Chapter 331 Judging a son is like judging a thief

The fourth elder brother nodded.

Brother Jiu followed Liang Jiugong away.

After entering the Xinuang Pavilion, before he could speak, Kangxi asked, "How is Elder Twelve?"

Kangxi didn't pay much attention to Brother Twelve, but he was still a prince, so he still cared a little.

The ninth elder brother described the injury of the twelve elder brothers.

Hearing that the arm was broken and it would take three to five months to write, Kangxi's face was ugly, and he snorted coldly: "It's more than ten, and it can still fall when walking, not stable enough!"

In his opinion, Twelve Elder Brothers have ordinary aptitude, neither civil nor military, and the only thing worthy of praise in homework is hard work.

If this delay continues, I am afraid that one of the advantages of diligence will be lost.

Brother Nine pursed his lips, not talking about anything.

If you insist on mentioning that the yard has not been cleared of snow, the steps are slippery and so on, the people in the five schools will be punished, which is not what Brother Twelve wants to see.

Even so, Brother Nine still feels that Khan Ama is too harsh.

Okay, who likes to get hurt?
Under normal circumstances, knowing that his son was seriously injured, shouldn't he send someone over to take a look, and then give him ginseng, deer antler, and other blood-enriching things?
It's too cold to be reprimanded at this time.

Brother Jiu was slandering in his heart, but he also knew that he couldn't talk about it.

It's not a day or two for Khan Ama to be eccentric.

He talked about the antecedents of Brother Twelve's injury.

It started from the smashing of the door in the middle of the night on the fourth watch.

Kangxi's face was gloomy when he heard Brother Fourteen say that he was haunted.

Hearing that the fourteenth elder brother had a high fever, Kangxi's face was anxious, and he stood up suddenly, and the inkstone in his hand fell down.

It hit Brother Jiu's chest.

Brother Jiu was stunned, stopped talking, and looked at Kangxi with a dazed expression on his face.

Kangxi was full of anger, and scolded: "You bastard, why did you come to sue?"

Brother Jiu understood, and hurriedly added: "The heat dissipation has subsided, and I slept soundly..."

Where can Kangxi rest assured?
He immediately walked out, and he couldn't wait for the shoulder chariot, so he strode out.

Liang Jiugong hurriedly embraced the cloak and chased after him.

Brother Nine rubbed his chest and left the Qianqing Palace with a sullen expression.

The fourth elder brother looked in the direction of Yuehua Gate, where Sheng Jia had just left.

"Ama Khan went to see Fourteen?!"

The fourth elder brother asked.

Ninth elder brother nodded, knowing that fourth elder brother would not rest assured fourteenth elder brother, said: "Fourth elder brother also go over and have a look..."

He understands the fourth elder brother's mood.

The fourth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are brothers from the same mother. They are different after all. For example, the fifth elder brother will be particularly worried about himself.

The fourth elder brother nodded, and the two brothers also left Yuehuamen.

Brother Jiu felt strange, but his mind was still on the inkstone that was facing him just now.

It should be just to vent his anger and hit him directly when he was aiming at it; otherwise, if he hit his head directly at such a close distance, he would be shot open.

Khan Ama's reaction was not unexpected.

During the two times when he was sick in July, Sheng Jia also visited the second institute in person.

It's just the heart of a loving son.

Fourteen has been the youngest son for many years, and Sheng Chong is only a lot more than himself.

Brother Jiu is not because of this taste.

It’s just that compared to Elder Brother Twelve, I feel that the difference is too big, which is embarrassing.

He also complained about Han Ama's partiality before, but in fact, apart from the elder brother and the prince, the other brothers are not much more favored than him.

On the contrary, for the twelfth elder brother, Khan Ama usually couldn't think of it at all; when he remembered it, he didn't take it seriously.

In this contrast, we have to learn to be content.

Brother Jiu felt that he didn't seem to have anything to complain about.

The fourth elder brother was by the side, seeing that he was quiet and his face was not good-looking, he only thought that he was worried about his two younger brothers, and said: "Don't worry too much, since the imperial doctor said it's all right, then it's all right."

