Chapter 315 Know Yourself and the Enemy
After the couple finished chatting, Shu Shu asked Xiao Chun to take off the red cloak and close it up.

When it was time to enter the watch, Xiaochun had sewn it up and wrapped it in brocade.

Early the next morning, Elder Brother Ten came.

This is to go to the Yamen with Brother Jiu.

Although the two brothers are in different yamen, they can travel together.

Although they handed over the post, it is not good to go to the inner hall too early. When they sent the message yesterday, they had already said that Sichu would be gone.

Before that, the two brothers can still go to their respective yamen, without delaying today's visit.

Elder Brother Shi was followed by two eunuchs, one of whom carried a snack bag.

Brother Jiu pointed to the brocade package and said: "Your sister-in-law prepared it for you Fujin, let Ping An take it..."

Ping An is the empty-handed eunuch behind Brother Ten.

Those who carry the burden are called longevity.

The two are not relatives, but coincidentally both have the surname Wang.

Both names were bestowed by the imperial concubine during her lifetime.

Elder Brother Ten didn't ask what was in the bag, but looked at Shu Shu and thanked him: "Please trouble sister-in-law Nine..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "What are you talking about, this time it's too hasty, the dining room is too late to prepare, I will ask someone to make some milk cakes and milk rolls and send them over, and let Ge Ge taste the milk food in our palace..."

Milk is not uncommon in the palace.

There is a supply under each master's name, which can be used to drink milk tea or drink directly.

Elder Brother Ten said, "Then ask someone to bring over the three institute's quota, so that Ninth Sister-in-law won't have enough..."

Shu Shu was not polite to him, nodded and said: "Well, if there are rich ones, ask someone to make milk tofu."

Lamb is the most commonly eaten in Mongolia.

There is mutton in the supply of Lifanyuan, so it must not be much.

Shu Shu thought of this, so she reminded Elder Brother Ten: "You can send someone to pick a good mutton shop on Dongsi Street, buy a few sheep and send them there. It's cold now, so they can be stored. Fujin, Gege and the others It's also convenient to use..."

Besides, not only the mother and son of the concubine of Abahai County live there, but also the attendants of the palace, who can eat as much as they give.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said: "Well, I will send someone to go shopping in a while, and I was thinking about bringing something there before, but the dim sum in the Imperial Dining Room is too simple..."

Shu Shu thought of the two barrels of Guangxi sweet oranges that brother Jiu mentioned yesterday.

In the winter, a bucket of green fruit trees, with golden oranges hanging on it, is also very decent as a gift, and it will definitely impress the Mongolians.

But she just thought about it and didn't mean to change her mind.

This fruit tree is just dispensable for Mongolian guests.

For a few children, maybe they can have a little more joy in the sad and boring days of keeping filial piety.

She said: "You can also buy a basket of Dongzi vegetables, which are not available in Mongolia."

Elder Brother Ten also agreed.

He's not bad for money.

Besides, these things don't cost much.

It's the heart's intention, which should make Junwang Fujin and Gege happy.

Before leaving, thinking of the fourteenth elder brother, the ninth elder brother said: "If you send someone to deliver a lunch box at noon, it will be served with Kuding tea to defeat the fourteenth brother..."

Shu Shu listened with a smile, nodded and said, "Got it..."

This is really a good brother. In addition to mental attacks, physical attacks are not spared.

The tenth elder brother was by the side, listening to the conversation between the two, he knew that he was going to deliver food to the fourteenth elder brother, so he also joked: "Sister-in-law Jiu, put more shrimp skins, I ate woodworms in it when I was fourteen, I was shocked, seeing this I won't be hungry..."

Shu Shu couldn't stand listening anymore, and waved her hands to urge the two to leave quickly.

It's really a brother who cheats one by one.

Forget about shrimp skins.

When Shu Shu heard this, she felt hairy.

She was also the one who was scared.

It's been two years since I changed it.

Those who compare their hearts to their hearts don't need to stimulate Brother Fourteen.

Kudingcha can be paired with it.

Because Elder Fourteen ordered to eat sweet-scented osmanthus, since Shu Shu is a good sister-in-law, she will follow him.

So the dessert at noon is a sweet-scented osmanthus yam.

There is also a sesame amber walnut.

These two desserts, paired with Kudingcha, will not be so greasy.

The rest are four kinds of meat dishes, braised meat, homemade sausage, Sixi meatballs, and egg skin meat rolls.

Because of the cold weather, cold dishes were not used, and two more vegetarian dishes were added.

Sweet and sour cabbage, fried spinach.

There is also a soup, which is vegetarian meatball tofu soup.

The soup came in a casserole.

The outside is also a cotton cover before it is put into the carrying case.

Others are also put into the meal box with cotton cover.

It was estimated that there were still two quarters of an hour until noon, and Li Yin brought two young eunuchs to personally deliver it.

