My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 306 Taking People as Mirrors

Chapter 306 Taking People as Mirrors
When the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother returned to the east side hall, none of the princes and brothers were interested in talking.

The sound of drums came from a distance, and it was four o'clock.

Everyone is just working hard, and we can leave after the fifth watch.

Therefore, the eighth elder brother sat down with the fourth elder brother and had tea.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are together, and the seventh elder brother sits next to him.

The third elder brother went to play chess with the clan prince.

The fifth elder brother went out at some point and was not in the house.

On Luohan's bed, the fourteenth elder brother sat up immediately.

Children sleep a lot, and he fell asleep once before the third watch.

At three o'clock, the fourth elder brother carried him to burn incense.

Now, he regained his vigor, and immediately set his sights on Eighth Prince, and approached him enthusiastically.

"Myna, myna, my brother is moving at the end of the month... I won't drink housewarming wine, but you have to prepare for this housewarming ceremony..."

The eighth elder brother was drinking tea, nodded with a smile and said: "Don't worry, I have prepared it for you..."

As he spoke, he thought about it for a while.

The fourteenth elder brother is the youngest son of the empress of Yonghe Palace, Khan Ama also dotes on him, and has everything he needs.

He had just had an embarrassment with his brothers, and he was also willing to accept Brother Fourteen's closeness, and he wanted to do what he liked, so he said: "I bought a good bow earlier, and I will give it to you later..."

The fourteenth elder brother really had joy on his face: "How much strength is that? I want one with more than seven strength..."

The fourth elder brother was originally sitting opposite the eighth elder brother, but when he heard this, he showed his disapproval: "The bow strength must be developed step by step, and you should not be greedy for speed. If you hurt your arm, it is just a joke..."

Elder Fourteen raised his chin and said with disrespect: "I am a four-strength bow now, next year I will be five-strength, and the year after that may be seven-strength..."

Speaking of this, he looked at the fourth elder brother with his eyes: "It's not like some people who can't draw a five-strength bow when they are adults, and the bow is four and a half strength..."

The fourth elder brother frowned, and didn't continue talking about Gong, but just scolded: "I heard that you made a fuss about moving the palace, and you refused to move to the east end, but insisted on going to the west fourth... Now counting nine days, it hurts." The Ministry of Internal Affairs mobilizes teachers and mobilizes can't be more sensible!"

The fourteenth elder brother heard this, with displeasure on his face: "Why do you mobilize people? It's not about breaking mountains and breaking ground, but cleaning and sweeping. How tired can you be?"

The fourth elder brother frowned and said more.

The fourteenth elder brother has already pulled the eighth elder brother, pitifully, said: "Myna, myna, you can judge, my brothers all live in the west, so how pitiful I am in the east..."


The eighth elder brother glanced at the ninth elder brother, and saw that his ears were sticking out, and his expression seemed a little strange when he listened to the words.

The eighth elder brother sighed in his heart.

Maybe he wasn't delusional before.

Brothers are indeed drifting away.

Before changing it, brother Jiu respected him so much, no matter how angry he would be, he would not shame him in public.

Now, he can't wait to bring other people together to turn against him and criticize him.

Although there is a reason, but the eighth elder brother is still a little cold.

Why can't Lao Jiu be sensible?
Doesn't he know that husband and wife are one? !
To embarrass Baozhu, the sister-in-law, actually hurt the face of my brother.

Maybe Lao Jiu was negligent, or maybe Lao Jiu knew it and didn't care.

It's just to protect Dong E's family.

The big wedding is like a turning point, everyone changes.

Brother Ba understands that he has also changed.

He clearly knows Lao Jiu's temper, he comes and goes quickly, he doesn't hold grudges when he speaks or doesn't mean it, and he didn't care about his younger brother before, but this time he made a note of it.

After the fourteenth elder brother rubbed the eighth elder brother, his eyes rolled around.

After thinking about it, he condescended and said to the fourth elder brother: "Fourth elder brother, my brother prepared a housewarming gift for you a few days ago. This gift is reciprocal, do you want to prepare a gift in return... ..."

The fourth elder brother nodded: "I'm ready..."

