My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 333 There are traces to follow

Chapter 333 There Are Traces to Follow (Part [-])
The fourteenth elder brother sat in Xici's room, waiting for breakfast.

He glanced at the clock on the Baibaoge, it was about to be Chenzheng, no wonder he was so hungry.

Seeing the fourth elder brother coming in with the ninth elder brother, the fourteenth elder brother's eyes fluttered a little.

Immediately thinking of the emperor's father and empress, his small chest straightened again, and he looked at the fourth elder brother with a bit of complacency.

The empress loves herself the most.

The fourth elder brother still had a stomach full of words to preach, seeing him like this, he didn't bother to grind his teeth.

From childhood to adulthood, I have said it not a hundred times, but also seventy or eighty times.

It doesn't work at all.

Fourteenth brother is not clumsy, a little clever, or unreasonable, he just habitually thinks about himself and doesn't care about others.

Brother Jiu didn't bother to pay attention to the two brothers' eyebrow-eye lawsuit.

He was a little angry.

Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen went back to rest.

Brother Jiu wished he could drive the two brothers out of the house, and then lay down to sleep.

But thinking of Concubine De's indifferent sentence "Si Bei Le", the ninth elder brother's anger towards the fourth elder brother was a little less.

This is also a little poor.

If the biological mother was willing to get close to him, the fourth sister-in-law would not have become a child bride and married into the palace.

As for the fourteenth elder brother, this naughty face, the ninth elder brother still wants to beat him up.

Breakfast was served.

The three brothers all sat cross-legged on the kang.

In front of the fourteenth elder brother, he ordered steamed eggs with minced meat, meat dragon, and perilla leaves, plus sweet and sour radish skins.

The ninth elder brother and the fourth elder brother are the same as before, a bowl of Yangchun noodles covered with poached eggs, plus two side dishes.

The Yangchun noodles are made of silver thread noodles. The soup base is soy sauce-colored, with oily stars and chopped green onions floating in it. It looks very vegetarian.

Brother Fourteen stretched his neck to take a look, then lost interest and stared at his steamed egg with minced meat.

The fourth elder brother watched, his face became more frozen.

It looks simple, but so is Brother Jiu.

This is commonplace, not hospitality.

So just right, he wasn't a guest at all.

After eating a mouthful of noodles, the fourth elder brother discovered that there was another world.

This noodle looks similar to silver noodles, but the taste is different and stronger.

The soup is not as simple as it looks, in addition to the taste of soy sauce, it also has the taste of scallion oil and meat oil.

The poached egg on top is also fried just right, and the egg in the middle is buttery and not dry.

East room.

Shu Shu was also having breakfast, and had no appetite, so she asked Xiaotang to make poached eggs in sugar water.

In addition to brown sugar, red dates and wolfberry were also added.

It's sweet, and usually makes people tired of eating, but this time is just right.

At the end of the day, not only tired, but also upset.

The feeling of disrupting the rhythm of life.

Concubine De seems to be the same as imagined, but not quite the same.

But what she told her, Shu Shu didn't mean to accept orders obediently.

The fourteenth elder brother has a familiar eunuch and eight nannies by his side, how can he need others to take care of him?

What Shu Shu cared more about was Kangxi's words.

The theory of ghosts and gods is taboo in the palace, so it's not appropriate for Brother Fourteen to move away at this time.

What happened last night, although all the places ordered silence, but such a big movement, how could it be suppressed?
In addition to the people in elder brother's office, there are also patrolling guards, eunuchs staying in the palace, and nuns nearby, and they will all hear movements from elder brother's place.

In order to quell the rumors, the best way is for the fourteenth elder brother not to move.

Only in this way will the big things be turned into small ones, and the small things will be turned into small things.

Kangxi asked him to move because of his fatherly kindness.

It's just this loving father's heart, a little scumbag, not long enough.

During the northern tour before, Brother Thirteen was still a baby boy, and he took him with him when he went in and out.

Half a month after returning to the palace, Brother Thirteen became a little transparent, without a single look in his eyes.

Shu Shu sighed.

There are not so many constant things in this world.

People are like that.

The same is true of the love of parents for their children.

After breakfast, the fourth elder brother took the fourteenth elder brother's arm and wanted to take the fourteenth elder brother to the fourth school.

Brother Fourteen didn't want to go, so he asked Brother Nine for help.

The ninth elder brother took the other arm of the fourteenth elder brother, and said: "Why are you cowardly? Even if there is a ghost, how dare you come out in broad daylight? If you really want to come out, then it is not a ghost!"

Brother Fourteen, after thinking about it, this is indeed the truth.

If it was really not a ghost, but someone pretending to be a ghost, then his performance last night was too shameful.

If you pass it back, you will be laughed at.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Who is afraid? Just go!"

A group of people went to the four schools and went directly to the east of the main courtyard.

Although Kangxi ordered to move, but the order has not yet reached the fourth, so no one dared to come in and look for it.

For a while, he still maintained the appearance of the fourteenth elder brother when he left.

The curtains were put down, and the bedding was not packed up.

The fourth elder brother and the ninth elder brother both took off their shoes and got on the kang. The two moved in the same way, first checking the wallpaper behind the curtain.

Since the curtain was moving and there was cold wind, they suspected that there was a hole or something.

The freshly pasted wallpaper is snow white.

It was clear at a glance, and I touched it inch by inch, and found no problem.

The fourth elder brother looked at the fourteenth elder brother and said, "Besides the wind, do you still hear crying? What kind of crying?"

Elder Fourteen's face turned pale: "It's just crying, it's very miserable, and the voice is still shrill..."

Brother Jiu recalled the sound of the wind in the tunnel last night, and said, "It can't be the sound of 'woo woo', right?"

