Chapter 338 Cool Thin (Third)

The next morning, Brother Jiu woke up, his eyes were swollen, and there was only a slit left.

If you go to the yamen like this, anyone who sees it will have problems.

There was no other way, Brother Nine could only send He Yuzhu to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to bring back the files that needed to be sorted today, and deal with official duties at home.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhang Baozhu, a doctor, classified and marked all the official affairs that needed to be handled, and he could see clearly when he brought them back.

Here, he was impatient to see people, and the maids sent them away.

Shu Shu suppressed a smile and pretended not to care.

Brother Nine originally had slender eyebrows and eyes, but now there is only one gap left, looking ugly and cute.

Brother Jiu was holding the mirror, but he couldn't bear to look at it, so he put down the mirror and looked at Shu Shu.

Before Shu Shu asked someone to take ice cubes, wrapped them in a handkerchief, and handed them to him, "Using this ice pack will reduce the swelling faster."

Brother Jiu snorted softly, "Are you joking..."

Shu Shu sized up Brother Jiu several times, and said hesitantly, "It's not a joke either..."

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "Then what kind of eyes do you have?"

Shu Shu looked away, and said: "I'm just thinking, if the previous master was like this, then we will definitely treat each other as guests..."

In that case, not to mention two princesses, maybe she would help to choose four more, so that they can arrange shifts together and fill up the days.

Brother Jiu couldn't help pinching her face, and said bitterly: "You know it, you just look at your face!"

Shu Shu smiled, did not deny it, and took a few careful glances at him, making a face of scrutiny.

Ninth elder brother: "What are you looking at?"

Shu Shu actually wanted to praise him.

He's not a bold character, but he didn't think of being afraid from the beginning to the end last night, he just followed Elder Brother Ten seriously to find clues.

very brave.

But she was afraid of making him uncomfortable again, so she didn't tell the truth, so she changed the subject and said, "I just think that Grandpa is still too thin, and the medicine has been stopped, and his appetite will improve in the future, so let's take care of it..."

Xiaotang set the dining table on the table.

Assorted vegetarian buns, served with simple seaweed egg drop soup, two small pickles.

The two sat opposite each other and ate.

After putting down his chopsticks, Brother Jiu saw the jar of persimmon frost on the Duobao Pavilion.

"Why would your empress send this? Did you hear something?"

Brother Jiu said.

When Xianglan came yesterday, the two couldn't take care of others.

Shu Shu was silent.

She also wasn't sure if Concubine Yi gave this on purpose, or if it was a coincidence.

With the return of Shengjia, there is no rest.

The dining room has indeed been making medicinal meals for nourishing the lungs and relieving coughs.

Shu Shu said: "It's okay, if you know it, you know it, the empress is not someone else..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "In case someone mentions this to you in the future, you just say that you caught a cold in the mountains in September, and the root cause of your illness..."

In September, the husband and wife were in the palace in the paddock, taking care of Elder Brother Ten who suffered a concussion.

Shu Shu understands what he means, even if it's just a minor problem, it's not good after all if it's a "serious disease".

Shu Shu hesitated for a moment, and said: "Needless to say that he is doing well, let's just say that he caught a cold on the way back from Shengjing..."

It was colder at that time, and it was apt to say.

Speaking directly of being in the paddock palace, it seems that the blame is on Elder Brother Ten.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Old Ten won't care about this!"

Accidentally catching a cold while driving, and taking care of my brother-in-law's catching a cold, the former is incompetent, the latter is meritorious, and the weight is completely different.

But Shu Shu didn't want such credit, she shook her head and said: "I know the good intentions of the master, but it's unnecessary, the fake ones can't be true, the real ones can't be fake... It's not when we're talking about marriage, picky girls are perfect, I will marry them all. Give it to me, let alone a small cough, even if I have a major symptom, I can still return it..."

Before she could finish speaking, Brother Nine gagged her mouth with her hand, and suppressed the rest of her words.

"Bah, bah, bah! Tongyan Wuji! Tongyan Wuji!"

Brother Jiu raised his head and glanced twice: "The gods in the past, just pretend they didn't hear..."

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand and didn't say anything.

It was nothing before, but after hearing Brother Jiu's words, she also felt a shock in her heart, and she was afraid that her words would become a prophecy.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother!"

There were footsteps in the yard, and the voice of Brother Fourteen.

"Deng Dang Ding", the fourteenth elder brother broke in directly.

He is no longer the usual hippie smiling face, his little face is tense, his eyes are red, and he doesn't look at Shu Shu, staring at Brother Jiu and saying: "What's going on with the Punishment Division? Even if you have to thoroughly investigate the night before yesterday You don’t have to take everyone away, do you?”

Brother Jiu didn't go to the yamen, so he didn't know anything about the Punishment Department.

But when he thought about it, he could guess the reason.

Elder Brother Fourteen's surroundings are not clean. Check them one by one. It's easy to lose confidentiality. It's better to check them all.

He said sullenly: "You make such a big commotion, do you still think it's a joke? Think about it with your head, how can there be ghosts in this world? They are just pretending to be ghosts! Who else can scare you besides the people around you?" you?"

Elder Fourteen's eyes widened: "Alright, what are they scaring me for?"

Having said that, he rolled his eyes and said, "If someone really scares me, shouldn't it be people from outside? What are the people around me trying to figure out?"

Brother Jiu gave him a blank look: "Then what are the people outside trying to do? You are a little heartless, if I punish you, I will just beat you up, it's worth the trouble!"

Brother Fourteen nodded and said: "Brother Ninth is right, if you don't want your brother to move to No. [-], just say so, don't bother...Then, could it be Brother Twelve who thinks I'm noisy?"