Elder Fourteen looked forward to it: "What is that? A dagger? A sword? Or something?"

The fourth elder brother said: "One copybook, one box of new ink..."

The fourteenth elder brother heard it, and he didn't like it: "I'm not a starling, my calligraphy is not good, I am more than soft and charming, but not strong enough, I need to practice calligraphy every day..."

Eighth Prince's expression remained unchanged, but his hand holding the teacup tightened.

The fourth elder brother scolded: "You bastard, can you say that?"

The fourteenth elder brother said unhappily: "I didn't say that the starling is not good behind my back. This is what Khan Ama commented on, and I didn't just talk about it... Why didn't the fourth brother prepare a copybook for the starling? Just use this to fool me. Humph!"

After all, he didn't wait any longer, he went back to the Arhat's bed angrily and fell down, closing his eyes and ignoring others.

Ninth elder brother was beside him, his expression became more and more strange, and he muttered to tenth elder brother: "Fourteen's unrestrained energy, who will follow? How can I catch whoever bites whom, forgetting to follow myna life and death? It's time..."

Elder Brother Shi glanced at him, but didn't speak.

Brother Seven who was sitting next to him also gave him a cool look.

Ninth brother was a little hairy, moved his eyes, and asked tenth brother in a low voice: "What do you mean by seventh brother? His eyes are wrong, is he angry at me for talking about him first? I didn't say he was bad, just be alone. Just be alone, you can save a lot of money by paying favors..."

The tenth elder brother felt helpless, pointed in the direction of the fourteenth elder brother, and said: "The ninth elder brother just disliked the fourteen's openness, why is he similar to the fourteenth..."

Brother Nine was silent.

He rubbed his chin, and after a long while, he said, "Sincere really has a bad mouth, and his words are not pleasant, but I'm different from him. He is the one that Fifth Brother said he owed. He is not respectful enough to the brothers. It’s almost a repair, I’m a bad word, but I have a good heart..."

Elder Brother Ten knew this, but reminded him again: "Think about Fourth Brother, the admonition is also kind, and you don't appreciate it..."

Ninth elder brother glanced at fourth elder brother, but was speechless.

The fifth watch is over.

It was already dark, and everyone took their leave one after another and came out of Zhijun Palace.

Shu Shu is in good spirits, but not tired.

There is also an Arhat couch in the west side hall.

Very spacious, can accommodate two people to rest.

After the Zishi sacrificial ceremony, the youngest Shu Shu and a sister-in-law who was about to know her destiny were placed by Sifu Jin on the Luohan couch to have a nap.

Although Shu Shu rested for an hour before getting up to make room for others, it was different from staying up all night.

Brother Jiu still remembered what she said earlier about going to the Beiguanfang to look at the house, and said: "Go to Di'anmen Street to eat buns first, and then send a few small ones back, let's go to the Beiguanfang for a circle... "

Shu Shu nodded, then shook her head: "Eating steamed stuffed buns, but today is not the Beiguan House, go to Qibeile Mansion..."

Thinking of the look in the eyes of the seventh elder brother, the ninth elder brother felt a little guilty: "What are you doing at their house early in the morning? If you have something to ask sister-in-law Qi, just send the people around you over there..."

Shu Shudao: "I heard from Sister-in-law Wu that I realized that the Empress Dowager sent a message to Sister-in-law Seven yesterday, telling her to take good care of the baby and go to the palace to pay her respects after giving birth. goodbye……"

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

This may be due to the sympathy of the old man, who doesn't want Qi Fujin to toss with a big belly, but it is more to preserve the face of the eighth elder brother.

"What's all this called?!"

Brother Jiu sighed and said: "Fortunately, the emperor's grandmother raised the fifth brother, and there are people who really think about her old man, otherwise it would be a bad life..."

After all, he talked about the Dongpian Hall.

"You didn't look at it, the fifth brother is like that, not noisy, it makes people panic, and makes mynah want to swear... I am so old, it's the first time I see fifth brother like this..."

Shu Shu's expression remained unchanged, and her heart almost jumped for joy.

