Chapter 334 Let's Separate It (Second)
Shu Shu's face was ugly.

She didn't ask who did it.

Who in the Forbidden City would dare to attack the prince elder brother?
You can guess the answer without even thinking about it.

Shu Shu didn't say anything, but went out, called Xiaosong to get the medicinal wine, and told Walnut to go to the dining room to get ice cubes and shochu.

It's cold now, and there are some homemade ice cubes in the dining room.

After a while, ice cubes and shochu were brought.

After bringing everything, Shu Shu's mind became clearer.

Whether it's medicinal wine or shochu, I don't need it for the time being.

Shu Shu wrapped a towel around the ice cube and placed it on Brother Jiu's wound.

Brother Jiu lay down on his back as instructed, and was shocked by the ice. He asked curiously, "Shouldn't it be rubbed with medicinal wine or shochu? How do you use ice?"

Shu Shu moved softly, unable to explain the damage to the capillary wall to Brother Jiu, and said: "I also need to rub it, but it will take two days. If I rub it now, the bruises will disperse, but the symptoms will not change." Light, not to mention heavier."

Brother Jiu seemed to understand half understood, his face was a little confused: "Is this also the truth in the book?"

Shu Shu couldn't explain clearly, so she changed the subject, and said angrily, "I don't remember the principle of 'the small stick will receive, the big stick will go'? I have to suffer this. Fortunately, it is the shoulder blades, and the head is on the top. , down to the ribs..."

Brother Nine muttered, "I don't know this truth yet? You didn't see that the inkstone fell from the sky at Khan Amana's speed, and there was no chance for Master to dodge at all..."

Speaking of this, he said with regret: "A piece of Nine Dragons Yuncong Duan inkstone from the former dynasty fell into pieces, what a pity! There is nowhere to find the one or two thousand taels of silver outside. If you are smarter, you can catch it." , you don’t have to suffer this, you can still make a lot of money..."

Thinking of this scene, Shu Shu couldn't bear it, and felt angry.

How can you do it? !
The third elder brother who was "neither brother nor friend" was not beaten, nor was the eighth elder brother who was an "unfilial son".

Seeing Brother Jiu being so heartless and thoughtful, Shu Shu couldn't laugh or cry.

Really, I'm usually narrow-minded, but this time my heart is wider, and I don't remember when it's time to hold grudges!
Shu Shu's hands became heavier, pressing hard on his bruise.


Brother Jiu cried out all of a sudden, tears followed.

It's not crying, it's directly excited.

He looked at Shu Shu in tears, gritted his teeth and said, "Are you going to murder your husband?"

Outside the main room, stood Walnut and Xiaosong.

The two hid outside and did not dare to go back to the wing room, for fear that the main room had something to order.

Hearing the movement, the two looked at each other, both worried.

Shu Shu is the hostess, and brother Jiu is also the host.

After tossing from last night to today, one incident after another, this hurt another one, and they all became uneasy.

"Why hasn't Sister Xiaochun come back?"

Komatsu muttered.

Walnut said: "It's today, I guess I'll be back in the afternoon."

If you come back in the morning, you should come in after breakfast.

They haven't arrived yet, most of them had lunch in the mansion before returning to the palace.

Just as he was speaking, another groan came from the room.

This time it wasn't Shu Shu's hand, but Brother Jiu who wanted to get up and pull someone, and happened to reach the bruise.

At this moment, Xianglan brought the little maid in and listened seriously.

Her expression remained the same, and her steps became a little heavy.

This early in the morning, the two masters won't have any trouble, right?

Even if it's at night, it's hard to hide it in broad daylight.

Seeing Walnut and Xiaosong standing in the corridor, she took a few extra glances.

The two of them were generous, and there was no shyness or dodging.

Xianglan knew that she might have misunderstood.

Walnut has already raised his voice: "Aunt Xianglan, are you here?"

Xianglan glanced at her, nodded and said, "Your Majesty sent me to deliver something."

In Xici's room, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu also heard movement outside.

Brother Jiu reminded in a low voice: "Remember to complain, we can't confront the Empress of Yonghe Palace, let our empress speak out!"

Shu Shu glanced at him, dipped the shochu with a handkerchief, and nodded at the corner of her eyes.

Tears burst out immediately.

