Chapter 320 A Hundred Times Gap

After personally sending Nanny Bai away, Shu Shu was overjoyed when she returned, and asked someone to call Xiaotang over.

Really want what to come.

I just aroused my seafood addiction yesterday, but I feel that it is not enough, and I have ingredients today.

Xiaochun and Xiaoyu were not there, and they returned to Dutong Mansion.

Walnut and Xiaosong are in charge of unpacking, and Xiaotang is in charge of sorting.

Shu Shu sat in command and looked at each of them with satisfaction.

Obviously it is food, the packaging is very tall.

Just like bird's nest, packed in a brocade box with red silk inside.

They are all complete swallow lamps, there are fifty lamps in one box, and a hundred lamps in two boxes.

Xiaotang said with surprise: "This Fujin is just right for the disease!"

Over the past few years, following Shu Shu's study of medicinal diet, Xiaotang also learned a lot, knowing that bird's nest "greatly nourishes lung yin, reduces phlegm and relieves cough".

There were two parts before, but one was divided into two, one half was honored to Concubine Yi, and the other half was taken back to the Dutong Mansion.

Shu Shu remembered a rumor from later generations.

It is rumored that Qianlong's longevity also has dietary effects, that is, eating a cup of bird's nest on an empty stomach every morning.

You can try it.

Shark's fin, sea cucumber, and abalone are made in much the same way.

But when she saw the fish maw, Shu Shu paid more attention.

This is also a sacred product for beauty that is admired by later generations.

The way to eat it is quite complicated, unlike the current method of soaking and blanching to remove the fishy smell, and then cooking it in soy sauce or grilling it.

But stew in water.

What are the remaining dried prawns, scallops, and razor clams for?

Shu Shu didn't have any good ideas for a while, so she said to Xiaotang: "In addition to prawns, let's see if I can make side dishes with the other two..."

There are seaweed, kelp and so on.

The second dining room also has seaweed, which is very delicious when making soup every time.

But there are two big bags of seaweed like this, the quantity is very touching.

Shu Shu also had an idea.

Seaweed can be made into seaweed, which is to break it up, add sesame oil, sesame seeds, and salt to fry over low heat.

It can be served with rice and porridge, and it is also resistant to storage.

These things, bird's nest and sea cucumber are all edible for pregnant women, but Shushu is not good at offering flowers to Buddha.

She decided to try the dishes well, it would be best to turn them into small dishes or semi-finished products, and then return to Ningshou Palace as a filial piety.

This was given by Kangxi's filial piety to the Queen Mother.

The queen mother can reward her, but she doesn't like to accept it.

What she thought of was Buddha jumping over the wall.

It was originally a messy stew of seafood ingredients, more or less, the same is not bad.

The key is to make it well, and the taste will not change when heated.

Now that it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, it can be done well.

Then freeze it into portions, and it becomes a convenient version of Buddha jumping over the wall.

Shu Shu was moved, so he asked Xiao Song to take a pen and paper and draw up a recipe for Buddha jumping over the wall.

Various prescriptions in later generations are not fixed.

However, sea cucumber, abalone, and shark's fin are the main ingredients, and fish maw and scallops are indispensable. Currently, there are more than half of them, and the rest should be better matched.

Appropriate additions, such as tendons, shiitake mushrooms, and magnolia slices, are all ingredients that are always available in the dining room.

Thinking about the same, Shu Shu asked someone to accept it.

Let's talk about it in the twelfth lunar month.

For the past two days, let's not toss.

The room was filled with the smell of dried seafood, and the windows needed to be opened to escape the smell, so Shu Shu went to the study.

There is nothing to do before the year, preparing for the annual ceremony is one thing, and the "May [-]th" funeral in Dafujin is one thing.

There is also the birthday of the fifth elder brother in the middle.

The fifth elder brother is twenty years old this year, and this is also his birthday.

Shu Shu thought of this, and vaguely remembered that someone had a birthday in the twelfth lunar month, so she opened her notebook.

When she first got married, Wu Fujin told her once.

I found the record, and it turns out that there is also Elder Brother Twelve, who is also born on the fourth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Shu Shu also paid attention to the other people. Elder Brother Fifteen is November [-], just a few days later, and almost forgot.

