My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 337 The result I don't want to hear

Chapter 337 The result I don't want to hear (second more)
Brother Jiu was a little confused.

He looked at Shu Shu, then at Elder Brother Ten, and murmured: "The precious person is gone..."

With no proof of death, the death of Eleven has become an unsolved case again?

Those bird carcasses are there, and the physical evidence is already there.

Those who do it will not be completely without trace.

Even if the fourteenth elder brother's night nurse is innocent, there must be people in the yard who are not innocent.

And the bird call heard by Brother Twelve is obviously not the one in the kang road, is it a spare?

Or is it that the manipulators are not in the fourth institute, but hidden in the fifth institute?

Brother Jiu felt a headache.

Elder Brother Ten said softly: "Ama Khan has made a move, what else is Brother Ninth worried about? None of the troublemakers last night can escape, they will all be found out..."

Brother Nine hesitated and said, "Will Khan Ama turn the big thing into a small one?"

Elder Brother Ten shook his head, and said firmly: "No! If such a vicious method is not found out, how can Khan Ama feel at ease? Before plotting against the prince, who can guarantee that Khan Ama and the Queen Mother will not be murdered..."

Brother Nine nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "Then I know, let's wait for Khan Ama's results first..."

The drums outside sounded again, and it was midnight.

Brother Ten was worried, but he also knew it was inconvenient, so he left and went back to the third institute.

Brother Jiu lay on the kang as if his muscles and bones had been pulled out, tears "slapping" and "slapping" falling.

Shu Shu held his hand, not knowing how to comfort him.

I could say it was a misunderstanding before, but I thought too much.

What are you talking about now, good prince, died like this, is it wrong?
Even a lively child like the fourteenth elder brother would have a high fever the last time he was scared.

A prince who was already frail couldn't sleep at night, and his body would only get weaker and weaker.

"It's all my fault. I dislike Eleven's poor health, and I don't like to play with him..."

"Master was narrow-minded at the time, so he just played with the starling and the tenth... Before, every time I brought eleven, my mother would nudge me to take good care of me, but I didn't think I would take care of him well, so I was not willing to take him. ..."

"But Lord Fan treats him better, and he won't hide anything like this..."

Brother Jiu whispered, full of guilt and remorse.

Shu Shu understands Brother Jiu's guilt.

Brother Fourteen's reaction yesterday is still vivid.

When a child encounters such a frightening thing, he will definitely cry and ask his relatives to make decisions.

On Eleventh Brother's side, judging from the number of bird corpses, he was scared more than three or five times, but he didn't tell his elder brother who lived with him.

Shu Shu persuaded: "The eleventh brother was young at the time, not necessarily because he was estranged from the master, he must have been fooled by the people around him... Just like before the master, didn't he also think that Nanny Liu was a good person, and he didn't care about everything?" I heard..."

Only this one is possible.

Otherwise Eleventh Brother is not dumb, how could he keep this matter a secret.

Brother Jiu said blankly: "Is it true that everyone is a bad person? Several concubines, and uncle's house..."

Shu Shu said softly: "It is said that you must not have the heart of harming others, and you must not have the heart of guarding against others, but I see that the ladies are all kind and friendly, maybe the tenth brother is thinking too much; as for Guo Luoluo's family, I am also because of Because of Guidan, I have already had a prejudice, this is not good, it may not be like this, maybe the bad guy is just Suo Ertu..."

Hearing what she said, brother Jiu didn't think so.

He smiled wryly and said: "Don't coax me, I'm not a child... It's not like I haven't heard of brothers taking property and fighting for power in the house..."

Going a little farther, there is internal strife in Prince An's Mansion, which is well known to the clan.

To put it closer, it is the dispute over the title of Niu Hulu's family.

Several lives were buried in it.

Shu Shu was silent.

If it is true according to the conspiracy theory, it is hard to say how Faka's duke position was lost.

In the [-]th year of Kangxi, Faka was [-] years old. He had inherited the title of duke for [-] years. She is the younger sister of Yuan Dynasty.

He was proud of the spring breeze, but then he lost the Duke for his crimes, and the family inheritance was passed on to his stepmother and brother A Ling'a.

What are the specific charges, but now I can't find out the details, and I speak all kinds of vague words.

To say that he committed a serious crime, there is no other punishment except Dijue's dismissal.

If it is said that he did not commit a serious crime, then this title is lost for no reason.

It's really hard to say who is behind this.

The target may be the prince, but it may also be the ten princes.

It is equivalent to abolishing a duke and cutting off the support of the two princes, the crown prince and the tenth elder brother, at Niu Hulu's house.

According to the suspicion of profit, the biggest suspect is Kangxi himself.

Niu Hulu's family is the biggest force in the Three Banners Army, and the Hesheli family is the biggest force among civil servants.

The two families merged into one, I'm afraid Kangxi would feel uneasy.

Tong Jia's and Wu Ya's marriages with Niu Hulu's family may have been arranged by Kangxi, who wanted to keep Niu Hulu's family neutral.

Where did Brother Nine think that Shu Shu thought about the old affairs of Niu Hulu's family, seeing her silent, only thought she was frightened, shook his hand, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there is still a master!"

