Chapter 341 Evil mother-in-law (second update)
For a while, the time for greetings is over.

Everyone retreated.

Concubine De and Concubine Rong couldn't forget the southern tour, but they couldn't let go of their shame.

Besides, it is not useful just to say it.

The remaining concubines and nobles, even if they are enthusiastic, are not qualified to speak.

Everyone was looking at Concubine Tong.

Concubine Tong was reserved, and she didn't speak from the beginning to the end.

Concubine Yi didn't leave, Concubine Hui also stayed behind.

The two smiled at each other.

Both of them are generous and straightforward. When the four concubines were in charge of the palace affairs together in the early years, one was in charge of the East Sixth Palace and the other was in charge of the West Sixth Palace.

The two accompanied the Queen Mother to the next room, Concubine Hui disapproved and said, "Okay, what are you recruiting them for?"

Concubine Yi snorted softly and said: "My sister saw it too, who did my younger sister recruit first? One by one, they have a good life, but if you bully me, you really think I have a good temper!"

Concubine Hui shook her head lightly, but she was only saying this, without being wordy.

She looked at the Empress Dowager and said, "Your Majesty, tell me, who are we going to take out this time?"

The queen mother smiled and waved her hands: "Don't ask me, I don't worry about it..."

Concubine Hui looked at Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi curled her lips and said: "You must be willing to take care of the emperor's darlings, otherwise it will be even more troublesome to turn around..."

This refers to the concubine Wang Shu, who was the civilian girl brought back by Kangxi during his second southern tour.

Because of her, there was a lot of excitement in the palace at that time.

She is the first woman to enter the palace.

It's not a lady from an official family, but a maid from the Jiangnan Palace.

With such an appearance, who would believe that she was a handmaid?
It's just taking the opportunity to offer beauty in the name of the maid.

At that time, the emperor didn't bring his concubine with him, and there were only a few maids around him serving daily life, so he got lost, made an exception, and brought him back to Beijing.

The Wang family became a concubine as a concubine.

But at that time there was no empress in the palace, the noble concubine Niu Hulu didn't care about things, and the four concubines below had no room to speak.

Now over ten years have passed, the concubines of the king and concubine have given birth to two elder brothers, and both of them have stood still, and they are only concubines treated by nobles, because of their low background.

The entry of the concubine Wang Shu into the palace set a bad precedent, that is, the entry of civilian women into the palace.

Fortunately, the emperor is sober now, and he doesn't pay much attention to beauty, so the few who came in one after another later made a promise in the Qianqing Palace.

Concubine Hui listened.

There are beauties in the south of the Yangtze River.

The concubine Wang Shu has been in the palace for ten years, and she can't be said to be favored alone, but this holy family can also be ranked in the top three.

What's rare is that she has a gentle and gentle personality, not the kind who goes wild when she succeeds, and no one talks about her background in recent years.

It wasn't until this year's draft, when Guerjia was born, that Concubine Wang Shu took a step back.

Concubine Hui said: "Then bring the nobleman Guerjia and concubine Wang Shu... For the rest, let's see what the emperor wants..."

One of these two is a new love, and the other is an old love.

The old love is still from Jiangnan, if you don't want to fall out of favor, you have to bother to stop the emperor from bringing someone.

Concubine Yi glanced at Concubine Hui, then at the Empress Dowager, and said: "I don't care about others, I just want to bother the empress and elder sister to bring the ninth daughter-in-law..."

The Empress Dowager was happy to have Shu Shu beside her, and said with a smile: "I won't suffer this time! Let Shu Shu go and see what delicious and interesting things are there in Jiangnan, and we will also change the recipe in the palace later!"

Concubine Hui, however, hesitated and said: "Lao Ninth is the head of the House of Internal Affairs, and in the beginning of spring, Elder Brother Ten will be preparing for his wedding. I'm afraid I won't be able to leave."

If the other princes get married, the ninth elder brother will let go, and the tenth elder brother is different.

Concubine Hui watched the two grow up, so she knew the love between the two brothers.

After hearing this, the queen mother hurriedly said: "Forget it, it's not good for the young couple to separate..."