A few little elder brothers, they really don't have a sense of existence.

Then it will be the next year, the fourteenth elder brother's birthday in the first month, the most in February, the eldest elder brother, the third elder brother, the eighth elder brother, and the cute little seventeenth in March.

Shu Shu instructed Walnut to say, "Find a set of longevity locks and nine chains, wrap them up, and find a good inkstone to prepare..."

This is for the [-]th and [-]th elder brothers.

For the fifth elder brother, how to prepare the birthday gift must be discussed with the ninth elder brother.

Just as he was thinking, there was movement outside.

Brother Jiu is back.

In addition to He Yuzhu and Sun Jin, there were a few eunuchs who followed, all of them carried their arms and carried things.

After everything was put down, elder brother Jiu signaled He Yuzhu to send a reward, and sent someone away, then followed Shu Shu and said, "Look at what the master brought back?"

With that said, he was about to open those.

Just looking at the familiar packaging, Shu Shu knew it.

The east room hadn't finished smelling yet, Shu Shu didn't want the west room to smell like seafood, so she hurriedly said, "Don't worry, let's go to the east room to see..."

Brother Jiu was puzzled, but he didn't say anything. Everyone took everything to the east room.

Only then did Brother Jiu notice that the window was open.

There is still a fishy smell in the house.

"Khan Ama sent someone to deliver it?"

Brother Jiu was a little embarrassed: "I don't know! I took a lot from the dining room of the Qing Palace, isn't it heavy?"

Shu Shu shook her head, and told about Nanny Bai's coming.

After hearing this, Brother Jiu lost interest in showing Shu Shu the ingredients, and said, "Then what are you looking at? Put them all away. Let's look at the ingredients. They are Western ingredients that were tributed by General Fuzhou. There are only twenty-two horses in total. I'm so generous. There are two horses in the face..."

He seemed to pick it himself, because he was afraid that the color of the tribute would not be suitable.

Shu Shu also became interested and followed to see.

There are four bolts of western velvet in total, two of which are red, with lotus patterns on the pedicles, and are for ten Fujin.

The remaining two horses are fragrant and simple with a swastika pattern.

"It can be used as a cloak, it won't get wet in the rain..."

Brother Jiu said.

He has an old dress, which is made of western velvet.

Shu Shu didn't speak, but touched the material, feeling familiar.

It looks like the material of cashmere coats that are common in later generations, and it also has metallic water ripples.

Both the feel and the gloss.

It is the pattern on the top, which should be woven during the weaving process. It seems that there are other crafts in it, and it looks closer.

"Didn't it mean that the Ministry of Internal Affairs set up a weaving office in the south of the Yangtze River, and no one thought about the craftsmanship of this western velvet?"

Shu Shu asked curiously.

General Fuzhou supervised the Fujian Customs, so there were foreign goods in the tribute.

But there were only twenty-two horses.

Too precious.

Rare on the market.

Doesn't the merchant's selling become a random price?
But this seems to be really cashmere!
Brother Jiu said: "No one has thought about it, but the materials in Western countries are different from ours. They have added bird feathers and dyed them with orangutan blood, which are useless here...Now there are Western materials out there. , but it is not as exquisite as the tribute, which is almost one tael of silver per foot!"

A piece of cloth is now four feet long, and a folded ruler is forty feet.

That is forty taels of silver!

However, the silk and satin that can be bought in the capital usually cost four or five taels of silver per piece, and most of them cost one or two taels of silver per piece.

The price of cloth is lower, three or four hundred dollars a piece.

Shu Shu felt a pain in the flesh.

Shu Shu didn't say a word, she went to look through the sewing box and took out the scissors.

She wanted to see if her guess was right.

Now the door curtain of the main room is made of wool felt to keep out the wind.

Shu Shu cut a side in an inconspicuous place underground, then went into the house, and cut a side of the western tweed.

Brother Jiu followed her without stopping, and asked curiously, "What did you find?"

Shu Shu handed him both sides: "Master, take a closer look?"

Wool felt is hard and rough to the touch, while velvet is soft and slippery.

Brother Jiu looked at it for a while, and said, "I can't see anything..."

Shu Shu was not idle, and took a candle and a scythe.

Candles were lit.

She burned the wool felt first.

Flammable, strong smell.