Brother Nine nodded, remembered something, and said, "Fourth brother, which brother will be walking in the Ministry of Industry next spring?"

The fourth elder brother thought for a while, and said: "I guess it is still the eighth elder brother. Some accounts of the river course are still unclear, and Khan Ama will not change."

After hearing this, Brother Jiu was overjoyed: "That's great! I thought the Prince's Mansion was built by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but after asking the construction department, I found out that it was mainly an errand from the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs was only co-organizing..."

The fourth elder brother thought of his neighbor to the west, the two empty houses, and felt a faint headache.

This is noisy, live together, some troubles in the future.

Ninth elder brother said very rudely: "It's easy to move out. I'm afraid the title will be postponed, and there will be no manpower at that time. Fourth brother should remember to allocate a few people to my younger brother..."

The fourth elder brother was a little surprised, and with surprise, said: "What are you going to do, aren't you asking for someone from the elder brother and the fifth elder brother?"

The capital is such a big land, and there are only a few people in the royal family.

Someone had already gone to the fourth elder brother to sell it and told the relevant news.

Elder Brother Jiu took a bit of pride, and said: "That's not enough! The Ministry of Internal Affairs has a lot to do. My younger brother has taken on this errand, so I can't really be a big steward. Anyway, I have a serious job! After completing the errand, I will be able to do it in the future." It’s not bad, my brother can still do it because of his merits to protect his future!”

The fourth elder brother was a little moved when he heard this.

Under his sect, there are six eight-banner collars and three coat collars.

The bureaucrats of Baylor Mansion have one master of ceremonies from the fourth rank, one from the fifth rank Dian Yi, and two from the sixth rank Dian Yi.

There are also ten guards, six guards from the fourth rank and second rank, and four guards from the fifth rank and third rank.

There are only fourteen vacancies for senior officials, and some are left for relatives, confidants, and old friends.

If there are other ways to earn a future for the children of the banner family, who wouldn't want it?
It's just that he's used to being cautious. Looking at Brother Nine, he advised him, "You did a good job in protecting the adults, but you have violated the taboo of employing people. Don't do it again..."

This refers to the transfer of outsiders to occupy official vacancies in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Nine said: "Don't worry, fourth brother, just that one time, it was Khan Ama's grace, I just mentioned... I won't take up the vacancy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this rule, my brother still understands!"

"Then what's missing?"

The fourth elder brother couldn't figure it out for a moment.

The lack of flags in the Beijing yamen has long been clearly divided.

It's like the fourth elder brother went to Xiangbai Banner and became a small lord, but he couldn't get in the border of Xiangbai Banner.

That's because the lack of low grade is limited to the collar.

The scope of high-level vacancies will be larger, and the qualifications for candidates will also increase, and most of them will be selected by serving people.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry about it, you will know when the time comes!"

There is nothing to be afraid of!
Just add a few gaps.

The matter of wool is really going to be done, and it has become normal for various ministries in Mongolia to buy wool. Whether it is the Ministry of Industry or the Lifan Academy, you can add a few vacancies at will, and take charge of this matter.

At that time, he, the person who made the first contribution, should not ask for some vacancies for his subordinates.

Ninth elder brother said so, fourth elder brother stopped asking.

Anyway, it's time to ask the next person.

Brother Nine is here at this age, so he really needs someone to watch over him, so that he can be reassured.

Two study rooms.

Looking at the fourteenth elder brother who was still sleeping soundly, Kangxi's anger finally calmed down slightly.

Shu Shu, tenth elder brother, and thirteenth elder brother stood behind, all taking care.

Kangxi stood for a long time, then turned around and came out, sat down on the kang in the Xici room, looked at Shu Shu with torching eyes: "Mr. Dong E, what happened last night?"

Shu Shu's scalp was numb, and she was already wondering what brother Jiu said.

