My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 319 Timely Rain

Chapter 319 Timely Rain

Hearing the croaking voice, Kangxi had some regrets.

Don't be soft-hearted, see you soon.

What does it mean to open? !
What does this bluff look like?
At this moment, Brother Nine has already entered.

His eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to show off.

"Khan Ama, my son went to the inner hall yesterday, his mouth was worn out, and he sold 'Yanzong Wan' with Aba Haitaiji, guess how it was sold?"

If he had a tail, he would wag it.

Kangxi's irritability subsided a little, and his expression eased. He didn't pour cold water on him, and he had some patience to coax the child: "How did you sell it? Twenty taels of silver, or fifty taels of silver?"

Brother Jiu stretched out his right hand and stretched it out: "Five hundred horses!"

Kangxi was puzzled, but he didn't show surprise, but he also took it seriously: "Why are horses involved? Tell me?"

Brother Jiu happily talked about the situation when he went to the inner hall yesterday.

However, many deletions and changes have been made.

For example, those who prove the efficacy of the medicine, such as how many princes and daughters a certain person has given birth to, are omitted.

He also gossips about the relationship between the two banners of Abahai: "It's been five or six generations, and the blood is long gone. It's a small festival, who knows, it may be true, or it may be nonsense... Listen to the meaning , now the heir to the nephew of the Zuoqi Palace is older than Taiji, if it is really changed to the younger one, there will be a difference of twenty years, from now on, Taiji alone will have the final say in Aba Haibu!"

Kangxi thought more.

Five hundred horses can be drawn from one idle horse!

Mongolia has so many flags.

If combined, the force is stronger than the Eight Banners.

Kangxi felt that he could not relax with Mongolia.

Is this auspicious just to help my uncle seek a child?

Kangxi thinks there are other things.

Regardless of whether the matter of begging for a son came to fruition or not, as long as the Zuoyi County King was tempted and acted upon, there would be a rift between uncles and nephews.

At that time, either a prince will be born and a young heir will be replaced.

Either choose another nephew, which is also to replace the heir.

Will that nephew wait for death?
But if you dare to "offend the above", that is also a crime.

The peaceful situation in Zuoqi Palace will be broken.

Kangxi then asked Brother Jiu, "What do you mean?"

Brother Nine smiled and said, "Of course, that's a horse! Don't say five hundred horses, even fifty horses. My son thinks it's okay to change it to set a precedent."

Then other tribes followed suit and could directly exchange horses.

Brother Jiu felt that he would not sell the horses at a high price at that time, and that the horses he got in exchange could be sold to the Ministry of War at the current price in the foreign mule and horse market.

It is also a long-term business.

Kangxi said: "Things are rare and precious. If you replace them like this, it may not last long."

If so many medicines are released at once, if there are too many people begging for children, if the medicines are not effective, then the guise of imperial medicine will not work well.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "My son has been thinking about this for a long time, and we agreed to only give two bottles of medicine, and replace the rest with other ones, a gold belt made inside, and jewelry made inside..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Kangxi, and said: "Ama Khan, the Aba Haibu has specially prepared [-] horses, and plans to give the old ten Fujin a dowry."

Kangxi frowned slightly after hearing this.

Duoluo County Prince's Mansion will deploy [-] guards and [-] bodyguards.

These people can also be paired with horses.

However, none of the royal guards in the capital were fully allocated horses.

Kangxi's smile was a little weak.

Brother Jiu saw it, felt a little weird, but still said with a smile: "I let my son stop me. My son thought about it, this is too eye-catching, even if it is the dowry of the old ten Fujin, but everyone is short of horses. Sometimes it is unavoidable to be missed by the clan princes and Niu Hulu's family, and it is easy to offend people if they are not separated."

Kangxi lowered his face: "How to stop?"

Wouldn't it be a direct rejection?

That's [-] horses, as long as they arrive in the capital, no matter where they are replenished, they will be better than nothing.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Isn't this a dowry? My son bragged to Taiji about the ingenuity of making things inside, such as jewelry, ornaments, clocks, etc., which cannot be bought outside. A hundred horses will stay in the House of Internal Affairs, and my son will fold things for him, what do you think?"

