Chapter 325 Is Abundance Is Thrift
After a while, there was movement in the yard again.

Brother Jiu and the others were originally talking between Dongci.

The ninth elder brother sat on one side of the kang, the fourteenth elder brother sat on the other side, and the thirteenth elder brother sat on a round stool.

Ninth elder brother looked like a big brother, and told fourteenth elder brother: "Then your yard is next to that of your twelfth brother. He is a bookworm, and he reads with a book on weekdays. Don't be too noisy on weekdays. I made a noise while he was reading, the walls of the yard are thin, so the neighbors can hear what they say in the yard.”

These words were ordered by Fourteen, and secretly reminded Thirteen.

The head office is also quiet, don't make noise here.

It was because he thought that his younger brother was getting older and it was difficult to speak directly, so he turned a corner.

The fourteenth elder brother sighed and said, "My younger brother wants to make a fuss, but he doesn't have the time. He goes to the study all day, and he can't rest for a few days a year."

"What are you talking about? So lively?"

The tenth elder brother picked up the door curtain and came in, followed by the serious twelve elder brother.

The house is brightly lit from the main room to the second room.

Seeing that everyone was in Dongci, the tenth elder brother and the twelveth elder brother turned right.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were sitting, but they both stood up.

Shu Shu also put away the bonsai and came out with walnuts.

Everyone looked into Elder Brother Twelve's arms.

His arms were bulging, as if holding a small quilt.

"Is this something to take with you? Afraid of the cold?"

Brother Fourteen leaned forward and asked curiously.

Elder Brother Twelve put the things on the side of the kang unhurriedly, then bowed to Shu Shu and said, "Sister-in-law Nine..."

Shu Shu dodged, slightly bent her knees and said, "Twelfth Uncle Ann..."

Twelve Elder Brothers just opened the small quilt covering it, and there is a simple frame, revealing that inside is a pot of narcissus, which is shiny and green.

It's not a gemstone bonsai, but a real narcissus.

The bottom is fine celadon, but the top is narcissus.

This is the most common flower in winter.

It doesn't look expensive.

This gift, at first glance, is a bit thin.

He said politely: "I don't have anything else, I just gave this to Sister-in-law Jiu to keep and play, it's in season..."

Shu Shu took it with both hands, took a closer look, and sincerely praised: "The bulbs are fat, the leaves are green, the top grade among narcissus, thank you Uncle Twelve..."

Daffodils not only look good, but also have a good meaning.

According to Shilin, narcissus has the appearance of a fairy and the virtue of a gentleman, and sending narcissus flowers is an excellent compliment.

Shu Shu felt a little better in her heart, and her favor for Twelve Elder Brothers increased a lot.

Never expected that, looking deserted, she would be quite flattering.

Elder Fourteen looked at it several times: "It hasn't bloomed yet, what's so interesting about it?"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "It's the best of both worlds to enjoy the leaves without blooming, but to enjoy the flowers when blooming."

The fourteenth brother is a bit disgusted.

He felt that Elder Brother Twelve was unkind and fooling people.

That is to say, sister-in-law Jiu is not snobbish, otherwise, who would want a plate of cheap daffodils.

Brother Twelve's face was calm.

Brother Ten smiled and said, "I went with Twelve and ordered two pots of winter jasmine for Sister-in-law Nine in the smokehouse. I guess it will take a few days to deliver them, and the flowering period will be here."

There is also a greenhouse in the palace, which is dedicated to planting flowers and trees, and is called a "smoking room".

The younger brothers all respected Shu Shu, the sister-in-law, and they didn't come empty-handed. Brother Nine was very satisfied, and looked at Brother Twelve with a smile.

The fourteenth elder brother quit.

He realized it later, looked at the twelfth elder brother, then at the tenth elder brother, and said, "That's not right, why did the tenth brother and the twelfth brother only bring things to the nine sister-in-law! What about our share?" ? We’re moving today, isn’t this a ‘reception feast’? Why are you brothers all empty-handed?”

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've already made preparations, and I didn't bother you here. Tomorrow, you will go to the third place to pick..."

"Can you still choose?"

