My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 321 The Night Owl Enters the House

Chapter 321 A Night Owl Enters the House

It is said that serious men are the most attractive.

The serious little man is charming too.

Brother Nine was sitting behind the desk, writing with a pen.

Shu Shu sat on the edge of the Kang, watching with a smile.

Very good, one thing is connected with one thing, so be pragmatic.

Unexpectedly, Brother Jiu put down his pen after only writing two lines.

He frowned, imitating Shu Shu just now, and cut wool felt and western velvet.

Then, carefully pick apart layer by layer.

Where there is no pattern in the western velvet, there are no traces of warp and weft.

The same goes for wool felt.

For other materials, be it silk or cotton, there is a thread weaving process.

First, silk and cotton are turned into thread, and then the thread is woven into satin or cotton cloth.

Brother Jiu said excitedly: "This craft should not be difficult to figure out, it's really similar to wool felt..."

He looked at the places with patterns again: "This seems to be embroidered on the back..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "This should be made of cashmere thread, so that it is so well-proportioned..."

Brother Nine made inferences: "Master seems to understand what is going on with Doro..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu got up and went to find out.

Earlier, she asked Brother Jiu to give Buyingege the cloak, which belonged to Doro.

She also has a scented one.

They are all tributes from Guangzhou.

It was a nice cloak, but the two didn't touch the scissors, they looked at it head to head.

"Ha ha!"

Brother Nine picked the unremarkable place, picked it with a toothpick, and was overjoyed when he got the certification: "It really is made of cashmere yarn..."

Shu Shu nodded, thought for a while and said, "These thinner clothes are made of cashmere, which feels silky; the thicker ones should be wool..."

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "These doroes are not only sold well in Daqing, but also sold well in other places, so should we sell them back?"

Shu Shu thinks this idea is flat.

In Europe now, the best clothing material is the mysterious oriental silk and satin.

For them, wool products are only local.

Naturally, it can't compare to luxury silk.

But Shu Shu still nodded and said: "That's a good idea. I heard that the princes and nobles over there like to be gorgeous, and then we can weave gold and silver into it..."

Then if it can be exported, it will be exported, if it cannot be exported, it will be sold domestically.

Brother Nine was in high spirits, and said: "If these two things are figured out, I will directly cooperate with the weaving mansion. The ready-made craftsmen and weavers will be imperial orders at that time!"

After hearing this, Shu Shu thought it was just right, nodded and said, "We'll sell one horse for eighty taels of silver then!"

There are so many agencies in the Ministry of Internal Affairs that spend money instead of earning money. If they can really be integrated and self-sufficient, it will be awesome.

The most important thing is that Brother Nine will be confined to the territory of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The top and bottom staff are all from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In this way, the interpersonal relationship is relatively simple, and there is no need to directly relate to the Eight Banners forces. It is a safe position.

A prince who can make money but has no independent power is definitely a good son in Kangxi's eyes.

Brother Nine was supported by Shu Shu, he was happy at first, and then a little depressed.

He leaned over and hugged Shu Shu in his arms: "I stole your idea again... If you are a man, you must be better than Master!"

Shu Shu hugged him back and said, "Do you want to keep your private house?"

Brother Jiu was puzzled, and said: "Okay, why did you get involved in your private room? I really think you are amazing, and all the thoughts in my mind are just inconvenient for a woman."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Since I don't save money from my private house, then what I have is mine. What is the difference between my money and my money? All right, I still care about this?"

"I'm not chasing money..."

Brother Nine looked expectantly, but also a little apprehensive: "I just want to accumulate a little bit of credit, and then do one thing a year, two things a year, and wait until four or five years later, when Ama Khan will be crowned prince. Can these credits be accumulated a lot?"

Shu Shu said firmly: "Of course, what I do is practical, and I started from scratch... The matter of changing horses went smoothly, and the contribution of replenishing the troops of the Eight Banners is no less than defeating the enemy in front of the battle; there is also the matter of cashmere materials If it succeeds, it will increase the income of the Mongolian princes and people, and they will not lose their families due to natural disasters, but will settle down and raise more and more sheep, and the days to come will be stable."

Brother Nine listened, thoughtful.

Afterwards, he said with worry: "When you settle down, the population will grow. After a long time, it may become a side problem..."

Shu Shu thought about the future Mongolia, which has always been a paradise.

Because there is no natural danger, it has been completely sinicized.

Today's Monan Mongolia has become an inner vassal, accepts the supervision of the imperial court, and shows complete surrender. It is also because there are no natural dangers, a mass of scattered sand, and no ability to confront the imperial court.

She said directly: "All the pastures raise sheep, so the number of horses is limited. Mongolians who can't even ride horses, no matter how large the population, are just shepherds."

The worry on Brother Jiu's face immediately turned into joy: "Then, this is also a military merit!"