Kangxi rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Speaking of these things, you've got your heart set on it, that's the Imperial Household Office, don't waste everything..."

At that time, it will become a joke if the internal fabrications are flooded.

Brother Nine smiled and said, "Don't worry, Ama Khan, my son knows what is important. Except for the golden belt, the other sons will be those who can be used by the old ten Fujins, and then they will accompany them in as a dowry, so as not to let it go outside."

Kangxi nodded, slightly satisfied, remembering that General Fuzhou's annual tribute had arrived, and said: "General Fuzhou has twenty-two pieces of western velvet robes this year, and two big red lotuses with pedicles can be given to Borzigit. as a dowry."

When Brother Nine heard this, his eyes filled with longing.

He pointed to himself and said, "Ama Khan, who do you think this is? Is it your most sensible and caring elder brother Jiu?"

Kangxi said with disgust: "I only see one unfilial son!"

Brother Jiu brought grievances: "Why are you not filial to your son? I ate delicious food outside, and my son was thinking about Khan Ama! After changing these horses, he didn't even think about exchanging money. He just thought about Khan Ama worrying about the past two years Ma Zheng, if you can make up for some, you can’t be filial, and there will be no filial sons in the world!"

Kangxi snorted softly: "Don't be silly, talk well!"

"The son has no credit, but also has hard work. Do you also reward two horses here?"

Brother Nine took a flattering way.

Seeing that Kangxi was unmoved, Brother Jiu began to settle accounts.

"Khan Ama, it was agreed before that each of us will get half of the profit from selling medicine to Mongolia. Now that my son's share of the profit is gone, can't it be decent?"

"Think about it, you have deducted the salary of the acting head of the House of Internal Affairs, and you have deducted the monthly regulations in the palace. You don't feel sorry for your son's soft food, but you also have to feel sorry for his son's face, right?"

"Seeing the new year, I can't add two new clothes to Fujin. When I go back to my father-in-law's house, they see, heh, it's still the clothes of my natal family. Where can my son put his face?"

Speaking of this, Brother Nine paused.

He remembered a big thing!
"Khan Ama, you can't break your promise and get fat! You said in August that you would be rewarded with money at the end of the year. It's the twelfth lunar month. Why hasn't there been any movement?"

Kangxi hooked the corner of his mouth, and there seemed to be deep meaning in his eyes: "Don't worry, I will reward you!"

Brother Jiu felt that this look was not kind, as if he was looking at himself as a joke.

He hurriedly said: "Ama Khan, that's fine, my son is now on a job, not a little brother, if you divide the rewards, don't put your son in the little brother, just like the king's rule! "

Seeing him speak so boldly, Kangxi laughed angrily.

"Like a king?! You are the same as the boss, but the others will fall behind you?"

Brother Jiu blinked his eyes.

He wanted to nod, but it didn't feel right.

The fourth child is narrow-minded, and the seventh child also likes to care about these things...

Fifth Brother doesn't mind, but the Queen Mother and Empress will not be happy for him to suffer...

Brother Jiu changed his words and said: "No need, no need, they are all the sons of Khan Ama. When they were not ennobled, the rewards were the same as those of the clan princes. It makes no sense to take a step back after being ennobled. Everyone follows the rules of the king. All right……"

Kangxi snorted lightly, not knowing whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied.

He changed the subject: "How do you think the thousand horses should be distributed?"

Brother Jiu said casually: "Where there is a shortage, there is a shortage of horses! Didn't you say that there is a shortage of horses in the Eight Banners stationed in the south of the Yangtze River, and people are sent to Beijing every year to purchase 'horses'?"

The shortage of horses in the Eight Banners garrison is a well-known problem.

The capital is also lacking, but at least there are old horses that are barely available.

Garrisoning the Eight Banners has a large shortage of basic horses.

Kangxi didn't nod or shake his head, he just said: "There is also a shortage of horses in the guard barracks of the House of Internal Affairs..."

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "Then stay here and fill in... Anyway, it's up to you..."

Kangxi paid attention to his expression, seeing that he didn't pay any attention to military affairs, he didn't know whether to be critical or comforted.

At this moment, the head waiter has already brought people to prepare the meal.

Brother Nine watched helplessly, and didn't mention resignation.