The fourteenth elder brother's eyes were shining brightly, and he was gearing up: "What is that like?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "One Mongolian sword per person!"

Elder Fourteen rolled his eyes and said, "Was it from Horqin, or from Abahai?"

Brother Ten glanced at him: "Aren't they all Mongolian knives? Why do you ask this?"

Elder Fourteen smiled and said, "If there are all of them, then I will pick Abahai! Haha, Elder Brother Ten is your son-in-law, so Abahai must be better prepared!"

Elder Brother Ten snorted softly, "If you don't have to choose, just take one each!"

Aba Haitaiji gave him a Mongolian knife.

The handle of the knife is gold, with the teeth of the wolf king inlaid on it.

Elder Brother Ten has already collected it, so he won't give it away.

If Brother Nine wants it, he still thinks about it, so don't even dream about it here at Old Fourteen.

The fourteenth elder brother was disappointed, and said: "Well, if you didn't pick it, you didn't pick it..."

He looked at Brother Twelve again.

Elder Brother Twelve said: ""Great Qing Law", one set for each person!"

Elder Fourteen's face froze, and he frowned and said, "Brother Twelfth, are you joking? Alright, prepare these? The master's lecture in the study is enough, what else do you want to do?"

Brother Twelve couldn't help but glanced at Brother Nine out of the corner of his eye, and said with a bit of seriousness: "It's not a bad thing, you won't suffer!"

Unexpectedly, Ninth Brother and Ninth Sister-in-law still have a relationship, like a storybook.

Elder Brother Twelve looked steady, and at this age, he also had some gossip in his heart.

Brother Fourteen became more and more confused.

"What's the disadvantage? I'm the son of Khan Ama. If I don't read this, I will suffer a disadvantage?"

Brother Nine was by the side, feeling a little strange.

He is also the son of Khan Ama, so he will suffer!
What did Twelve's eyes mean just now? !

The twelfth elder brother looked calm, but actually faced with the disgust of the fourteenth elder brother, he felt a little confused.

He really didn't prepare a gift, he mentioned this just now, just remembered that he had prepared two sets of "Great Qing Law", so he just said that.

The latter sentence seems to say too much.

Brother Jiu won't be annoyed, will he?

Brother Twelve pursed his lips and refused to speak.

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, the dining tables are all set, go and sit down."

After all, he led the way.

Seeing that Shu Shu didn't move, neither did the others.

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Go and eat, I've been coughing for the past two days, and I'm afraid of getting sick after taking medicine. I ate pastry before..."

There was indeed a smell of medicine in the room.

It is actually Siwu soup.

Brother Ten frowned, worried, and said, "What did the imperial doctor say?"

Shu Shu said: "It's just watching the snow scene in the morning, going out to eat the wind, coughing a little, taking the medicine for three days and sweating, and it will be fine."

Elder Fourteen immediately said: "My brother has persimmon cream, and that also relieves cough, better than taking medicine..."

As he said that, he couldn't wait, and ordered the eunuchs who followed: "You take them all!"

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "No, no, I don't cough much anymore."

Persimmon frost is a tribute, not included in the prince's division, it must be provided by Concubine De to supplement the youngest son, how could Shu Shu have the nerve to ask for it?

Brother Fourteen waved his hands to the people around him, and saw that people had gone out, and said: "Don't be polite to my brother, it's not something rare, it just happens to be there, can't Brother Nine go to the Royal Pharmacy to get it?"

After saying this, Shu Shu couldn't say anything.

Brother Nine glanced at Brother Fourteen.

It's a good habit to be generous.

Brother Jiu greeted everyone to go to Xici Room.

There is a round table on the ground.

It is already full of large and small dishes.

There are various ingredients inside.

In the middle are two brass pots.

It is not the usual one with a hole in the middle, but like a soup pot.

The soup inside is slurping.

Brother Fourteen was shocked when he saw the number of dishes.

He just saw the simplicity of his brother and sister-in-law's food last night, and today he saw what luxury is.

He simply counted and said in surprise: "There are more than forty dishes. Khan Ama's dining table is not so diverse, right? How much money will it cost?"

