My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 335 Right by Brother 4

Chapter 335 By the Fourteenth Elder Brother's Side (Third Change)

How could Shu Shu and Brother Jiu have thought that the result of filing a lawsuit might be to face a short-term parting.

Both of them woke up in the middle of the night last night, tired.

Since I decided to go to the four institutes to have a look at night, I should hurry up and catch up on sleep now.

This sleep was sound and sweet, and I didn't wake up until nightfall.

Walnut stepped forward and said: "The Fourteenth Master Shen Shi came over and was stopped by the slaves..."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Good job!"

Even though Elder Fourteen is young, but he grew up in the palace, he is not a real child, and he doesn't know the severity.

When Kangxi asked them to move the place, he didn't say a word.

Didn't he know that Brother Thirteen was implicated by him?
It's just that I don't want to move alone, so I have to drag Brother Thirteen.

When Concubine De disliked the crowding of the two, she intentionally let out her voice and wanted to change yards between the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, why did the fourteenth elder brother immediately urge them to leave?
That's because he knew clearly in his heart that it was the emperor's order to let the thirteenth elder brother move the yard, even if the thirteenth elder brother was not happy, he couldn't blame him.

But if you really want to rob Brother Thirteen's yard, you will commit public outrage.

I understand in my heart.

Then let him know that brother and sister-in-law are not happy either.

Be more honest in the future.

Bone broth in the dining room is a regular stock these days.

Shu Shu ordered a sauerkraut pot.

It took a while for the pot to come up, Brother Nine said: "Master, go and see Old Ten, and bring him in tonight..."

Shu Shu has no objection.

She remembered that elder brother Jiu was afraid of the dark and not very courageous.

It's okay to find a ten elder brother to accompany him, so that he won't be scared again when he can.

Here, Shu Shu saw Xiao Chun and Xiao Yu.

The two left the palace the morning before yesterday, returned to the Dutong Mansion, and returned in the afternoon.

The two of them first told the news about the people waiting in the Dutong Mansion.

Uncle's condition is better.

Master Tang had a cough before, but it got better.

On Dutong Mansion's side, Luo's pregnancy looks good, and on Xiaoliu's side, someone has already been found to teach the rules.

But there is news from Fusong.

"My uncle and wife wanted to arrange for Elder Brother Fu Song to meet, but Madam found out about it, and sent someone over to scold him... Madam told me that Elder Brother's marriage is in the hands of Master Jiu and Fujin, so the other side will be honest..."

Xiaochun said, also with disgust: "If it's a good family, it's okay, but it's my uncle's niece, that rotten face who was exempted from the election at the beginning of the year, how dare they? Don't blame the madam for being annoyed, the slaves feel angry when they hear it... "

After hearing this, Shu Shu was also unhappy.

The niece of Fusong's stepmother, who is the same age as Shu Shu, also came to Dutong Mansion when she was a child.

At that time, she was pretty, but she was extremely high-minded.

Their family is a member of Prince Jane's banner, and Ama is a member of the Prince's Mansion. From the seventh-rank treasurer, she just shows off and keeps talking about the Prince's Mansion.

Speaking of the elder brothers in the palace, the young girl Huaichun is very clear.

She was self-aware, she didn't stare at the eldest eldest son, but took a fancy to the two elder brothers who were similar in age to him.

In order to climb higher branches, I want to be more beautiful, because I am born with dark skin, and I have been looking for whitening prescriptions for several years.

As a result, it didn't turn white, but got pimples on the face.

In the year of the draft this year, the Eight Banners will count the show girls last winter.

Her honor was directly recorded by the officials of Xianglan Banner Dutong Mansion as "sick face", and she was exempted from election.

Shu Shu's tolerance towards Ama Fusong and her stepmother is getting lower and lower.

But she also knew that Fu Song's marriage was indeed on the agenda.

No matter how many people there are, they are also parents. If they really post with someone, even if they deny it in the end, it will be a waste of time.

But the girls from the Eight Banners family have to be drafted.

The one who is directly exempt from the election is the Zongnu.

The other Eight Banners girls who were exempted from the election had many shortcomings.

Such a person, Shu Shu felt wronged Fusong.

The batch of losers at the beginning of this year have also come of age, and most of them are married after putting up the cards, and now the good ones are also being picked away.

