My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 332 Moved away

Chapter 332 Moved away
Standing at the door, Shu Shu's heart ached.

I just moved here yesterday, will I move in a few days?
She was puzzled, but just now she said she was going to the dining room, so she couldn't stay any longer, otherwise she would be suspected of eavesdropping, so she went out quietly.

For a while, everyone was stunned.

Ninth elder brother looked troubled, glanced at fourteenth elder brother, and glanced at thirteenth elder brother from the corner of his eye.

If the fourteenth elder brother doesn't live in the fourth house, he can just move, why should the thirteenth elder brother be brought along?

Brother Jiu hesitated, whether to say it or not.

But he also knew in his heart that it was impossible to leave the thirteenth elder brother and only let the fourteenth elder brother move to the East Fifth Institute alone.

Brother Thirteen lowered his head, unable to see the expression on his face clearly.

He was not happy.

He had already told Khan Ama that he wanted to live in a headquarter.

Brother Jiu looked at Brother Thirteen and felt pitiful.

But the fourteenth elder brother had just been frightened, and it would be unreasonable to send a person back to Dongsuo.

He remained silent for a long time, Kangxi's face was ugly, and his eyes were a little cold.

Seeing this, the tenth elder brother hurriedly said: "Ama Khan, the elder brothers of the East Fifth School have lived there for many years, and there are many places that need to be repaired. Why don't you let the fourteenth brother live with his son for a while, and then move over there after repairing it later in the year?" ?”

Kangxi looked at Elder Brother Ten and took a look.

The tenth elder brother looked calm, looked at the fourteenth elder brother and said: "Fourteenth brother, you just came here, are you really willing to move back? There is a royal garden in the middle, it will be inconvenient to come here..."

Brother Fourteen shook his head and said, "I can't bear it, I can't bear it!"

But he didn't know Brother Ten very well, so he felt a little uncomfortable.

He aimed at Brother Thirteen.

If you live with an older brother, it's better to be the thirteenth brother you know the most.

The thirteenth elder brother raised his head, with his usual smile on his face, and said: "Fourteenth brother, come to the head office first, we will live in the front and back yards, and we will move later in the year, okay?"

Elder Fourteen was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay..."

On the contrary, he has self-knowledge, knows that people come first, first come first, so he added: "Your brother can live in the front yard..."

The fourth elder brother is clear to the onlookers, but he can see a few small eyebrows and eye lawsuits.

Brother Thirteen doesn't want to move away.

Brother Nine wants to ask for mercy.

The tenth elder brother was afraid that the ninth elder brother would be punished, so he spoke ahead of time.

The thirteenth elder brother was afraid that the fourteenth elder brother would cause trouble to the tenth elder brother, so he followed up.

Several people are good.

Only the fourteenth elder brother, no winks!
Kangxi didn't see the reaction of the thirteenth elder brother before. Thinking of the hot pot last night, the sons were happy and happy, and they were still the ninth and tenth elder brothers who were reluctant to bear the younger brother. The gloom in his heart dissipated a lot, and his expression relaxed.

First move the fourteenth elder brother out of the four houses.

No matter what method the other party uses, if they just move the person away, all the plots will come to nothing.

Since Elder Fourteen was fine, he was not in the mood to wait too long, stood up, and said to Elder Fourteen, "It's just the night wind howling, sleep startled, don't talk nonsense!"

Brother Fourteen was dumbfounded, and immediately wanted to refute.

Kangxi narrowed his eyes, and his face sank: "I have been in school for five years, and I still don't know that 'silence is strange and distracting'?"

Brother Fourteen was honest, pursing his lips vigorously.

He saw the impatience in the emperor's father, and he didn't dare to reply, but he didn't want to nod either.

What he said was the truth, he didn't say anything stupid!
Kangxi looked at the other princes again: "Did you hear that?"

Everyone bowed in response: "My son heard it."

The fourth elder brother thought the same way at first, thinking that the fourteenth elder brother was shocked to sleep in a different place, but now he is a little confused.

Khan Ama's order was too deliberate.

