My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 326 Brother 9, there is a ghost

Chapter 326 Brother Nine, There Are Ghosts

A meal, from Youchu to Youzheng.

There are more than forty dishes, except for a few left on the bottom of the plate, nothing else is left.

After eating the last mouthful of Yi noodles in the bowl, Kangxi put down his chopsticks.

Everyone watched and put down their chopsticks.

Fourteenth elder brother leaned back on the chair and didn't want to talk anymore.

I didn't feel it when I ate it, but I ate a lot without knowing it, and now my stomach is full.

He touched his stomach, feeling like a half-pushed watermelon.

Xiaotang stepped forward and changed everyone's cups.

It's not honey water anymore, it's red.

what is this?
Everyone is curious.

But no one asked, anyway, it's not bad.

Elder Fourteen drank two sips, mainly sour and slightly sweet, the greasy in his mouth seemed to be gone.

Kangxi looked at the cup and thought of Kudingcha and rice tea.

Dong E's has many ideas, and there are rules in his actions, so he must have checked the Materia Medica.

Is this hawthorn boiled water?

He glanced at Brother Nine.

Hawthorn eliminates indigestion, invigorates the spleen and strengthens the stomach.

Brother Jiu seems to have eaten a few more mouthfuls of noodles just now, the maid serving meals here went out and prepared this when she came back.

My ninth elder brother is really lucky.

Dong E's family is also virtuous, serving her husband meticulously.

Brother Jiu noticed his gaze, looked up, and said proudly: "Ama Khan wants to ask this? This is a cold white boiled with hawthorn sauce. It's just right to drink after a meal. It relieves tiredness and helps digestion. It was also called "Hawthorn Sauce" yesterday. Bai Momo brought back two jars to the imperial grandmother, if you drink it well, the son will also honor you two jars?"

Kangxi looked warm, nodded, and said: "Also."

Brother Nine brought back so many ingredients yesterday, so he should take some back.

What he is most satisfied with is that the Dong E family can think about filial piety to Ningshou Palace.

The Empress Dowager doesn't like vegetables, and her daily diet is mainly meat. She is getting older and does not move much. Drinking this is a symptom.

When Guo Luoluo's rebellion happened, the old lady didn't say anything, but she was sad.

The fourteenth elder brother said from the side: "Ninth brother, ninth brother, those sent by sister-in-law Jiu today, do you have this hawthorn sauce?"

Where did brother Jiu know this?
He knew that Xiaotang was in charge of the dining room, so he asked: "What did Fujin ask for, please tell me carefully, do you have this?"

Xiaotang replied respectfully: "Each elder brother's dining room has six kinds of jar vegetables, pickled perilla leaves, hot and sour radish, spicy garlic, eight-treasure pickles, pickled celery, cucumber sticks; six kinds of dried vegetables, Kelp, fungus, shiitake mushrooms, bean skin, vermicelli, dried beans; six kinds of meat, bacon, bacon, air-dried sausage, cured chicken, cured fish, ham; and six cans of sauce, meat sauce, mushroom sauce, scallion sauce, Yi noodles sauce, sesame sauce, chicken oil chili sauce; there are also silver noodles, noodles, leaf noodles, sweet-scented osmanthus honey and autumn pear paste, plus [-] pieces of chicken, a total of [-] items... There is no hawthorn sauce, Fujin said, A few elder brothers grow healthy, don't need to drink this, you will get hungry after drinking..."

The things were packed by Xiaotang and delivered by Xiaotang.

Speaking of it, she is very logical.

Among them, six kinds of dried vegetables, six kinds of meat, silver noodles, and eggs were bought directly from the imperial dining room with money, and they were not included in the prince's daily meals.

The remaining sixteen samples were all made by the second dining room.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard it.

Elder Brother Ten is familiar with this place and knows it well.

Almost all the side dishes and sauces stored in the second dining room are in there, except for a few small ones that are not easy to divide.

Elder Brother Twelve felt uneasy, and only knew that he had sent five dining rooms, but he didn't expect so many.

These ingredients are not included in the prince's distribution, and they all cost money.

I took a plate of narcissus as a gift in return, would I be rude?

If I had known earlier, I should not have brought the narcissus raised in the study, but the pot of precious narcissus on the Duobao Pavilion.

