My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 313 Good sister-in-law

Chapter 313 Good Sister-in-Law

The long history of Zheng Sanpin!
The master of ceremonies of the fourth rank!

Brother Nine jumped for joy, he wanted it too!

The fifth elder brother can uphold Daobao, the tenth can uplift Yin De, who should he uphold?

Although it is more likely that he does not have a long history, nor a master of ceremonies, only from the fifth grade Dianyi.

Brother Jiu was a little conflicted, so he moved his buttocks and sat down on the table: "Old Ten, what can I do to get the credit faster? I don't want to be too conspicuous. I have become a unique baby, so I have to be a Baylor..."

Elder Brother Shi pondered, and said: "If Brother Nine is not on errands, he is probably Beizi. Since he is on errands, he may not be Beizi..."

Speaking of this, he paused and said: "How about we take it easy, don't mention repairing the mansion after the next year, let's talk about it in one or two years?"

There is no credit that comes just by talking about it. It always has to catch up with the right time, and it also takes time and experience.

As for the errands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is not credit for doing them well.

Otherwise, the brothers at the top have been walking in the six departments for many years, and have handled a lot of things, how much credit do they have to accumulate?
Brother Jiu shook his head: "Forget it, let's take a step at a time, it's more important to build a house..."

Khan Amah looked over there, but he didn't know what ghosts and ghosts were found.

There are people coming and going in the palace, and there are too many people entering the palace as errands.

It's better to have your own place.

No matter what specifications the house is built according to, as long as Khan Ama is not formally canonized for a day, he will still be the Ninth Prince, and he will be ranked in front of the clan prince and Baylor.

When the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother get up and can be knighted together, it will be very rich at this time.

Brother Nine got up after explaining himself, and said to Brother Ten, "I ordered the Department of Construction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to repair the head house and the prince's dining room in the fourth house. Your sister-in-law suggested that we add two stoves here. Are you going to add more? To save younger siblings from marrying in, increasing the population, and not being rich to use..."

Elder Brother Shi heard this, nodded quickly and said: "Those three schools will also be added, Sister-in-law Jiu has always been considerate, so it's right to follow Sister-in-law Jiu..."

Brother Nine glanced at him, but didn't say anything else.

In fact, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Shu Shu seems to have judged the reason why the old ten is close to Yin De, and also told about the history of the palace chief.

Can Shushu see through his thoughts?

Did you seem cautious before...

At the second school, Shu Shu didn't know that Brother Nine had grown up a step further and learned to save himself.

She has an unexpected visitor.

"Sister-in-law Nine..."

Fourteenth elder brother's voice was different from the perfunctory one he used to say hello in front of Shenwu Gate, it was very intimate.

The thirteenth elder brother who followed beside him had a helpless expression on his face.

Shu Shu stood up with a smile, feeling very speechless in her heart.

Just broke into the inner courtyard?

Is the person on duty at the front too dereliction of duty?

Fortunately, it was winter, and even if the house was burning with earth dragons, I was fully dressed.

But seeing Fourteenth Elder Brother's calves twitching, and half of his brow sweating, Shu Shu knew why no one knew about it.

Can't stop, can't chase.

She looked like a sister-in-law, she wiped the fourteenth elder brother's forehead with a handkerchief, then looked at the thirteenth elder brother and said, "It's not time for school, why are you back?"

Before the thirteenth elder brother opened his mouth, the fourteenth elder brother had poured beans into the bamboo tube and explained the reason.

"The braised knuckle sent by the dining room at noon today was so stewed that I couldn't put down the chopsticks, so my younger brother brought Shisan over to eat with sister-in-law Jiu. After we finished eating, we went back to the study... "

Shu Shu showed her disapproval: "Then send someone to pick it up, it's a toss up, I've had the wind, and my stomach hurts..."

If other people said this, Elder Fourteen would have been impatient to listen to it.

But it can be replaced by Shu Shu, whose appearance is here, which makes people look amiable and has a nice voice.

Brother Fourteen became more patient and said, "Well, I won't be coming tomorrow, so I'll send my servants to pick it up..."

Shu Shu: "..."

She maintained her smile and ordered Walnut: "Go to the dining room to send a message. Cut a plate of stewed pine nut belly, distill a plate of five-spice chicken legs and five-spice eggs, add two side dishes, and stew two bowls of noodles with bone broth..."

As for the spicy duck blood, boiled pork slices and so on, save them all.

Spicy is more addictive.

It's better not to make excuses for the fourteenth elder brother to eat.

Anyway, Shu Shu planned to ask Xiaotang to supervise one or two of the Prince's Dining Room in the No. [-] and No. [-] houses, and must make it perfect for them.

