My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 336 So Many Possibilities

Chapter 336 So Many Possibilities (First Update)
After a while, Xiao Song and Sun Jin came back, holding the curtain and the rope.

Everyone hangs up the ropes and curtains.

The edge of the curtain is still a foot and a half away from the Duobao Pavilion.

Duobao Pavilion is the partition between the small room and the secondary room.

The nurse on duty at night sleeps in the second room.

For the second time, there was only the south kang facing the window, not the north kang.

Xiao Chun opened the sewing box, and inside was a pair of silk threads.

Use silk thread to connect with the end of the tent rope, and put the end of the thread in the secondary room along the Duobao Pavilion, which is very inconspicuous.

Xiaosong went to the outside and pulled the silk thread, pulled by the tent rope, and the curtain shook accordingly.

Brother Ten frowned and said, "What about the cold wind?"

Back to the issue of wind.

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu's chest, and said, "No need for wind, maybe it's ice..."

Brother Jiu lowered his head and touched his chest, feeling a little dazed.

Shu Shu signaled Xiao Song and Sun Jin to go to the second dining room to fetch ice.

The curtain was lowered, and ice cubes were placed in the secret places of the four corners.

Shu Shu retreated to the next room, the tenth elder brother and the ninth elder brother took off their clothes and entered the curtain.

The earth dragon was burning, and the room was warm. After a while, the ice turned into water and seeped into the kang felt.

The temperature in the tent dropped rapidly.

Brother Jiu said: "Turn off the lights and shake the rope!"

He Yuzhu and others did as they ordered, and turned off all the lights in the inner and outer rooms.

Xiaosong pulled the rope next to Baibao.

The room was dark, but everyone opened their eyes wide and could still see the swaying of the curtain.


Brother Jiu touched the goosebumps on his body and opened the curtain.

The few people following the kang felt the air-conditioning blowing in from the tent.

The lights in the room were lit again, and Brother Nine and Brother Ten put on clothes.

All conspiracies are like this. When they cannot be found out, they appear to be unfathomable, but when they are found out, they are like child's play.

"It's almost crying!"

Elder Brother Ten said, "Could it be a wild cat?"

Every spring, the wild cats have never stopped calling for spring.

The voice was terrified, indeed a bit like a child crying.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "If that's the case, there won't be one or two people who hear it...someone should be able to recognize it..."

After tossing around, the second watch's drum sounded outside.

No cry.


Since it was man-made, that cry should have been specially prepared.

I tried it once before, and I scared the fourteenth elder brother once yesterday.

With so many people coming here today, how dare the troublemakers bump into them?

This is how the sound was transmitted to the room when there were no holes in the wall.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten lowered their heads and began to examine the floor tiles.

Shu Shu touched the Kang mat, the thick wool felt.

The place next to the kang head, the wool felt seems to be different, it seems to have creases.

Shu Shu opened it directly, and the heated kang underneath looked ordinary, there were several gaps at the right angle between the heated kang and the wall.

It seems to be formed naturally, which is not unusual.

Shu Shu put her finger on it, and could still feel the smoke.

She put down the kang mat and covered it tightly, so she couldn't notice anything.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten looked around on the ground, but found nothing.

Seeing that Shu Shu seemed to have discovered something, she came over.

When Shu Shu lifted the kang felt again, revealing the gaps visible to the naked eye, both of them were stunned.

They imagined that the sound would come from the wall, or underground, but they never thought about it on the kang.

This position is next to the curtain.

According to the layout of the bedding, the distance from the position of the pillow is only more than one foot.

There is a sound coming from this location...

How frightened would the awakened person be?

Brother Nine stiffened.

Seeing Shu Shu, knowing that he was thinking of Elder Brother Eleven, he whispered to Sun Jin: "Go get the shovel and hammer!"

After months of guessing, it was time to confirm the answer.

Sun Jin responded, and went back to the No. [-] Institute with Li Yin, and took the shovel, hammer and so on.

As a result, when I reached the gate of the fourth institute, I was stopped.

The saint has arrived.

A circle of eunuchs and guards followed.

