My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 314 A sincere compliment

Chapter 314 Sincerely Praise Grandpa, It’s So Kind (Second Monthly Pass)
When we arrived at Shenzheng, brother Jiu came back from the yamen.

It has started to snow outside.

It was gloomy.

Shu Shu has already prepared her cloak and is about to ask someone to greet her.

Brother Jiu saw the cloak and said, "You don't need this, you're wearing an end cap, it won't be too cold..."

The days of snow have just begun.

Brother Jiu is impatient to wear that.

After taking off the clothes outside, sat down and drank half a cup of hot tea, Brother Jiu said: "I underestimated Mr. Zhang before, and he is very patient in doing things. He has not been idle in the yamen these days. Things were prioritized and put together neatly, which saved my father a lot of worry."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "After more than ten years of grinding on the pen post style, it should be out of grinding. Isn't that right? It's cheaper, the best of both worlds, and saves you from being tied to the trivial matters of the yamen."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Yeah, I can see that, Ma Qi's side is just a name, and I don't have time to come to the House of Internal Affairs. Usually, I have to make up my own mind. If Mr. Zhang needs to use it, it will indeed save money." A lot of strength."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Seeing the New Year, the emperor definitely doesn't want to make a big move. The Lord is in charge, and it's better for all the yamen to follow the usual routine."

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said: "I guess it will be stable until the year before, and I don't know what will happen after the year..."

Shu Shu knows that this is indeed the truth,

Whether it's a eunuch or a maid, this time I'm afraid they will have to investigate to the end.

Who knows how many unseen relationships there will be in the future.

For a small family like the Jin family, they are obviously in-laws of the Guo Luoluo family, and there is the Hesheli family behind them, so what about the disputes over the interests of other families?
Is it involved in the middle?
In my previous life, I had the impression that the Forbidden City's access control should be very strict. In this life, I've lived for more than a month and I know that's not the case at all.

In addition to eunuchs and court ladies, there are also a large number of coated and coated women from the House of Internal Affairs who enter the palace every day.

Not as imagined, there are only three types of men in the harem: the emperor, the guards, and the imperial physician, and the rest are eunuchs.

In fact, the so-called forbidden areas are only the east and west palaces.

That's only a small part of the Forbidden City.

There are many entrance guards in the East and West Six Palaces.

There are guards guarding the door.

In other places, it is much more relaxed.

So there are many places where it is easy to deploy manpower.

Before Kangxi regarded Bao Yi as a domestic slave, so he was relatively at ease.

But if they knew that there were other masters behind these house slaves, the previous reassurance would become doubly uneasy.

"My lord, why don't you worry about the rank of the title first, move it if you can, it's still too uncomfortable in the palace..."

Shu Shu was chatting with Brother Nine.

She thought of going with Brother Nine.

If you think the title is low, you might as well be the bald prince Fujin, who doesn't have to bow down to salute, it's pretty good.

As for the title, if you accumulate credit slowly, you will have more time.

Unlike now, thinking about it makes people anxious.

Brother Nine nodded: "I also mean the same thing. After a while, I will find an opportunity to talk to Han Amati about the spring repair mansion. If it goes well, I will be able to move in autumn and winter next year..."

Shu Shu felt that this time was not bad, and she was looking forward to it.

Brother Jiu glanced at her, and said: "Master thought about it today, and there is no one around who wants to praise her, or let Fu Song come over and hang a ceremony."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt a little moved.

But thinking of Enie's previous teachings, she still shook her head and said, "It's not appropriate, when the time comes, there will be banners and coats under the name of the master. It is best to choose people from the banners..."

Brother Jiu rolled her eyes at her and said, "You yourself said that Ama Khan would not be sealed off because she is tenth, so where do you go to find the people who belong to the banner? Besides, it's not about letting Fu Song stay in this position, it's about First raise the rank up, then say hello to the eldest brother, look back to see if there is any Gongzhong flag missing, leave a vacancy for Fu Song, enter the sixth department and be a doctor or Yuanwailang, this future is not safe, the rest He slowly endured it by himself..."

Shu Shu pulled Brother Jiu, unable to say anything to refuse.

Fusong belongs to the bordered blue flag, and the elder brother is now the little lord of the bordered blue flag. Even if he is not the boss of the Fusong family's assistant leader, it is different after all that he has been taken care of and supported.

For Fusong, the qualifications are good, both civil and military are not bad, and the only thing that is bad is a qualification for promotion.