When Li Yin came back, he brought two purses with him.

One was awarded by the thirteenth elder brother, and the other was awarded by the fourteenth elder brother.

Inside are two small silver locks.

Such a reward is not too thin.

Shu Shu said: "Take it yourself..."

This is the big housekeeper in the future, and Shu Shu didn't intend to use him as an errand, but right now it is really short of manpower.

Shu Shu said: "Go back and ask Director Cui, if there is a familiar apprentice and grandson who recommends you, someone who can be used when you come here, who knows the basics, is better than those selected from outside... There must be a person in the study at the front, and there must be a person in the porter." put one..."

To save it from appearing again, yesterday's fourteenth elder brother went directly to the main house without passing through, and no one stopped him.

"I also need to add someone to the foreign affairs. I need to be smarter. I usually go to the imperial dining room to file a case, go around to spread the word and run errands..."

There is really no one around Brother Jiu.

Sun Jin also knows the basics and has outstanding abilities. It is more useful to stay with Brother Jiu than to stay at the second institute.

As for asking Director Cui...

That's because Director Cui is in an embarrassing situation right now.

He is the chief eunuch next to elder brother, and he has the responsibility of managing and monitoring elder brother's office.

But it was Grandma Liu first, and Yao Zixiao at the same time, his oversight was unavoidable.

Shu Shu felt that there was no need to be harsh.

Knowing the face but not the heart.

Needless to say, Nanny Liu is both a nurse and a nanny, and she is older than Manager Cui by the side of Brother Jiu.

Even if Director Cui was sent by the emperor, he still has to consider the little master's preferences and take a step back from Nanny Liu.

As for Yao Zixiao, if he hadn't shown his feet, who would have thought that there was a master behind a young eunuch who entered the palace cleanly in his teens?
Half a year after Shu Shu married, Director Cui was very respectful and cooperative with her as the hostess, so that Xiaochun and the others smoothly took over the general affairs of the second house.

Shu Shu thought of his kindness, and was willing to repay him.

Li Yin's expression became more respectful, he responded, and went out to talk to Director Cui.

When he went out, Walnut said: "Fu Jin, I heard that a few days ago, Longan started to learn how to make accounts from sister Xiaochun..."

Walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, and longan are the four maids Shu Shu picked out by herself after her marriage.

Among them, walnuts and peanuts are bigger, and both of them are sixteen years old.

Hazelnut and Longan are smaller, both thirteen years old.

Zhenzi was born under the name of Concubine Yi.

Longan is the one with round eyes, like a kitten.

The two younger ones were young, and they were either by Nanny Qi's side or by Xiao Chun's side before, and they hadn't been assigned serious errands yet.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "If you can learn it quietly, it is also a way of making a living..."

Now, Shu Shu's accounts are all in charge of Xiao Chun.

But Xiaochun can't be regarded as a accountant.

Xiaochun is willing to teach people, and she is also training them.

Shu Shu is happy to see it succeed.

She has a deep relationship with Xiaochun's master and servant, but she has no intention of delaying Xiaochun's youth.

With Xiaochun's ability, she can go out and be a low-level imperial wife with ease.

Shu Shu intends to find a son-in-law for Xiaochun at Brother Jiu's future Banner family.

Walnut hesitated for a moment, and said, "Fu Jin, what about Hazel? You can't play foolishly, do you want her to give Sister Xiaoyu a shot?"

Shu Shu looked up at her without speaking.

Master and servant for half a year, Walnut knows Shu Shu's temper, so he doesn't let her circle.

"Listening to the voices of my sisters, Sister Xiaosong and Sister Xiaotang intend to stay with Fujin for a long time. Sister Xiaoyu has never said such a thing..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "I know about this, even if it's a wishful thinking, I can't say anything..."

Except walnuts, there are three left, Shu Shu is more familiar with peanuts.

He is a very honest person.

Follow Nanny Qi, wait for Nanny Qi to do her best, without any self-motivation.

She said: "Peanut girl, what do you think she can do?"

It is impossible to use both the little maids and leave the big maid idle.

Walnut thought for a while, and said: "Peanut is not very eloquent, but he has a calm temper and can sit still. He can't compare with Miss Chun in needlework, and he has a bit of kung fu. He is also familiar with the rules of the palace and has a strict mouth. In the past six months I also learned a lot of words with Sister Xiaochun... In the future, Fujin and Ye will go out to open the house, maybe a sewing room or a warehouse can be used, and it's okay to bring a little maid to behave..."

What she said was fair, Shu Shu also listened to it.

Shu Shu didn't mean to decentralize his subordinates.

There are only a few people in total, and they are divided into several groups, those who are unbalanced, and those who are not enough to worry about.