Brother Jiu stared wide-eyed and looked at Shu Shu with disbelief.

Shu Shu closed Brother Jiu's shirt loosely, leaving only the bruise on his shoulders, and whispered: "Don't be ashamed, sir, show off your flesh..."

Brother Jiu glared at her, but didn't say anything to refuse.

Shu Shu wiped her eyes, stood up, walked out, hoarse her voice, forced a smile, "Auntie is here..."

Xianglan's expression remained unchanged, and she was terrified in her heart.

Elder brother's place is full of uproar, all palaces naturally got the news.

It's just not very true.

It can be said that it is also the fourteenth elder brother.

Didn't say what about the Jiu princes and his wife.

Shu Shu's eyes were very irritated, and tears were still in his mouth as he spoke.

Xianglan couldn't pretend not to see, so she could only softly say: "What's wrong with Fujin? Is there something wrong with elder brother, did you feel wronged?"

But it was Brother Nine just now!

The young couple couldn't be chattering, did they start?

With Fujin's stature, she doesn't look weak, and she is also the daughter of a general, she usually draws a bow and shoots arrows.

Xianglan felt uneasy.

Shu Shu lowered her head and wiped her eyes, choked with sobs and said, "Even if my aunt doesn't come, I'm planning to find my mother to decide..."

Panlan became more and more disturbed.

Are the young couple bickering?

Shu Shu didn't say anything else, but led Xianglan to Xici Room.

Seeing is believing, hearing is not.

So, in Xiang Lan's eyes, it was Brother Jiu sitting on the kang with disheveled clothes and tears on his face.

It turned out that Brother Jiu thought of the phrase "crying children have milk", and imitated Shu Shu's actions.

But it was too much shochu.

Tears kept flowing, and the inside of the eyeballs were also red.

He has nothing to love.

At this moment, Xianglan saw the bruises on Brother Jiu's body, and her expression changed.

Shu Shu sat down on the edge of the kang, and wiped away her tears with her head down: "My aunt also saw it, a good person is smashed like this, I feel wronged for our grandfather..."

"Brother Fourteen came over in the middle of the night, and we were the ones to take care of him. He was also called the imperial physician, and he was also busy with reducing the fever. He spent the whole night without credit or hard work. How could this happen?"

"The Empress of Yonghe Palace is here, and she wants us to take care of Elder Fourteen. You and I are still young, so we can't see it!"

Shu Shu complained without hesitation.

"Anyway, we don't dare to take over. Fourteenth elder brother Jingui, it's okay. Our master has been through this. If we lose a single hair, we will pay for it with our lives!"

She didn't lower her volume, and she wasn't afraid that these words would reach the imperial court.

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction.

If he endured it silently, there might be another time.

Brother Nine was by the side, listening quietly, feeling depressed.

These days, Shu Shu seeks perfection everywhere, she can be called a good daughter-in-law and sister-in-law.

What happened today could have been turned into a small matter, and a small matter was turned into a small matter.

Speaking of her body, it was just bruises, not broken or bleeding, but in her eyes, it was a big deal.

Words of resentment were spoken, but the good daughter-in-law did not do it.

In the past, Brother Jiu felt that he was too old to compete with the younger brother, but now he was still sour.

Forget it, he doesn't want to be sensible anymore.

Xianglan understood the cause and effect, so she couldn't say anything.

Can you scold the emperor, or blame the concubine De?
These words were spoken to her, and not to her.

She took a small pot from the hand of the maid from the maid, and said: "The empress just got it. It is usually used to moisten the lungs and relieve coughs, so the empress sent a slave to bring a copy."

Brother Jiu thought of Concubine De's eccentric appearance, and asked in a strange way: "Did Brother Five stay there?"

Xiang Lan nodded and said: "I left a jar, and I will take it back when the big queen, Wu Fu Jin, enters the palace."

Brother Jiu nodded.

Although the empress did not favor him, compared with Concubine De, this kind of equal treatment is not bad.

Maybe every mother has her own ideas.

Anyway, my own concubine is much better than Concubine De.

Xianglan didn't stay long, and went out after delivering the things.

Just before going out, the corner of her eye glanced in the second room.

At this moment, Brother Jiu's eyes are swollen.

Shu Shu was very helpless and asked Walnut to bring clear water.