"Grandpa is so kind..."

Shu Shu praised Brother Jiu not a hundred times, but dozens of times, and this time she was the most sincere.

For Fusong, buying a house or shop is not important, the most important thing is the future.

Brother Nine raised his chin and said: "It's just a trivial matter, and it's worth embarrassing you...Our mansion is not a relative's house, but if I don't think about it, if you mention it, can I still refuse?"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not so polite. I thought about this before, and asked Ernie to teach me that I didn't think about my master. Ernie, her old man thinks that there should be a vacancy for the master to gather the flags." ..."

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Mother-in-law thinks too much, even if I have a banner now, they are the ones to curry favor with you, there is no reason for me to please them, isn't that putting priorities in reverse?"

Shu Shu thought more.

The Fusong family still has the sins of their ancestors.

Kangxi didn't mean to make a fuss about the other cousins, and regarded them as ordinary clans.

But in this room of Fusong's house, we should be more careful.

She said to Brother Jiu: "Zuo Fusong is still young, if it is successful, it will be it, if it is not successful, we will find another opportunity next time, so let's not be self-confident, Master Huitou finds an opportunity to report to the imperial court, and ask The emperor's opinion... If the emperor is not in danger, then forget it..."

Brother Nine frowned and said: "The matter of Fu Song's great-grandfather, the matter of eight lifetimes, it's not a big crime, Khan Ama won't care about it..."

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "This is my family member. I used nepotism in the first place. It's nothing, but if the emperor doesn't like it, then there's no need for it... Whether it's Dianyi or Wang Shiwei, it's a high-ranking official. , it’s all a salary from the imperial court, it’s all the grace of the emperor..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Okay, I remember, anyway, I will keep an eye on Fu Song's future, so don't worry about it..."

Shu Shu nodded trustingly, and said, "Well, I'll listen to you..."

Brother Jiu can treat his brother-in-law like this, Shu Shu feels that he can be more patient with his brother-in-law.

Otherwise, it would fall into Kangxi's eyes, what would Kangxi think?

The son worries about his brother-in-law and ignores his brother?
This son was raised for nothing.

The daughter-in-law here is not doing enough, she only cares about her mother's family.

That's not a good impression.

Shu Shu talked about the fact that the [-]th elder brother brought the thirteenth elder brother to eat at noon.

Brother Nine heard this, but worried about Walnut.

"This brat, won't turn around and rely on us completely after being moved from the dining room of the Qianqing palace to the fourth house, right?"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "If that's the case, don't say anything, and it won't take much trouble. It's not that you don't dare to court the fourteenth elder brother in July. Things that don't suit his mind, hard work, and embarrassment, make the Empress of Yonghe Palace dislike... At noon, I saw that Brother Fourteen was headstrong, but he acted well... There are some rules missing, so I just remind you twice... ..."

For example, sister-in-law's room cannot be entered casually.

There is a difference in age between Shu Shu and Fourteenth Elder Brother.

In Shu Shu's eyes, this is nothing.

A twelve-year-old kid is still too young.

But follow the rules of the public.

Men and women have different seats at the age of seven.

This is the reason why the prince moved to the palace at the age of six.

The biological mother and child still need to be taboo, let alone just uncle and sister-in-law.

Brother Nine's eyes lit up, and he said, "Master knows how to deal with the old fourteenth! When I turn back, I will act like my elder brother, imitating fourth elder brother, and scold him when I see him. I will say the same about my faults every day." , can not repeat the same for half a month! Guaranteed that he will hide when he sees the master, and when he arrives at the gate of our second house, he will go away quietly..."

Shu Shu was dumbfounded.

That's not what she meant!
She let go of her small thoughts and was willing to be a tolerant sister-in-law.

But thinking about Brother Nine's method, it can indeed restrain brats like Brother Fourteen.

Come to think of it, it's pretty good too.

Shu Shu didn't pretend to stop her, and only reminded: "Although the master is kind, don't make it too obvious, the twelfth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother also mixed in and said twice... "

Brother Jiu nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, you can't run away, who told you to be a brother..."

Shu Shu smiled.

She had a hunch in her heart.

The younger one, Brother Nine is about to offend a lot.

But nothing.

It's good to have ten brothers here.

Otherwise, mighty and mighty, they are all good brothers, and if they are close to brother Jiu, they will feel uneasy if they are others.

The eighth elder brother in history is a lesson from the past. He is so popular that he won the support of his younger brothers. In the end, everyone finished playing together.

