Chapter 328 Disaster for Pond Fish
in the study.

The fourteenth elder brother has been stripped naked and put on the kang naked.

The thirteenth elder brother took the cup, mixed the soju and water according to the ratio, and poured it into the basin.

Brother Ten wet the towel, twisted it slightly, and handed it to Brother Ninth.

Brother Jiu remembered what Shu Shu said, and wiped it from the top of his head.

Brother Fourteen is hot.

Brother Nine wiped the key places from top to bottom, but he was worried and wiped the other places as well.

At the end of the rubbing, he found the difference, and touched the palm of Fourteenth Elder Brother.

It obviously feels a little cooler than before.

Brother Jiu looked at the door, he didn't quite understand the reason, and wanted to ask Shu Shu.

Shu Shu is not here, so it is not good to call in at this time.

Brother Nine raised his arms and wiped himself.

His movements were weird, tenth elder brother, thirteenth elder brother and two imperial physicians all looked at ninth elder brother.

Brother Jiu didn't speak, he frowned and looked at his arm.

As the moisture on the skin gradually dried, he felt as if he understood the reason, and motioned to Elder Brother Ten: "Old Ten, touch it, is it cooler than the place where you haven't wiped it?"

Elder Brother Ten touched it and found that his skin was cold, so he nodded.

That's why?
Is it really the effect of shochu? !

Elder Brother Ten also became curious.

He knew that Mrs. Jiu was very knowledgeable, but he still admired her in his heart.

Brother Jiu heaved a sigh of relief, glanced at the two imperial doctors, pointed to the young one, and said, "Come and wipe it for brother, wipe it several times..."

He was not in the nature of serving others, so he had no patience.

The imperial doctor bowed and took the towel.

Compared with the clumsy Brother Jiu, the imperial physician is much more careful.

Since ancient times, there have been medical records of warming and damp compresses for cooling down.

That's about the same reason.

In addition to the armpits, the groin should also be wiped.

Brother Fourteen was spread out and wiped up and down

His breathing was burning hot, even though he was unconscious, his brows were also frowning.

After wiping it twice, my breathing became lighter, and the brows on my face relaxed a lot.

Everyone looked at it and knew that this method was easy to use, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

By the time the five watch drums sounded, the red on Brother Fourteen's body had faded a lot, and he seemed to be asleep, snoring a little.

Brother Nine was worried, and asked the old lady in a low voice, "Is it okay if you don't drink the medicine? Do you want to ask brother to get up and drink the medicine?"

The old doctor hurriedly said: "No need to do that, the medicine has the effect of dissipating heat and calming the nerves. The fourteenth master's high fever gradually subsided and he slept soundly. There is no need to do anything else... just keep an eye on it to prevent my elder brother from getting high fever again."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Then you guys stay here for a while."

Having said that, he felt inconvenient.

The fourteenth elder brother wants to recuperate here, and the imperial physician and accompanying nurse will follow in, and there will be visits from various palaces later.

He hesitated, whether to move Brother Fourteen to the study in the front yard.

Illness comes like a mountain down, sickness goes like a thread.

He was ill this year, and he was raised for half a month.

But the fourteenth elder brother just slept soundly, he was afraid that he would wake him up.

Even if you want to move, you have to wait for Brother Fourteen to wake up.

Ninth brother said to tenth and thirteenth brothers: "You guys also crooked, keep your spirits up, I'll go see your sister-in-law..."

There is a kang in the south of Xici Room, where you can take a nap.

Elder Brother Shi glanced outside and said: "When dawn comes, Brother Ninth will go to Qianqing Palace and report this to Ama Khan. Concubine De will also send someone to tell her about it."

Brother Jiu nodded, feeling a little annoyed.

He didn't find it annoying to keep his little brother to recuperate before, but he was not happy when he thought of the follow-up trouble.

I don't want to be a brother!
If only the brother above hadn't moved.

Brother Jiu arrived at Dongshaojian with a little anxiety.