What does Kangxi mean?
Is this to check the couple's statement?
She was puzzled in her heart, her face remained unchanged, she didn't dare to delay, she truthfully told the process of being startled up in the middle of the night.

It just didn't mention the matter of her waking Brother Jiu up, and she downplayed her own role in reducing the fever.

After hearing this, Kangxi was noncommittal, and looked at Elder Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Ten bowed and said, "My son woke up when he heard the movement of the Fourth Institute. Later, he heard the Fourteenth Brother knocking on the door outside the Second Institute. He was worried, so he came over."

Kangxi looked at Brother Thirteen again.

The thirteenth brother said: "My son should be later than the tenth brother. It was when the fourteenth brother knocked on the door here that he woke up. He came here without worrying."

All of them had black eye circles and bloodshot eyeballs.

Kangxi remained silent, his face unable to distinguish between emotions and anger.

How can there be ghosts in this world? !
As soon as I asked someone to thoroughly investigate the old people in the four schools, there was a haunting incident in the four schools...

Kangxi was also uncertain.

I feel that no one will be stupid and shift everyone's attention to the four institutes.

He remembered that Elder Fourteen was shocked when he went to the Zhijun Palace to guard the spirit a few days ago, and he suspected that Elder Fourteen had moved to a new house to choose a seat or something.

How about it, we have to wait until Elder Fourteen wakes up.

Just as he was thinking, the fourteenth elder brother came out of the study wearing a coat and yawning.

It was Brother Fourteen's nanny who gently pushed him awake.

Seeing Kangxi, Elder Fourteen was pleasantly surprised, rushed over and grabbed Kangxi's sleeve: "Ama Khan, are you here to see your son?"

His face was beaming, his eyes were shining, and he was about to jump up for joy.

Most of Kangxi's worries disappeared.

He looked at Fourteenth Brother with a straight face, and scolded: "You are the only one making nonsense, how many people are following you!"

Brother Fourteen pouted and said, "My son didn't do it on purpose!"

In the middle of the night, he was terrified.

Now that the sky is bright, and he is beside the emperor again, the fourteenth elder brother also became bolder and said: "Son, this has also gained a lot of insight! It is said that there are ghosts and ghosts, but who has seen it? This time, my son See you..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, leaned into Kangxi's ear, and whispered: "Ama Khan, is Brother Eleven unhappy that his son has taken over his house? My son is afraid, so we should move back to Zhaoxiang's office?"

Kangxi looked at the fourteenth elder brother, and saw that there was a faint fear on his face and a pleading in his eyes, it seemed that he was really frightened.

Kangxi did not ask him to describe the scene last night.

What Laojiu and Dong Eshi said just now are similar, it should be what the fourteenth said last night.

The curtains move, there is a cool breeze, crying...

Kangxi's expression remained the same, but there was anger in his heart.

If someone really tried to intimidate the prince, he should be killed by a thousand swords!

At this moment, the ninth elder brother and the fourth elder brother also arrived.

Elder Fourteen rubbed his stomach, and ordered with Shu Shu without hesitation: "Sister-in-law Nine, my brother wants to eat steamed eggs, which is the one that my brother and Thirteen Brothers came over to eat last time... I also want to eat meat dragon, I want it Two, side dishes with perilla leaves..."

Shu Shu was feeling uncomfortable standing there, and felt that Elder Fourteen was extremely cute, so she hurriedly responded with a smile: "Okay, I'll go to the dining room and get someone to prepare it..."

After all, she blessed Kangxi and retreated.

Almost bumped into Brother Nine.

Brother Nine helped her up, and said: "Go slowly, just ask someone to go to the dining room to watch, don't go there, the road is slippery..."

Shu Shu smiled and didn't speak.

The fourth elder brother looked at the lively fourteenth elder brother, his face turned black.

There was a lot of turmoil, but he still had the face to order food?
Brother Twelve, how wronged is this injury?
When Kangxi saw the two sons coming in, he ignored the fourth elder brother, and told the ninth elder brother: "Send the people from the construction department to clean up the first and second offices in the east. Move over..."

(End of this chapter)

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