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt apprehensive: "I'm not afraid, but I just don't know how to face those empresses in the future..."

Brother Jiu patted her hand, thought for a while, and said, "It's fine as usual, and when the time comes, we'll pretend to behave, and don't offend others by revealing our whereabouts. It's just that we speculate privately, and there is no evidence..."

Shu Shu still frowned: "But I can't let it go in my heart... In the future, I will deal with other elder brothers and Fujin, and I don't feel at ease..."

Brother Jiu was also stunned.

If those few are really enemies, then these brothers are also the sons of enemies.

Brother Jiu tightened his hand, and said: "Then let's not touch anyone in the future? Avoid everyone, except Fifth Brother, and get close to Old Ten and Eighth Brother?"

Shu Shu quickly shook her head and said, "It's because I couldn't hold my breath and thought too much... Don't talk about other people, just say that Sisao and Seventh Sister-in-law treat me sincerely. It's far away, what's the matter?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Yes, you can't look at everyone as an enemy..."

He also hesitated in his heart before, the third child didn't like to talk to him at all, and if he was alienated, he would be alienated.

There is still a favor from the eldest brother that has not been returned.

There is no need to tell Old Ten about that.

But he also received this affection for the old ten, thinking of finding an opportunity to repay him.

There is also the fourth brother, it is strange that he turned his face in the blink of an eye as soon as he asked for help.

The character and behavior of the two of them are there, they are not low-level people, and I really thought badly before...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi already had the answer in his heart.

No other supporting evidence is required.

Brother Eleven's nanny died.

The imperial doctor who was in charge of the eleventh elder brother's safety pulse was gone.

The row of owl carcasses.

The method is very simple.

When I change the carbon fire, I put an owl in the outside fire path.

Wait until the crater ignites.

Owl birds will hide inside to avoid the heat.

When the centipede says goodbye to the narrowed entrance, it will run to the reserved position.

This is to control the heat, and the temperature doesn't need to be too high, so it can survive for half a day in Ridge.

The owl bird came out at night, and it was uncomfortable, so it must have been howling.

At this time, as long as you add a fire, there will be no future troubles.

It's just like this, with people staring at the front and back.

My brother's place is such a big place, and it's not easy to hide someone's tricks.

Unless someone is covering, it is at least two people.

Kangxi asked Zhao Changdao: "I asked you to investigate the old people of Kunning Palace, Yongshou Palace, and Jingren Palace before, how is it?"

Zhao Chang bowed and said: "There are two chief eunuchs in Kunning Palace, eighteen eunuchs, and now there are six young eunuchs in Yuqing Palace; Of the eight people, two are in Yuqing Palace, and the other six have all disappeared one after another..."

"Two eunuchs and sixteen eunuchs, the leaders of Yongshou Palace, first went to Kunning Palace with Master Niu Hulu; One of the two chiefs resigned due to old age, one was still in Yongshou Palace, four of the other eunuchs looked after the house, and the rest were distributed to various places in the imperial city; The two of them are under the ten elder brother's name; the six nuns, two are under the ten elder brother's name, four have retired from their errands and are living at home for the elderly, and the two are old..."

"There are two chief eunuchs and fourteen eunuchs in Jingren Palace. One chief is under the name of Sibei Le, and one is under the name of Tong Niangniang. Eight eunuchs have been retired, and all of them are gone. The remaining six are also in two places. under the name of the master; the eight palace ladies were all released when they reached the age, and two were replaced later, under the name of Sifu Jin, the other six disappeared one after another; six nuns, two were raised in Baylor Mansion , the two are under the name of Tong Niangniang, and the two have left the palace for the elderly, and they have grown old one after another..."

Liang Jiugong was listening, already frightened.

Although Concubine Wen Xi also lived in Yongshou Palace, Zhao Chang obviously investigated the old people around him.

The three queen masters have all checked...

It is estimated that this result is not what the emperor wants to see.

Judging from the results of this investigation, it turns out that the successor master is the most innocent.

In fact, this is not surprising. When Niu Hulu entered the palace later, the head of Niu Hulu's family had died of illness, and there were younger brothers and sisters who were not raised below, who were unable to deploy power in the palace.

Unlike the Empress Yuan and Empress Tong, both of them had elders attached to ministers, and had a closer relationship with the palace.

Kangxi didn't seem too surprised after hearing this result.

There are already signs.

Both the Hesheli family and the Tong family have traces of meddling in the affairs of the palace.

He felt a palpitation.

The appearance of the Empress Yuan is still hidden in the depths of his memory, clearly visible.

The two young couples are the emperor and queen tremblingly.

Did she kill the prince?

The answer is no one knows.

In the past, Kangxi only thought of himself as poor. He lost his father and mother when he was young, and later he couldn't support his children.

But back then, he also sensed the undercurrents in the palace, so he fostered the elder brother and third elder brother outside the palace.

At that time, I also checked up and down several times, but found nothing.

Kangxi glanced at Liang Jiugong.

At that time, I was thinking of avoiding taboos, so I didn't use the people from the Three Banners, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs to coat them.

But I forgot that the coating may also have another master.

It is not surprising that this cannot be found out...

(End of this chapter)

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