Chapter 323 Cannibalism
After half an hour of sewing, Shu Shu put it down.

Her patience is only half an hour for this kind of water grind.

If you go any further, it won't be her.

She went to the study, took a pen and ink, conceived one or two ideas in her mind, and then started to draw.

As early as in her natal family, she had learned piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

They are all superficial, only books and paintings are slightly better.

Qin, this is barely superficial.

Maybe it's because I was used to being quiet in my previous life and couldn't stand the noise?

As for chess, he is too lazy to use his brain.

She is still a lazy person at heart, and when she can move her brain, she will never move her mind when she can.

Calligraphy and painting are more worry-free.

Since I told Brother Jiu to be filial to Concubine Yi, I couldn't just move my mouth.

Shu Shu plans to draw some jewelry shapes, and let Yinlou do it later.

Not only the concubine Yi, but also the empress dowager, must be courteous and reciprocal.

The queen mother is too sincere.

Shu Shu counted the things she had collected in the past few months in her heart, but it was really a lot.

And Er Nie, who gave birth to her, and Amu, who raised her.

It doesn't make sense to show filial piety to your mother-in-law's elders, and you really leave your natal relatives behind.

Even if you can't favor one another, you should treat them equally.

Concubine Yi likes the fragrance of pears.

But pear blossoms are small and unlucky, so people don't use this color to make jewelry.

Shu Shu is very conservative and chooses other patterns, such as blessing characters and begonias.

At the Queen Mother's place, there are the characters of longevity and the pattern of peaches.

Jueluo likes peonies, which are majestic and majestic, so he directly chooses peonies.

Mrs. Uncle doesn't like flowers, so she directly uses Ruyi patterns.

While Shu Shu was painting, the hustle and bustle in the east became louder and louder.

Shu Shu put down her pen and walked out.

There are various movements in the courtyard of the head office.

Listening to this voice, it seems that he has started to lift the furniture.

There was the voice of a nanny, it should be the people next to the thirteenth elder brother, who came to stare.

Shu Shu backed away and asked Walnut to pass on to Li Yin: "Take a few people to the first and fourth places to have a look. If there is a place that can help, bring someone to help."

Li Yin agreed and withdrew.

Walnut thought about it and said: "Fu Jin, the side dishes for the first and fourth schools are all ready, what about the fifth? They are all princes..."

Shu Shu patted his forehead.

It's really that Elder Brother Twelve's presence is too low.


Even with Shu Shu, he can't remember that he is in the fifth school.

It almost went wrong.

There is still an excuse for the one who delivers meals to the study.

It is too impolite to make a difference when giving something.

She glanced at Walnut appreciatively, and said, "Is there anything I haven't thought of in the future, so you can help me think more about it."

Walnut nodded hastily: "Well, well, just don't think the slave is long-winded."

Shu Shu called Xiaotang, and prepared two more servings according to the prepared food and other dried vegetables.

In addition to five, there are three.

Brother Ten will also give a share, and treat everyone equally.

The side dishes can be evenly distributed, similar to dry ingredients such as fungus, white fungus, yellow flower, and bean skin, so I had to send someone to the imperial dining room to make up some.

In the afternoon, there was less movement in the courtyard.

The large items have been lifted.

Nanny Qi led Xiaotang, followed by a few eunuchs, and compared the ages of the princes and elder brothers, they were sent from the third institute.

The chief eunuchs of the three institutes were shocked.

Followed Nanny Qi to inquire: "Old sister, okay, why is Jiufujin so polite? This snowstorm has shocked even you? Our elder brother has already had a copy here, and everything is different. missing!"

Nanny Qi said: "Fu Jin has prepared for the other elder brothers, and the tenth master must also have it."

The masters of the two families are close, and the two have also dealt with each other.

The three chief eunuchs also understood the general meaning.

Who made the elder brother in the palace, the ninth elder brother is the oldest, and the younger brothers are all below.

After Jiufu Jin followed, she became the "eldest sister-in-law". Naturally, she didn't want to show her closeness to her younger uncle, and she had to treat her equally in the future.

The head manager of the three institutes took the things with peace of mind, and personally sent Nanny Qi out.

Afterwards, Nanny Qi and the others came back to pick up their things and went to the fifth school.

The eunuch, the leader of the five schools, is trembling.

The people in the fifth institute don't have a strong sense of presence on the elder brother's side.

The [-]th elder brother behaved like this, the people here are very reserved, they don't go out very much on weekdays, and they don't have any contact with other elder brothers.

Nanny Qi said the same thing.

It was Xiaotang who explained a few words from the side, it was nothing more than that Fujin had prepared a lot of winter vegetables, and when he thought of his uncles, he would give some away from house to house.

The chief eunuch memorized it carefully.

Afterwards, Nanny Qi walked down from the first and fourth places like this.

After the two came back, they went to the main room to answer Shu Shu.

Nanny Qi spoke straightforwardly, without being tactful, and said directly: "Except for the three schools, there are no female relatives. Fujin can rest easy in the future."

Xiaotang followed the northern tour, saw people outside along the way, and practiced his eyesight, so he said: "The chief eunuch who is in charge of the fifth office is not like someone who has his own ideas, and he is also careful in his actions. Normally, the Twelfth Master should make his own decisions; The fourth office is also the head of the eunuch supervisor, and they seem to have a lot of confidence, and their attitude is warm and hospitable; the head office is the mammy who came forward..."

Speaking of this, she frowned and said: "I have asked a few times, this nanny's surname is Guo, just like Liu Nanny, she is the nanny of the Thirteenth Master..."

Shu Shu could see that Xiaotang was prejudiced, and was worried that this Nanny Guo would take care of her elder brother and rely on her elders to control her elder brother just like Mammy Liu.

Shu Shu looked at Nanny Qi.