Concubine Yi waved her hand, sent the palace people down, and said in a low voice: "Lao Jiu's daughter-in-law is sensible, I have nothing to worry about, but I am worried that Lao Jiu will be messed up... After a few days, after Dafu Jin's "small funeral", he left It will take two and a half months to get rid of the medicine, and I'm afraid Lao Jiu won't accept it and make trouble with Fujin... I just stopped taking the medicine a few days ago, if my upper body gets sick, it's not the right time, I'll have to be a bad mother-in-law again..."

The queen mother said: "Then go out to play with us, and come back around the Dragon Boat Festival..."

Since it was arranged by Concubine Yi, the mother-in-law, and the mother-in-law, the Empress Dowager, was also happy, Concubine Hui would naturally not be a villain, and said with a smile: "Then the empress will take it with you, just to be Lao Wu Fujin's companion..."

After hearing this, the Queen Mother was even happier.

Concubine Yi also understood that this was the fifth elder brother who followed the prince.

It's not surprising when you think about it, there is a queen mother...

The second office, the east second room.

Both Shu Shu and Wu Fujin went to the cotton cloaks outside and wore shirts inside.

Hearing Wu Fujin cough twice, Shu Shu asked Xiaochun to bring two small cups of persimmon cream.

Each cup is a spoonful.

It looks as white as snow, and tastes as sweet as honey, so take it directly.

Persimmon frost is cool in nature, half a spoonful of it will moisten the itchy throat immediately.

Wu Fujin swallowed it all, and praised: "No wonder it's a tribute, it's really a good thing."

Shu Shu also thinks this is good.

This is the annual tribute of the governor of Shandong.

Brother Jiu has already sent someone to find the subordinate officials of Shandong governor Shangnian Gong, just to inquire about this.

There is another orange red, which has the same effect as persimmon frost, and is the annual tribute of the governors of Guangdong, Guangxi and Guangdong.

The two sisters-in-law talked about the daily life.

Liu Gege from the Wubeile Mansion gave birth to the eldest daughter of the fifth elder brother in September, and it will be a hundred days in a few days.

"I won't hold wine, and I will do it well next year when I catch the week..."

Wu Fujin said.

Shu Shu's side had already asked people to prepare for the centenary ceremony.

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law calculated the date, and the "May [-]th" small funeral would be the [-]nd of the twelfth lunar month, the day before the new year.

When the funeral is full of people, choose a single day, and the day of the funeral can either be brought forward to the [-]st or postponed to the [-]rd.

Twenty-three is a small year, so it should be brought forward to twenty-one.

"Twenty-seven" and "April seven" are not done, and "three sevens" is also a big sacrifice, but there is no need to sit up all night, it is over at noon, and it is good to come back after the afternoon sacrifice.

But the night before the funeral, they had to sit there for the night.

Wu Fujin sighed: "I was still feeling uncomfortable before, but it's only been less than half a month, but it seems like a long time ago."

Shu Shu nodded, who said no.

Relatives or Yu Bei, others have also sang.

Wu Fujin is now the mistress of the house, and she has a lot of common affairs, so she chatted a few words and didn't stay for long.

After eating persimmon cream, she drank a bowl of noodle tea and left the palace.

In addition to the needlework for the Queen Mother and Concubine Yi, she also brought something for Shu Shu, which were two cookbooks from the previous dynasty.

Shu Shu gave her the jar of persimmon cream brought by the fourteenth elder brother, and added the jujube cake and red bean rice cake that Shu Shu had prepared before as a return gift.Even Xiao Gege's centenary gift was brought back together.

At noon, Shu Shu sent someone to the House of Internal Affairs to deliver a food box to Brother Jiu.

As for going to the study, let her stop.

It didn't stop rashly, but called someone to say hello to Brother Thirteen in advance.

The dining room in the head house is already complete, so there is no need to do anything more.

Elder Brother Thirteen came over in person, didn't say anything else, just thanked him earnestly.

Shu Shu was very uncomfortable at that time, but there was no room for Brother Thirteen to stay in the head.

That is a sacred order, not a child's play.

There is also the matter of the fourteenth elder brother. What is it that they jump out as brothers and sisters-in-law?
Shu Shu sighed, thinking of Elder Fourteen who had barged in several times directly, she called Li Yin over.

