Chapter 309 Unlucky People
Yao Zixiao is the eunuch of Haha Zhuzi under the name of Brother Nine.

Completely attached to the ninth elder brother.

Shu Shu thought more, so she asked Wang Gege, "When did you get in touch with him? Was it before or after my grand wedding?"

Wang Gege was paralyzed on the ground, not daring to argue anymore, and said honestly, "It was before my grand master married Master Fujin..."

Shu Shu listened, not surprised.

Eunuchs are different from others.

It is serving in the inner house itself.

Long before Shu Shu came in, it was He Yuzhu who went out with Brother Jiu, and Sun Jin was in charge of the second office's foreign affairs.

It can be seen from this that both Yao Zixiao and Li Yin are good at internal affairs.

Ranking behind, it seems reasonable to want to place an early bet on Ge Geli.

He looked at the study room for a month, and it was quite deserted.

But also normal.

Brother Jiu didn't like reading at all, and he was newlywed.

What's more, I suffered from heatstroke at that time, and I had to raise it for half a month.

Even if he didn't like him, he didn't show it at the time.

His previous actions were not quite in line with common sense, and he seemed impatient.

Compared with the previous plan for a rainy day, it seems incomplete.

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "I want to ask, why did I feel sorry for go to the front and ask him to come over, and listen to how he makes up stories..."

The last sentence was for Xiao Chun.

Xiaochun listened to the whole thing, and his face was already livid with anger.

She never expected that under her nose, they could hook up.

Xiao Chun went away angrily.

Just in time to catch up with Sun Jin head-on.

Seeing that her expression was wrong, Sun Jin couldn't help being startled, and whispered, "Sister Xiaochun, what's wrong?"

Xiao Chun pointed to the front, gritted her teeth and said, "There is a traitor hidden in the house, the master is called Biography..."

As she spoke, she went forward without delay.

Sun Jin paused, did not dare to go up to the room, followed to the front yard, and went to the east chamber to find He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu stayed in the yamen with Brother Nine for a day and was eating late.

Sitting opposite him was Li Yin.

Sun Jin hurriedly said: "Brother Zhu, Yao Zixiao's grandson didn't know what he did, and his master found out, why don't you go and have a look, so that the master won't mess around..."

He Yuzhu didn't move immediately, but looked at Li Yin.

A few months ago, He Yuzhu and Sun Jin went out with their master, while Li Yin stayed behind at home.

If Yao Zixiao did something, he probably wouldn't hide it from Li Yin.

Li Yin fell into deep thought, thought about it carefully, and said: "I went out before the August Festival. I said I was visiting a relative from the same country. I asked for three days off. I took a big bag and a small bag. I saw it was heavy. When I came back I brought two catties of honey twist, saying it was given by a relative..."

Several people looked at each other.

You don't have to guess, you know what it's about.

It is yellow and white.

They are abnormal people, but if the family can handle a meal, it will not be their turn to this fate.

People who are used to being poor and afraid of being poor have a hobby of saving gold and silver.

"What kind of relative? You can make him go to the bottom of his life, and you can't..."

He Yuzhu came to a conclusion, got off the kang, and said, "I'll go tell you something..."

At this moment, Xiaochun has already entered the study in the front yard.

There was silence in the study.

It's a bit cold.

Yao Zixiao sat in front of the small case in Xici Room, holding a book in his hand.

Hearing movement at the door, he stood up: "Miss Chun..."

Xiaochun couldn't see any joy or anger on his face, and said: "Let's go, I will send you over..."

Yao Zixiao was stunned: "I don't know what the master told me..."

Xiaochun said calmly: "When we arrive, you will know..."

The distance between the front yard and the main yard is only a few steps, and within the time of talking, the two arrived at the upper room.

"My Lord, Fu Jinan..."

Yao Zixiao followed Xiaochun into the Dongji room, looked at the two sitting beside the kang, and bowed to pay his respects.

At this moment, He Yuzhu also arrived, talking to Xiaoyu at the door.

Brother Jiu heard the movement and raised his voice, "He Yuzhu come in!"

He Yuzhu came in at the sound and stood in front of Yao Zixiao.

In this comparison, the two are different.

Both of them bowed their bodies, He Yuzhu showed respect from the inside out, his shoulders drooped naturally.

Yao Zixiao is different.

His waist is very straight.

What looks like a bow is actually a downward tilt of the neck.

Brother Jiu looked at Yao Zixiao and felt a little strange.

Never noticed it before, has it always been like this?
It's really rare for the slaves around here to grow proud.

Shu Shu is also paying attention to Yao Zixiao.

He was stable. When he came in just now, he saw Wang Gege sitting slumped on the ground, and there was no abnormality on his face.

Since he and He Yuzhu are a group of young eunuchs, they are about the same age, in their twenties.

This attitude of not being surprised when things happen is very good.