Nanny Qi has a straighter temper, but she doesn't let her down when looking at people.

Nanny Qi said: "Being smarter than the old slave, mentioning the Thirteenth Master is just like the old slave mentioning Fujin..."

Shu Shu understood this metaphor.

Treat them like flesh and blood.

Not surprisingly.

People's hearts are made of meat, to feed a big little master, and then to serve him for more than ten years, really, it can't be said that it is more important than what he gave birth to.

She has not forgotten that Elder Brother Thirteen will have a bad experience next year.

It is also reassuring to have a proper person by your side.

As for Mrs. Zhang...

It's hard to inquire about anything.


Just like Shu Shu, if she has a chronic disease, she will hide it and won't publicize it.

If you get sick quickly, it is impossible to prevent it.

At noon, it was still Li Yin who brought people to the study to deliver meals.

But when they came back, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother followed.

The snow has risen again.

In the afternoon, their riding and archery homework was saved, and they returned from school early.

Elder Fourteen excitedly said: "Sister-in-law Nine, we moved all the way here today, are we going to have a banquet?"

Shu Shu thought "hehe", she could foresee that there would be various banquets at Elder Brother's place in the future.

She smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm ready..."

That is, it was regarded as an ordinary late, and it was not regarded as a "feast".

Brother Fourteen was relieved, and said with a smile: "Then you are busy, let's go back first, and we will come back when Brother Nine comes back."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "All kinds of side dishes and convenient meals have been sent over. If there is anything missing later, I will send the people from the dining room to come and pick it up."

Elder Fourteen agreed with a smile.

Brother Thirteen thanked me by the side.

Shu Shu said: "Thirteenth Brother, ask Nanny Guo if she is free at night, and if she is free, come here, just to be with Nanny Qi..."

Elder Brother Thirteen nodded with a smile: "Sure, my brother and Mommy have talked a lot about going back to the Second Institute for food."

The fourteenth elder brother was at the side, and felt that if the thirteenth elder brother brought someone, it would be a disadvantage if he didn't bring him, so he said: "My younger brother also brings someone, let Wenda come over to identify the family, and it will be more convenient to come here later."

What can Shu Shu say?
I can only be thankful that Director Cui is here today, otherwise, there would not even be a companion.

When the two left, the room was clean.

Shu Shu felt a little numb.

The usual lateness has become a "reception banquet", so the five schools cannot be left behind.

But this kind of temporary treat has become a pick-me-up.

Very rude.

But faux pas is better than falling behind.

She called Li Yin and explained: "Take the post, go according to the rules of treating guests, and make it clear to the twelfth master that the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother came to talk about moving last night. Brother Fourteen came back at noon to make a fuss..."

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

The fourteenth elder brother is only eleven years old, he thinks about it as soon as he thinks about it, and he will not deliberately despise any elder brother.

It would be too arrogant and rude for my sister-in-law to organize a banquet and then mention someone on the same day.

Li Yin went down.

Shu Shu sighed.

This is the disadvantage of unfamiliarity.

If you are as familiar as you are with Elder Brother Ten, you don't have to worry about this much.

In heavy snow weather, what is better than hot pot?
Shu Shu called Xiao Tang, and Zhang Luo started to eat this evening.

The hot pot is a must.

The thirteenth elder brother came all the way down, and there was nothing spicy or unpleasant.

It's Brother Nine, who can't eat too spicy, but also likes to borrow a taste.

However, the twelfth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother have not unlocked this door yet.

Shu Shu asked Xiaotang to prepare two kinds of pot bottoms, the slightly spicy red oil bottom, and the non-spicy mushroom soup bottom.

He was not stingy with the money, so he took twenty taels of silver and sent someone to the imperial dining room to bring a few handfuls of various Dongzi dishes.

Freshly slaughtered mutton, not yet frozen, came directly with half a head of sheep.

Kelp, fungus, bean curd, vermicelli, etc. are also soaked.

Pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, all parts are sliced ​​into thin slices.

Dried tofu, frozen tofu, aged tofu, oily tofu, there are several.

When all kinds of Dongzi dishes arrive, they make up about [-] kinds.

There are three banquets.

The seat in the front wing was accompanied by Director Cui, entertaining the chief eunuchs of several yards.

The seat in the west wing of the main courtyard is accompanied by Nanny Qi, who is the nanny or nanny beside the princes.

There is a table here in the main room, which is placed directly in the Xici room.

Five here.

Elder Brother Twelve was wearing a old cloak that was not old. He was in the yard with a bow and arrow in his hand.

In the wind and snow, arrows shot down one by one.

Although he had half a day off in the study room, Brother Twelve did not give himself a break. After returning, he still followed the homework arrangement in the study room and finished his homework in the afternoon.

The chief eunuch was beside him, hesitant to speak.

Brother Twelve looked over.

The chief eunuch said: "If Elder Brother doesn't want to go, the slave will go over and make amends. He just said that Elder Brother has caught wind and feels a little uncomfortable?"

Elder Brother Twelve looked up at the sky: "Didn't you say Youchu? It's still early, what's the rush!"

The chief eunuch brought a pleasant surprise and said, "Are you going?"

Brother Twelve nodded and said, "In the past..."

If he was really pulled to make up for it temporarily, or if he would let him know because of the face, then he would definitely not go there.

Don't bother with that.

However, the eunuch in charge of the second institute made it clear that it was a temporary "reception banquet" organized by the fourteenth elder brother.

If he is awkward again, he will appear lonely.

He just doesn't like to be troublesome, and he doesn't like right and wrong, but he can also know whether others are true or false.

Nine sisters-in-law still kept the food prepared.

Although I borrowed the light, but the light was given, which is affection.

The phrase "cannibalism is soft" applies at any time...

(End of this chapter)

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