Kangxi glanced at the shovel in his hand and said, "What are you doing with these?"

Sun Jin lowered his head and said, "Our master and Master Shi found out that the head of the kang is not right, so we sent our servants to fetch it."

Kangxi didn't ask any more questions, but nodded to the guards, and let go of Sun Jin and Li Yin.

The tenth elder brother and the ninth elder brother knelt on the kang, with their palms outstretched, feeling the heat rushing up from under the gap.

This is indeed not a crack on the surface, but a straight line below.

Kangxi came in, followed by Zhao Chang and Liang Jiugong.

It turned out that Zhao Chang had already brought people to the four institutes this afternoon, but he didn't find any clues, so he planned to come back at night.

Unexpectedly, he brought someone over after the second shift, and found that Brother Nine and Brother Ten had already entered.

Zhao Chang didn't dare to delay, so he went to the imperial court.

Kangxi came over in person.

Brother Nine was panicked at first, but when he saw Kangxi, he pointed to the gap and said, "Ama Khan, it's here! The voice should come from here!"

Kangxi didn't speak, just glanced at the kang, and nodded to the guards around him.

Two tall and strong guards took the things in the hands of Sun Jin and Li Yin and stepped forward. One took a hammer and the other took a shovel, and beat the kang bricks loose, prying them open one by one.

The centipede road underneath was exposed.

The so-called centipede road is the place where hot air goes, like a centipede, there is a main road, and the rest are thin roads like centipede legs.

The hot air will thus spread evenly across the kang.

After seeing clearly what was in the centipede path, Brother Jiu's body softened all of a sudden.

It was a pile of owl carcasses.

There are two lifelike ones, which should be the two from the day before yesterday and yesterday.

The remaining ten or so were all dried bird carcasses.

Because the feathers are complete, they can be identified clearly.

The strange thing is that the bird corpses are only concentrated on the centipede road on this side, which is the kang head, one next to the other.

There were no dead birds on the other centipede paths.

Kangxi's face darkened, and he took a closer look.

It turns out that on the other centipede roads, half of them are blocked, and the remaining half does not delay the heat and smoke, but the birds can't get through.

Brother Jiu's tears fell down.

Shu Shu took his hand and noticed his trembling.

There were so many bird carcasses before, no need to think about who they were for.

Kangxi's face was terribly dark, and he looked around the crowd and said, "All I have seen and heard today is in my stomach, and if I say it with my mouth, don't take my head!"

A group of eunuchs and guards all knelt down and agreed.

Brother Jiu was shocked and looked over: "Khan Ama?"

Kangxi stared at him and said, "Yinzhen, think of your mother!"

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded.

Kangxi said to Shu Shu and Elder Brother Shi: "You guys go back first..."

Shu Shu and the tenth elder brother didn't dare to delay, so they agreed and pulled the ninth elder brother down.

Arriving at the second school, Brother Jiu raised his head, a little dazed: "Ama Khan, is he threatening me? Na'eniang threatening me?"

Shu Shu couldn't help frowning, it's all going on.

Elder Brother Ten said: "Brother Ninth, you forgot, Concubine Yi's mother is pregnant, how did you hear such news?"

Brother Jiu looked better now, and cried more.

Brother Ten's eye circles were also red.

Shu Shu has never met Brother Eleven.

She worries more now.

Brother Nine has long suspected Suoetu and the Hesheli family where he lives because of this.

Now that he is like this, after getting the proof, he might not be able to hide the resentment in his heart.

But as long as the prince is still alive, the Hesheli family will not fall down.

Then next, Brother Jiu will try to pull the prince down?
But the current Ninth Brother is immature and not worthy enough, so it is not good to meet the prince.

She glanced at Elder Brother Ten, and her uncle and sister-in-law met each other's eyes, and they could see the other's worry.

As expected, Brother Nine felt resentful after feeling guilty, looked towards Yuqing Palace, gritted his teeth and said, "Tomorrow, I will go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to do a good job and catch the eyeliner and minions of the Hesheli family in the palace one by one! We want to see how Khan Ama will protect them when the evidence of their murder of the prince is revealed!"