She put the words in her head and said: "There are only a few people on the left and right. If you all stand up, it will be fine... So you help me watch carefully, whether the three of them can be used, and if they can be used, they can be used. There is no need to force it, when we move out, just return it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Walnut's expression tightened, and he respectfully agreed.

Shu Shu said: "What are your sisters' plans in the future? I have already mentioned it to me, but I haven't asked you yet. Regarding your life, what do you think in your family and yourself?"

You must know that according to the palace rules, the wrapped women are selected to enter the palace, and they cannot be released until they are twenty-five years old.

It is not easy to find a suitable marriage at that time.

That is to say, the walnuts are lucky, and they arrived at the elder brother's place.

When Shu Shu and Brother Nine leave the mansion, Walnut will clear the palace book and transfer it to her name.

Naturally, there is no need to guard the news of returning home at the age of twenty-five.

Walnut was not shy when talking about her life, and said generously: "The slave is the eldest daughter of the family. Now the family does not separate from the uncles and aunts, but the younger cousins ​​are also grown up, and the slave's brothers will also grow up one day. There is no reason why the brothers in the next room still live together. The slave was selected by himself in the past, thinking of saving some money, and when the slave brothers become adults, they will take the money and make up for him, and life will start..."

There are not many records of palace maids. They only have five taels of silver a year when they first enter the palace. After a long time, the silver will be more.

But I can't hold back all kinds of rewards.

After working in the palace for more than ten years, he was able to save a lot.

Shu Shu herself is the eldest daughter, and she likes the role of Walnut very much.

"How old is your brother? Didn't he study?"

Shu Shu asked.

She remembered that Uncle Walnut was a pen post.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has to test the style of writing and posting, and they are all people with solid knowledge.

Walnut sighed and said, "I'm the same age as the fourteenth master. It's eleven years old. I don't know if it's because of the influence of my slave Ama. The little brother of the slave is not good at reading. My uncle sent him to study for a few years, that is, he can barely read... ...It's okay to make up for an errand, but if you take the exam yourself like the slave uncle, you can't..."

She has her own plans.

There was no mention of marriage.

That is, before her brother stood up, she had no relevant plans.

"Your family can send your younger brother to study, and life is good. Why do you want to enter the palace to earn money?"

Shu Shu felt that there were some contradictions in this.

Walnut said: "It's the slave's own little thought. When I choose to enter the palace as a palace maid, I get the annual salary and the reward is all the slave's own. I can save a lot for more than ten years. Apart from my brother's errands, I also save a dowry; if It’s not a small election, and within two years it’s time to say that you’re going out. The servant’s family is ordinary and life is tight. Even if you say that you’re from a similar family, you’ll still be serving in the palace, but the money will have to be handed over to your in-law’s family. ..."

It's also the current trend. It's good to be a girl at home, but when you get to your husband's house, you have to be a submissive little daughter-in-law.

Shushu doesn't comment either.

This is why the Ministry of Internal Affairs is proud of its identity.

In ordinary banner families, men get a share of money and food.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the wrapped women also get a share of money and food.

How about a waiter?

When doing errands, the one who serves is the master in the palace.

Others want to enter the palace to serve but it is not their turn.

Shu Shu thinks this is a really interesting group of people.

To be honest, the proportion of coated people in Bannermen is not low.

The coats of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Upper Three Banners, combined with the coats of the Palace of the Lower Five Banners, accounted for one-sixth of the bannermen in the capital.

In the "Eight Banners Regulations" and "Great Qing Law", only the difference between the banner people is stipulated.

This Bannerman includes the soldiers and civilians of the Eight Banners and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

They have the same political rights as other Bannermen.

The difference lies in the official career.

There are no restrictions on the imperial examinations, whether it is the people of the Eight Banners or the people of the Baoyi, they all speak on the basis of their grades.

It's just that Qi Que is different here.

The limitation is more obvious.

Therefore, if an official from the Ministry of Internal Affairs can step out of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there is no such thing as too low a grade.

This is the case in the officialdom of the Qing Dynasty.

Low-grade shortages are very limited, and may be fixed under a certain banner or a certain leader.

The higher the grade, the larger the range.

Shu Shu thought of those coats that had been under the flag with the buddies before.

"They have rowed from the upper three flags to the lower five flags. Have you heard any complaints?"

Walnut shook his head and said, "I've never heard of this before, and I heard that some people are envious... The Ministry of Internal Affairs has a lot of shortages, and the population is too large, and now whoever's family is rich and becomes a high-ranking official, they will raise the children of the clan and make up for more. Lack, people who come and go, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, many people just sell coolies, and they can't do any serious errands... It is a way out to go to the Wang Mansion and Baylor Mansion. The Lord also divides the Zhuangzi, the land, the shop and so on, and needs someone to take care of it..."

Eleven thousand and seventeen, roll around and ask for a monthly pass.

The next chapter will be updated at 8:30 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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