My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 340 One Knife, Two Knives, Three Knives

Chapter 340 One Knife, Two Knives, Three Knives (Part [-])
After hearing this, the queen mother showed hesitation on her face.

Jiugege's marriage has long been on the Empress Dowager's mind.

Sixteen is indeed not young.

That is, Royal Gege, to keep this age, or else he should choose someone to go out.

The Empress Dowager stayed in the palace for most of her life and raised only one grandson and one granddaughter, so she was naturally reluctant to marry her away.

But the princess at the front, touching each other, is also her granddaughter.

It's not good to put it on the bright side, and it's not good for the Queen Mother to say anything.

According to what she thought in her heart, if she insisted on Fumeng, she would marry back to the Horqin Ministry.

However, Princess Chunxi pointed to Horqin's department first, and there was Princess Duanjing over there, so it was not easy to point to the princess again.

Outer Mongolia is reluctant. The tribes in Inner Mongolia that are close to the imperial court either have princesses, or the tribes are small and too remote.

The rest are even more worrying.

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "The emperor is the most filial, for you he must be reluctant to marry Ge Ge away..."

The queen mother sighed: "It's not easy to mention this, the Gege below has also grown into..."

Concubine Yi said: "Put it on the concubine, and the concubine will take it to the emperor..."

The queen mother looked at her and hummed softly: "You are not a hardworking person..."

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "The concubine did it on purpose, just to solve your worries, and also to cause trouble for that one! If you don't worry about Jiu Gege's big affairs, why don't you let her find a chance to come to the emperor to give Shisi ah a chance? Brother, go change your future... You have seen how she has behaved these years. Either she has any bad intentions, or she is too partial. For the sake of an old fourteen, I don't feel bad about selling Sibeile and Jiu Gege together. Those who are raised by her side are not close..."

The queen mother pointed at her and said: "Don't dare to say anything! Don't say such things in the future, it will be distorted if it is passed around! Don't meddle in the matter of Jiugege, I will mention it to the emperor... from Emperor Taizu From the beginning, each generation has a princess married to the Eight Banners..."

Concubine Yi graciously peeled an orange and handed it over: "Your Majesty is kind, I thank you on behalf of Jiuge..."

The queen mother said in a bad mood: "My Jiugege, where is it your turn to metabolize?"

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "The concubine's stomach is not up to date, and she didn't give birth to a child. Seeing that Jiugege is raised so well and educated, don't you want to snatch it away? It means that Guo Luoluo's family is weak and can't climb high. , or the concubine would have been brazen enough to beg... It's already agreed, when Gege settles down, the concubine will generously add makeup to make you face..."

There are hundreds of daughters in the family begging, the queen mother is not annoyed when she hears this, but she just said thoughtfully: "If Jiugege stays in Beijing, the emperor should choose someone in Shangsanqi..."

Concubine Yi said: "That's the Emperor's own daughter, who has been appointed to choose from hundreds of thousands, and choose a good son-in-law..."

The queen mother nodded and said: "If it is not appropriate, I will not comply..."

The Empress Dowager was not very satisfied with the Wufujin selected in the thirty-fourth year's draft.

It's not about appearance and character, but compared with other princes Fujin, his family background is too weak.

But it was the prince's marriage, and even the previous court had to consider the prince, so it was not easy for the queen mother to intervene.

The princess here has nothing to do with the political situation of the government. The queen mother can't bear to choose a bad family.

The two were talking and laughing, and the time was almost up.

The concubines who greeted you have arrived one after another.

The princess did not show up.

As early as when Shengjia was touring the palace in the north, she was recovering from illness.

Afterwards, Dafu Jin passed away, and Donggong only sent her servants and nanny to show up. Outsiders only thought that Donggong was alienated from eldest brother, and refused to condescend to visit the funeral. In fact, there was another reason, which was because of her inconvenience.

It was reported to the outside world that it was extremely cold, but in fact it was a confinement.

For the prince and princess who were looking forward to a son-in-law, this matter was a big blow, so everyone kept it secret.

Concubine Rong and Concubine De have arrived.

Everyone was led to sit in the hall.

When Concubine Hui took her seat, Concubine Yi helped the Empress Dowager out.

After seeing the make-up on Concubine Yi clearly, Concubine De looked away, she was also dressed in the same way.

Concubine Rong, on the other hand, felt uncomfortable.

She prides herself on her seniority, she calls Concubine Yi and Concubine De her younger sister, and she is quite dissatisfied with Concubine Hui being the top concubine.

Her Chengrui is the real eldest son of the emperor. He has been raised until he is four years old and has not stood up.

Now looking at Concubine Hui, Concubine Yi and Concubine De are all dressed up cleanly, but Concubine Rong is showing off.

As she gets older, she prefers brighter clothes, her face is thicker in makeup, and she wears two more pieces of jewelry.

Concubine Rong was pissed, and when everyone finished seeing the Queen Mother, she couldn't wait to turn to Concubine Yi: "Didn't the empress let my younger sister come here after giving birth? It's a cold winter, and my younger sister should be careful. It's not good if you slip or fall." , after all, you are not young!"

Concubine Yi touched her temples, she was not annoyed, she nodded with a smile, and said: "Yes, I really have to obey the old age, I will be forty next year, only nine years younger than my sister..."

Speaking of this, she was surprised and said: "I almost forgot, next year is my sister's birth year, then I have to wear red, red, or I will not be too old...It will be fine in the year after next, my sister's fiftieth birthday, let's set up a few tables... "

After hearing this, Concubine Rong immediately lowered her face.