There is no doorman in front, which makes people worry.

"Anyway, is there anyone you want to recommend?"

Shu Shu asked.

Li Yindao: "Director Cui has a junior from his hometown who is in the sweeping class in the Imperial Garden. The manager said that he is clumsy and can't be of much use. He is better than listening to orders..."

Shu Shu was noncommittal.

It's not a tenure system, just change it if it's not suitable.

This one who obeys orders can be in charge of access control.

She nodded to show that she understood, and said, "Where are the other staff?"

Li Yindao: "Brother Sun was in the same year as the Imperial Dining Room class. He is a lively person, and he is more congenial with Brother Sun..."

Birds of a feather flock together.

That is, he has a temperament similar to Sun Jin's, and he is a smart person.

Can take over Sun Jin's previous errands and be responsible for running errands at the second institute.

Shu Shu said: "Okay, send someone to say hello to the respect room, and transfer the two of them over..."

When Madam Liu's lawsuit came out in July, the Second Institute took away a few eunuchs; when Yao Zixiao's case came out, they also brought out a few more, and now there are many vacancies.

As for the eunuch in the study, it is temporarily useless.

Shu Shu said: "In the future, you can't be so lacking and find someone to order. The little eunuchs below have useful ones. You can teach them how to prepare them."

Li Yin agreed and withdrew.

Walnut was listening in before, and waited until Li Yin went out before he stepped forward and said: "Fu Jin, I don't know if you noticed before, the eunuchs under the banner have limited the number of people..."

She is the servant in the house, and after hearing Shu Shu and Brother Jiu mention the matter of going out of the palace a few times, now that she is about to enter, she has to remind her.

The eunuchs under this flag are relative to the eunuchs in the palace, that is, the eunuchs in the mansions of princes and princes.

According to the rules, twenty-five eunuchs are available for the Prince's Mansion, twenty eunuchs for the Shizi Mansion and the County Prince's Mansion, fifteen for the Baylor Mansion, eight for the Beizi Mansion, six for the Eighth Fen, three for the non-Eighth Fen, and the People's Lord Gong, Hou, Bo, two first-rank officials, and one second-rank official.

Ten princesses, five princesses, four county masters, and three county princes.

Shu Shu hadn't really paid attention to the eunuchs under her banner before.

Although Mrs. Uncle is the head of the county, Shushu has never seen a eunuch by her side.

This quota is the upper limit, and exceeding this number is arrogance, and no one will care if they are not worthy.

Just like Shu Shu's family, her Ama was promoted to a rank, and without saying anything, two eunuchs were added to the mansion.

When Shu Shu thought of the eunuch quota, it was embarrassing.

If it is really calculated according to the amount of Beizi, it is really nervous.

Director Cui, He Yuzhu, Sun Jin, and Li Yin are the four, plus the two newcomers, there are only two vacancies left.

She glanced at the walnuts. Fortunately, there is no limit to the number of court ladies and female servants, otherwise it will be troublesome at that time.

The people in the palace can't be taken out, and the mansion over there has to set up a stall...

Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Jiu ordered the construction secretary to take over the construction files of several county princes' mansions and Baylor's mansions.

The county prince's mansion covers an area of ​​less than [-] mu, but Baylor's mansion only has an area of ​​more than ten mu, and Beizi's mansion is even smaller.

There are mostly three roads between the county king's mansion and Baylor's mansion. In addition to the main road in the middle, there are two east and west roads.

When they arrived at Beizi's mansion, some of them entered the courtyard four times, two ways.

At that time, if you want to build a garden, there will be no place.

He took a look at the drawings of the two official houses next to the Babeile Mansion.

The place is not small, covering four to fifty acres.

Regardless, even if Khan Ama ordered the building to be built according to Beizi's regulations, he planned to enclose the open space next to it and pay for it himself.

Otherwise, in the courtyard, the county king's mansion to the west and Baylor's mansion to the east are all high-end courtyards, and it is really unimaginable that his place has become a small family.

As for expenses...

Isn't it the New Year's Eve?

One of the three festivals and two lives.

The tributes from the local yamen have arrived one after another...

(End of this chapter)

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