He said, really thinking about it seriously.

Brother Nine snorted softly: "Don't think about it, Twelve is not that kind of person. Who knows if there is a slave who has selfish intentions, deliberately scares you, and will be a caring person with you later..."

Elder Fourteen no longer had the reluctance he had before, but was annoyed: "Okay, if someone really dares to plot against me like this, then I'll ask Han Ama to beat them!"

Brother Jiu pursed his lips and did not speak.

It would be fine if it was just a small fight between slaves.

Khan Ama checked it himself, and this time the people who participated were all bad.

I'm afraid I'm not lucky enough to hit the board.

Brother Jiu's eyes were cold and showed no sympathy.

Even if this wave of people is not the one who harmed Eleven, but the same method, there are innumerable connections behind it, and death is not a pity.

Brother Fourteen didn't leave right away, hesitated for a moment, prayed, and said: "Ninth Brother, Yang Nanny, who was on duty that night, is an old man next to my younger brother. She also came out of our mother's side in her early years. Me, she wouldn't either... She slept soundly that night because after eating hot pot here, she drank two extra bowls of rice wine after eating salty food..."

Brother Jiu didn't say anything.

He felt that Nanny Yang would also be left behind.

Drinking at night is breaking the palace rules.

Khan Ama will not allow her to stay with Brother Fourteen.

Brother Nine sighed and said: "Fourteen, there is no rule, there is no rule. Didn't the mothers in our yard also change a lot... Let's see when the time comes, according to the palace rules, do whatever you want, if you don't want to, After a few years, I will open a mansion and go out, and then I will be called to work as an errand by my side..."

Fourteenth elder brother was unconvinced, and glanced at Shu Shu.

In his heart, the nanny next to him is a small fault, completely different from the two nanny.

The change of mothers in the second institute is more like "three fires for new officials".

Shu Shu's expression was indifferent, and she didn't put on any kind appearance of a good sister-in-law.

This bastard Fourteen, when he employs someone, he calls out "Nine Sister-in-laws", and when he doesn't need him, he likes to answer and ignore him, with no one in his eyes.

That being the case, if I am happy and pure, who doesn't have a temper?

Seeing her expression, Fourteenth Brother realized later that he was rude before, but he couldn't let go of his face and apologize.

He didn't mean to.

Besides, he's still young, so what's the point of being a sister-in-law?
He didn't look at Shu Shu, and said to Brother Nine: "Anyway, Ninth Brother, you can help my younger brother to keep an eye on it, and if you have any news later, my younger brother will go back first..."

After all, turn around and run.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Fourteen's back, her face also turned cold.

I am my sister-in-law, so I will go farther away. Brother Jiu is my real brother.

From the beginning to the end, Brother Fourteen didn't ask Brother Ninth about his eyes.

It's swollen into a rotten peach. If you say you didn't see it, it's nonsense, but you don't care.

Shu Shu didn't like to speak ill of others, but she still couldn't help complaining to elder brother Jiu: "I can't compare to Thirteenth Brother, who is kind-hearted, acts too coldly, doesn't think about others, and we should stay away from now on... Yonghe Palace Empress, I don't want to deal with it either..."

Brother Jiu nodded: "I didn't even think about talking to him, but I just wanted to keep my mouth shut. If he made a fuss for the sake of the people around him, it would be bad for them to hurt them, so I just fooled around and said a few words to comfort him."

Shu Shu nodded, also afraid.

It's not that she's worried about herself.

But at that time, Xiao Chun and Xiao Song were still there, and there were three eunuchs beside Brother Jiu, and Brother Ten was also accompanied by the eunuch Haha Zhuzi.

Fortunately, Kangxi only said one thing, and didn't "seal" immediately, otherwise Shushu would have to bite the bullet and plead for these people to guarantee.

In that case, Kangxi would definitely be upset.

Not to mention the waste of all previous efforts, it may leave a bad impression.

But in this world, there are always some things that must be done.

If Xiaochun and Xiaosong deserve what they deserve, she is not the kind of person who insists on sharing life and death with anyone, but under the circumstances of being completely innocent, she can't just sit back and watch them have an accident...

Head office.

The fourteenth elder brother came back with a "da da da da" and went directly to the study in the main courtyard, with his mouth pouted, he looked at the thirteenth elder brother with dissatisfaction, and said, "Thirteen, why didn't you stop me?"

Brother Thirteen put down the book in his hand: "I stopped you, but you didn't listen..."

Today the thirteenth elder brother was going to go to the study, but the fourteenth elder brother refused to let him go, so he sent someone to go to the study and asked for another day off.

He can't get rid of himself.

I feel like I'm just asking for a day off, like I'm pretending to be sick.

It will take two or three days to complete everything.

But it was boring for him to stay in the head office, so he insisted on keeping brother thirteen.

Who would have thought that someone from the Department of Punishment would come and take away everyone around him with a ferocious look.

He was in a hurry, so he borrowed someone from the thirteenth elder brother to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, only to find out that the ninth elder brother did not go there today, so he went to the second office again.

Before going out, Brother Thirteen refused to let him go, saying that since he had used the Punishment Department, there must be something wrong with the people around him.

The fourteenth elder brother was not angry, he felt that the ninth elder brother was not kind, and deliberately shamed himself.

The face slap depends on the master.

But seeing Brother Jiu's sullen face, he didn't dare to let it go.

He felt that it was not a small matter.

Brother Jiu didn't mean to tell him the inside story, so he used Nanny Yang as a test.

Sure enough, the result was as expected.

Those people will never come back...

There is an update from the leader today, it will be very late, everyone can watch it together tomorrow morning, thank you to every book friend who subscribed, voted, and rewarded, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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