Brother Nine is so stupid, he thought it was because he was unhappy, so he stabbed his brothers a few words, and then turned the chapter afterward.

How can it be so easy? !
The alienation between people has always come a little bit.

Not understanding and being considerate are the biggest barriers to emotional communication.

The position is different, the feeling is also different.

The ninth elder brother felt wronged, the eighth elder brother who was responsible for protecting his younger brother like a big tree had changed, became cowardly, and lacked loyalty.

But in the eyes of the eighth elder brother, why didn't the ninth elder brother, the always submissive younger brother, be arrogant and arrogant, and not sympathetic to his elder brother?

Shu Shu suppressed his joy, and didn't comment on the eighth elder brother, but only said good things for the fifth elder brother: "The fifth elder brother is lenient, benevolent, and sincere, so he can take a clear stand to protect the emperor's grandma... They are all relatives, but there are also Relatives and estrangements, if you treat people equally regardless of distance, and just want to be a considerate person, then you will be really cold..."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "You're right, brother five is not bad, if it's the master, the master is also in the early stage..."

Shu Shu pulled his hand, and smiled very happily: "Didn't you also stand up for me? You are better. It doesn't matter whether Babeile brings Bafujin to apologize. What I care about is the responsibility of you. ... If the Lord just thinks about making peace and makes me continue to be respectful, then I will cry..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "Isn't it just because I'm afraid you'll cry? What else are you talking about with the starling? Whether it's father-in-law or mother-in-law, what's in it? If you know that master isn't protecting you, I've made you feel wronged, I'm afraid I won't have a good face next time I come to the door..."

Shu Shu's brows were crooked, and she was in a good mood.

No wonder there has been a saying of "pillow wind" since ancient times.

From the end of June to now, less than half a year.

It seems that waving a small hoe has achieved great results.

Comfortable and satisfied.

As long as there is a gap, it is not easy to bridge.

The ninth elder brother is careless, but the eighth elder brother is a delicate and sensitive person.

If it wasn't for the filial piety period, Shu Shu would have said that today is a good day.

A group of people arrived at Di'anmen Street, the sky was bright, and many early shops had already closed their doors.

Brother Jiu picked out a long-established steamed stuffed bun shop, and rounded up more than [-] baskets of steamed stuffed buns just out of the pan.

It's not that kind of Xiaolongbao, it's a cabbage pork bun the size of an adult's fist.

There are about a hundred steamed buns in a big steamer with a diameter of five feet.

The guards who followed each had twenty buns, and the guards who followed each had ten buns.

The eunuchs around the elder brothers also have ten eunuchs each.

For the rest, I packed a few copies and handed them over to the eunuchs around my elder brother.

When they got to Di'anmen, Brother Nine told Brother Ten to go back to the palace first.

The elder brothers let the wind out and didn't want to go back.

But everyone is not familiar with the seventh brother, and the ninth sister-in-law is visiting pregnant women, so it's not easy to follow her, so she went in honestly.

Nine princes sent out all the guards, leaving only a few guards, and headed south along the root of the imperial city.

Although Qibeile was assigned to Xiangbai Banner, his mansion was not at the border of Xiangbai Banner, but at the border of Zhenglan Banner and Xianglan Banner.

On the bank of the Yudai River, next to the Pure Palace.

It is less than one mile away from the front and back streets of the inner hall.

As early as in Zhijun Prince's Mansion, Shu Shu sent someone to say hello to Qibeile, and told him about his visit, so as not to be an uninvited guest.

Seventh elder brother came back first, Qi Fujin got the letter and was already looking forward to it.

Hearing that the person had arrived, Qi Fujin greeted him personally.

Nodding to Brother Jiu, she took Shu Shu's hand and walked in affectionately.

"It's only been a few days, and I miss you to death... The Empress Dowager gave her grace yesterday, but thinking that I won't see you for more than half a year, I felt very uncomfortable, and tears came out. Fortunately, you came..."

Qifujin chatted excitedly.

Brother Nine followed behind, and felt awkward hearing this.

Is there any need to think this way?

From twenty minutes to today, it is only the fourth day!
Still crying...

Men and women are different.