Brother Jiu sneered and said, "Say it, do you want me to ask you sentence by sentence? Who gave you something, let you give and receive it privately with Mrs. Wang? Tell me carefully, so that I can be a sensible person..."

Yao Zixiao didn't mean to deny it at all, and readily admitted it.

"It's the pearl ointment that the servant gave Wang Gege, and the magnolia flower essential oil that the servant gave Wang Gege. The servant has no other idea, just wants to make things right..."

Shu Shu listened with a smile on her face.

It was really as she guessed, she was going to blame her.

It has been handed down in the same vein as the old mother Liu.

She's really astute, thinking that if Pan bites her, big things can be turned into small ones?
I'm afraid I was wrong.

Sure enough, Yao Zixiao's next move was to take a look at Shu Shu.

"Fu Jin serves his master with more than consideration, but not enough virtuousness. After a long time, I'm afraid it will damage Master Fujin's reputation..."

Brother Nine was so angry that he kicked Yao Zixiao when he got up.

"You dare to bite Fujin, you deserve it too?! You can't be a master at the age of three, so you can fool around, don't say it if you don't want to!"

Yao Zixiao staggered, took two steps back, stabilized his body and immediately said: "Master, this slave is indeed loyal and plotting for my master...Eight Master is a lesson from the past..."

Ninth elder brother's expression became more and more ugly: "I'm getting more and more courageous, it's not enough to bite Fujin, I still have to talk about starlings, but if you kneel down and pretend to be loyal, my master will think about you for the sake of ten years of affection The weight of this 'faithful advice'..."

Yao Zixiao froze when he heard the words.

He Yuzhu stepped forward, whispered in the ear of Brother Jiu, and told about Yao Zixiao's leaving the palace.

Brother Nine is already doing errands, and has contacted a lot of people, so he started to pay attention early.

Yao Zixiao is like this, most likely because he has another master, so he doesn't have the slightest heart to submit to his serious master.

Before, I only thought that he was a bit taciturn, but Yuzhu and the others were clever, but they didn't think of anything else.

It's just that Yao Zixiao talked about Shu Shu's virtuousness, so it's really not easy to send him to the Department of Punishment.

Otherwise, his nonsense in the past would affect Shu Shu's reputation.

Brother Nine said to Shu Shu: "The fifth brother's mansion is big, and there is a shortage of servants, or the master will give him to fifth brother..."

Of course Shu Shu also knows the importance of fame.

But this time Yao Zixiao misjudged her.

What I care about is never the praise of the public.

Even if outsiders regard her as a jealous woman, it doesn't matter to her.

Just like the coats from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they said in private that she had a "sour face" and "donkey temper", but it didn't affect her eating and drinking.

Maybe in the eyes of Kangxi and Concubine Yi, she should be a jealous woman.

Before Brother Jiu's health is getting better and better, this can just be used to cover up Brother Jiu's physical condition.

She smiled and said to Brother Nine: "You don't have to make such a fuss. I am filial to my elders, I am considerate to my uncles, and I am considerate to my servants. Even if this slave says that I am not virtuous, I will not be virtuous? That won't happen." Golden mouth and jade teeth? Let’s go to the Department of Punishment, follow the rules, it’s pretty good, and I can use this to see how the Department of Punishment is doing..."

Yao Zixiao finally changed his face.

Brother Jiu was persuaded.

"Okay! Then I will see the methods of the Department of Punishment..."

Yao Zixiao bent his knees, finally knelt down, kowtowed quickly and said, "Master, please forgive this servant, I won't dare to make my own decisions anymore..."

Brother Jiu looked at him and said: "You don't have to tell me this, just be honest and explain one by one, and I will just think of love and don't ask anyone to go to Babeile's mansion to mention your cousin, maybe you want to If you want to protect other relatives, then you have to weigh yourself..."

Yao Zixiao turned pale with astonishment, and pleaded: "My lord, this slave really didn't do it on purpose, it's because Master Fujin doesn't want to see this slave, and this slave was aggrieved for a while, so he thought carefully..."

Brother Nine waved his hands and said: "You are really stubborn, you still make up stories at this time! Not long after Fujin came in, we went on a north tour with Han Ama, why don't you wait to see him?"

Yao Zixiao got stuck.

He Yuzhu had already gone out to greet the two eunuchs to come in, and dragged Yao Zixiao out.

Yao Zixiao wanted to speak, but was gagged by a eunuch with a veil.

Ninth elder brother told He Yuzhu: "You send people there, just say that this slave colluded with outsiders, murdered me, and stared at them personally for interrogation, but I want to see who has such long hands, reaching out to elder brother..."

He Yuzhu nodded in agreement, and looked at Wang Gege on the ground.

Wang Gege was scared out of his wits, kowtowed to Shu Shu, and said in a trembling voice: "Master Fujin, this slave will never dare again..."

