My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 327 Irrational Shu Shu

Chapter 327 The Irrational Shu Shu
Brother Jiu is still in a daze.

Shu Shu quickly pushed him away.

The voice outside became clearer.

Then came the sound of chaotic footsteps.

There was movement in the courtyard.


An unfamiliar voice.

"Master Fourteen..."

This is the sound of walnuts.

Shu Shu didn't leave anyone in the upper room to watch the night, but in case the master summoned him for something, the maids also arranged shifts by themselves.

You don't have to stay up all night, just close your clothes and don't sleep so hard.

The walnuts are on duty tonight, so they come out so quickly.

"Go away, don't stop me!"

It was Brother Fourteen's voice, with a crying tone.

Shu Shu was also nervous.

In the middle of the night?
what happened?
Brother Jiu sat up, feeling unhappy.

The door of the main room was slapped, and if it wasn't for Shu Shu's habit of letting go of the latch, he might have been blocked by Fourteenth Elder Brother.

"It's the middle of the night, what are you fussing about?"

Brother Nine frowned, so annoyed that he turned over and got off the kang.

Seeing that Shu Shu was going to follow him down the kang, he pushed it in: "It's the middle of the night, so don't follow along, for fear that you won't get sick, right?"

Outside the door, Elder Fourteen's cries continued: "Whoa, open the door, there are ghosts..."

Shu Shu stroked her chest, feeling terrified.

Brother Jiu also heard it clearly, his heart was burning, and he went out with "Deng Deng Deng Deng".

Such a big movement at the two institutes.

Both the head office and the third office were alarmed.

The two courtyards were lit up and brightened.

Brother Nine opened the door latch, and just as he was about to reprimand him, Brother Fourteen had already jumped on top of him, wrapping his arms around his neck tightly.


The fourteenth elder brother was only wearing a middle coat, his feet were bare, his face was pale with horror, and his body trembled as he cried.

Such a pitiful little girl, how can she have the slightest domineering and self-willedness in the daytime?
Brother Jiu was so depressed that he couldn't really throw it out, so he could only carry him to the study.

The nuns and eunuchs of the four schools also chased them out in disheveled clothes.

The ninth elder brother put the fourteenth elder brother on the kang.

The fourteenth elder brother never let go.

It seemed that she was really frightened, she huddled in the arms of Brother Jiu, not daring to look at the window or the door.

In the east, Shu Shu had just been a good sister-in-law for a day, so she really hid in the house and couldn't come out.

She dressed neatly, walked out, and saw the four nuns and eunuchs in the main room who were disheveled and in shock, and said, "Okay, brother, why are you so shocked?"

The chief eunuch looked at the nun.

The nun bowed and said tremblingly: "I don't know, I moved today. I walked two more times from Zhaoxiang's place to elder brother's place, and went to Yonghe Palace. I'm a little tired, and I slept soundly... ...When I heard the movement, I was shocked when I saw Elder Brother, and I didn't care about others, so I chased after him..."

The nuns on duty at night were confused, and the chief eunuch who lived in the front was even more puzzled.

Shu Shu's face was solemn.

The fourth... used to be Eleven's residence...

Maybe there are ghosts and gods between heaven and earth, but they are not accessible to humans.

The "ghosts" that walk in the world are actually people.

In an instant, Shu Shu thought a lot.

Someone pretending to be a ghost?

What is the purpose?
With her expression unchanged, she walked into the study.

Elder Fourteen's complexion has turned from pale to pink, and his breathing is a little heavy.

Ninth elder brother didn't realize it, and his face still showed disgust, but he didn't tear fourteenth elder brother from his body, but wanted to go with Shu Shu, and wondered if someone was pretending to be a ghost.

Shu Shu saw something wrong with Elder Fourteen.

The distance between No. [-] and No. [-] is not far, but they ran out of the gate from the main house of No. [-], and then ran into the courtyard through the gate here.

In addition to knocking on the door and waiting for the door, it will add up to some time.

Adults can't stand wearing single clothes, let alone children.

This is about to have a fever.

I don't know if it was cold or scared.