Shu Shu nodded, and said with a smile: "So don't be in a hurry, even if it takes three to five years, as long as this matter is done, the prince's hat will be almost the same!"

Brother Jiu's eyes became more excited, and he looked towards the door.

When the two were together, they were sticky and did not leave anyone in the room.

Now there is no one else.

Brother Nine lowered his head and whispered: "Let's be quiet, don't make too much publicity, lest Khan Ama interfere, and then the credit will not be shown!"

Brother Nine is not interested in court affairs, but sometimes he is very perceptive.

He remembered the look in the emperor's father's eyes when he mentioned the old ten Fujin's five hundred horses in the morning, and whispered to Shu Shu: "Ama Khan doesn't seem to be very happy that we have military power, the eyes in the afternoon are not right..."

Shu Shu didn't speak.

In fact, what Kangxi is not happy about is that the ten princes have military power.

Because of the influence of Niu Hulu's family, they spread all over the Three Banners Army.

As for Brother Jiu, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Although his family carried the flag, this Guo Luoluo clan was not the other Guo Luoluo clan, so it was not even ranked among the top three banners.

Now the official position of the third official Bao family is an assistant leader.

Now among the grown-up princes, only the seventh elder brother can supervise the guard barracks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Because Brother Seven's natal family brought him out of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he had the least involvement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition, he was born with a leg problem, and he was not qualified to compete for the reserve position due to the fact that he was adopted by the palace.

Thinking of this, Shu Shu froze.

Maybe even Kangxi himself didn't realize that his prevention and suppression of his sons at this time was not just for the prince.

It was getting dark.

Lights in the house.

It's time to use later.

The dinner for the two of them is very simple, one bowl of whole grain bean porridge for each person.

The table is a few small dishes.

In the past few days, I have eaten big meat at noon, and I am a little tired, so I will be vegan later today.

Before the two could lift their chopsticks, there was movement outside.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Sister, here we come..."

Brother Fourteen's voice is still so crisp, it's still a child's voice.

The whole yard seemed to be buzzing.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and complained to Shu Shu: "I thought I could be clean for a few more days, there is no hope, it must be nothing good..."

At this moment, Elder Fourteen had already reached the door of the main room, and wanted to break in.

Elder Brother Thirteen stopped him and raised his voice: "Brother Ninth, Sister-in-law Nine, can we go in?"

"Well! Come in!"

Only when Brother Nine's voice came from inside, Brother Thirteen let go.

Brother Fourteen glanced at him, and pointed to the figure on the window: "You think I'm stupid? You don't know how to avoid it when it's dark? It's because I knew Brother Nine was there that I went in directly..."

Brother Thirteen smiled and didn't speak.

What a child.

It will take a few years before he realizes that it is not convenient for Brother Nine to enter directly.

While talking, the two entered the room.

Walnut and Xiaotang, who were originally in the wing room, heard the movement from the upper room and knew that there was a guest, so they also came over to serve tea.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine are in Dongci.

The two came over directly.

Shu Shu had already got off the kang and stood.

Brother Nine still sits comfortably.

Brother Fourteen bowed slightly, and said to Shu Shu, "Sister-in-law Nine."

The same is true for Brother Thirteen.

The two have met.

Shu Shu also nodded in return, and gave way to the Kang: "You just came back from the study room? Wipe your hands and rest up."

"Hey, listen to you."

Brother Fourteen responded with a smile, and walked to the kang table: "We're on time, what's there to eat tonight?"

When he saw the food on the table clearly, he was dumbfounded.

What is that black and white?
Cabbage mixed with fungus? !

There are also red, green and green ones, which seem to be green-skinned carrots!
There are two other dishes that are not dishes, but small pickles, one is perilla leaves, and the other is eight-treasure pickles.

The meal is not a serious meal.

It didn't even have the slightest bit of meat!
The fourteenth brother was a little stuck, and asked in surprise: "Why do you just eat this? Is it the dining room's deduction?"

Brother Jiu deliberately teased him and said, "I already have four dishes, what else do you want? During the northern tour, there was a small mistake, Khan Ama deducted my monthly bill, and I don't have the money to arrange for the side dining room... ..."

Brother Fourteen took it seriously.

He thought of the eight dishes at noon.

Today's food is mainly chicken.

Five-spice chicken drumsticks, stewed tofu in chicken broth, steamed chicken wings, and vermicelli chicken meatballs.

You have to use two or three chickens.

He and Thirteen's servings are still in the dining room of the Qianqing Palace, and what they eat at noon every day is the servings of Ninth Brother and Ninth Sister-in-law.

Brother Fourteen had shame on his face, stared at Brother Ninth and said, "Brother Ninth, you are so serious, you talk about it if you don't have money! You are so pitiful, it is unbearable, and you have to suffer with Sister-in-law Nine... ..."

As he said that, he untied his purse and put it on the table: "You spend these first, and brother tomorrow will send someone to send you some..."