At that time, he thought of Mrs. Jiu's demeanor, and felt that the fake flowers did not match, and the dull and gray ones were not as green and bright as the real flowers.

I chose the real narcissus, which seemed simple after all.

Elder Brother Thirteen ate with his brother and sister-in-law on the North Tour Road, with a smile on his face.

He is hungry.

In particular, the sauces are delicious with rice or noodles. They look simple and easier to eat than the regular dishes in the palace.

I even talked about this with Jiusao first.

Elder Fourteen doesn't even have a concept of a dining room, he just thinks there are a lot of things.

But he was not happy, and said: "Eat it when you are hungry, Brother Ninth, I still want this, I am ready to order this, and if I meet something delicious, I will not be afraid to hold on..."

Brother Jiu hadn't spoken yet, but Kangxi had already reprimanded him: "Nonsense! Have you forgotten the reason why you can't eat enough?!"

If you don't want to scold your children while eating, what are you worried about after eating?
The fourteenth elder brother saw that he was annoyed, so he didn't dare to break it. He stood up and listened to the training with his head bowed.

Kangxi snorted coldly and said: "Frizzled, I sent someone to Qintianjian to ask a question, and then I found an excuse to move. It is indeed suitable to move today before Laba, but there is another sentence that is not good for the northwest. Why don't you ignore it? This is unwise! It’s such a weather again, the road is slippery, and the palace people brave the wind and snow, and their hard work is multiplied, this is inhumane!”

In the end, there is no danger.

Fourteenth elder brother whispered: "My son just wants to come here early and live with my brothers. How lively it is..."

Kangxi sneered and said, "You think it's lively? It's messy and disgusting!"

The fourteenth brother is young, but he also loves face, so he quit immediately, with grievances: "Ama Khan, why do you say that? Why is my son so annoying? Ninth brother and ninth sister-in-law like me the most... "

Having said that, he looked at Brother Ninth and said, "Brother Ninth, do you think so? Brother Ten is not as smart as I am, Brother Twelfth is not as good at talking as I am, Brother Thirteen is not as good as me... Where can I find someone like me?" A sensible and caring brother?"

Brother Jiu felt a toothache and didn't really want to answer.

Brother Ten smiled beside him.

I didn't think so at first, but now I realize that Brother Fourteen and Brother Nine are quite similar.

If you didn't know, you would think they were brothers from the same mother.

All so cheeky.

Thinking of this, Elder Ten glanced at Elder Thirteen.

Recalling the initial ceremony, many people regarded the thirteenth elder brother as his same mother and brother...

The fourteenth elder brother saw that the ninth elder brother didn't answer, he stretched out his hand, and said, "Is my brother not caring? That treasure..."

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, yes! Fourteenth brother, you are right, you are the most sensible brother!"

This broken mouth!

Brother Jiu didn't want him to talk about bonsai and persimmon frost, as if the husband and wife were taking advantage of his younger brother.

The fourteenth elder brother became proud, and said to Kangxi: "Look, Ama, is the son right? Even the food in these dining rooms, the elder brothers are also honored by the son. Ninth sister-in-law must feel that only giving the son a It's not good, everyone has it..."

He raised his chin, very boastful.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother looked at each other, neither of them bothering to answer.

How old is he?

The later ones are not counted.

Elder Brother Twelve didn't answer either, but disapproval appeared on his face.

The fourteenth elder brother saw it and asked, "Twelfth elder brother, don't you think so?"

Elder Brother Twelve nodded and said, "Well, we have been honored by Brother Nine, not by you..."

Elder Fourteen disapproved and said: "Brother Ninth can think of this? You think highly of Brother Ninth, and you don't care about Brother Nine at all. It's obviously Ninth Sister-in-Law who is sympathetic to us..."

Elder Brother Twelve said this, and shut his mouth like a clamshell.

There was the sound of clappers outside.

Enter more.

Kangxi didn't stay any longer, got up and went back to Qianqing Palace.

Everyone went to the door of the elder brother's office to send them off respectfully.

Kangxi's shoulder chariot left slowly.

The snow had already stopped, and the north wind howled.

In the corridor of this elder brother's place, it is particularly obvious.


With a roundabout sound.

