My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 308 Not Blind Chapter 1

Chapter 308 Didn't You Be Blind For A Time (Second Monthly Pass Request)

This is the advantage of living in the palace.

It is more convenient to go to the Yamen.

It can go straight through the palace, from north to south.

Here at Shu Shu, after a simple wash, she caught up on her sleep, and when she woke up, it was already too late.

Xiaochun came in to serve.

Shu Shu said: "Did someone deliver your meal?"

Brother Nine went to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after breakfast, and he would not be able to return until after noon. There was still a meal in between, which he had to use in the Yamen.

Before, it was Sun Jin who came to pick up the meal, but now Sun Jin arranged other errands, so Shu Shu chose another eunuch to run the errands.

Xiaochun said: "I'm just giving it away, the food box is covered with a cotton cover..."

Shu Shu nodded.

After the meal, two quarters of an hour later, Shu Shu came to the yard to stretch her muscles and bones,

Perhaps it was because of Brother Jiu's order, compared with yesterday's movement and dust, the four schools are much quieter today.

Xiao Song pointed his head and said, "Master Thirteen ordered people to set up an archery target in the front yard..."

Shu Shu listened with a smile.

Elder brother's territory is really limited, but it's not bad for exercising his arm strength.

Drawing a bow and shooting an arrow is a matter of sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

The thirteenth elder brother usually looks smiling and has a good temper, but he is actually quite strong in his bones.

Teenagers, so normal.

It's really like the twelfth elder brother, indifferent and desolate, who has lost his vitality, so it makes people whisper.

Shu Shu looked forward to the new neighbor.

Who doesn't like a beautiful boy who is sensible and obedient?

But thinking of Elder Fourteen, Shu Shu had a headache.

I haven't dealt with him much, but I have seen this temper.

She didn't want to take the trouble to provoke this one.

Before the northern tour, she could still remember the matter of the fourteenth elder brother Da Lala ordering food.

At that time, I still pretended to be sick to deal with this matter.

Thinking of this, Shu Shu looked at the front yard and had a bad feeling.

Relying on the stickiness of the fourteenth elder brother to his elder brothers, I am afraid that he will not be able to tear them apart.

Think of a way to block this road.

Otherwise, with Brother Fourteen's temper, he could use the second school as a cafeteria.

Being willing to take care of my uncle and being forced to take care of my uncle are two different things.

Shu Shu made up her mind.

Wait until Brother Nine returns from the Yamen.

Shu Shu mentioned this to Brother Nine.

"Since the fourteenth elder brother mentioned that the food in the dining room of the Qianqing Palace was not good, it can just help to set up the dining room of the four princes, and the people on the stove will also make up for it..."

There was already a Zao Shangren under the name of the prince elder brother.

It was because the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were at Zhaoxiang's place before, and they used the dining room at Zhaoxiang's place, so they didn't have a dedicated stove master under their names.

Brother Nine heard this, patted his forehead and said: "No wonder my right eyelid started to twitch today, I almost forgot about it, I have to ask someone to keep an eye on me, so that the old fourteen will not be lazy and come over to eat..."

There was undisguised disgust on his face.

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Didn't the Lord say that he is a good brother, why is he so impatient..."

Brother Jiu talked about what happened in the early morning, and then commented.

"How old are you, and you are still so outspoken? The key is that the meaning is not right. When I usually say things that are not pleasant, I don't deliberately expose people's faults. The fourteenth problem is not pleasing. I look at it with Bafujin." It seems that because of arrogance, I looked down on this and that in my bones, so I brought it out of my words..."

Shu Shu didn't say anything.

I don't pick other times, just say that the two times when I went out of the palace, the elder brother next to me met Shu Shu, his sister-in-law, and he always saluted respectfully.

Whether it is the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother who are close, or the twelve elder brothers who are far away, they all have complete rules.

Fourteenth brother here, just a casual address, and it's over.

Not rude, but not polite either.

This is also the reason why Shu Shu planned ahead and was unwilling to recruit Fourteenth Brother over.

Otherwise, with Fourteenth Elder Brother's temper, I am afraid that if he can treat her sister-in-law as a housekeeper, he will think it is intimacy and flattery.

Shu Shu is a pessimist at heart and tends to think of the worst.

Even if the four own the prince's dining room, if the fourteenth elder brother insists on coming, they will be kicked out as brothers and sisters-in-law?
Even if the possibility of using this place as a cafeteria is cut off, and they come here for a meal every now and then, they can't refuse the door.

Otherwise, it will appear that they are not gentle enough as brothers and sisters-in-law.

Shu Shu said: "While the first and fourth houses are repairing the prince's dining room, let's add two more stoves here, so as not to be troubled in the future..."

Brother Jiu remembered that the nanny refused to order according to Shu Shu's menu on the grounds that she couldn't turn on the stove, and felt that there was less stove in the dining room.

When mentioning the dining room, Shu Shu remembered the first two princesses, and told Brother Jiu about their restlessness in the past few months.

"I thought that everyone would be safe and sound, and they are the ones chosen by the mother, so I should respect them, so I subsidized them and let them order food. Now it's all free..."

Shu Shu said.

Brother Jiu's face was a bit ugly: "It's that Wang family again, really shameless..."

The last time when the matter about Madam Liu came out, Shu Shu told him two ridiculous things.

Brother Jiu was disgusted.

Before, they were only allowed to copy the scriptures, but they were not kicked out, but they had some scruples, not really careless.

Nanny Liu died for several months, and she didn't bite out two Gege before she died.

Either it is too involved, and biting it out cannot be a crime or meritorious service, but it will add to the crime.