After the draft three years later, the gap was too long.

Fusong will become a adult next year, and the marriage can be postponed. As long as the marriage can be settled, Fusong Ama can be prevented from having trouble with his stepmother.

The right person...

Shu Shu thought of someone.

It is the orphan girl left by the fourth room of Niu Hulu's family.

The reputation of the fourth wife of Niu Hulu's family was ruined like that, and it was this girl who had the greatest impact.

Both the family and in-laws are dignified, but they can't avoid her, and I'm afraid they will have to marry far away in the future.

A well-matched family in the capital would not be happy to have such a daughter-in-law.

The age of cardamom is suitable for Fusong's age,
Shu Shu was really moved.

According to Brother Jiu, the fourth master of Niu Hulu's family is an excellent person, so his children should be no different.

As for the rumors about the Fourth Wife and Faka, Shu Shu felt that there was water.

Even if they lived in the same family, the uncle and his sister-in-law avoided it.

There are also maids and nanny, it is not so difficult to have an affair.

That's all she thought about. She had to find a chance to meet Niu Hulu Gege for details.

Shu Shu felt that she understood Concubine Yi somewhat.

The sons are all good, but the daughters-in-law may have their own shortcomings.

Shu Shuming is obviously the eldest sister-in-law, but she also wanted to find a wife for Fu Song with a magnifying glass because of her mother-in-law's heart.

Xiaochun and Xiaoyu went out of the palace this time, according to the instructions, they went around all the shops under Shu Shu's name, and brought back Qiu's account.

"After the winter comes, there are many families getting married, and the business of Qianjinfang is in short supply. Compared with Shun'an Silver House, the shopkeeper Hou is very enthusiastic, so he asked his servants to pass on a message to Fujin, whether to open a Qianjinfang in the outer city..."

Xiao Chun said.

Shu Shu shook her head: "It's not appropriate, let's forget it."

The more money you make, the more you have to restrain yourself, otherwise it will be too conspicuous.

The silver buildings in the city are either relatives of the emperor or noble families.

Shops outside the city, and some behind-the-scenes owners are also these people.

It is a taboo to go to other people's sites to grab food.

There is also a business like Qianjinfang. Smart people have already started to follow suit and open stores in other places. It is not Shushu's turn to open a branch.

Xiaoyu said: "The shop in Fujin's hands, next to the cloth shop is a silk shop, which is suitable for women's business; there is also a teahouse separated by Qianjinfang, which is also more suitable."

Because seeing these two suitable shops for the rouge shop, Xiao Yu didn't look at the other ones for rent.

Shu Shu thought for a while, then said: "Forget about Buzhuang, it will be transferred to Fusong next year, let's just use the teahouse, the place is almost the same..."

Xiao Yu's face showed a little joy, and said: "The servant is thinking about the formula in her hand, and lip oil..."

Seeing this, Shu Shu asked with a smile: "If I entrust this shop to you, can you take care of it yourself?"

Shu Shu has two companions outside, who were her maids when she was a child.

Those two were more than ten years older than Shu Shu, and they took care of her daily life very carefully.

Later, both of them married well, one was the grandson of Qi Xi's wet nurse, and the other was the grandson of Jue Luo's wet nurse.

When Shu Shu got married, the two couples became escorts.

But they were just ordinary women, and they followed their husbands to visit the Zhuangzi, and the tour of the shop was over.

Xiao Chun and the others are different from the group of girls, and they also serve as Shu Shu's companion, so they can stand up one by one.

Although Xiao Yu is a latecomer, she didn't grow up beside Shu Shu, but she lived in Jue Luo's house for five or six years, and she is also a bright-eyed and bright-hearted girl.

Xiao Yu hesitated and said, "Where is Fujin by his side? You have to be ordered around."

Shu Shu said: "I'm not telling you to go out right away, it's just an errand for combing your hair, taking advantage of your overqualified talents, you just bring an apprentice..."

She thought of this idea on the spur of the moment, because there was really no one outside, and various plans were delayed again and again.

Secondly, it is because Xiaoyu is different from others, she loves her family and only entered the Dutong Mansion as an errand in her teens.

Unlike Xiaochun and the others, they have been with Shu Shu since they were six or seven years old, and they spend more time with each other, and they have already regarded Shu Shu's side as their home.