For the corresponding inventory, Shu Shu also planned to bleed heavily and make up for it.

Various pickled side dishes, instant food such as fried rice with noodles.

There are also dry goods such as fungus, yellow flowers, and kelp that can be bought at the imperial dining room, and fresh goods such as eggs.

All prepared.

It's just not to let the fourteenth elder brother have a reason to come over for dinner.

As for Brother Thirteen...

It's also a no-brainer.

Can only be treated equally.

"Sister-in-law Jiu, add some chopped green onion and coriander, it will taste better in the soup..."

Brother Fourteen didn't feel polite at all, and added from the side.

What can Shu Shu say?

It could only be that the good sister-in-law nodded with a smile in front of her, but she didn't rush to send Walnut away. Instead, she glanced at Elder Brother Thirteen and ordered Walnut, "I also have a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus rice cake. Elder brother likes to eat that... "

The walnuts just go down.

Thirteen elder brother's mouth curled up.

He has the same habits as Seven Fujin, he is addicted to sweets.

Sister-in-law's sweet-scented osmanthus sauce is also good, it seems that it is specially purchased from outside, and it is not comparable to the ones in the imperial dining room.

Brother Thirteen has eaten twice, and he never forgets it.

Brother Fourteen was beside him, curled his lips in disdain, and said: "Brother Thirteen is true, how old is he, and he still likes to eat sweets? I don't like it a long time ago..."

Then, wait until the table is set.

The eight-inch plate contained a plate of sweet-scented osmanthus rice cakes, and the fourteenth elder brother killed half of them.

Shu Shu didn't sit at the same table with them, she sat on the side, holding a needle and thread in her hand, and looked up out of the window.

That is, at noon, it is a child who loves to run and dance, otherwise, I really dare not let him eat like this.

One table, four dishes in bowls, four dishes in dishes, two and a half children, and only some juice left.

I can't bear to see Shushu.

How unpalatable is the big pot dish in this imperial dining room?
Brother Fourteen came running, and when he left, he puffed out his stomach and greeted him with a smile: "Sister-in-law Nine, it's an agreement, we'll come at noon tomorrow..."

In Shu Shu's heart, Bu Luo Ren went away immediately, and said, "Don't bother... or just send someone to pick it up..."

Elder Fourteen was quite unhappy when he heard this: "The food is cold, it's not tasty..."

Shu Shu said: "Don't worry, ask someone to wrap the food box, it won't be cold..."

Elder Fourteen nodded reluctantly, and said: "Okay then... Sister-in-law Jiu doesn't need to bother to make those big dishes, it's about the same as today, the sweet-scented osmanthus sauce is delicious, and don't just stir-fry rice cakes, it's fine too. Ah, sweet..."

Today's standard, four dishes and four bowls?

Shu Shu nodded, still looking amiable, but actually her teeth were itching.

If this is my younger brother, let him experience what a sister's friendship is.

Even though she was slandering in her heart, Shu Shu still handed Brother Thirteen a can of barley tea, and instructed: "When you get home, make two cups of barley tea to digest your food. The rice cakes can't be digested, and your stomach feels bloated..."

Brother Thirteen took it with both hands.

The two young elder brothers left, and Walnut asked someone to lift up the dining table and set the meal up again.

Shu Shu hasn't eaten yet.

She eats by herself and doesn't order so many dishes and bowls, which saves a lot of trouble.

It's just a bowl of pork rib noodles and two side dishes.

After a simple meal, the dining table was removed, and Shu Shu took tea to digest.

Walnut whispered: "Fu Jin, if the four dining rooms are ready, what if the fourteenth elder brother still runs here?"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Anyway, I'm a good sister-in-law, the rest can be figured out..."

Perhaps it was due to prejudice before that the tolerance for Brother Fourteen was low.

In fact, the six younger brothers in Shu Shu's family have witnessed all kinds of naughty stages of boys.

Brother Fourteen is not without merit.

Just like that plate of sweet-scented osmanthus rice cakes.

It's the thirteenth elder brother's favorite food, but the fourteenth elder brother dislikes it, but in fact he should also be a sweet lover.

But after eating half of the plate, he refused to pick any more.

Even if Brother Thirteen wanted to leave it to him, he didn't move his chopsticks up.

Shu Shu saw it in her eyes and felt that she had a little more patience.

Today is [-], when will you move?
Even if it's food delivery, it shouldn't take a few days...

Immediately, thinking about the problem of the fourteenth elder brother going directly to the main courtyard, Shu Shu felt that he was still impatient.

She is also a child.

After taking a nap at noon, Xiao Song came in to give Shu Shu a press.

Reading, writing, and sewing in the morning are all exhausting.