Kangxi was anxious to see Zhao Chang, and after asking this sentence, he got up and was about to go outside.

Seeing this, the fourteenth elder brother hurriedly said, "Don't go, Ama Khan, just wait!"

Kangxi looked at Fourteenth Elder Brother.

Brother Fourteen turned around and went into the room, put on his clothes indiscriminately, and then came out to hold Kangxi's arm, and said, "My son wants to send you off..."

Kangxi gave him a disgusted look, but didn't shake him off.

Even if the holy driver does not have a shoulder chariot when traveling, there are still a dozen or so eunuchs and guards.

Shu Shu was originally sitting in the dining room in the front yard, and the dishes on the stove had already started to be cooked according to the order of Fourteenth Elder Brother.

Ninth elder brother didn't have breakfast, and fourth elder brother came.

Shu Shu told Xiaotang to add some more breakfast, which was different from the meat dragon and steamed eggs prepared for the fourteenth brother, and the ingredients were lighter.

Xiaotang personally made two side dishes, sesame sauce cabbage and preserved egg tofu, which can be eaten with silver noodles.

Hearing the movement of Sheng Jia, Shu Shu also came out and followed him to send him off.

All the people followed to the gate of the second institute, all the others were respectful, only the fourteenth elder brother took him with reluctance, and everyone watched Kangxi go away.

Shu Shu sighed in his heart, remembering the scene of Shengjia in Shengjing last month.

The soldiers and civilians in Shengjing knelt to greet and see off.

Although the princes are sons, their respectful appearance is no different from courtiers.

Ninth elder brother glared at fourteenth elder brother angrily: "After a while, are you satisfied?"

Although the tenth and thirteenth came out one after another, the two younger ones didn't have to move out a year ago.

But I have to move after the next year.

It's not a little elder brother, they are both half-big and not small, and there are too many people around them, so it won't last long to be crowded in a yard.

The fourteenth elder brother took a grievance and said: "It's not my fault, who knew that the fourth school is so scary..."

Brother Jiu's heart moved, and with eagerness, he frowned and said: "Then move, so that you don't have to worry about it again at night, everyone will be exhausted!"

Last night, I just took care of the two little elder brothers, and didn't even think about going to the fourth office to check one or two.

If someone tampered with it, the traces should not have been smoothed out by now.

If it is delayed for a long time, it will not be guaranteed.

The fourteenth brother thought of the four schools, but also had lingering fears.

Even in the daytime, he didn't want to go back.

He hurriedly looked at Thirteenth Brother, and said, "Thirteenth Brother..."

Brother Thirteen glanced at Brother Nine, nodded with a smile and said, "Move!"

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "What are you moving?! Go to the fifth house with me first, and apologize to the twelve elder brothers!"

Elder Fourteen felt baffled, glanced at the direction of the Fifth Institute and said, "Okay, what should I pay for Elder Twelfth?"

Speaking of this, he was dissatisfied: "Why didn't Twelfth Brother show up all the time, and we had dinner together last night, and he didn't recognize anyone afterwards..."

Fourth elder brother snorted coldly: "Because of you making noise, twelve elder brother fell and injured, do you think you should make amends?"

Brother Fourteen was shocked and looked at the other brothers.

He fell asleep before, woke up for less than a quarter of an hour, and was always in front of the imperial court. Who can tell him this specifically?

Seeing everyone's expressions and knowing that it was true, Elder Fourteen was puzzled and said, "It was really for me? Could it be that Elder Twelfth was also scared by that?"

The fourteenth elder brother didn't shirk responsibility, but felt that the time was just right.

At the end of the third watch, before the fourth watch.

That's Zi Shi.

According to the legend, when the Yin Qi is the heaviest.

Even if there are steps, they are used to walking. Why did they fall and crack bones?
The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "What did Ama Khan say just now? Still talking nonsense!"

The theory of ghosts and gods is inherently unpredictable, and it is the most taboo in the palace.

Elder Fourteen said awkwardly: "Stop talking, let's go..."