Xiao Yu was also decisive, and said: "Longan is good, these days I always go to the servant girl's side, and the servant girl will accept an apprentice..."

It can be regarded as an errand from outside.

Xiaochun said from the side: "This time we also went to sister-in-law Zhou's house and sister-in-law Wu's house. The eldest girl of sister-in-law Wu's family is six years old, and sister-in-law also said that she will teach the rules later and let her come in to serve Fujin..."

Shu Shu understood Xiao Chun's meaning.

The eldest girl of the Wu family is Xiaoyu's niece. Xiaoyu was released, and her niece was allowed to make up for her, which was also a kindness to her and the Wu family.

What do six- and seven-year-old children come in?
Who serves whom?

Do you take the kids to play?
Shu Shu said: "Don't worry, it's not too late to start working as an errand when you're in your teens..."

She still remembered the sadness when the two big girls got married one after another.

Even if you don't marry outside, you still feel inseparable.

In a blink of an eye, seven or eight years have passed, and my mood at that time was blurred.

What the master and servant said was pretty much the same, the ninth elder brother also came back, and brought the tenth elder brother with him.

Shu Shu got up quickly, and asked Elder Brother Ten to sit down.

Elder Brother Shi said with a smile: "As soon as I fell asleep, I'll sleep right after lunch, so I'll come over to have a bite..."

Shu Shu said: "It's just right, let's eat the pot!"

The sauerkraut pot is ready.

Xiaotang led people to set up the dining table, except for the sauerkraut pot in the middle, there were several plates of thinly sliced ​​mutton.

The sauerkraut pot is also full, including finely chopped sauerkraut, vermicelli, tofu, and white meat.

Sesame biscuits served with the staple food.

Start with a bowl of sesame paste for each person.

Eat the vegetables first, eat half of them, and then boil the mutton.

Shu Shu directly ate three bowls and two biscuits.

Elder Brother Shi also eats more than Shu Shu when he is eating a lot.

Nine elder brothers rarely use it for dinner on weekdays, and the one who was abducted by two people also ate two bowls.

When everyone put down their chopsticks, it was Xu Zheng.

Brother Nine said: "The three of us, together with He Yuzhu and the others, are almost ready..."

This is the eunuch who is the two of them.

Elder Brother Ten nodded: "That's enough, let's go and have a look first."

There is no clue yet, so there is no need to mobilize the crowd.

The north wind was howling outside, and it sounded similar to last night.

The three of them didn't have to wait for Zishi, so they took up the lanterns, took the staff, and went to the four schools.

In addition to the eight eunuchs, Shu Shu also had an extra Xiaosong.

Xiaosong had two daggers pinned directly to his waist.

Four are empty.

"Squeak", the door opened.

Everyone go in.

Go directly to the main room.

The lamps inside and out were lit.

During the day, Brother Jiu had already checked and found that there was no problem with the wall.

Shu Shu looked at the place where the curtain was hung.

There are marks of nails on it.

If you want the tent to move, you don't necessarily need wind.

Shu Shu thought of her curtain, which was covered with ropes, and it should be similar here.

She thought so, and said to Xiaosong: "You go back to the second school, and ask Xiaochun for a new set of curtains and ropes..."

Xiao Song responded, turned around and left.

Now it's the end of the month, Emei Moon doesn't come out until dawn, and it's pitch black outside.

Brother Jiu hurriedly asked Sun Jin to follow him: "Go over and help, how can you come back with a tent alone..."

Sun Jin hurriedly trotted after the man.

Brother Jiu murmured to Shu Shu: "This girl is too stupid, she is really stupid and bold!"

Brother Ten was thinking about Shu Shu's intentions.

There are no holes in the walls, not the wind blowing.

"Sister-in-law Jiu is... suspicious of the rope?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "The tents in winter are thick, there is no strong wind, just pull the rope, let's hang up the curtains and see..."

Elder Brother Ten looked solemn.

If someone cooperated with the voice from outside and pulled the tent rope, the person who did it would have been in the room at that time.

Right next to Brother Fourteen? !
The nanny who was on duty at night said that she slept soundly, did she sleep soundly "passively", or was she lying?

There's more tension in the air...

Three more ten thousand.

The next chapter will be updated at 9:5 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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