Or maybe both.

Either way, you need to go to the doctor.

Both the front and rear were alarmed, and everyone followed suit.

Except for Walnut who was in the room early, Nanny Qi and the others were all awake, and Director Cui, He Yuzhu, and Sun Jin also came over.

Shu Shu told Sun Jin to go to the imperial hospital to ask for the imperial doctor.

Sun Jin responded and called a young eunuch to follow him. As soon as he left the gate of the second institute, he bumped into Elder Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Ten said, "It's midnight, what are you going to do?"

Sun Jin hurriedly said: "The Fourteenth Master was shocked, Fujin sent the slaves to the house to ask for the imperial physician..."

While speaking, brother thirteen also arrived.

I listened to it right next to me.

Two brightly lit.

By the looks of it, it's time to get up.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were less worried, and they were worried about the fourteenth elder brother. They looked at each other and entered the yard.

The clapper sound came again.

It's the fourth watch.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother also entered the study.

Maybe there are too many people.

Maybe it's the bright lights in the room.

Brother Fourteen finally calmed down.

Only then did Brother Jiu grab his arm, pull him up from his body, and said bitterly: "Tell me, what's going on? All right, the people who are disturbing you don't stop?"

Brother Fourteen had tears in his eyes, he didn't answer immediately, but glanced at the curtains, and then he said with fear: "Really, all four ghosts..."

Fourteenth brother said, his body trembling.

"Someone was crying, and then the curtain was cool..."

With the memory, he couldn't help but tremble.

Brother Jiu's face turned black.

The thirteenth elder brother's face was full of surprise.

He grew up with the fourteenth elder brother, so he can see that what the fourteenth elder brother said is not a lie.

The fourteenth brother was not made up, and there should indeed be something wrong with the fourth institute.

Elder Brother Shi sat on the edge of the kang, thought for a while, and said, "Could it be that the window is not closed properly and the wind has come in?"

It is reasonable to say that the curtain is blown, and it is cool.

The fourteenth elder brother snorted softly: "Is the tenth brother stupid? It's not a hallway, who will open the north window later?"

Elder Brother Ten looked at the north wall, and there was indeed no window.

He went to the south window and opened the window a little.

There is no wind.

In this cold winter season, the north wind is blowing.

Even if the south window is opened, it means that the outside of the house can be ventilated, and there is no wind blowing in.

Excluding this possibility, Brother Ten couldn't think of the reason for a while.

Fourteenth elder brother said proudly: "Can I still lie? It's just that I saw it and heard it! I thought it was all nonsense before, but I didn't expect that there are ghosts in this world..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Brother Jiu: " it that..."

He groaned, not daring to speak out.

He already regretted it in his heart.


should not move...

Brother Jiu's face turned even darker.

Shu Shu came over with a glass of water and handed it to Elder Fourteen.

"Thank you sister-in-law Jiu..."

Fourteenth elder brother picked it up, "Gudu Gudu", leaned back and drank it.

Howling all the way, he was thirsty.

Shu Shu could see that his face was getting redder, but there was no sweat on his head.

"Is the fourteenth brother cold?"

Shu Shu asked with concern.

Brother Fourteen put down his water glass, hugged his shoulders, and shivered: "It's cold, sister-in-law Jiu, is it time for this earth dragon to add firewood?"

Several elder brothers looked over and found something wrong.

It's warm for a while, and I'm wearing big clothes outside, and I'm going to sweat after staying here for a while.

Brother Nine directly reached out and touched Brother Fourteen's forehead.

piping hot.

He scolded: "It's winter, are you trying to die? Walking outside with bare feet and wearing single clothes!"

Brother Fourteen also realized that something was wrong with him, his throat was very itchy.

"Brother Jiu, what's wrong with me? I have a headache..."

Ninth elder brother pulled off the quilt and wrapped fourteenth elder brother: "What else can I do? I'm freezing! It's a new year, I'm going to find my own illness!"

The fourteenth elder brother said in a crying voice: "I didn't...I'm really damned..."

No one is talking to him about it right now.