Before the words were finished, there was movement at the entrance of the corridor, and the sound of messy footsteps from far to near, everyone looked over.

"If you don't take good care of it, where are you going, you bastard?"

Concubine De has arrived, her forehead is covered with sweat, she looks like she is walking fast.

A few court ladies and nuns followed behind, and Nanny Qi and Walnut stood out in front of them.

This is the news, I can't wait to come.

Shu Shu moved to the side of Brother Ninth, a little daughter-in-law with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, with the appearance of taking her husband as the sky.

Just hang on, don't be shrewd in front of these harem sperm.

"Mother, why are you here?"

Fourteenth elder brother hurriedly stepped forward, took Concubine De's hand, and said obediently: "It's okay, it's okay, Er Niang, don't worry, my son is fine..."

Concubine De didn't move her eyes and looked at her from head to toe, feeling distressed: "Sleep well, why are you so surprised?"

Brother Fourteen recognized Walnut and Sister Qi, and knew the people around Sister-in-law Nine.

Is this an incomplete report?
He thought about the emperor's father's order, then glanced at his brother and sister-in-law, changed his words, and said: "I just woke up in a daze, stared at the curtains, and got scared, so I came to find Jiu. elder brother……"

Concubine De held her son's hand tightly and did not let go, glanced at Brother Jiu and Shu Shu, nodded and said: "Brother Fourteen is not sensible, please trouble you young couple, I will thank you later..."

The son was really rude last night.

Knocking on the door in the middle of the night, I knocked on the door of my brother and sister-in-law who were still married.

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "It's nothing, you're welcome, concubine."

Shu Shu followed suit and said, "You are too polite."

Concubine De didn't speak, but looked at the fourth elder brother, feeling unhappy: "Where is Si Bei Le taking the fourteenth elder brother?"

The fourth elder brother blushed when he heard this address, but he still kept a straight face and replied truthfully: "The twelfth elder brother heard about the fourteenth elder brother last night, so he came out to check and slipped and fell."

Concubine De frowned and said: "How can there be such an empty-handed apology? It's too impolite! In two days, I will pack up the apology ceremony on behalf of the fourteenth brother, let him visit it again! He was shocked, and he will have to pay for it in two days." rest!"

The fourth elder brother showed disapproval on his face.

That was their brother, not an outsider.

It is impolite to use gifts to make amends only as if you are an outsider.

The fourteenth elder brother is guilty, and some dare not see the twelve elder brothers.

After all, after a night of trouble, I was unharmed, and the twelfth elder brother, who loves reading the most, had to suspend classes for several months.

Brother Fourteen was afraid of getting a cold face in the past.

Originally, Brother Twelve didn't pay much attention to them, what if he scolded himself?
With the support of Concubine De, he hurriedly said: "Yes! Yes! I'll go back in two days, I'm going to prepare, and I'll go back to the study and ask my husband what I learned from Brother Twelfth's homework, and see if I can let my husband Come directly to Elder Brother's office, don't delay Twelfth Brother's homework..."

In this case, it should be regarded as an apology, right?
Brother Fourteen had a small calculation in mind.

The fourth elder brother's face became even darker.

Brother Jiu heard this, and his face was unhappy.

What brother said is within the scope of the inner court.

It's not a concubine living here, but a prince's family.

How can I let the foreign ministers walk around here? !

They all looked at Concubine De, thinking that Concubine De would scold Brother Fourteen.

Concubine De has already praised her youngest son, and said softly: "That's a good idea, but you don't need to come over, just bring back your homework when the time comes..."

People who have survived to the fourth concubine in the palace have rules engraved in their bones.

After listening to her son's words, she certainly knew it was inappropriate.

The emperor will not allow it.

It's just that she gave birth to six and survived three, only the fourteenth elder brother was raised by her side, like a jewel like a treasure, she was really reluctant to reprimand her discipline, so she changed the way to guide her.

The fourteenth elder brother was not very happy when he heard this, and felt that this opinion was not good.

The one he thought about before was the gentleman who went to the study; the one who was tossing about the lady was himself.