He said it boldly, Brother Jiu was amused, took the purse and said: "Our fourteenth master is grand, how much is it loaded?"

Saying that, Brother Nine weighed his purse: "Oh! It's really heavy!"

Open it, and there are gold pancakes inside.

The little finger is as long as it is, not too thick, there are a dozen or so in total.

One tael is twelve taels.

Ninth elder brother put it in again, handed it to fourteenth elder brother, and said, "It's not too heavy to carry these with you. Take it soon, I don't need your money!"

The fourteenth elder brother quit: "It's all like this, brother nine, why are you being polite to your younger brother? I am your own younger brother, and I am not someone else, so I can still laugh at you? Take it, you can't lose your mouth... "

Brother Jiu stopped teasing him, and said: "I believe everything you say? Brother, I am in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is too late to curry favor with the imperial dining room. Can I eat and drink here? I eat meat at noon, and eat vegetarian at night. On weekdays Eat like this too."

Brother Fourteen still didn't believe it, and muttered: "Don't be unable to wipe it off, if it really doesn't work, you should borrow it first..."

Brother Nine pointed to Brother Thirteen, who was suppressing a smile, and said, "Ask Old Thirteen, is this the case..."

Brother Fourteen looked over.

Elder Brother Thirteen had already stopped laughing, nodded and said: "The menu for the second school is drawn up by sister-in-law Jiu every day. If you continue to order, don't eat regular dishes."

So whether it's meat or vegetarian, it's all ordered by the two of them.

Brother Fourteen was very moved when he heard this, and said: "The menu proposed by Sister-in-law Nine is not bad, let's try it too..."

Shu Shu had already arrived at the main room and told Xiaotang to go back.

She has seen Elder Brother Thirteen and Elder Fourteen eat a lot.

It's the time when a half-baby eats a poor old man.

What are the few side dishes that go with porridge enough for now?

She ordered Xiaotang to prepare some quick dishes.

After the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother finished their bowl of bean porridge, another new dish was served.

One serving of braised crispy pork, one serving of crispy fish, one serving of steamed dried sausage, one serving of steamed egg,

Red bean steamed buns and gold and silver flower rolls were also warmed up.

The crispy meat is ready-made, just make a red-braised mouth.

Steamed eggs are not the egg custard seasoned with green onion, pepper, and salt that is common in the palace, but another way of eating.

There are no seasonings in the steamed eggs, and the fried minced meat is placed on top, and the salty and light flavors are in the minced meat.

This is the practice of Cantonese-style steamed eggs in later generations.

A large bowl of steamed eggs used eight eggs.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother ate cleanly.

The fourteenth elder brother was not satisfied, and after putting down the chopsticks, he begged Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law Jiu, this steamed egg is delicious, can you let the people from the four dining rooms come and learn from it later?"

The thirteenth elder brother listened and looked over.

Shu Shu thanked God in her heart, and the smile on her face was also very sincere: "Of course, just come..."

Elder Fourteen pointed at the crispy fish again and said, "This is delicious too, is it easy to make?"

This crispy fish has the meaning of canned fish for later generations.

It is first fried and then seasoned and packed in jars.

Just take it out and heat it up when you eat it.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "It's not difficult to do, but now the river outside is frozen, and there are few fresh fish. We have to wait until the river opens next year..."

"Then this..."

Fourteenth elder brother said with a fawning face: "Sister-in-law, can you give us some? This is delicious with porridge and steamed buns."

Shu Shu nodded with a smile and said, "It's all prepared for you, all kinds of side dishes and dried vegetables. When you move here, I will send someone to deliver them."

Brother Fourteen nodded happily.

Brother Nine is not very happy. If you want to give something, you are giving it, and if you are asked for it, you are asking for it.

He glanced at the fourteenth elder brother, feeling ignorant, and said: "It's late at night, you are after school, and you won't go back to Zhaoxiang's place, what are you doing here?"

Brother Fourteen grinned: "Of course I want to tell Brother Ninth the good news. Today my brother sent someone to Qintian to monitor the day. Before Laba, tomorrow will be a good day. We will move tomorrow!"

Brother Jiu was not surprised when he heard this, but he still frowned.

"Isn't it necessary to repair the dining room? Can it be repaired in two days?"

Elder Fourteen smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, my brother will come to you for a couple of days, let them repair the stove slowly..."

Brother Nine felt that Brother Fourteen was here for this.

Thinking of the generosity with which he took out his purse just now, I despised it, so let's not talk about it.

Brother Jiu didn't say anything else, just reminded: "You should also carefully check whether the room is dried or not. If it is damp, you can go to the third house to deal with it for a few days, and you can't sleep in a wet room."

Elder Fourteen said: "Don't worry, Ninth Brother, it's been a few days to paint the wall, and it must be done properly..."

Eleven thousand and fourteen, the total number of words in August is 33.6

The next chapter will be updated at 9:1 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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