Just in time to loosen up in the afternoon.

Xiaochun, Xiaotang, Xiaoyu, and Walnut are also in front of them.

Shu Shu recalled what happened in July, at that time she was thinking about raising pigs, and then she went home to see her companion and spread the word.

However, catching piglets is divided into time, and piglets are usually bred and born in spring.

Then catch the piglets and start raising them.

Now there is no feed, and there are no fast-growing pigs. It seems that they will be raised for two to three years before they are ready for slaughter.

Shu Shu said to Xiaochun: "It happens that there is nothing wrong. Tomorrow, you will go back to the house to rest for a few days, and you will also set up the tents outside, and then ask Mrs. Zhou, the twenty-headed little ones that she was asked to raise on the Zhuangzi How are the pigs? I remember to build a few pigpens in the spring of next year, raise them separately, and raise them according to one hundred and eighty..."

Xiaochun took a notebook and wrote it down.

"Ask sister-in-law Zhou, then ask sister-in-law Wu, and see who is suitable for traveling from the two of them..."

Both sister-in-law Zhou and sister-in-law Wu were Shu Shu's companions, and they were her big maids when she was young.

One is married to the grandson of Nanny Zhou, and the other is married to the grandson of Nanny Wu.

This sister-in-law Wu is also Xiaoyu's own sister-in-law.

The tea house is already open, and Shu Shu, the tea house, is still obsessed with it.

It just so happens that I still have a box of dowry silver in hand, so I can use this directly, and send people south to collect a batch of spring tea for Beijing.

Xiaochun also remembered.

Xiao Yu said: "Can you open a shop for the facial contouring powder beaters made by Fujin and the adjusted lip gloss?"

She is good at makeup, and usually waits for makeup and hair by Shu Shu's side, so she is very interested in these.

Shu Shu said: "There are no free shops for the time being, but you can set up counters in the two jewelry shops first, and ask your partners to push them to the female customers who come to buy jewelry..."

There is no woman who does not love beauty.

Except Komatsu.

Several other people became concerned.

Walnut said: "Sister Xiaoyu helped me to adjust the moisturizing cream earlier. When I wiped my hands and face, it was too fine powder. Now I dare to help sister Xiaochun to separate the thread. It was rough before..."

Xiaotang said: "There is also the honey ointment called Ge Ge Tiao. Apply it for a quarter of an hour before going to bed at night and then wash it off. The next day your face will be moisturized..."

Shu Shu listened and felt paranoid.

Because the first thing I thought about was tea, I never forgot about tea.

In fact, the cycle is not too short, and the throwing fee is also high, so it is only suitable for long-term trading.

Shu Shu told Xiaochun: "Don't come back in a hurry, the shops under my name, the ones with my family, and those of the master, you all go around one by one to see if there are any shops that are not doing well, and we will do it later. A makeup shop...if there isn't one, then call people's attention and see if there is a shop outside at the end of the year, you can rent it..."

If she was an ordinary person, then renting a shop would definitely be better than buying a shop, so as to save the business, the landlord would raise the rent, or take it back.

With the current status, who would dare?

Xiaochun also wrote it down, but she was a little confused, she glanced at Xiaoyu and said, "Fu Jin, why don't you let Xiaoyu go back with your servant..."

Xiaochun is not afraid to look at the shop or something.

But in this rouge shop, Xiaoyu is more expert.

The left and right elder brothers are fine.

Shu Shu nodded.

Then she looked at Xiaotang: "Aren't you coming back?"

Xiaotang shook her head and said: "No, before Fujin's big wedding, he was looking for slaves to grind their teeth, thinking that the sixth master's servant is missing, and they are worthy? Let them daydream!"

Xiaotang's biological mother died young, her stepmother was her aunt, and she also had a half brother.

However, Xiaotang has been serving Shu Shu since she was a child, and she is estranged from her family, so she gave others the chance to go back to the Dutong Mansion, and she was determined not to go back.

Shu Shu does not help her relatives, nor does she force Xiaotang.

He only told Xiaochun: "If her stepmother asks how Xiaotang is doing in the palace, just say it's very decent, and I won't be able to leave for a day..."

Whether it's greed or fear, Xiaotang's stepmother must always know that this is something she can't afford to offend, so as not to gossip behind her back and pin the unfilial hat on Xiaotang.

Even though Xiaotang and Xiaosong had talked about not getting married, Shu Shu didn't take it seriously.

This is a moment.

How old are they now?
Haven't figured it out yet.

When she wants to marry someone, she will marry her well.

If after growing up, she still has this idea, then Shu Shu will follow them...

It’s the last third day, please ask for a monthly pass, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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