My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 307 Tips and Teachings

Chapter 307 Tips and Teachings

May is called "Evil Moon". Since ancient times, there has been a tradition of "not lifting the May Moon" in the south.

According to the old saying, it is "the child of May, who is older than Huqi, will be detrimental to his parents".

Especially the Dragon Boat Festival, on May [-]th, there are two fives in it, adding poison to poison. There is an old saying, "If you don't have children on the day of Dragon Boat Festival, the parents who have children will die."

In July, it is called "ghost month" because of the ghost festival.

In July, the cloudy air is heavy, and the children born are prone to be weak and have a hard life, and they will punish their parents
However, it is bitterly cold outside the customs, population reproduction is a major event, and every newborn is precious, so there is no such saying.

Now that the Eight Banners have entered the customs for many years, some people have begun to care about these things.

Qifu Jin was transparent, pointed in the direction of Yuqing Palace, and said in a low voice: "If our master is like this, he won't make others jealous, this is for that side..."

Shu Shu said: "Anyway, my sister-in-law should be more careful in front of Seventh Brother, don't reveal a word or half a sentence, otherwise it will easily hurt..."

Regardless of whether these folks believe it or not, Kangxi has some beliefs anyway.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have almost adopted Brother Seven back then.

This is Seventh Brother's taboo, and it cannot be mentioned.

Qi Fujin nodded and said: "I know, I never thought that there would be a taboo in July..."

But she was still curious: "Who made the trouble? It's really poisonous. Even if the emperor doesn't take it seriously, as long as you listen to it, it will be a thorn..."

Kangxi has been on the throne for thirty-seven years, and he is now forty-five years old.

It's noon after forty days.

After passing the prime of life, we are going to be old.

All kinds of problems were found.

Old people are not afraid of death.

When the time comes, will he still be unscrupulous when he thinks of the phrase "Wu Yuezi"?

Shu Shu has no reviews.

But she doesn't think he's a big brother.

Now is the time for Da Fujin to attend the funeral, the elder brother will not engage in private affairs at this time.

Also, Big Brother's temperament is not like someone who can use these methods.

Otherwise, there will be no traces in the history books.

Although the dispute between the eldest son of the emperor and the crown prince has been put on the table in the past few years, the disputes between the two are on the surface, and there is no rumor of criticism in private.

As for the princes and brothers behind, they are still making soy sauce.

Even the eldest brother, the third elder brother, has a clear glance, superficial and frivolous, not very stable, and has not settled down, let alone the later ones.

"Did Suo'etu offend someone? The other party wants to dig the foundation of Hesheli's family?"

Qi Fujin also felt that he was not the big brother, and thought of another possibility: "The crown prince and princess have been in the palace these years, and there should be no chance to offend others. Most likely, they are still implicated..."

Shu Shu said: "It's hard to say, maybe it's the enemy of the Hesheli family, or the clan, or maybe it's the ex-dynasties who are instigating, who knows..."

Qifu Jin has a broad heart, but it's just gossip.

It's a little complicated, so she didn't think about it anymore, and just said to Shu Shu: "Don't worry about these nonsense things, it's agreed that you can come and see me when I give birth..."

When the time comes, let her give her a hug, and also soak in the boy's urine, as a good omen.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Definitely. If Seventh Sister-in-Law needs to come to me for something, just let Seventh Brother say hello to our master..."

On the seventh elder brother's side, he still has an errand to supervise the military camp of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so it is convenient to see ninth elder brother on weekdays.

Qi Fujin nodded and said: "Then I will take it seriously... Although the Empress Dowager is gracious, I don't need to enter the palace for half a year, but there are still our concubines in the palace. When the time comes, I will send someone to deliver things, and I will have to ask for your help a bit……"

Shu Shu said: "It's just a little effort, why are you so polite... According to me, there is no need to hand it over in private. From now to your next year's birth, there are still a few big festivals in between. At that time, you will hand over the sign and send the mother around you to replace it for you." Entering the palace to kowtow to the Empress Dowager and pay respects to the Concubine Concubine is also the reason..."

Qi Fujin listened, nodded and said: "This is more appropriate. I don't worry about the Empress Dowager's side. The old man has many grandchildren, and one more and one less should be pure. Our concubine is pitiful, only the son of Qiye... ..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Don't hold on to the thought of being pitiful and lose your respect. She is also a decent mother-in-law, and only respects her. Don't try to be a caring little padded jacket..."

Concubine Dai Jia is now just a concubine treated by nobles, but in fact she is not that pitiful.

The grade has not been promoted for a long time, because of Kangxi's anger.

Giving birth to a prince with an incomplete body is a serious crime.

Just don't upgrade, it's already grace.

You know, long before the Guo Luoluo family raised the coat because of the female glory family, the Dai Jia family raised the flag first.

But it wasn't because of the girl carrying the flag, nor was it because of Seventh Brother, the prince's grandson.

It's because the concubine's nephew, Garu, is Kangxi's confidant, served as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for [-] years, and also contributed to raising the eldest son of the emperor.

Although Galu passed away more than ten years ago, this lineage has titles and world positions, and their roots in the upper three banners are not deep, but they can be regarded as middle-class people.

Qi Fujin reflected: "It's because I was thinking about it for a while..."

To the pure Prince Fujin, he was not close to his mother-in-law, but closer, as if he was close to his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

For the concubine concubine, the mother-in-law, the lower the grade, the more respectful she should be, otherwise she would appear to be a snobbish and picky daughter-in-law in the eyes of others.

In the backyard, Shu Shu mentioned Qifu Jin once, but in fact it was fine in private, but it was not considered appropriate in public.

After all, Qifu Jin is the sister-in-law, and Shu Shu is the younger brother and sister.