Brother Nine also thought of Brother Ten, and said: "Master went to the clan's mansion today, it's half a mile away from the inner hall, so Master asked Old Ten to hand over the post there today, and Old Ten went to see Prince Fujin , Master is looking at Taiji..."

Shu Shu said: "Today I looked for a cloak for my master, and I found two of them. They were sent by the House of Internal Affairs two days ago when we returned to the palace. They were made of doro velvet. They just happen to be used right now. I asked someone to wrap one, my grandfather." Take it tomorrow and forward it for me..."

Brother Jiu heard this, and said displeasedly: "I remember this, you only got two of the materials imported from Guangdong, and you haven't got your upper body yet, why give it away?"

Shu Shu said: "I kept the scented one, this red one is not suitable for wearing this year, and it makes people feel distressed to keep the bottom of the box, just right for Bouyingege..."

Shu Shu has been to the inner hall and met Bu Yin in person.

Bu Yin was shorter than her by a fist, and his stature was wider.

But it was a cloak, which was already loose.

Because it is snowproof, it does not reach the instep.

Ask Xiaochun to take an inch tonight, it's almost done.

Brother Jiu is still a little unhappy: "Since it is a rare and good material, you can keep it, and next year. I told Lao Shi to send someone to the imperial dining room to get some pastries and take them out. It's decent, that's enough... I don't know her well, what can I do for her so nicely?"

Shu Shu was very helpless.

Brother Nine is a little jealous.

She could only say nicely: "It's not because of Bouyingege, but because of the tenth brother. Lord, forgot? When we returned to the province, the tenth brother also collected things. At that time, the tenth brother was for the sake of the master... the imperial concubine and the empress." It's already gone, and there are no other elders in the palace, we are brothers and sisters, if we show kindness to Gege, the tenth brother will not be bad over there..."

Brother Nine's expression changed, and he nodded, "I know, I'm also looking for two things for Taiji..."

As long as Shushu is not for Buyingege, it will be fine.

Otherwise, he would not be happy.

Brother Jiu thought about the news that the Ministry of Internal Affairs received today, and said: "The annual tribute from the Governor's Mansion of Guangdong and Guangxi has arrived. I have sent someone to ask about it, and I can even out two buckets of sweet oranges..."

Shu Shu brought a surprise, and said: "I just told Sister-in-law Qi yesterday, if you want to share some with her, then send a bucket to her, and send the remaining bucket to the eldest brother, Ge Ge, little elder brother Keeping filial piety is hard..."

There are only two barrels in total, so don't worry about shortages but unevenness.

As for the eighth Fujin who is also pregnant, just skip it.

It's not good to really send it to Wubeile Mansion, then the brothers will really be separated.

Kangxi will not be happy, and there is no need to make other princes feel awkward about this.

Brother Jiu was stunned: "Let's not keep it anymore? Doesn't it mean that steamed oranges are like stewed pears, and they also have the effect of relieving cough and moistening lungs?"

Shu Shu pointed to the left and right, and then to the direction of the palace, feeling helpless.

"If you really want to change into the palace, we can still eat alone? Anyway, the yearly tributes from all over the country are arriving one after another, so I will go to the Imperial Palace and ask for more for my elder brother, that's all..."

Brother Jiu hesitated for a while, nodded, and said: "That's right, who made us the juniors and the biggest among the juniors, so it's really not good to eat alone. Really, it's uneasy to eat something..."

But thinking of Shu Shu's proposal, he said: "But fourth brother, fifth brother, and the third child's annoying mansion all have small ones, how about dividing them into several shares?"

Shu Shu has seen fresh fruits from the south.

All are fruit trees.

It looks like it can be used as a green plant decoration.

If you take it off, there is actually not much.

She shook her head and said: "The emperor will reward it, big brother, it's different after all, it's good for the children to get more..."

Brother Jiu knew that she was kind-hearted, and said: "Then it's up to you. It's better to have few things and look expensive. You'll be more eye-catching when you eat one bite. Then wait for us to go out and charter a boat by yourself to bring the fruit from the south..."

Shu Shu listened with a smile.

Nice idea, but it doesn't work.

Fruits in summer are not uncommon, and there are many varieties in the capital.

Therefore there is no need to transport fresh fruit in summer.

In winter, the canals are frozen.

It's okay in the south of the Yangtze River, but when we get to Shandong, the canal will stop.

How to sail?
But this thought is very good and worth encouraging...

(End of this chapter)

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