Fourteenth elder brother glanced at him dissatisfied: "My brother is not a three-year-old child, and he still can't tell what is the wind and what is the cry?! It's the kind of heart-piercing child crying, almost crying kind of..."

As he spoke, he drooped his head, not daring to look at Brother Jiu.

He has already regretted it.

Maybe Brother Eleven really blamed him, so he came back to cry.

Brother Jiu didn't say anything before, would you blame him for being ignorant?
Brother Nine looked confused.

It's not that I think it's Eleventh Brother, but I can't figure out how this voice reached Fourteenth Brother's ears.

Also, how did the wind move and the tent move?

Seeing Brother Ninth's reaction, Fourteenth Brother got more and more confused, got up and said, "I'll go to the head office to find Thirteenth Brother..."

After speaking, he ran away without giving them any time to react.

Brother Nine is even more annoying.

It's like this every time, just run and run.

The fourth elder brother was also irritable.

The two came out from No. [-], and the fourth elder brother saw that the time was almost up, and said, "Go and see the twelve elder brothers..."

Brother Nine had no objection, and the two went over.

Brother Twelve is already awake, with his right hand tied and a spoon in his left, drinking bone soup.

The palace pays attention to "complementing the shape with the shape". The bowl of soup of Twelve Elder Brothers looks like the soup is rotten and the meat is rotten.

It seems that the people below are quite meticulous.

Seeing the two older brothers coming in, the twelfth elder brother wanted to get off the kang, but the fourth elder brother stepped forward to support him.

"The imperial doctor told you to stay in bed, so you should listen carefully to the doctor's orders..."

The fourth elder brother said seriously.

Brother Twelve glanced at his ankle and said, "It's all healed, it just looks scary."

Brother Jiu sat on the edge of the kang and said: "Dislocation is a small problem, but if you don't take good care of it, old dislocation will be a big problem. It's not a joke. When you walk, you have to be careful when you walk. If you want to draw a bow and shoot an arrow It's even more nonsense!"

One of his haha ​​beads, that cousin, had this problem, and couldn't make up for the guards, so he went back to his hometown in Shengjing.

This time when Shengjia visited Shengjing, the man happened to be on his way to Baishan, so he didn't meet him.

Brother Twelve knew that the two had good intentions, so he didn't force it.

The fourth elder brother didn't say anything to make amends on behalf of the fourteenth elder brother.

In that case, the distance will be divided, and the distance will be alienated.

Just asking about the progress of the twelve elder brothers' schoolwork.

The idea raised by the fourteenth elder brother before, to let the prince master come to the elder brother to teach, is not appropriate, but also has merits.

That is to let the teacher stay homework, Twelve Elder Brothers are self-study.

Then the homework is sent to the upper study room, and the teacher will give instructions.

There is no need for the unreliable errands of the fourteenth elder brother in the middle, and the twelve elder brother has eunuchs who serve the pen and ink by his side.

On the contrary, his four haha ​​beads don't need to stay in the palace anymore, they can go home on vacation.

The fourth elder brother said the suggestion, but the ninth elder brother heard something wrong.

Why are there four haha ​​beads?
Shouldn't it be eight? !
Thinking of Khan Ama's eccentricity, it seems that it is not difficult to guess the reason.

Ninth elder brother didn't say anything else, and directly said the reason for coming: "Twelfth brother, your side is next to the fourth institute, have you noticed any abnormalities these days?"

Brother Twelve was stunned, with some hesitation on his face.

The room suddenly became quiet.

The ninth elder brother and the fourth elder brother looked at the twelfth elder brother together, but they really didn't expect him to find something here.

"Just the day before yesterday, on the night of the [-]th, I seemed to hear a child crying... I cried a little, and it seemed that I was in the fourth school. My brother was just a servant..."

Speaking of this, he struggled on his face: "As a result, when my brother went out last night, he heard another sound. He was startled and slipped... I was speechless and confused, and my brother didn't understand why..."

Both the ninth elder brother and the fourth elder brother both looked bad.

With the twelfth elder brother's words as proof, the fourteenth elder brother's "meeting with a ghost" can almost guess the reason.

The day before could not be said to be a drill.

There are still people making troubles in the four places.

Brother Jiu's first reaction was to report to the emperor's father, who would send someone to investigate the matter.

But there was still a dull pain in his chest, which made him feel a little guilty about Qianqing Palace.

Maybe he doesn't need to add superfluous things.

He can find this, but Khan Ama can't? !
He felt it was boring, left the fifth school, said goodbye to the fourth elder brother, and went back to the second school.

Shu Shu was originally crooked between Xici.

There was no sharpness on her body, just when the blood was flowing like a river, she was impetuous.

Originally, she wanted to figure out how to move the curtains in the room without the north window, but she was in no mood,

Even after hearing Walnut's report that the Fourth Institute had started to move, Shu Shu didn't go out.

Concubine Zhang is still there, and Concubine De doesn't even pay attention to Brother Thirteen.

When Concubine Zhang is gone, it's not difficult to guess the situation of Elder Brother Thirteen.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are beyond human intervention.

Shu Shu was just getting irritable, when he saw Brother Nine coming in listlessly, with one hand still touching his chest, and there was something wrong on his face.

Shu Shu hurriedly got up, and said nervously, "What's wrong, Master? Is it palpitations?"

She was afraid that staying up late would cause any subsequent adverse reactions.

Brother Jiu shook his head and was about to take off his clothes.

Shu Shu only thought it was because of his chest tightness, and helped him.

Seeing this, Walnut, who was originally in the room, quickly avoided it.

Brother Jiu had already unbuttoned his jacket, exposing his chest.

From the left armpit to the shoulder, there is a bowl-sized blue and black, which looks very frightening...

(End of this chapter)

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