It's just that the two of them grew up together, and Shu Shu worried like a grown-up, and Qi Fujin had already gotten used to this pattern.

In the front yard, it was the normal order, where the elder brother taught the younger brother.

Brother Nine sat down after washing up, and waited for Brother Seven to pick up the chopsticks.

Seventh elder brother didn't move, but called someone to order: "Ask the kitchen to order some noodles and some pasta, and send them to the guards, and say that Master Jiu ordered them to be delivered..."

Brother Jiu heard this, and said: "No, no, I won't starve them. I just packed the Zhao family's old steamed stuffed buns at Di'anmen, twenty for each person, enough to eat..."

Seventh elder brother ignored him, but changed his words: "Then make a quick soup, mix some side dishes and send it over..."

The man followed orders.

Brother Jiu muttered, "They're all rough men, and they're working as errands. What are you doing so meticulously?"

Seventh elder brother said seriously: "Old Ninth, that is Khan Ama's bodyguard, not your slave..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Then you don't have to be a grandpa to make offerings, do you? I didn't treat them badly, didn't I also buy buns..."

"The ones who can make up for the guards are mostly the favored direct descendants of various families. I don't care about your few buns..."

Brother Seven snorted lightly.

Brother Jiu refused to accept it and said: "It's just a breakfast, and it's nothing else. Don't worry, Brother Seven. I'm not confused, and I won't treat the guards as slaves. Otherwise, what do you bother to buy buns for? One person will reward two." Wouldn't it be easier to save two silver coins..."

That is the real contempt.

"As long as you know what's in your heart..."

Seventh elder brother is not a talkative character, so after saying these few words, he will stop at the point.

The two brothers sat together and had breakfast, Brother Jiu couldn't help but reminded: "Sister-in-law Seven is happy, this is also a big event, Brother Seven, please be more considerate, what would Sister-in-law Seven want to eat and play with?" Yes, I also found coax..."

This is so nonsensical, the seventh elder brother was puzzled and looked at the ninth elder brother.

Brother Nine said awkwardly: "If Seventh Sister-in-law can't find you, and then send someone to order me Fujin, it will be inconvenient inside and outside the palace, do you think..."

Brother Qi rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Going around in a circle, it turned out to be to say this.

Shu Shu didn't stay here for long, she came out of the inner courtyard after breakfast and gossip.

The ninth elder brother in front is also full.

The couple got into the carriage and returned the same way.

Regarding the rumor of "May Yuezi", Shu Shu did not tell Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu has no city mansion, and his mouth is not strict.

It doesn't make sense to say it.

These means should still be laid out.

Ninth Brother talked to Shu Shu: "The life of Seventh Brother's house looks ordinary outside, but in fact it's not bad. The side dishes that accompany porridge are not pickled, but fresh, and the decorations in the house are also very decent... "

Shu Shu thought about the location of Qibeile Mansion, which is next to Prince Chun's Mansion.

The intention of this is very obvious.

Brother Nine also mentioned this: "Ama Khan is narrow-minded. Uncle Wang stopped the seal and arranged Brother Qi here. What do you mean? The Prince's Mansion next to it must belong to Lao Qi in the future..."

Shu Shu nodded: "It's the best of both worlds."

The pure prince Fujin has someone to support him until he dies, and the imperial court does not need to support an extra clan prince.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "That's the prince's mansion! The seventh must be the king of the county, so there is no need to demolish it..."

According to the current rules, there are two types of mansions for princes and dukes, one is built by the family, and it is private property that does not need to be taken with the prince.

Just like Prince An's Mansion, it was not granted by the emperor, but was gradually renovated as the master was promoted.

Because the current heir is the county king.

The regulation of the mansion has been lowered from the prince's mansion to the county king's mansion, and it only needs to be repaired.

If the heir is Beizi, then the main road will continue to be demolished, and the rank of title must be echoed.

There is another kind, which is Yuci Wangfu.

Just like the Pure Palace.

It is necessary for the palace to go with the lord.

Prince Chun's branch is closed, and after Prince Chun Fujin's death, the palace will take back the House of Internal Affairs.

Mentioning this, Brother Jiu felt that he was transparent.

It seems to have guessed the future of the brothers.

Following Shu Shu muttering.

"Don't look at the fact that the third brother stood shoulder to shoulder with the boss before, but it's actually not enough. I'm afraid it will be difficult in the future..."

"But the third child still has a big advantage, ranking here, there will be no disadvantages..."

"I guess it's about the same as the fourth and fifth brothers..."

"If the seventh son is the king of the county, then the starling is similar. They belong to the same group, and with the face of Prince An's mansion, the starling himself is also outstanding..."

After all, brother Jiu was in a hurry.

"No, let's go home quickly, I have to go to the yamen to work hard, or else they will surround you with the princes, and I will be the only one to cheat, it's too disgraceful..."

Of course Shu Shu supports this diligence.

However, from the pure prince Fujin, I think that nowadays the clan advocates keeping chastity, and there are many lonely and widowed families.

Shu Shu said: "Aunt Wang is the daughter of the princess, Ama is still alive, and Seventh Brother is there to take care of her. No one dares to treat bullying slowly, but there are other deformed families. If the young man goes on, the Lord tells people to be more careful, and don't let people be corrupted and treated harshly..."

Brother Jiu knew that he was comfortable, nodded his head and said: "Don't worry, I have people watching..."

Shu Shu didn't say much.

She didn't want to get into the habit of telling Brother Nine about his work.

Otherwise, if it is exposed outside and spread to Kangxi's ears, there will be no good fruit to eat.

The husband and wife went back to the second office, Brother Jiu changed his clothes, and went to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs...

(End of this chapter)

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