My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 317 It's All Routines

Chapter 317 It's All Routine
The restaurant sent a complete meal.

Swallow wing mat.

Four dry, four fresh, four candied fruit, eight cold meats, eight big pieces, four side dishes, two snacks, and two staple foods.

Such a table, it is not easy to divide the table.

County King Fujin asked someone to set up a big round table.

County King Fujin invites Brother Jiu to sit down.

Brother Jiu refused, and invited her to sit on the grounds that the county king Fujin had the highest seniority.

Nine elder brothers and tenth elder brothers sat on the left side of the county king Fujin, and Taiji and Buyingege sat on the right side of the county king Fujin.

Between Brother Ten and Buyinggege, there is an empty aisle.

Buyin Gege looked at Elder Brother Ten and smiled.

Elder Brother Ten feels that Buyingege still looks the same as on the day of the initial ceremony.

Although the jewelry on her head has been changed and her body is in another set of clothes, her skin is still fair and her lips are still rosy.

Her expression was still amiable and cute, and she wanted to be pinched on her face.

Buyin Gege also stared at Elder Brother Ten, and said with a smile: "I heard that you went to the clan's mansion, and you will be the king in the future, so do I become a princess like me, Ehe?"

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said: "I am the son of Khan, maybe one day I will be crowned king, and at that time, you will be the princess and share my rights and glory; but for a long time, I may not be crowned king, It's just the prince, you are my wife, others will call you Prince Fujin..."

Buyin Gege seemed to understand, and said: "It's all the same, I'm both Khan's daughter-in-law, and I'm both the wife of Elder Brother Shi! Then can we go back to Abahai? Go back in a grand and lively manner, Let all the citizens know my glory, and let all the girls envy me!"

Elder Brother Shi thought about it carefully, and said: "Khan Ama often goes to the north, but more often goes to the northeast, and the direction outside the mouth is not sure...I can't guarantee which year, but if the imperial court has an errand to go to the north, I will I will try my best to fight for it, and if I can’t, I will ask Khan Ama for leave on a day when the water and grass are abundant or before Naadam, and I will send you back to Abahai..."

Buyin Gege shook his head and said: "It's not to send me back, but to take me back to see the scenery of our Abahai. The river is like the jade belt. There are Gobi and sandy land on the other side of the river. You can see it. A world different from the capital..."

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll take you back to see the scenery of Abahai."

Buyin Gege smiled brightly: "We don't have to go back very early. After ten or eight years, we will go back with our little pony and let them also set foot on Abahai's land..."

Elder Brother Shi listened, his face flushed.

Is it a foal?
Return them?
How many is that?

How can these words be said in public?

He glanced at Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine listened with great interest, and did not show any signs of avoidance or embarrassment. Instead, he followed Buyinggege with great interest and said, "My brother and I have only been to a few tribes in the eastern part of Mongolia, and have not been to the north. If you go back, I will arrange carriages and followers for you..."

Buyingege knew that this ninth elder brother was not only the best brother of his fiancé, but also the head of the House of Internal Affairs, in charge of everything in the palace.

She nodded gratefully and said: "Okay, please prepare a few more carriages when the time comes, the capital is too prosperous, there are rainbow-like silks and satins, all kinds of jewelry, all kinds of delicious food I have to buy the pastry, take it back, and share it with my clansmen, they will definitely envy me even more..."

Brother Nine nodded in agreement, and he could see that this person was not short of money.

It was hard for him to look at Buyingege, so he turned his attention to the county king Fujin and Taiji.

The ornaments on County King Fujin's head were all changed.

It is still a large piece of coral and gold, but it is more like an antique, antique, not like the current craftsmanship.

The price is not easy to predict.

Brother Jiu looked at Taiji.

Taiji wears antique turquoise earrings on his ears and a gold collar around his neck.

He wears jewel-studded finger rings on his left and right hands, six or seven in total, and the huge ruby ​​is rare in color.

Although the Abahai tribe moved from the south, but because they surrendered to the imperial court earlier and married earlier, they were still assigned to the fertile pastures.

Their tribe has a small population and only two banners.

There are two county princes' mansions, and there are some Dukes and Taiji below them.

Brother Nine seemed to be unintentionally chatting with Tai Ji about the early autumn.

The hottest thing this autumn is the imperial medicine "Yanzong Wan".

At that time, an old Taiji from the Horqin Department cried to the emperor about the pain of childlessness.

The emperor gave the medicine down.

Unexpectedly, at the end of autumn, the female slave in the old Taiji tent became pregnant.

Brother Jiu said it as a joke.

It was actually a coincidence.

Not that the medicine works, or how.

It's not a matter of a day or two for this woman to get pregnant, how could it be so fast?

It's just a coincidence.

In autumn, few female relatives followed.