Shu Shu looked at her and said: "First, when the matter of Liu Mama broke out, I spared you, why are you not afraid later? You also know that if you dare to do it, you have to be brave... ..."

Wang Gege cried: "It's the slave who is obsessed with ghosts, and the slave doesn't dare anymore..."

Shu Shu said slowly, "Except for the private relationship with Yao Zixiao, if you want to go out, who do you plan to contact?"

Wang Gege's face was pale, he paused for a long time, choked up and said: "The slave uncle is in the imperial tea room..."

"Is it your own idea to use magnolia essential oil to trim your eyebrows like this, or is it someone else's idea for you?"

Shu Shu changed the subject again.

Wang Gege's face showed hesitation.

Shu Shu smiled lightly and said: "You should think about it and say, you only invited Ann once, and you only saw me once. The window was open in summer, and there was a distance of ten feet between them. Don't tell me, you can smell it all. It smells..."

Wang Gege's teeth chattered: "Yes, it was said by Deyong, the palace man next to the servant..."

Shu Shu nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Good boy, you are a smart person, you made the right choice, I hope you will be smarter this time... Tomorrow you will start to complain about illness, take good care of it, don't overdo it..."

Wang Gege was grateful for his escape.

Shu Shu looked at He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu was quick-witted, and hurriedly said: "The slave will go and get Deyong, and then go to the imperial tea room to pick him up..."

Wang Gege's body was stiff, but he didn't dare to intercede.

Shu Shu nodded to Xiaochun.

Xiaochun pulled Wang Gege down.

He Yuzhu also went out.

Brother Jiu showed displeasure on his face: "What do you do with such a disaster? You won't be reluctant, will you?"

Speaking of the last sentence, he looked at Shu Shu suspiciously: "You touched her face first..."

Shu Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Didn't you see that her makeup was inappropriate, and you want to confirm it?"

Brother Jiu felt disgusted, took the handkerchief, took Shu Shu's hand, and wiped it: "You don't think it's dirty..."

In fact, Shu Shu did not send Wang Gege because of selfishness.

Wang Gege is different from Yao Zixiao.

Yao Zixiao is a traitor.

Wang Gege is an invitation to pet.

Send her to the Punishment Department. These two princesses have not served the pillow mat, and they will be revealed by the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

One must know that Wang Gege entered Brother's office in February, and it was more than four months before Shu Shu entered.

Brother Nine's physical condition had already been spread in secret.

But everyone is just guessing in private.

Wang Gege sent it out, just like sending a piece of evidence.

When the time comes, will Shu Shu still go around saying that elder brother Jiu is fine?

Even if he told the truth, he might be regarded as a lie.

In addition, there are several princesses around the prince's elder brother.

There is only one brother ten, and that is for a special reason, to save face for the concubine.

If there are too few Brother Jiu, in order to cover up the situation of Brother Jiu, maybe Kangxi or Concubine Yi will point out two more people to come over for decoration.

It's better to be able to figure it out than to change it for someone who doesn't know the basics.

The rest is fishing.

If the two institutes are monolithic, and the other party does not know where to play tricks, it will be difficult to guard against.

Keeping Wang Gege now is also a waste utilization, so you can follow the vine.

Brother Jiu was still uncomfortable, and complained to Shu Shu: "You are soft-hearted towards women, like sister-in-law [-] and sister-in-law [-], and the girls around you? How can there be so much pity and love for jade? I'm afraid it wasn't because you were a man in your previous life..."

Shu Shu stretched out his hand to touch Brother Jiu's face: "Don't tell me you want to try splitting peaches and breaking sleeves?"

Brother Jiu made a vomiting motion.

"Don't mention this to Grandpa, it's disgusting..."

Shu Shu didn't invite him either, and went to read by herself.

Since He Yuzhu wanted to get someone from the imperial tea room, he couldn't hide it from him.

In less than half an hour, the news reached the imperial court.

Kangxi thought of the matter of Brother Jiu's first complaint, and his heart sank.

Is someone really meddling in Brother's office? !
He thought of Jin Da Niu who had been asked to move out before.

The reason why he was able to pass over Concubine Hui and enter Zhaoxiang's office was because he was a needleworker, and he was acting on behalf of others.

Who can do this except the inner tube collar?
Kangxi's eyes became dark.

He said to Liang Jiugong, "Leave it to Zhao Chang..."

Liang Jiugong bowed and went out.

After a cup of tea was estimated, Zhao Chang, who got the news, came in a hurry.

"How did the investigation go?"

Kangxi asked.

Zhao Chang's face was very strange: "The servant is also about to come to report that the head of the Jin family, Jin Dashan, was drunk and froze to death yesterday..."

Having said that, she paused, and continued: "The remarried daughter of the Jin family was beaten by her husband. A pack of rat poison poisoned her husband to death this morning, and she also hanged herself..."

The third shift is [-], ask for a monthly pass, ^_^.

The next chapter will be updated at 8:28 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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