But thinking of the word "repentance", Elder Fourteen felt that this was fine, and it seemed more sincere.

At that time, the twelfth brother will be worthy of himself, and the fourth brother can't reprimand himself for this.

He just nodded honestly, and said very obediently: "Well, my son listens to my mother..."

Concubine De's face became more and more loving, she glanced in the direction of Sisuo, she held Elder Fourteen's hand tightly, and looked at Elder Thirteen.

It was the thirteenth elder brother who wanted to live in the head house here, and the fourteenth elder brother followed.

If it wasn't for the thirteenth brother, the two of them should live in Dongsuo.

Seeing this, the fourteenth elder brother hurriedly said: "Emiang, Khan Ama just came to see my son, and my son doesn't want to live alone, so I will move to the head office today and live with Thirteenth Brother..."

Concubine De frowned when she thought of how small Elder Brother's house was, "Is it too crowded? The yard here is not big, so it's more convenient for one person to share one room."

Fourteenth elder brother hurriedly said: "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, my son can't wait for it!"

Afterwards, he urged: "Emiang, come back quickly, don't blow the wind outside, your son is going in too!"

He was in a hurry to put on his clothes just now, and the buttons on his neckline were not all fastened.

Concubine De bent down, buttoned the button, and said: "Well, Er Niang will go back first, you have to be good..."

Fourteenth elder brother nodded and said: "Don't worry, my son is fine, he will be able to pull the five-strength bow next year, and he can go out with Khan Ama!"

Concubine De nodded lovingly, then she didn't look at the fourth elder brother, and only said to the ninth elder brother and Shu Shu: "You are all good children, the concubine will not follow you heretics, the fourteenth elder brother still needs you More trouble..."

Brother Jiu and Shu Shu: "..."

Brother Jiu didn't take care of everything, he glanced at the maids and mothers following Concubine De, recalled the joy of elder brother, and said: "Mother, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I have to be busy a year ago: Fujin is young , I'm afraid there is something incomprehensible, if the concubine wants to arrange someone to come over, don't worry..."

Those were just polite words, don't take them seriously.

Brother Fourteen is such a treasure, Brother Nine doesn't want to worry about it.

Waiting for the next time, I didn't get an inkstone on my chest.

Concubine De couldn't help being moved when she heard this.

But thinking of the emperor's taboo against concubines meddling in the prince's affairs, she could only give up this idea.
She said lovingly: "You are the brothers and sisters-in-law of the fourteenth elder brother. It is better to hand it over to you than to a slave. I am very relieved..."

Brother Jiu and Shu Shu: "..."

It's not good to evade any more.

Both of them bowed respectfully and agreed.

Concubine De helped the palace servants to leave.

Calm was restored in the corridor.

The fourteenth elder brother was afraid that the fourth elder brother would drag him to the fifth house, so he hurriedly said: "It's too cold, I froze to death..." As he spoke, he walked into the yard in a hurry.

Everyone was speechless.

The fourth elder brother said to everyone: "You guys go in too, don't brag about it outside, I'll go to the fifth place to have a look..."

Brother Nine heard this, and hurriedly said: "My brother will accompany you..."

Then I took the opportunity to ask Elder Brother Twelve if there was anything unusual about the Ministry of Internal Affairs repairing the Fourth Institute a few days ago.

The fourth elder brother wanted to say more, but Shu Shu reminded the ninth elder brother: "Master, do you want to wait until the twelfth uncle wakes up? We only rest at five o'clock, and it's less than two hours... Or, let's eat Do you want to go there after breakfast?"

Only then did Brother Jiu realize that it was still early.

His stomach grunted in response to the occasion, and he beckoned the fourth brother to go in for dinner.

The fourth elder brother's expression remained unchanged, but he was also annoyed in his heart.

So incomplete.

Fortunately, old Jiu Fujin reminded me that otherwise, if they went over and woke up Twelve Elder Brothers, they would not be visiting the sick, but disturbing others to recuperate...

Four more ten thousand, ^_^.

The next chapter will be updated at 9:4 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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