the heart of being a father, and when you see the lower brother, you won't talk well. You are full of criticism, and you have to reprimand me." To be comfortable..."

Having said that, seeing Brother Seven coming over, he said again: "Why don't I just follow Brother Seven and not talk at all, what about brothers and sisters, who cares who you are..."

Seventh elder brother's footsteps were a little heavy, looking at ninth elder brother, he wondered if he had a too good temper recently.

Brother Jiu's spout made everyone's face darken.

Only Fifth Prince was still listening carefully, sometimes shaking his head, sometimes nodding, sometimes hesitating.

Seeing that, he was actually persuaded by Brother Jiu.

He said very sincerely: "Then you can say what you want, everyone is the same, and you don't need to learn from others, just don't owe it so much, and speak respectfully..."

Ninth elder brother looked fifth elder brother in the eyes, and was very critical: "Fifth elder brother, did you think you were right? You also understand that I should protect Fujin, so why don't you know how to stand up for fifth sister-in-law? Once The next time, let Bafujin fool her like this, she only becomes more courageous every time... But the first time you treat your sister-in-law disrespectfully, you should come forward to make decisions for your sister-in-law, and tell my brother-in-law, or as you said, Remind Ba Fujin directly, how dare she have a second or third time?"

The fifth elder brother didn't refute, but nodded, looked at the eighth elder brother with guilt, and said, "Eighth younger brother, it's the elder brother who is not good, and the elder brother will compensate you... It should have been said a long time ago, and there is no need to go to this point ..."

As he spoke, he bowed to the eighth elder brother.

The eighth elder brother's face was hot, and he hurriedly retreated to the side, not accepting the fifth elder brother's gift.

He then helped the fifth elder brother: "The fifth elder brother really made my younger brother feel ashamed, and we will go to the fifth sister-in-law to make up for it..."

The fifth elder brother didn't force it, and got up, but looked straight at the eighth elder brother, his face was tense, without the usual warmth, and he was serious, and said: "I, Fujin, is a sister-in-law. She is different from the ninth younger siblings. Whoever you let, she can say you Fujin by herself, without me being the leader... But who is going to give her the name of the emperor's grandmother..."

Eighth Brother's heart trembled, his face became more ashamed, but he was speechless.

"If you are angry with the imperial grandmother, I will be angry with you too!"

Fifth Prince said calmly.

The eighth brother didn't dare to listen any more, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, fifth brother, there will be no next time! Brother promises you! There will never be a next time!"

Only then did Fifth Prince's expression ease, he nodded and said, "I'll believe what you said, I'll just watch..."

From the beginning to the end, Fifth Prince did not raise his voice.

But his words fell on everyone's heart.

No one would doubt the truth of what he said.

But if the Queen Mother really wants to have something good or bad because of the Guo Luoluo family, then he will regard the eight princes and his wife as enemies.

This seems to be unfriendly, but no one will pick on this at this time.

Even Brother Nine, who had been holding back his anger before, and made others feel unhappy when he was unhappy, has also died down now.

After a while, I saw that the atmosphere was still heavy.

Brother Nine couldn't take it anymore, so he pulled Brother Ten twice, and the two brothers retreated quietly.

After waiting outside the hall, Brother Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured to Brother Ten: "This honest man gets angry and doesn't make noise, which makes people afraid..."

After saying this sentence, he sighed: "Your sister-in-law was also annoyed by this yesterday, annoyed my starling for taking Ba Fujin to Ningshou Palace..."

The tenth elder brother didn't answer, but he was thinking about the fifth elder brother's sentence, "But the emperor's grandmother, who will give her the head."

The queen mother seems to be honorable, but she married from afar and has no biological flesh and blood.

The mother is kind and the son is filial, all because of her indifference.

Without real power, all the honor is tied to Khan Ama, and he never makes things difficult for Khan Ama.

There are many children and grandchildren, all of whom are not of her blood.

As long as she is not the Queen Mother, but the Queen Mother, how dare the Eighth Fortune Jin dare to be so presumptuous?

Buyin also married from afar.

There is also Gege by my side.

I must take this as a warning, and not let Buyin fall into the situation of the Queen Mother in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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