Shu Shu was sitting on the edge of the kang, thinking about what the little dwarf said.

there is only one truth.

What is the truth?
She was also at a loss.

Brother Nine came in and complained: "Fourteen is the most cowardly looking at the blah, and I definitely dare not go back to the fourth institute. I can't say that I can't recuperate here in the past few days..."

Shu Shu also doesn't like trouble, but there's nothing she can do about it.

She said: "Fourteenth Brother has a nanny by his side, so we don't need anything, just stay for a few days..."

Brother Jiu glanced at the window, it was still dark outside.

"The kang in the study room at the front is also burning, move him to the front when it is dawn."

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu didn't stop her.

This main courtyard is where she lives, sits and sleeps, but it is not easy to leave fourteenth elder brother here to recuperate from illness.

As for giving up the room, she moved to the front, there was no such reason.

After all, this is an inner house, so it's not a big deal for brothers like Fourteenth Brother and the others to come over for a meal or a chat.

It's not right to stay.

In any case, it is a good thing that Brother Fourteen can reduce his fever.

Brother Jiu said: "It's still some time before dawn, so you should also squint. When it's dawn, Master will go to Qianqing Palace, and you will let Nanny Qi go to Yonghe Palace..."

As for Shu Shu running errands to report to the Yonghe Palace, Brother Jiu didn't even think about it.

Brother Fourteen bumped into it by himself, and they took care of it for one night.

Do you really want to be Fourteen's nanny? !

Concubine De is partial to her youngest son, and she will be angry when the time comes, is she wronged?
Shu Shu nodded.

If she followed Zhou Quan's approach, it would be more appropriate for her, a junior, to come and speak in person.

After all, it is one of the four concubines.

But she doesn't want to be thorough.

It will be very tiring, and it will be a matter of course if you do it well in the future; if you don’t do it well, you will complain.

His image of being filial and sensible is almost the same.

That's it.

It’s too late.

If you really work hard, you will be treated as an old scalper in the future, and you will have no place to cry.

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand and said in a low voice: "Master, let's move out early and be the youngest son and daughter-in-law! Forget about elder brother and elder sister-in-law. I'm so tired, I can't do it... ..."

Brother Nine hurriedly nodded and said: "Okay, okay, move, this time, master is really enough!"

The couple looked at each other with helplessness.

Brother Nine is self-willed, and Shu Shu is also lazy.

Neither like trouble.

Fourteenth brother, even if there are occasional painful spots, it is still a big trouble!
Because of this, brother Jiu forgot about the four "ghosts".

Shu Shu remembered, but didn't mention it.

Even if you want to check, it's not this time.

When she saw the narcissus on the Duobao Pavilion, she reacted wrongly.

"There was such a big commotion just now, why didn't Elder Brother Twelve come over?"

The fifth house was next to the fourth house, and the fourteenth elder brother knocked on the door outside the second house, and there was a continuous "pop", it was impossible not to hear it.

Brother Jiu had a displeasure on his face: "Cold-hearted and cold-hearted! When did he join in the fun? If it wasn't for the fact that you gave something first, and your sister-in-law sent someone to invite him, I guess it wouldn't have happened last night." come over!"

Shu Shu thought about Elder Brother Twelve's behavior, but she didn't feel like it.

His reticence is not due to his temper, but more like a coat. Sometimes he doesn't like to talk, so he shuts his mouth.

Not really indifferent.

Walnut came in with a teapot.

Just now, Shu Shu couldn't keep her eyes open, so she asked Walnut to make tea.

Shu Shu ordered: "You ask someone to stand on the wall to see if the lights are on in the five courtyards..."

Walnut agreed and went down.

Brother Jiu said: "What are you doing with him at this time? How can you have that free time?"

He was already annoyed.

It's nothing to not like to talk on weekdays, one person has one temper.

But it's outrageous for my brother to hide when he has something to do.

Shu Shu didn't speak.

She didn't think it made sense.