Otherwise, it doesn't have much to do with it, it's useless to bite it out, and it can add trouble to Shu Shu, an enemy, if you keep it.

No matter which one, Brother Jiu couldn't tolerate it.

"Han Ama asked someone to find someone, and arranged for the daughter of the Jin family to move out to recuperate...It's easy to move out, but if you want to come back and dream..."

Brother Jiu thought of this, and said: "Otherwise, let Mrs. Wang move out..."

Shu Shu thought it was time to ask.

I asked Xiaochun to scare her a few words before, which also meant to stabilize people.

Whether you move out or stay, you have to figure it out first.

Brother Jiu also thought of this and looked at Shu Shu.


The couple said in unison.

After speaking, both of them laughed.

Shu Shu called Xiao Chun in and asked her to go to the backyard to lead her.

After a while, Xiaochun brought Wang Gege in.

Wang Gege didn't deliberately dress up, she looked very clean.

Comparing with Xiaochun and others, the clothes are wrapped with thin borders, and there is an extra silver hairpin on his head.

"The servant has seen the master, and the master Fujin..."

Wang Gege greeted him respectfully, looking very honest and well-behaved, if Xiaochun hadn't been watching closely, I really can't see that she has the ability to mediate.

Brother Jiu snorted softly, ignored him, and only looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu said: "The people I sent to tell you are not trying to scare you. The case of Madam Liu has been reopened. This time, we must investigate to the end. Do you have something to say..."

Wang Gege's face changed slightly, and he was a little trembling, he lowered his head and said, "It's a cowardly slave. I was blackmailed by Liu Mama in February and gave her six hundred taels of silver..."

Shu Shu ignored her, and only followed Brother Nine: "Look, this casually gave me the annual salary of the master, no wonder it is said that the Guang Chu Division is full of vacancies, it really is... Her Ama is not a treasurer yet, Even the treasury envoys working under the treasury can earn these..."

Treasurer of the Guangchu Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the eighth grade.

Library makes, no product.

Wang Gege suddenly knelt down.

"Master Fujin, Rong Fu, this is the money collected by the whole family of the slave because the slave entered the elder brother's house..."

Shu Shu sneered: "Then Nanny Liu is really powerful, she is so well informed, but she is blackmailing your family, since this is the case, I must ask you to confront him at the Punishment Department, don't wrong anyone..."

Wang Gege's face was pale and his lips were trembling.

Shu Shu instructed Xiao Chun: "Send Ge Ge to the Punishment Division..."

Xiaochun agreed, and immediately went out to call someone.

Wang Gege hurriedly begged: "Master Fujin, it's the servant who made a mistake. He was selfish earlier and took the initiative to show filial piety to Mother Liu..."

Shu Shu looked at Wang Gege and said, "Raise your head..."

Wang Gege paused, and then slowly raised his head, but he was evasive, as if he didn't dare to look directly at Shu Shu, and his expression was filled with fear.

Shu Shu stood up and walked to Wang Gege, smelling the familiar fragrance of magnolia flowers.

Shu Shu's face was livid, and he smiled angrily.

She reached out to touch Wang Gege's face.

Wang Gege wanted to dodge, but Shu Shu put one hand on her shoulder and touched her eyebrow with the other.

After removing the eyebrow powder, it is a familiar distant mountain eyebrow.

Wang Gege's face was pale with shock, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

On the contrary, Shu Shu calmed down and took a closer look.

Whiter than when I saw you at the end of June.

Shu Shu was not polite, and touched her face.

Not only white, but also tender and smooth.

This is skin nourished by a good ointment.

Wang Gege thought that Shu Shu was going to hit her before, so he closed his eyes in fright, but he didn't expect such an action.

Brother Jiu couldn't bear it any longer, pulled Shu Shu up, and glared at her through gritted teeth.

What is this for?
Put a hat on him in person?
Shu Shu wiped his hands with a handkerchief, sat down on the kang again, and said: "Let's talk about it, tell me privately, whose hand passed it in the middle, this pearl ointment is worth a lot, and it is also the money collected by your family." ..."

Wang Gege froze and couldn't speak.

Brother Jiu is impatient: "Why are you grinding your teeth with this slave? Let the Department of Punishment ask..."

Shu Shu sighed and said: "When you enter the Punishment Division, there are still people who are innocent. The crime is certain, and the parents and clansmen are involved. It is easy to lose errands. If they are sent to the armored men as slaves, they will be broken. It is a luxury for the whole family to want to die together..."

Wang Gege's body was like sifting chaff, and he said tremblingly, "'s Eunuch Yao..."

Shu Shu was not very surprised.

One must know that during their two-month north tour, Nanny Qi and Xiao Chun were left to look after the house.

There are only a handful of people in these two schools who can completely hide it from them.

Manager Cui can't do that.

At his age, when Brother Nine opens the mansion, he will be raised by Rong Rong. There is no reason to oppose Shu Shu, the mistress.

Li Yin has already belonged to Shu Shu's name, and he is a proper future big housekeeper. Even if he is crazy, he will not betray the master.

Even Yao Zixiao doesn't look like the mastermind.

It would be far-fetched to say that it has something to do with the eighth elder brother.

Although the eighth elder brother has shortcomings, he will not interfere in the brother's backyard long before the ninth elder brother gets married.

Bafujin doesn't have that brain.

There should be other people, who just passed through Yao Zixiao's place.

Brother Jiu has already blown his lungs with anger.

"Okay, it turns out that the master was blind for a while, and he actually raised such old people who eat everything from inside to outside..."

(End of this chapter)

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