The prince's quota is fixed.

Prince Fujin has more responsibilities, so he won't be so rich.

Then you have to pay for this table of food by yourself.

Brother Jiu said proudly: "What's the matter, isn't it for the two of you to catch the wind, you must have delicious food, no matter how much money it is?"

The fourteenth elder brother looked at the ingredients strangely, pointed and said: "Ninth brother, what are these?"

Brother Jiu glanced at it and said, "Bell rolls, vegetarian chicken, puffed tofu puffs, frozen tofu..."

Elder Fourteen was unhappy and said, "Why are there so many kinds of tofu? I don't like tofu, I want to eat meat!"

Outside the door, Kangxi was a little worried at first, but now he also relaxed.

Liang Jiugong hurriedly lifted the curtain, and raised his voice: "Jiu Ye, Jiu Fujin, the emperor is here..."

Several princes from the Xici Room came out.

Shu Shu in Dongshao heard the movement and came out with walnuts.

In fact, people from the Second Institute went to the imperial dining room several times this afternoon, making big and small bags.

Too much movement.

Someone talked about the Imperial Palace.

Kangxi was a little worried about Brother Fourteen.

After all, he is the youngest son, and now he has just allocated a yard to live alone.

He strolled over with a bit of curiosity.

Unexpectedly, it happened to be just in time, and the two banquets happened to be held.

After listening to more than forty dishes, Kangxi felt that it was too much.

In addition, Brother Jiu searched a large amount of seafood ingredients from the warehouse of Qianqing Palace just yesterday, so Kangxi regarded it as the Yan Wing Banquet.

Hearing the latter sentence, he felt that something was wrong, and he became more and more curious.

Kangxi remained calm and glanced at Shu Shu.

Wearing half-new and not old homely clothes, looking clean and simple, he still came out of the east room.

In Kangxi's heart, he was slightly satisfied.

Brothers all come out in the Westinghouse, and they don't mix together.

It should be so.

The fourteenth elder brother had already stepped forward, pulled Kangxi's arm and said, "Did Khan Ama come to see his son? It happened just in time, and just now my son was thinking that it would be great if Khan Ama was here."

The son is so close and dependent, Kangxi nodded, feeling that the pain was not in vain.

Seeing that the twelfth elder brother was also on the list, his expression did not change, and he was quite surprised.

Lao Jiu has grown up, after all, he is like an older brother, and he has not fallen behind the five schools.

Otherwise, the four brothers here are grouped together, and the five schools are left behind, what will happen?

Brother Nine felt sore in his heart, and muttered: "Ama Khan, you are really partial to your youngest son. When my son moved to the palace with Lao Shi, I didn't see you coming to have a look..."

Kangxi glared at him and said, "What's wrong with being partial? Who told you to be born in the middle, so you can't be the same?"

Brother Nine was not convinced, and wanted to remind him that Brother Fourteen was not the old son, and there were three more behind him.

It's really ruthless, who doesn't know that the old man didn't confer a high position as a king and concubine, but the brand has been turned over.

As a result, the two sons born were wiped out?
The tenth elder brother said: "Sit in the house, Khan, and try the new-style pot..."

In those days when he was recuperating in the paddock, he ate twice.

I feel very good.

Kangxi was surrounded by his sons and entered the Xici Room.

Seeing the round table full of bowls and dishes, Kangxi's expression became a little gloomy.


Wait until you see what's in the dishes. It's not some well-made sea cucumber and abalone, but various ingredients.

He looked around calmly.

This is more than forty discs?
All kinds of tofu take up seven or eight plates.

A chicken is also divided into several plates of chicken skin, chicken, and chicken gizzards.

For vegetables, spinach, coriander, and small rapeseed are Dongzi vegetables, and the remaining white radish slices, cabbage hearts, yams, and pimples are all common in the imperial dining room.

Looking full, there are no valuable ingredients at all.

Lao Jiu was talking big just now, and he thought that this meal would cost a lot of money, but it turned out to be like this, so he just fooled the ignorant brother Fourteen.

Five sets of tableware.

Kangxi glanced at his sons, all the princes from the West Fifth Institute were here.