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly said: "Brother Ninth, you are too arbitrary!"

Ninth elder brother looked at tenth elder brother, and said unhappily: "What do you mean by old ten? You are afraid of Yuqing Palace, right? Don't worry, you will go to the clan's mansion to be your servant, and I will not implicate you!"

Elder Brother Ten frowned and said, "Then Brother Ninth, why are you sure it was their family who did it?"

Brother Jiu's face was dark: "Who else is in their family? The crown prince has no dust in his eyes and doesn't pay attention to us little elder brothers. There is also that vicious dog Suo'etu, who is loyally protecting the Lord with his teeth and claws outside!"

Elder Brother Shi didn't nod or shake his head and said: "It's not just their family who are suspicious, except for Concubine Yi, the other three concubines are all possible!"

Brother Jiu showed surprise: "How could it be? Impossible?!"

Elder Brother Ten looked calm and said, "Why is it impossible?"

"But... Concubine Hui has always been just and loving, Concubine Rong has no other shortcomings except being stingy with money... Concubine De is also well-known as a kind person, but she is very good at protecting the calf on the old fourteenth... "

Brother Jiu listed them one by one, and felt that this statement was too weird.

The tenth brother said seriously: "Concubine Yi's mother is favored and has many sons. Even the Hesheli family is afraid of it. Isn't it normal for Concubine Hui to be jealous? Brother Ninth think about it, among the sons of Taizu, there are three brothers from the same line of concubine , holding two yellow flags at that time, almost won the big position..."

Brother Jiu understands another meaning of Old Ten.

In the final analysis, the dispute between the eldest son of the emperor and the crown prince is still the chair.

If that was the case, it seemed possible that Concubine Hui planned to weaken the opponent for her son in advance.

"What about Concubine Rong? Does she have that kind of brain and that kind of manpower?"

Brother Jiu said.

Concubine Hui is the head of the four concubines. In name, the four concubines are in charge of the palace affairs, but in reality the main palace power is in the hands of her and Concubine Yi.

Concubine Rong was far behind.

Elder Brother Ten made nonsense, "Who knows! Maybe it's fish in troubled waters, adding fuel to the flames? She has died so many elder brothers. Seeing that Concubine Yi and her mother have three sons, and her position is still sealed on her, how can she not be resentful? Think Thinking of the third child is not generous, from son to mother..."

Brother Jiu heard it, nodded and said: "It is indeed possible, that's why Concubine De folded twelve pieces..."

Elder Brother Shi went on to talk nonsense: "There is also Concubine De, who is not without suspicion. She loves Shishi so much, and there is an old custom in Manchuria where young sons keep the stove. Maybe we are all thorns in her eyes and flesh..."

Shu Shu has already seen that Elder Brother Ten is not suspicious, but wants to appease Brother Ninth.

Her heart moved, and her face showed worry: "Speaking of which, elder brother's repairs are all in charge of the construction department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs... The construction department was under the name of the empress in the early years, and many of them were members of the Guo Luoluo family. ..."

The tenth elder brother and the ninth elder brother both looked at Shu Shu, with disbelief on their faces.

Obviously, the two never thought about it in this direction.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and sighed: "My lord, think about Mrs. Guo Gui. She is a sister-in-law. When she was at home, she was also precious and precious. She entered the palace at the same time as the empress, but she was only for the nobles. She gave birth to a princess and raised her by her side. Elder brother didn't stand still, I'm afraid the resentment is already deep..."

There is no such thing as chastity among the Manchus.

The concubine Chen of the Taizong Dynasty was remarried, and she was still conferred the Great Fortune of the Eastern Palace, and she came from behind and became the second person in the harem.

Guo Guiren is a noble person, not because of remarriage, but because Concubine Yi is more favored, and the family will not have two high positions.

Being suppressed for half of his life like this, it is not uncommon for Guo Guiren to be upset.

On Brother Nine's face, there was uncertainty.

Before that, he put all his doubts on Soetu and the Hesheli family.

The cause and effect before and after also feel right.

Never thought of another possibility.

Compared with the old ten's guess, it seems that what Shu Shu said is more likely...

(End of this chapter)

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