Those who are eligible to meet are princesses, princesses and other clan daughters. Even if they go, they will live in Xingzai and serve as the empress dowager.

In Wang Gongtaiji's camp, there were many female slaves following him.

Wolves are more meaty.

If you are familiar with the people you have made friends with, you don't have to shy away from it, and enjoy it in turn.

Anyway, not a wife, just a slave girl.

After coming and going, there was a slave girl next to Lao Taiji who was pregnant.

Exactly half a month after he dragged the female slave into the tent.

Someone mentioned Lao Taiji, but he didn't deny it.

In fact, what is going on, who does not understand?
How did Taiji know that there is still a time difference between inside information and time?

His eyes were filled with shock: "Is there such a miracle medicine in the world?"

Brother Nine calmly said: "Is there any medicine in the palace? Apart from not being able to bring the dead back to life, there is nothing wrong with it... Otherwise, how could Khan Ama have given birth to twenty-seven princes..."

He said brazenly: "This is not considered a princess, and if you add the princess, there will be nearly fifty people..."

Taiji was shocked from ear to ear.

There was heartbeat on his face.

Brother Nine pretended not to know, but let go of the nonsense instead.

He looked over at the table.

There is a main dish of shark fin casserole in front of you.

It looks like a vermicelli, and the taste is soft and delicate.

There are also shark fins in the ingredients of Yushanfang.

All are local offerings.

It is not in the division of the prince and prince Fujin.

Only the royal dining room or the dining room of Ningshou Palace have shark fin recipes.

Brother Jiu ate normally, but thinking of Shu Shu, who loves to eat, he called He Yuzhu over and wanted to tell him to buy a portion.

Immediately, Brother Jiu hesitated.

He remembered Shu Shu's distribution of the two barrels of sweet oranges yesterday, and the couple's worries about eating alone.

Others don't care, what about the empress?
What about Khan Ama?

Where is the Queen Mother?
He told He Yuzhu, "This shark's fin is not bad. Ask the restaurant, buy four bowls in the past, forget it and add another bowl, five bowls... Then you don't have to come over, just send it to the palace, Khan Ama, The Empress Dowager, Empress and Concubine Hui each have a copy, leaving one for Fujin to send..."

After hearing this, He Yuzhu hesitated: "Master, there are empresses in Yanxi Palace, what about the other concubines?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "If all the concubines and concubines are delivered, do you want to send them to the concubines? The nobles and concubines below are both concubines... so forget it, I can't be filial... Concubine Hui is different. In Zhaoxiang's house, she has been taken care of by her old man, now the eldest brother is outside and can't take care of the palace, eating delicious food, maybe the concubine is in a better mood..."

He Yuzhu stopped talking, went down to ask the name of the restaurant and ordered shark's fin by himself.

Taiji scratched his ears and cheeks, and endured until he withdrew from the table, unable to bear it any longer.

"Jiuye, how can I get such an imperial medicine?"

The simple and honest man, with a bit of flattery, looked with some hot eyes.

Brother Nine considered it carefully and said: "This medicine is scarce, and there are not many stocks in the imperial pharmacy in the palace. The process is very complicated, and Khan Ama still uses it on weekdays..."

Taiji was nervous.

"Can't you think of a way?"

Brother Jiu looked very embarrassed.

Elder Brother Shi listened for a while, and said, "Is there any use for Taiji? If Taiji is young and doesn't have many heirs, don't worry..."

Taiji shook his head and said, "It's not for me. I don't lack children. I already have eight sons. They are Zuoqi's uncle. I don't have any son..."

Abahai is divided into left and right banners, and Buyin's family is the palace of the right banner.

Zuoqi County Prince's Mansion is their cousin, and the two families are inherited from one ancestor.

Elder Brother Ten said: "There are other prescriptions in the capital, and I also have some medicines, so it may not be necessary to use imperial medicines..."

Taiji shook his head and said, "I've been taking medicine for more than ten years, and I've tried everything, but nothing works."

Speaking of this, he talked about the reason why he was worried about the inheritance of the Zuoqi Palace.

The prince of Zuoqi has no son, but he has a nephew named Batu, who is about the same age as Taiji.

"It's a villain who snatched my little pony and even cut Buyin's braid. I don't want him to be the king of Zuo Banner..."

Taiji said angrily.

Elder Brother Ten listened, his heart aroused.

Buyinggege's hair looks fluffy and beautiful, how dare someone use it to cut her braid?

What is it to bully a little girl?
Totally broken!

"You are Wangfu Taiji and Gege. He is a nephew of a prince. He dares to be so rampant and provoke you. It is too disgraceful. Taiji is right. He cannot be the county king of the Left Banner. Otherwise, in the future I'm afraid Bahai's life will not be peaceful..."

Elder Brother Ten said in a deep voice.

Brother Nine's expression remained unchanged, and he was already muttering in his heart.