Which woman can hear old words?

Forty-nine, fifty, it's not what she wants to hear!
Among all the concubines, she was the first to attend the bed, and she was three years older than the emperor, and her age was always taboo.

I didn't expect Concubine Yi to be so relentless today, directly talking about her age.

Bystanders watched the two concubines bickering, all with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes.

Only Concubine Hui said to Concubine Yi: "It's time to be prudent, be careful to give birth to a brat, someone will worry about it..."

Concubine Yi glanced at her belly, and said: "Don't be Elder Brother anymore, if you look like his Ninth Brother again, my sister will be bored to death! Let's give birth to a cute little Gege, and send it directly to the Empress Dowager when the time comes, In the future, I will divide the private room of the empress..."

The queen mother waved her hand and said: "No, no, I have enough for Wu elder brother and Jiu Gege, so don't worry about it..."


Concubine Yi rubbed her belly and said helplessly: "There is no other way, let's just live together!"

Concubine De was holding the beads in her hand, and heard "Little Gege" tremble.

Seeing Concubine Yi's smile, she also felt glaring, so she slowly said: "Sister is really lucky, she is a mother-in-law, she has grandchildren, and she can give them a little uncle..."

This means that Concubine Yi is disrespectful.

Concubine Yi glanced at her, and said: "I'm not as lucky as my younger sister. Si Bei Le is capable, and she is very respectable in front of the emperor. Later, she will be crowned the county king and prince. If you are filial to my younger sister, you can even pull the brother of the fourteenth brother. My sister has nothing to worry about!"

Concubine De's face was a little dark.

Since he is partial to the younger son, why hasn't he thought about the future of the younger son?
There are examples of the fifth elder brother and the ninth elder brother. What she is most worried about is that the eldest son's title will be so high that he will overwhelm the younger son.

Concubine Yi went on to say: "I heard that Elder Fourteen is going to move to Dongsuo, and the yard here has started to be tidied up. Does that mean Elder Fifteen's yard should also be tidied up? I'm going to study in the new year Reading is no longer a little brother... I remember that Lao Jiu and the others were six years old at the time, and my sister loved my brother so much, so I should think more about my brother, a loving mother often loses her son..."

The fifteenth elder brother was raised in the Yonghe Palace and was the adopted son of Concubine De.

Concubine Yi's words pointed out that Concubine De didn't care about Brother Fifteen.

Otherwise, according to the rules, elder brother should move out of the palace at the beginning of the fifteenth year.

Even if the eldest brother occupied all the places at that time, he could move directly to Zhaoxiang's place from the example of the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers.

As a result, at the beginning of the year, the fourteenth elder brother suffered from a cold and was ill for half a month. The matter of the fifteenth elder brother moving the palace was left alone and no one mentioned it.

Concubine De glanced at Concubine Yi, and said: "Brother Fifteen's birthday is young, I was really worried at the beginning of the year, he was not born by me, but raised by me, I'm afraid my sister doesn't know my heart..."

Concubine De has fifteen elder brothers as her adopted son, Concubine Yi also has a young seventeenth son, which means that Concubine Yi doesn't care about her adopted son.

Concubine Yi chuckled lightly and said: "I'm stupid, I can't catch up with my sister who can say, whether I do it or not, it sounds good..."

On the fifteenth brother's birthday the day before yesterday, birthday presents were sent everywhere, but the Yonghe Palace was silent.

For the matter of the fourteenth elder brother, Concubine De was worried about her adopted son's birthday.
It passed away without a sound.

Concubine Yi directly sarcastically sarcastically, leaving no room for concubine De to be stunned.

She didn't have the temperament to compete with others in front of others, but for a while, she didn't know how to respond.

Concubine Yi has already turned to Concubine Hui and said, "I heard that Sheng Jia will go on a southern tour after the next year, did sister get any news?"

Concubine Hui nodded and said: "The emperor mentioned something, let me draw up the list, the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Rites are already preparing..."

All the concubines and nobles in the room raised their ears.

No matter if it is an elderly concubine or a young nobleman, they all wish they could go with them.

It's not just a matter of grace.

Unlike the bitter cold outside the Great Wall, it is Jiangnan.

"Heaven on earth, Suzhou and Hangzhou on the ground", who doesn't want to see it?

Even the Queen Mother had a smile on her face.

She will also follow her on this southern tour.

Shengjia had made two southern tours before, one in the [-]rd year of Kangxi and one in the [-]th year of Kangxi.

Because the place was not so stable at that time, there was no family member with him.

Now that the world is at peace, the empress dowager and concubines can accompany her.

The Empress Dowager mainly believes in Buddhism, and yearns for ancient temples in the south of the Yangtze River.

She smiled and said to Concubine Yi: "You will not be able to catch up this time, wait for the next time!"

Concubine Yi made a distressed expression: "It will take three to four months to go back and forth, and if I can't see the empress, the concubine will panic..."

The Empress Dowager comforted her and said, "Take good care of your baby and give birth to your little elder brother safely. I will bring you delicious food from Jiangnan when the time comes..."

Concubine Yi smiled and nodded: "The concubine will be waiting."

Concubine De's face was a little stiff, and Concubine Rong's face was not good-looking.

Just like Kangxi gave Concubine Yi the list of accompanying concubines before the northern tour, the emperor handed over the list of concubines for the southern tour to Concubine Hui.

Who wouldn't want to follow such an opportunity to go out?
Khan, woke up together in the morning, replied to a few chapters and said, fell asleep again, 555
(End of this chapter)

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