Dong E's is good.

Although the Eight Banners do not have as many rules as the Han people, the family eats, and men and women do not have separate tables.

But Dong E's is the new wife after all, there are ten elder brothers and twelve elder brothers on the table, and the age difference between uncle and sister-in-law is not too big. Dong E's keeping the rules like this makes people feel more at ease.

It was the same during the northern tour, she treated her two younger uncles close to each other, but she behaved dignifiedly and not frivolously, so both younger uncles respected her.

Looking at Shu Shu, who followed with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes, Kangxi's expression softened, and he said: "Go and rest, I will talk to my brothers."

Shu Shu wished he could, so he got blessed and retreated.

This is not the time to look for presence.

In fact, this is out of order.

If Kangxi came over, he should be in the study in the front yard, waiting for his son and daughter-in-law to come and see him.

Instead of coming directly to the main courtyard.

That is to say, there are a lot of elder brothers today, otherwise, I don’t know what kind of dirty words can be made up when it reaches the ears of others.

Whoever calls him the emperor, he is the biggest rule.

Shu Shu returned to Dongshaojian, feeling a little regretful.

You shouldn't act like your brothers are close so you set the table in the main room, it should be placed in the front.

Immediately she was relieved.

Even if people in the palace love to gossip, they dare not bring it up to Kangxi.

In the Xici room, Kangxi was invited to the seat.

The left hand is the tenth elder brother and the twelve elder brother, and the right hand is the fourteenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother.

According to the rules, the twelfth elder brother was supposed to sit next to each other on the right, but whoever made the fourteenth elder brother the youngest son sat next to Kangxi, so that was the order.

Brother Nine, the host, sits at the bottom as a companion.

Xiaotang had already placed the spare dishes on the side.

In addition to plates and bowls and chopsticks, there are four saucers in front of each person, which are respectively filled with sesame sauce, dried chili, mushroom sauce, and sesame oil and garlic.

The pots in the imperial dining room also have this kind of freshly cooked, such as fish fillet hot pot.

This is the first time I have seen so many flavored dishes.

Twelve elder brothers, who have always been prudent, looked at the row of small dishes in front of them, and became more curious.

Wait until Kangxi moved his chopsticks.

Everyone followed suit.

Elder Brother Ten went straight to the red oil pan.

There are already a lot of cooked ingredients inside, such as crispy meat, sausage, fried tofu, and blood tofu.

In the mushroom soup pot, there are boiled white radish, kelp, tofu puffs, and fungus.

The fourteenth elder brother picked up two chopsticks from the mushroom soup pot and quit.

He wants to eat meat.

He pinched the red oil pan, and there were two pieces of crispy meat.

The overbearing scent fills the room.

Elder Fourteen felt that his saliva remained.

Just as he was about to put it in his mouth, Brother Thirteen hurriedly stopped him and said, "Wrap it in sesame oil and eat it, or it will burn your throat."

The fourteenth elder brother swallowed his saliva, and followed the remonstrance like a stream.

Originally it looked red, but it was actually slightly spicy.

Wrapped in sesame oil, the spiciness is not obvious, but it enhances the taste.

Elder Fourteen's face showed satisfaction.

Kangxi remained motionless, but he listened and picked up a piece of chopsticks, which was a piece of fried tofu.

He dipped the tofu in sesame oil and took a bite, thinking it would be greasy, but it turned out just right.

At this moment, Xiaotang lowered his head and stepped forward, respectfully putting a cup by each person's hand.

Kangxi took a look.

It should not be wine.

Eating is eating, and drinking is out of line. Dong E's family is well-educated and reasonable, and will not make such an omission.

Elder Fourteen even ate a few mouthfuls of the red oil pan, but felt it was a little salty, and thought it was white water, with disgust, he asked Xiaotang, "Is this white water? Why do you use this?"

Xiaotang said: "If you go back to Master Fourteen, it's honey water. It's sweet and can relieve spicy heat..."

Four changes to fourteen thousand, the fan title activity in the book circle has started, everyone has shared the results, come quickly.

The next chapter will be updated at 9:2 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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