Brother Jiu pretended to be a good brother for a long time, although he didn't have much room to play, but he was also impatient, waved his hands and said: "Okay, okay, eat and drink, let's go!"

The two wing rooms also got the news of the arrival of the holy chariot, and they all finished eating in a hurry, and they all waited peacefully.

That's it.

The eunuchs and nuns of each institute carried lanterns and surrounded the young master to leave.

Brother Nine then pulled Shu Shu and said, "Don't talk, go into the house!"

It's bronchitis, not cold air allergy, so it's not like this.

But Brother Nine is concerned, and Shu Shu appreciates it.

Xiaotang brought people to evacuate the banquet room in Xici Room, and opened the window to let the smell out.

Brother Jiu didn't want to go to the study, so he stayed in the east room.

The two soaked their feet and washed briefly.

Brother Jiu dragged her to lie down under the curtain: "Hey, don't do anything, master help you cover your stomach..."

Shu Shu was also a little lethargic, so she let him go.

Hospitality is tiring.

Although there are not many customers today.

But there are also novel discoveries.

It's just that Brother Twelve looks honest and dull, but he didn't expect to have a narrow side.

Shu Shu saw it, and when he told the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers "The Law of the Qing Dynasty", he aimed at the ninth elder brother.

It seems that the news is quite well-informed.

It's normal to think about it.

Although Elder Brother Twelve is in the palace, the haha ​​beads around him are from outside.

At that time, the lawsuit between Dong E's family and Gui Dan was also rumored outside.

Those who are well-informed will know that Brother Jiu is involved.

It's just that no one mentioned it.

Brother Jiu's hands became dishonest, not only touching his stomach, but also touching his upper body.

Breathing is also rapid.

Shu Shu narrowed her eyes and pondered.

This is the sweetness of the teenager, addicted?

Normally, Shu Shu would cooperate with him to mess around.

Upset today.

She inevitably became pessimistic again.

Fortunately, she was not pregnant, otherwise, would Brother Nine be able to persist for ten months?
If she had a big belly and struggled through pregnancy, brother Jiu would sleep in someone else's bed...

Shu Shu felt itchy.

She looked at Brother Jiu's waist, in that case, everyone will be clean.

As if aware of the stiffness of Shu Shu's body, Brother Jiu put his hand back on his stomach, hugged Shu Shu in his arms, took two deep breaths, and then whispered: "Be patient for a few more days, these few days I won't hire you..."

Shu Shu couldn't laugh or cry.

It was her who couldn't help it...

The boy's blood was hot, Brother Jiu's hands were hot, and his arms were also hot.

Because of Shu Shu's body, her hands and feet were a little cold, so she curled up in Brother Jiu's arms.

Brother Nine remembered something, and said: "I asked Khan Ama about the silver reward at the end of the year, and said that it will be soon. I think we will not be missing. You will go north to take care of the tenth brother and the thirteenth brother." The credit has not yet been counted, Khan Ama is not good at rewarding you alone, I guess it will be directly added to the master..."

He works late on an errand, he is not as good as his brothers, and he is not in the same league as Dagardan.

But even with Shu Shu's merits, he would be given a share of the reward, which is justifiable.

It's not that he insisted on going forward to ask for it, but Khan Ama had already said that he had a share.

It is because he has self-knowledge and knows that his reward will probably be halved, so he talks like a king.

Shu Shu also felt happy after hearing this.

No one has too much money.

It is also a good thing to be recognized for your efforts.

"How much do you think you can reward?"

Shushu brought expectations.

Brother Nine thought for a while and said: "It's not just rewarding the prince, brother, but the clan. Prince Baylor's annual salary is placed there. If there is less, you can't afford it. It always starts at [-]..."

Dorobelle's annual salary is two thousand five hundred taels.

The annual salary of King Doro is [-] taels.

Prince Heshuo has an annual salary of [-] taels.

Too little, really not decent.

Before they knew it, the two embraced and fell asleep.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In the silent midnight, everything was silent, and there was a knock on the door.

Shu Shu was awakened suddenly.

A shrill cry came from the front: "Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, there is a ghost!"

The fan title event management has been applied for, and we are waiting for the website to approve it, so don't worry.Whispered, I am afraid that everyone will empathize with each other.Thinking that it will be safe, so ask for a monthly pass again. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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