If she hadn't dealt with the twelfth brother yesterday, she probably would have thought about the same as the ninth brother.

Just let him go.

Right now, there are some bad premonitions.

After a while, Walnut came in, followed by He Yuzhu.

It turned out that Walnut caught He Yuzhu just now, and the two of them didn't climb the wall directly, but took a spare ladder.

He Yuzhu got on the ladder and looked westward.

"The lights in the five main houses are brightly lit, and people are coming and going in the courtyard, looking at the people who are busy..."

He Yuzhu truthfully told what he had seen and heard.

Brother Jiu's expression was ugly, and he said to Shu Shu: "It's time to wash up! Is he stupid? Fourteen is like this, he really pretends not to know and forget it? He still wants to go to the study as usual, Khan Ama What do you think?"

Shu Shu's face became serious.

She thinks Elder Brother Twelve is not stupid.

She said to He Yuzhu: "You go there and say that the tenth master and the thirteenth master are here to accompany the fourteenth master. If the twelve master is worried, come and have a look..."

He Yuzhu responded, turned around and left.

Brother Nine looked at Shu Shu thoughtfully, "What are you thinking about? Do you think something happened to the fifth institute?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Something feels wrong, I don't know why..."

Only then did Brother Nine remember the root cause of Brother Fourteen's cold.

Four haunted!

He stood up abruptly, gritted his teeth and said, "Master, go and have a look, it's not like someone played tricks and got into the fifth school, right?"

With that said, I'm about to go out.

Shu Shu hastily pulled her back, and said, "I just got one from the cold, and I want to get sick too..."

Seeing that he was wearing a cloak and an end cap, Shu Shu let him go.

Brother Nine had just arrived at the main room, and He Yuzhu came back panting: "Master, Fujin, Lord Twelfth fell and developed a high fever..."

Elder Brothers Ten and Elder Thirteen, who were taking a nap in Xici Room, were also alarmed and came out of it.

"How did you fall?"

Brother Jiu asked, and he also had a guess in his heart, and couldn't help frowning.

He Yuzhu said: "The steward over there said that it was just before the fourth watch, when he heard something was wrong in the four schools, the twelfth elder brother got up, came out in a hurry, and fell down the steps... The steward wanted to invite the imperial physician, but was stopped by the twelfth elder brother Excuse me, I said that I don’t need to make a fuss in the middle of the night, and wait until dawn to talk about it, but it turned out that I had a high fever, and the manager was in a hurry, and he hesitated when I saw the servant, so that the servant could see..."

"Damn! You bastard!"

Brother Jiu cursed in a low voice.

The master and servant are all foolish people, one dares to stop, and the other dares to obey.

Where is the delay?
There were only two ready-made imperial physicians in the west, Brother Jiu directly called for someone to follow, and the group went to the fifth hospital.

Brother Nine was in a mess when he cared, forgetting that even an imperial doctor is divided into different disciplines.

The two imperial physicians who came today are both from the Xiao Fang Department, and they are pediatricians.

At the age of the twelfth elder brother, the two imperial physicians were barely able to use it in the past.

But since it was a trauma, it was still necessary to use an orthopedic doctor.

Shu Shu had no choice but to order Sun Jin to continue to go to the imperial hospital on duty and invite the appropriate imperial physician.

Sun Jin hurried away.

Shu Shu returned to the house, completely refreshed without drinking tea.

This pile of piles.

The scene of everyone happily eating hot pot last night was right in front of us.

In a blink of an eye, two lay down.

Brother Fourteen, if he takes good care of him, he can recover in three to five days.

I just don't know how the twelve princes are injured.

One hundred days of injury...

Three more ten thousand.I woke up at four o'clock in the morning recently. I finished typing last night and went to bed after midnight. I slept for less than four hours. Today, my brain is muddled and I'm at seven or eight hundred words per hour. I dare not stay up. . 55
The next chapter will be updated at 9 a.m. on September 3rd. This book is first published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read,

(End of this chapter)

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