Shu Shu was directly led into the inner courtyard by Qi Fujin.

Nine elder brothers are here, and the eunuch in charge leads them to the front study.

Brother Seven has already washed up, and the dining table has been set with two sets of bowls and chopsticks on it.

Brother Nine was still apprehensive at first, but when he saw it, he became at ease.

He had the right to go home, wash up briefly, and then sat down unceremoniously, and he didn't forget to tell He Yuzhu: "I want a plate, put the buns on a plate, and give Qi Ye a taste. Their assorted vegetarian buns are better than meat buns." eat……"

The main room in the inner courtyard, and the second room in the east.

Breakfast is also served on the kang table.

"Aunt Wang marinated a few catties of sauced beef, and sent half of it over. Knowing that you like this, she asked the kitchen to distill steamed buns, which happened to be eaten with beef..."

Qifujin said.

Shu Shu was not polite, said: "I'm really greedy for this..."

When I was in Mongolia, beef and mutton were constantly available, so I didn't think it was rare.

Now that I mention it, my mouth is filled with saliva.

After washing up, the sister-in-law had a delicious breakfast.

The windows are closed in winter, and the smell of food in the house is not easy to dissipate.

Seventh Fujin dragged Shushu and moved him to Xici Room.

It is unavoidable to mention the fact that the eighth elder brother gave the side Fujin.

No matter how gossip, no matter how disliked Fujin, Fujin Qi can't take pleasure in this matter.

"It's also pitiful, but if the parents are together, they will not lose their teaching..."

Seven Fujin sighed.

But Shu Shu realized something was wrong and looked down.

Qifu Jin's little hands were plump and soft, and there were pits in them.

When we met before, they were all wearing big clothes outside, loose and loose, and nothing could be seen.

It's not right to be in the house now, wearing clothes that are new and well-fitting.

All tense.

Not only is the belly showing, but the entire shoulders are much thicker.

There are two plates of dim sum, two plates of candied fruit, and two plates of sugar on the kang table, all of which are left half of the plate.

Shu Shu had to remind: "You can't eat sweets and snacks like this. If the child grows up, it will be difficult to give birth..."

Qi Fujin rubbed his stomach, and said with lingering fear: "I, Ernie, have told me that since a few days ago, I have replaced the late meal with porridge, but I can't stand hunger, I'm still hungry before going to bed, and I can't help but eat snacks ..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Eat this meal before the beginning of the year, don't drink porridge, and eat less rice noodles, eat eggs and meat... eat lean meat, tenderloin or chicken. fat people……"

Seven Fujin listened carefully.

Regarding diet, she has always been comfortable.

Shu Shu pointed to the snacks on the kang table again: "Don't eat these, our master is inquiring about local officials from all over the country who come to Beijing to offer tributes, and want to find some spare fruits to buy, and I will leave a copy for you when the time comes ...If you want something sweet, eat fresh fruit, but remember to moderate it...the sugar in fresh fruit is also sugar, and if you eat too much, you will get fat..."

Qifujin smiled and said: "When I heard you talking about fresh fruit, I became greedy. Turn around and let my little elder brother come out and ask him to thank you for being an aunt..."

Having said that, she looked down at her belly with worry.

Seeing this, Shu Shu said, "What's the matter? You should be happier at this time, the little elder brother you gave birth to will also be a child who loves to laugh..."

Qi Fujin hesitated and said: "I asked the imperial physician, and they said that the day of delivery is at the beginning of May..."

Shu Shu said: "When it's neither cold nor hot, you won't suffer from confinement..."

Qi Fujin waved his hand and sent the girls down, then whispered: "But it's not said that the birthdays of May and July are not good... What if people pick on them because of their birthdays?"

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Good sister-in-law, just listen to these gossips, but don't believe them, don't say that brother Qi is born in July, it's not good to talk about his birthday, and Yuqing Palace..."

Qi Fujin blinked and understood.

"It's weird, why didn't anyone mention this before, but now someone mentions it? I took it seriously, and almost fell into a ditch. Where did the evil wind blow..."

Three changes in case, ask for a ticket, ^_^.

The next chapter will be updated at 8:27 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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