My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 329 No Questions

Chapter 329 No Questions

In the five institutes, none of the imagined people turned their backs on their backs.

When Brother Nine arrived, the front and back yards were quiet.

Brother Jiu and the others went straight into the main room.

The two nuns on duty stood in the main room holding their breath.

Seeing the arrival of the princes, the nuns wrapped themselves up and retreated to the side.

Good prince elder brother, taking care of him like this, Jiu elder brother didn't have a good face, but he also knew that it was not the time to pursue responsibility, so he went directly into Dongshaojian.

The layout of several elder brothers' houses is the same, the east room and the second room are the places for living and resettlement.

In the east, there are only the twelfth elder brother and the head of the five institutes.

Elder Brother Twelve gritted his teeth tightly, his forehead was covered with cold sweat the size of soybeans, and his eyes were a little blurred.

He took off his socks on his right foot, and his trousers were also rolled up. His ankle was red and swollen and shiny.

The five directors stood beside them worriedly.

Both the master and the servant didn't bother to pay attention to the outside, until a few elder brothers came in, they all looked over together.

The chief manager of the fifth office showed excitement, and hurriedly said: "Several masters are here, come quickly to persuade our elder brother, this can't be delayed!"

Brother Twelve said with a smile: "It's not bad for now, let's wait for dawn..."

As he spoke, he looked at everyone: "Ninth Brother, Tenth Brother, Thirteenth Brother, I'm fine, I just twisted my ankle, and Wenda is too nervous."

Seeing this, Brother Jiu couldn't help but hate it, and cursed: "It's all swollen into a pig's hoof, is it okay? How dare you hurt your muscles and bones? If it's really delayed, you will be limping when the time comes, and you won't even cry Cry somewhere!"

Elder Brother Twelve is talking, I have to say more.

Brother Nine was too lazy to argue with him, so he called the two imperial physicians to check.

The main injury was the right ankle, which was so swollen that it looked serious.

The two imperial physicians looked at each other, not daring to do anything.

The elder imperial physician said: "Ninth Lord, Twelfth Lord needs bone setting, which is not what I and others are good at..."

Brother Nine frowned, and waved He Yuzhu to send He Yuzhu to the Imperial Hospital.

When they got closer, everyone discovered that besides the ankle, Elder Brother Twelve had also injured his right arm. It was not as swollen as badly as the ankle, but the skin on the elbow was also broken.

Brother Jiu snorted coldly: "Don't you usually pretend to be like an adult? Why don't you walk carefully and fall like this?"

Elder Brother Twelve drooped his head and did not make any excuses, only leaving his head bare for Brother Ninth.

Brother Jiu looked away in disgust, and stared at the head of the Fifth Institute: "What's going on outside? Are the eunuchs lazy?"

Except for the middle corridor, the rest of the yard is covered with snow.

The head of the fifth office glanced at Elder Brother Twelve with a wry smile on his face.

Elder Brother Twelve raised his head and said, "Brother Ninth, I don't blame Wen Da, it's my younger brother who doesn't ask people to sweep the snow..."

Brother Jiu frowned and looked at him: "Are you stupid in reading? Could it be that you are thinking about watching the snow scene in the yard?"

Elder Brother Twelve shut his mouth tightly and remained silent.

The ten elder brothers are clear to the bystanders.

It can be seen that the top and bottom of the five institutes treat the twelve elder brothers with great respect.

It's not like a servant controlling a master.

He remembered what the emperor's father said last night when he reprimanded the fourteenth elder brother, "It is inhumane for palace people to brave the wind and snow and double their hard work."

The fourteenth elder brother is headstrong, even if it is heavy snow, he will not let people reschedule and move directly, so the palace people have worked hard.

Brother Twelve, it should be the opposite.

This is benevolence?

Compassionate palace people?

If you want to buy people's hearts, you don't have to.

The elder brother of the prince and the eunuch in the palace are very different in respect and inferiority.

If you think about it carefully, the Wu Institute is not to say that it is monolithic, but it is almost the same.

Elder brother's side, the servants of the palace are familiar with each other, and there are often times of gossip.

However, few people mentioned the five institutes.

Brother Twelve is not very old, but he holds all five schools in his hands.

The imperial physician is on duty just in front of the Qianqing Palace.

He Yuzhu walked halfway, and confronted Sun Jin head-on.

The imperial physician was also invited, and the group went back to the five institutes.

The bone-setting imperial physician's way of seeing a doctor is completely different from that of the small Fangmai imperial physician.

Don't feel the pulse, but mainly feel the bone.

He followed Brother Twelve's ankle, touching it little by little, and pressed in the middle.

Brother Twelve's face was pale and he was sweating profusely.

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "Be gentle, be gentle, it hurts brother, can't you see it?"

The imperial doctor bowed and said: "If you go back to Master Jiu, you should check in this way before setting the bone, in case there is a crack in the bone, if you miss it, the diagnosis and treatment will be delayed."

Brother Jiu frowned: "Then try to be as gentle as possible..."

Elder Brother Twelve held the corner of his mouth, forced a smile and said, "Brother Ninth, younger brother is fine..."

Brother Nine rolled his eyes at him: "What are you trying to do at this time?"

For some reason, Brother Nine thought of Brother Fourteen.

The fourteenth brother was just shocked, his hair didn't fall off, and he was crying so loudly.

At this moment, the imperial physician has already examined everything from the ankle to the calf.

Got a diagnosis.

Just a dislocation and sprain, no fracture.

The imperial doctor took the medicinal wine, poured two sips into his mouth, and sprayed it on Twelve Elder Brother's affected area.

Knead vigorously.

Immediately after that, he fiddled with Elder Brother Twelve's ankles.