Seeing that he was so worthless, Kangxi disliked him so much, but he also signaled him to sit by the kang.

Brother Jiu glanced at the table.

Compared with the usual meals of the two schools, there are only a few more dishes, only a dozen or so dishes.

There are several dishes that brother Jiu is familiar with.

He was studying in the study room before, and he was also serving meals in the dining room of the Qing Palace.

He moved his chopsticks slightly.

It wasn't until Kangxi put down his chopsticks that he said with disdain: "Khan Ama, the food here tastes mediocre. You haven't changed the menu for many years. The cook is really leisurely..."

Kangxi frowned and said, "It's enough to be full, so why are you so picky?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Ama Khan, you are not picky, you just have to pay attention to it, the same ingredients, if you change the recipe, it will suit your heart, so why not change it?"

Speaking of this, he said with a smile on his face: "But my son also understands that these people are afraid of being wronged, so they dare not change the menu easily. Why don't my son think about it and help you change the menu?"

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu, and felt that there should be a second half of the sentence.

Sure enough, Brother Jiu went on to say: "Khan Ama also knows that in order to supplement his son's health, his son Fujin saw the sky thinking about all kinds of food supplements. The son thought about it, or he would use the bird's nest, shark's fin, sea cucumber, etc. stored in the dining room here. Abalone or something, put it together and give it to the second one, let her think about it and try the dishes, and when she has a good recipe, she will come to you..."

Only then did Kangxi realize that his son had come to shop for things.

He remembered a common saying, "One daughter, three thieves", and felt that this son had also become a family thief.

However, thinking that he just ate the meals of the second institute yesterday, and the meals of the two young elder brothers were still in charge there, he snorted softly and did not refuse.

Brother Nine got his wish and left without any fuss.

Kangxi shook his head, and followed Liang Jiugong to complain: "Shallow-minded, like a plate, you show your face when you are happy, and you also show your face when you are unhappy. You are already sixteen, and you don't seem to be much better than brother fourteen..."

Liang Jiugong said with a smile: "Jiuye is a good brother. I heard that the older ones are all for Shi Fujin, but Jiufujin here is incidental..."

Kangxi didn't say anything.

Brothers and friends respectful, this is the reason why.

Only in this way can he be worthy of his teaching.

Two, the door.

After Shu Shu got the news, she knew that Nanny Bai from Ningshou Palace was coming, so she came out to welcome her.

Unexpectedly, Nanny Bai did not come alone, but she brought four or five eunuchs behind her, with large and small bags in her hands.

Shu Shu was stunned.

When Grandma Bai saw her coming out, she wanted to be blessed.

Shu Shu hurriedly supported her, and asked curiously, "Nurse, what kind of a good day is it today? These are all rewards from my mother?"

The two got acquainted during the northern tour, and Bai Nai smiled and said: "It was all hooked by the shark's fin filially respected by Lord Jiu yesterday, and my mother is so greedy! I hate the bad food made by the master in the dining room, and I am thinking about the food here in Fujin." What about the new recipes... Let the servants send these over, and when Fujin comes up with new recipes, remember to honor your mother with a copy..."

As people get older, they tend to get greedy.

Shu Shu understood, just smiled and said: "Yesterday, because of the shark's fin, I was talking to Lord Jiu for a long time, and I was planning to send someone to the Qianmen shop to buy these... You are really timely..."

Nanny Bai brought something, but Shu Shu didn't let her go away empty-handed.

All kinds of side dishes in the dining room, hot and sour radish, perilla leaves, cucumber with soy sauce, and spicy platycodon, all in the same jar.

Bacon, pine nut tripe, sausage, and Sixi meatballs are also two big bags of each.

There are also two jars, one is honey pear paste and the other is hawthorn paste.

"This pear ointment nourishes the lungs and relieves coughs. If you eat cold wind on weekdays, just make a cup and press it..."

"This hawthorn sauce is good for digestion. If the imperial grandmother sees something she likes and eats two more bites, she can drink half a bowl of this, and her stomach will feel better..."

Bai Momo wrote it down carefully, and brought back the big and small bags...

I finished writing at eight o'clock, and checked it again, but it was too late. 55
(End of this chapter)

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