My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 322 2 Wishful thinking

Chapter 322 Consensual Consensus

It's getting late outside.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother did not stay any longer.

Brother Jiu ordered He Yuzhu to carry the lantern, take the people, and send them off.

Hui Zhaoxiang wanted to pass through the imperial garden, and it was gloomy at night.

Even elder brother Jiu felt scared when he walked, let alone the two children.

The room fell silent, and Brother Jiu also fell silent.

Seeing this, Shu Shu sighed inwardly, and said, "Why don't you go to the Fourth Institute tomorrow morning?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "Don't look at it, it's no different from ours, and now I'm painting the walls again, and I can't see anything."

Shu Shu diverted the conversation and talked about the fifth elder brother's birthday.

Twenty years old is the whole birthday, after all it is different.

"Fifth Brother's birthday, what are we preparing? What does Fifth Brother like?"

Brother Jiu pondered for a while and said: "I have a good appetite, I seem to like to eat everything, don't worry about the birthday gift, the master first greeted the internal construction office, and greeted directly with the gold belt, and then add some birthday gifts." Noodles and birthday peaches are enough..."

Speaking of this, I don't forget to thank Shu Shu: "Fifth Brother's account has been settled..."

He was so busy before that he couldn't take care of it, so he asked He Yuzhu to go to the yamen of the household department when he was free in the past two days, exchanged the household certificate for silver, and then went to exchange the bank certificate.

The fifth elder brother is at Honglu Temple these days.

Brother Nine personally delivered it the day before yesterday.

After hearing this, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the money to pay back was not theirs, it was given by Concubine Yi and Kangxi.

But it's different.

Perhaps, this is the fun of "gnawing the old"?

Shu Shu felt that this was not quite right.

Even relatives should be considerate of each other and be a filial child.

She said to Brother Jiu: "This year's Empress's annual gift, let's honor it in private, and put simple gold jewelry on the silver building, so that Empress can reward others..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, besides your mother's, I will prepare another one. Aunt Xianglan is old, and she will go out after the new year..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu's heart skipped a beat.

Women from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also work as errands after they get married!

She hurriedly said: "I see that my mother can't do without Aunt Xianglan on weekdays, will I ask my aunt to come back to serve?"

Brother Jiu said: "Who knows, even if you come back, it will take three or five years! It takes time to get married and have children... By that time, the empress will have other people who can be used by her, so it's not a bad idea." Easy to say."

Shu Shu said: "If we move out, there will be a shortage of manpower, especially the older ones... Nanny Qi is okay in the inner house, but she is not very smart to answer when going out, Xiaochun and the others are still young..."

Brother Jiu glanced at her and said with a smile: "You know how to stare at people, Aunt Xianglan is really capable, so why don't you tell the empress later?"

Shu Shu hurriedly shook her head and said: "No, no, master and servant are also fate, it's best to be consensual. When I pay my respects to the empress, I will quietly ask Aunt Xianglan about her plans."

Today is the twenty-fifth of November, the day when Shu Shu was supposed to go to Yikun Palace and Ningshou Palace to pay her respects.

Because she had clothes on her body, she was afraid of offending her elders, so she asked for leave in two places.

Please be safe from the ordinary days, but when it comes to New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, it will inevitably pass.

At that time, those who wear court clothes and auspicious clothes will not be hindered.


Brother Jiu felt awkward hearing this word: "Why did it go on a consensual basis? You are willing to order her around, and you are flattering her. Would she not be happy?"

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him, and didn't answer his words, just said: "The twelfth elder brother is also born on the fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, and I will have a day with the fifth brother. I asked walnuts to wrap the inkstone, and prepared a portion of birthday noodles and longevity peaches. Is it okay to send it like this?"

Brother Nine said: "Whatever, we haven't seen anything good about him...just a matter of saving face..."

Shu Shu then mentioned Brother Fifteen again.

Little brother's examples are all ready-made, so don't worry about it.

But Brother Nine started to be dumbfounded: "This birthday gift is endless, won't you have to use your dowry again?"

Shu Shu shook her head: "No, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent a lot of gifts this year, and there were also many gifts from Mongolia during the northern tour."

If the prince's elder brother gave him a birthday gift or something, the two of them would only have to register it in the warehouse, and it would be difficult to pass it on to others.