With the sound of "click, click", the alignment has been completed.

Elder Brother Twelve's face became much more ferocious, and his eyes became a little blurred. He looked at his ankles with anticipation.

Brother Jiu couldn't wait to say: "Is this all right?"

The imperial doctor hurriedly said: "Although it is bone setting, it also hurt the tendons, and the dislocation is also loose. You have to stay in bed for ten days, otherwise it will be easy to dislocate again in the future."

Elder Brother Twelve was at the side, and he listened carefully, with hesitation on his face.

When Brother Nine saw this, he couldn't help reminding: "Let me raise you and take good care of you. Even if you want to study, it's not bad..."

Elder Brother Twelve nodded and said, "The younger brother will be reading at home then."

Brother Nine pointed to Brother Twelve's right arm: "After reading this, let's talk..."

Arms look less serious than ankles.

Everyone thought it was a skin trauma, and some plasters were prescribed.

Unexpectedly, the imperial doctor touched the bone, but gave a different conclusion.

Between the wrist and the elbow, there is a bone fracture.

To be splinted for three months.

Elder Brother Twelve was stunned for a while, feeling reluctant, and said: "Please trouble Brother Ninth to help my younger brother take a long vacation in the study..."

Brother Jiu is also helpless.

It's all like this, what I'm thinking about is still going to the study.

This time, he believed that Brother Twelve really liked reading.

If it was him himself, I'm afraid he wished he wouldn't go for a long time.

Brother Nine still nodded.

Then Brother Nine thought about pursuing responsibility, and stared at the five main pipes: "Ama pointed to Wen Da, and asked Wen Da to serve and teach Brother. Brother is still young. You don't have to listen to him, you have to stop him." Stop it! This heavy snow is throwing the sky. If you don’t sweep the snow well, isn’t it just waiting to fall? What’s the use of just sweeping out the aisle? There’s snow on the side, isn’t it still slippery? If you can’t persuade me, please turn around Talk to Khan Ama, let him point out another person who can persuade him!"

In the end, he had a stern look on his face.

The head of the five institutes bowed and said, "It's the old slave who was negligent, so I don't dare anymore..."

Brother Twelve said from the side: "Brother Ninth, you are all younger brothers, right? I love cleanliness. I was thinking about it for a while. It's the same when I think about sweeping after the snow stops..."

Brother Jiu sneered and said: "Don't be soft-hearted when you should be soft-hearted, and soft-hearted when you shouldn't be soft-hearted! It's really hard to sweep snow in this weather, but they enter the palace and do this job. Don't they get paid every month? "

Speaking of this, thinking of Shu Shu's response, he said: "If you take pity on manpower, ask someone to cook a pot of ginger soup with two yuan of old ginger, and sweat it out. Afterwards, you will be rewarded with half a month or a month's money, and the servants will also Only happy..."

"My Lord knows that you grew up with Madam Su Ma, and you were fascinated by it, and you also had the heart of a Bodhisattva, but there is no such thing..."

"Twelve, you have to remember that this is the fifth school, and everyone from top to bottom is there to serve you in your daily life. It's irreversible to reverse the order of priority!"

"If you have a problem, what do you think they can do? It is the blessing of the Buddha. You are not seriously injured this time. If you really broke an arm and a leg, do you think Khan Ama can spare them?"

Brother Twelve listened with his lips pursed, without any rebuttal. After a while, he nodded slowly: "Yes, Brother Ninth, I know I was wrong."

He flushed.

Not scolded, ashamed.

But some high fever.

Although it wasn't as severe as Brother Fourteen's fever just now, everyone didn't dare to ignore it.

Ninth elder brother pointed to the little Fangmai doctor who wiped fourteenth elder brother's body just now, and said: "According to the method just now, let elder brother dissipate heat..."

Brother Twelve was still ignorant at first.

When the things were ready, the imperial doctor asked him to take off his clothes, but Elder Brother Twelve quit.

How decent is it to be naked under the eyes of everyone?

No one dared to fight with him, for fear of touching the wound.

Brother Jiu looked down on him very much, and said: "What are you afraid of if you are all men? Who doesn't have anything? Who cares to look at you more?"

He yelled, but still took the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother back to the outside.

Two quarters of an hour passed.

Elder Brother Twelve has already wiped it several times, and the high fever has subsided somewhat.

Brother Jiu went in to have a look again.

The twelfth elder brother was covered with a quilt, which was tightly covered.

"Ninth brother, tenth brother, go to work, don't delay the errand, thirteenth brother should go to school..."

Before everyone could leave, Elder Twelve politely pushed them away.

It was still dark outside, but it was indeed time for morning reading in the study.

Brother Thirteen was also hesitant.

Should he go to the study?

This hurt a brother, and laid down another brother, leaving him alone to help...

Brother Nine looked at Brother Twelve angrily and said: "Okay, okay, I don't see you worrying about my brothers on weekdays, stop pretending now, close your eyes and take a good rest, don't mess around..."

Brother Twelve stopped talking.

Brother Jiu told the manager of the fifth office: "I won't go to the yamen today, I will stay at the second office. If there is anything going on here, please don't delay. Send someone to tell the master... If you delay, brother will feel uncomfortable. Yes, then don't blame Master for not being fond of the past..."

The head of the Fifth Institute hurriedly bowed and said, "Don't dare, dare not, this old slave will obey Master Ninth's orders..."

A group of people come out.

Brother Ten looked at the steps under his feet.

The layout of several brother offices is the same.

The main house is built slightly higher.

There are three steps out of the door.

Come out in a hurry, it is easy to fall.

There seems to be no doubt...

(End of this chapter)

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