"How much did you wipe?"

Shu Shu asked him to wash his eyes directly.

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "Didn't you learn from Old Fourteen? You said that he was so noisy, and others would either be reprimanded or punished. What about him? He was unscathed! You can see it, but you can't be too sensible! "

"This good son should be whoever he likes, let's just be the ignorant ones!"

"Even if an ignorant son gets into trouble, he still has to worry about scaring him and coaxing him... This sensible son has no one to take care of him at all..."

He remembered the time in the paddock, when the brothers fought and fought, not all were at fault, but they were punished harshly.

The same goes for the mynah, who worked on errands from morning to night, didn't see a word of praise, couldn't control his wife, so he directly scolded "unfilial son" and resigned from his errands.

Brother Jiu said in a low voice: "Master, I can see that the more sensible and promising this son is, the harsher Khan Ama is, and if something goes wrong, it will be a big deal; on the contrary, he is ignorant, so he is tolerant It makes no sense!"

Shu Shu felt that there might be a reason for this.

The sons in the front place all the expectations, it is more like cultivating courtiers, hoping that they will become "virtuous kings" one by one, and they are asking for more.

The son in the back is just a son. He didn't have too much discipline and didn't expect too much.

Brother Jiu was originally in the latter group, but he has been too active in the past six months, so he jumped into the first group.

Kangxi probably didn't do it on purpose.

Thinking about the next [-] years, Shu Shu thinks Brother Jiu made the right decision.

The ninth elder brother talked about the twelfth elder brother again: "This is too biased. When I arrived at my elder brother's place, I didn't even say to go and have a look..."

Shu Shu nodded.

It's eccentricity. After a long time, the relationship between father and son will fade.

Brother Jiu said: "It's fine if we don't have children in the future, if we do, we must not do this..."

The husband and wife have a tacit understanding, and the game of elder brother and elder sister-in-law ends here.

"I'm looking forward to the beginning of spring!"

As soon as Brother Jiu lay down, he couldn't wait to move Xiufu.

Shu Shu recalled the cause of last night's farce, and said, "Did you find out anything in the past?"

She still suspected it was a wind whistle.

Brother Jiu held her hand and said: "I didn't find anything just now, but I think this is an opportunity, so I might find it."

Shu Shu couldn't figure it out by herself, and said after listening, "How do you check?"

Brother Jiu said: "Isn't it haunted in the middle of the night, so let's go there in the middle of the night! There are people in the four houses from last night to today, even if you want to eliminate the traces, it's too late, maybe you really found something..."

Shu Shu didn't object.

Some methods of deception need to find a thread to uncover.

In Yikun Palace.

Yifei listened to Xianglan's narration, her expression was serious.

This is the emperor, beating her son for someone else's son.

And Concubine De, pretending to be an honest person, is the most stubborn and selfish.

In the name of brother and sister-in-law, he had to arrange for his son to be taken care of by others, but it was just bullying Brother Jiu and Shu Shu who were young and tender, so it was not easy to refuse.

The prince and princess are also brothers and sisters-in-law, why didn't she entrust them?

The corners of Concubine Yi's mouth drooped, she was already thinking about how to concoct Concubine De when she pays her respects the day after tomorrow.

Wanting to command her son, is this when her mother-in-law is dead?

After Xianglan finished speaking, she was silent for a while.

She hesitated for a moment, and then said softly: "Madam, although Fujin and elder brother are arranged in separate rooms, they still live, sit, and sleep together, and the maids also avoid it..."

She didn't want to slander, but she was really worried that the young couple's feelings would be strong, and if something happened, they would fall into the trap.

After hearing this, Concubine Yi was also worried.

The young couple is not afraid to get close, but now Brother Jiu's medicine has been stopped, if she becomes pregnant, it will be really troublesome.

If you don't want it, you can't bear it.

If you want to, giving birth to a child during the filial piety is a flawed conduct, and you must offend the elder brother.

Brother Nine is an adult son, and Shu Shu's daughter-in-law is a noble girl, well-behaved.

It's okay to remind once, but again, it looks like she slapped her daughter-in-law in the face.

Concubine Yi counted the time, and it will be nearly three months.

She muttered in a low voice: "If there is a way, we can separate the two of you for a while, and pass the filial piety period..."

(End of this chapter)

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