Otherwise, if you reveal your secrets, you will offend others.

There is no need to worry about the gifts of the Mongolian princes and the filial piety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Jiu is still distressed: "It seems that we have to open two more shops, one for antiques, and one for silk and satin. When the time comes, it will be more convenient to give gifts or reward people, and it will save the waste in the middle." fee."

Shu Shu thought it was a good idea, and said: "It happens that we still have several shops under our name that are leased to others. I asked Xiao Chun to look at them from house to house in the next two days, and then we can take them back and open shops."

Their previous plan was to open two restaurants.

A Drum Tower Street, a Qianmen outside.

There are ready-made shops on Gulou Street.

There is no need to go shopping for the shop outside the front door. Elder Brother Ten passed one first, and it is ready-made.

The husband and wife looked at each other with helplessness.

Still short of staff.

If not, now is the time to prepare for the next year.

Brother Nine frowned and said, "Gui Dan went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs a few days ago, and his family moved to the capital. I heard that there will be a wine display. I don't know if I have chosen a date."

Gui Dan, brother Jiu's uncle and cousin.

Concubine Yi is the eldest son of Daobao, the same mother and younger brother.

Shu Shu glanced at him: "Master, do you want to use people from Guo Luoluo's family?"

The lessons learned from Qianjinfang back then were not long ago, and Shu Shu couldn't trust their family.

Brother Jiu had a look of disgust on his face: "Master is not that forgetful yet... I'm just afraid that Fifth Brother will be real, so don't let them take advantage of you later."

Dao Bao is now the chief of ceremonies of the Five Baylor Mansion.

His whole family went to Beijing for this.

Concubine Yi has five brothers, and Daobao is the only one with the same mother.

Shu Shu thought about the Jin family, and said: "I also have to remind my sister-in-law that this eldest aunt should not be too close to her mother's family, and the Jin family's family style is not good..."

Brother Jiu didn't know about the changes in the Jin family, so he also agreed with Shu Shu's thoughts, nodded and said: "Yes, yes, raising a girl and just digging around, you are really a fairy..."

The couple were gossiping, and the time flew by unknowingly.

There was the sound of clappers in the distance, and it was the second watch.

Shu Shu went back to Dongshaojian.

Walnut is in the wing room, pay attention to the movements in the main room.

Hearing movement here, she came in to serve.

After Shu Shu finished washing, Walnut helped her put down her hair and combed it a hundred times.

Shu Shu said: "Is the carbon enough? The twelfth lunar month is coming soon, and it's getting colder. If it's not enough, ask people to pay more. Just pay attention to the windows, don't close them too tightly, so as not to be poisoned by carbon..."

Walnut said: "Enough is enough, Sister Xiaochun has already ordered it once."

Shu Shu thought about the distribution of the two houses, which were full.

The east wing of the main courtyard is her inner storeroom, and the three rooms in the west wing are where Nanny Qi leads Xiaochun and the others.

Therefore, when Walnut and the others came, they crowded into the ear room in the backyard.

"Is it okay to live here? Are those naughty people?"

Shu Shu asked about the other four maids, the two next to Ge Ge.

The maids were serving the two princesses, but in fact the masters were Shu Shu and Brother Jiu.

"Just be obedient. When you enter the palace as an errand, the family members have already taught you by ear, and taught you too many times..."

Speaking of this, she lowered her volume and said: "Look at this servant, Wang Gege may be scared this time, be careful, Zhao Jiagege will go to talk, but the door will be shut out..."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "It's good that we're in peace."

When Shu Shu lay down, Walnut put down the curtain, put the teapot away, then picked up the curtain and went out.

This is Shu Shu's rule, no one is left in the upper room to watch the night.

Shu Shu rolled, very spacious.

The heated kang is also ironed from the inside out.

It seems that the matter of staying up late in the previous life is already very vague.

All her life, she was used to this kind of old people's routine.

After a while, he fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up again, Shu Shu felt hot under the quilt, and her chest was heavy.

Hearing the familiar breathing sound, Shu Shu didn't open her eyes, but just moved the hand on her chest to make her breathing easier, and then went back to sleep.

When I opened my eyes, it was already bright outside.

Shu Shu's bed was empty, as if no one had been there.

Shu Shu turned over and sat up, opened the window to get some air.

Like a signal, there was movement outside.