Old Ten, is this really popular?
Why didn't he look at Buyingege's braid, it was past his waist.

Even if that bad nephew had cut Bouyingege's braid, it must have been when he was a child.

Such naughty things are not done by grown-ups!
What's so good about that little fat girl?

Too naive and romantic.

I don't have a heart, and I have to teach it bit by bit in the future.

Brother Nine doesn't think Old Ten can have such patience.

Elder Brother Ten had already looked over and said, "Brother Ninth, just think of a way, as long as you find a way, it doesn't matter how much it costs... I know this medicine is rare, and the hospital has few reserves, but I can't swallow this breath, I always have to buy it." Let Taiji do what he wants."

Brother Jiu saw that he was still not confused, and he still kept the money in his head. He was slightly satisfied, and nodded cooperatively: "It's not about money. It's something that is not easy to price. It's not like buying it just... If Khan Ama is going to pursue it, and I will recite it!"

Taiji said: "If you don't want to buy it, can you exchange it with horses? Two wild horse herds came here last winter, and we had a lot of horses. In the past two years, we have bred a lot of horses. We plan to give half of them to Buyin. dowry……"

Brother Jiu was moved when he heard this.

Although horses are not real money, they are also hard currency in the capital.

The Eight Banners have always been short of horses.

There are barely enough horses for the Eight Banners in the capital, but many old horses need to be replaced.

The local garrison of the Eight Banners is even more pitiful, and the basic horses are not fully equipped.

Every time the imperial court traded horses, they were sent away without seeing the shadow of the horses.

Elder Brother Ten said from the sidelines: "Forget about Gege's dowry, you should use them to change medicine!"

Otherwise, when the dowry arrives, how will it be distributed?

It's a pity to leave it for nothing.

If you give it away, the clan and in-laws will give it next to each other. If it is not complete, it will offend the person, and it will be suspected of inviting people to buy people's hearts.

It is not good to give filial piety to Khan Ama, and it has set a bad precedent.

That was the dowry, Fujin's private property.

It is easy to embarrass the sisters-in-law.

Taiji rubbed his hands together and said excitedly, "Can you change so many medicines?"

Brother Nine and Brother Ten looked at each other in blank dismay.

He doesn't think that a horse can exchange a lot of medicine, does he?
Brother Nine asked directly: "Tai Ji first, how many horses can there be?"

"A thousand horses!"

Taiji answered happily.

Brother Ten clenched his fists, he wanted to take back what he just said!
Brother Nine was also stunned.

One thousand horses, every time the Ministry of War replenishes horses, it is less than one thousand horses!

Brother Nine immediately made a decision and said, "Okay, I'll come up with a solution!"

The price of Mongolian horses is very high, twice that of ordinary horses, and at least it is worth more than ten taels of silver.

With good qualifications, the price can be directly five times and ten times.

But if they all changed to "Yan Zong Wan", the market would be in chaos.

This deal is a one-shot deal.

Brother Jiu said: "Even if this medicine is very precious, even if there are rich people, there are not so many. I will try to beg, and let our mother and Han Ama blow the pillow to see if I can remove it year after year. Two bottles, let's talk about the rest later...Since it's a begging for a child, it's not a matter of three or two days..."

He wanted to promote it, but he didn't want to cheat his relatives. He reminded: "Taiji also understand that things in this world are not very safe. If you eat well, then everything will be fine. If it doesn't go well, then try other things. Medicine, I will return the rest of the silver to you when the time comes."

All when buying a horse.

Taiji hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No need to retreat, no need to retreat..."

Speaking of this, he said shyly: "A few days ago, I had dinner with Heshuo's son-in-law of Harqin, and heard him mention the golden belt. Yes, this...can you trouble Master Jiu to order some for us, Abahai?"

Brother Jiu was stunned.

I didn't expect that the golden belt would have a follow-up.

There was still a simple and honest smile on Taiji's face.

But elder brother Jiu felt that this smile was a bit dazzling.

Who is this routine? !
Why do I feel like I was tricked by this guy!
Brother Jiu's temperament is stingy when he says it is, and he is generous when he says it is, and he doesn't mean to care about it.

He nodded and said: "This task is simpler than that of medicine. Even the craftsmen of the internal construction office have a construction period, and they may have to arrange days. As well as the gold and inlaid gemstones, Taiji has to prepare first. "

Taiji nodded hurriedly and said, "That's natural..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Bu Yin and said: "Then besides the gold belt, can you make some sets of jewelry for my sister? The clothes in the capital are different from ours. Don't enter the palace, it's a joke..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Golden belts have no time limit. Fortunately, jewelry is more refined... Let me ask someone to ask. If I can get the master out, there will only be one or two sets of heads. I'm afraid it won't work if there are too many." .”

Taiji said gratefully: "This is already very good, please trouble yourself..."

(End of this chapter)

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