Brother Jiu glanced at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu nodded.

It is estimated that the imperial doctor is coming soon.

"Cough, cough!"

Brother Fourteen began to cough, and his nose also dripped.

It is indeed a symptom of a cold.

Shu Shu felt heavy in his heart.

Whether it is a fever with fear or a fever due to wind and cold, it is not a good thing.

The two are mixed together, a little afraid to think.

After a while, Sun Jin brought the imperial physician over.

There are quite a few little masters in the palace now, and there are two imperial physicians with small prescriptions all year round in the on-duty room, and they all came.

The prince is precious, and he is also the youngest son of the concubine.

The two imperial physicians looked at each other one by one, and their complexions were not very good.

Elder Fourteen no longer had the strength to talk back, he was a little dizzy from the fever, and his eyes were slightly closed.

When the wind and cold bind the surface, it is necessary to relieve the surface and dispel the cold.

When the wind and cold attack the lungs, the lungs should be ventilated to stop coughing.

Fear causes qi to descend, fright causes qi to become disordered, kidney qi sinks, and it is necessary to calm down and soothe the nerves.

Symptomatic prescription opened.

Sun Jin didn't dare to delay, and immediately led people to the imperial pharmacy in a hurry.

It will take a lot of effort until the medicine is ready.

The antipyretic medicine was poured in and spit out immediately.

Brother Jiu was spit out all over his front, but he didn't have the slightest temper.

This person was completely confused, and it wasn't intentional, and he couldn't say it, and he couldn't scold him.

The medicine couldn't go in, and Brother Fourteen became hotter and hotter.

The whole person is bright red, and it is scary to look at.

Several people are numb.

Brother Jiu remembered his heat stroke, looked at Shu Shu and said, "Can you take a water bath to cool down here?"

Shu Shu shook her head.

In fact, at this time, the safest way is to send someone to report to Qianqing Palace.

Follow-up treatment depends on the Holy Order.

But the villain in Shu Shu's mind followed suit.

For children, fever is the most serious thing.

If the fever cannot be reduced, who knows what sequelae will be caused by the fever.

Even if Kangxi came, at most, he would call the imperial physicians with two small prescriptions for consultation, and they would still have similar prescriptions for reducing fever.

It takes time for this medicine to take effect.

If she is sensible, Shu Shu shouldn't talk too much.

Do more and make more mistakes, and do less and make fewer mistakes. This is the way to protect yourself wisely.

But who is it that "holds people with short hands and eats people with soft mouth"?
A jar full of persimmon cream is kept in Dongci, and the bonsai of wintersweet gems is still on the dressing table.

Shu Shu sighed inwardly, and said: "Master, I also know a way to reduce fever, let's try it first..."

After being married for half a year, Elder Brother Jiu already admired Shu Shu very much in his heart, so he hurriedly nodded and said, "Try it quickly! Try it quickly!"

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother also looked at Shu Shu trustingly.

The two little Fangmai imperial physicians were standing by, looking at each other in blank dismay.

They also heard about Jiu Fujin taking care of Brother Jiu's body.

But this is not the same thing!

That is to regulate the stomach, it is a chronic disease!

This is an emergency!

This is the prince's elder brother, she is a layman, how dare she try it indiscriminately?
Both of them disagreed in their hearts, but they didn't dare to stop them.

Shu Shu had already ordered Walnut to fetch shochu and clear water, and said to Brother Nine: "mix three parts with one part water, and then rub it all over my fourteenth brother's body. Underarms, palms, soles of feet, forehead, and thighs have the effect of dissipating heat." effect……"

This needs to take off the fourteenth elder brother's clothes, so it's not easy for Shu Shu to keep it, so she hides in the east room.

She was also worried.

This kind of cooling should be ok?

In later generations, white wine was mixed with water to cool down, which was one to one.

The alcohol content of today’s shochu is not as high as that of the baijiu of later generations. Is this ratio acceptable?

For young children, this method of cooling is not recommended, after all, it contains alcohol.

Elder brother Fourteen is eleven years old, he should be fine...

(End of this chapter)

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