Walnuts came in a file with small pine and longan.

Those who carry the water carry the water, and those who hold the clothes take the clothes.

Serve Shu Shu to freshen up.

While Xiaoyu was still there, Walnut did the trick and simply combed her hair.

Brother Jiu came in, flicked the snow on his body, and said: "It's been a night, it's half a stroke deep..."

Shu Shu dressed neatly, walked out the door, and picked up the curtain.

A mouthful of icy air came oncoming.

She shut her mouth and looked around.

The sky was white.

Several eunuchs were carrying brooms, ready to start sweeping snow.

Seeing Shu Shu at the door, they all bowed to salute.

Just as Shu Shu was about to speak, Brother Jiu dragged him in.

"Really, aren't you afraid of coughing?"

Brother Jiu scolded: "You are not allowed to go outside, and you are not allowed to go outside when the master is gone!"

Shu Shu responded with a smile, and said to Walnut: "Ask the kitchen to make some ginger soup, and those who sweep the snow outside drink more, so as not to catch a cold... and write down the people who work, and we will reward them together next month. Half a month's money."

Walnut notes.

Brother Nine was at the side, and said: "A month, let them go to the first station and the fourth station in a while, and they will also clean up, and there is also the corridor here, so as not to be slippery on the icy road."

Walnut responded and went down to deliver the message.

Shu Shu said: "If it's snowing all the time, will you still move?"

Brother Nine snorted softly: "Since Fourteen has a frizzy temper, it would be strange if he waited..."

While talking, there was movement next door.

Shushu sent Xiaosong to watch.

It turned out to be the eunuch from Zhaoxiang's office, who was sent by two elder brothers to sweep the snow.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows at Shu Shu: "Look, after being told by the master, not only is Fourteen irritable, but Thirteen is not prudent anymore."

Shu Shu just laughed.

Brother Thirteen was originally lively.

If you can't stop Brother Fourteen, what else can you do?

Let's be together.

Breakfast is served.

Walnut took the longan and served beside him.

Brother Jiu glanced at Longan, and said to Shu Shu: "Is the person who summons you easy? If it's not easy, just exchange two?"

The walnuts were fine, but the longan was shaking with fright.

Shu Shu didn't understand Brother Nine's intentions, so she cooperated and said, "Let's have a look again!"

Longan's face turned paler.

After breakfast was finished and there was no one in the room, Shu Shu asked, "Why did you mention personnel matters just now?"

Brother Nine said: "Didn't you say it's consensual? Now let's take a look at it. If anyone is not willing to flag with us, don't force it."

Only then did Shu Shu understand his intention.

These court ladies are all coated, which cannot be torn apart at home.

If there is an external heart, it would be better to clear it earlier.

Shu Shu nodded, knowing it well.

To be honest, other people are dispensable, so they can change them, but she can't bear to part with walnuts.

Know how to advance and retreat, know how to look at your face, and use it very smoothly.

When Brother Jiu went to the Yamen, the longan went down.

Shu Shu is doing needlework as usual, accompanied by Walnut.

Shu Shu then asked her: "My lord will go out to start a mansion in the future, and he will be in charge of the internal affairs at that time, but your uncle has a good future, and your cousins ​​are also young students, so they should be reluctant to leave the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What do you think?" ?”

Walnut put down her needle and thread, and said: "To tell you the truth, Fujin, I have already thought about it eight hundred times in my heart. I am the elder sister, but I dare not be the master. This is related to the future generations, so I have decided not to take the master of the family." Anyway, the slave is going with Fujin. If you drive out the slave, the slave will not leave. If the master of the slave family is assigned to elder brother, then he will go with him; if not, then there is no trouble. "

Shu Shu nodded, this choice was expected.

Walnut is such a sensible and thoughtful girl.

Shu Shu said: "A few others, you can ask when you have time, if you don't want to part with your family members, if you don't want to go to the Prince's Mansion as an errand, you don't have to go out with us."

Walnut nodded, and said: "The slave has written it down, and I will ask later."

But she didn't think the three would make the opposite choice.

Everyone can see Fujin's generosity towards those around him, who doesn't envy it?
Besides, if you stay in the palace, you will have to reach the age before leaving the palace, and the marriage will also be delayed...

Ask for a monthly pass, there will be an update today!
(End of this chapter)

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