The muttony smell of wool is stinky.

Brother Nine had disgust on his face, and he avoided it.

Shu Shu blew out the wool felt and put it on the clean white paper.

She lit the velvet again.

This smell is not as good as that of wool felt, but it is very similar.

Brother Jiu was stunned: "This western velvet is actually made of wool?"

Shu Shu immediately turned off the fire, and said, "As long as it's fabric, like cotton or hemp, from grass or silk, and the rest is wool, camel hair and other livestock shears, what else can there be?"

As Shu Shu said, she crushed the burnt parts of the two cloth strips, and they were all powder without traces.

It should be natural wool, without adding any non-flammable adhesives.

Brother Jiu didn't give up, took the two leftover materials, looked left and right: "But wool felt is so cheap, it's about the same price as homemade cloth, which is hundreds of times worse!"

Shu Shu took a bewilderment and said: "If the master can make Mongolian wool, it will be a great achievement..."

Brother Jiu's face became brighter, and he nodded again and again: "That is, that is, Mongolia is vast and sparsely populated, and the number of princes and princes is limited. Even if we make money from them one after another, there are still a few. If we really want to talk about the rich, there are still many people in the south of the Yangtze River... If we can imitate this western velvet, even if the price is only half the price, the profit will be scary..."

Shu Shu's smile froze.

Why are you thinking about money? !
The biggest credit is not this.

The pastures of the Mongolian princes are fixed. If there are more sheep, there will be fewer horses.

This is also the way to weaken Mongolia.

It can also affect the way of life in Mongolia, with more people settling down and more people raising sheep.

When you get used to this method, you will be able to combine farming and animal husbandry, making it easier for the court to manage.

The centripetal force to the court is also stronger.

Like the Karaqin tribe closest to the capital, it has been fully transformed.

The residence of the Wangfu is already like a small town, and Wang Gong Taiji is also proud of being an errand in the capital.

Brother Nine was very excited, and pulled Shu Shu into the study: "Let's think about it carefully and write a plan. A few days ago, Jiangning Weaving submitted a booklet to ask for permission. Khan Ama agreed, and we should be able to come here a year ago. Let's The plan is made, when the time comes, the Lord will meet him and ask how the craftsmanship is at the weaving mansion."

When Shu Shu heard this, she was also excited.

Jiangning weaving?
Isn't that Cao Yin? !

Cao Yong's father, Cao Xueqin's grandfather!

Has the story of "Dream of Red Mansions" begun to have shadows?

The elder brother of the Pingjun Prince's Mansion is in his teens, and Cao Yin's concubine's daughter is either in the next draft or the next draft.

Immediately Shu Shu realized something was wrong.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs draft is not held every three years, but every year.

Then it's hard to say what year it was.

"Both women are princesses" was verified by later red scholars.

There should be deviations, but it is certain that both women will marry into the clan.

Cao Yin is Kangxi's haha ​​bead and confidant.

The daughter is married, the son is given a worldly position, and the grace is generous.

As for craftsmanship...

Shu Shu didn't have a background in textile technology in her previous life, so she naturally didn't know the technical process of these fabrics.

But as a consumer, she still knows the difference between cashmere and wool.

Cashmere is the fine wool from goats, and wool is from sheep.

During this northern tour, the mutton they ate along the way is called "Mongolian sheep", which are all sheep.

But there are also goats at this time.

There are goats in the capital, called "Xia sheep" or "Black sheep", which are considered to be bred from "wild sheep".

The meat is more elastic, without fat, and the taste is stronger, and the price is more expensive than ordinary mutton.

Some gourmets are especially proud of this mouthful.

Shu Shu said: "I heard a word from the nanny before, saying that when I was in Mongolia in the early years, I used people to comb the fine velvet yarn of the black sheep, and it felt as smooth as silk... Maybe the material used for this velvet Not wool, but the fine wool of the black sheep..."

Brother Nine said: "In this case, you need to get closer to the Abahai tribe. Horqin has rich water and grass, and they raise Mongolian sheep. They have to be in the north. The tribes north of Abahai are more bitter and cold, so they can be domesticated. Wild sheep, mixed with..."

There are still nine hours left, code word code word, full nine thousand monthly tickets, plus one change at the beginning of the month, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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