Chapter 342 The old friend (the third)

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Looking at the kneeling person below, Kangxi also had joy on his face, and helped him up himself.

It is Jiangning Weaving Cao Yin who has arrived.

He was wearing a peacock men's suit, and he was not confused about his age. He looked only in his thirties, and he was refined and elegant.

In addition to the fifth-rank Jiangning weaving, Cao Yin also wears a third-rank official envoy who has the responsibility of supervising the Jiangnan officialdom and has the right to seal secrets, so he wears a third-rank civil official supplementary uniform.

"Is Mammy all right?"

Kangxi asked.

This question is about Cao Yin's aunt Sun, who was Kangxi's childhood nanny.

After Kangxi was born, smallpox raged in the palace.

In order to avoid acne, he was raised outside the palace and was taken care of by four wet nurses and four nannies.

He didn't return to the palace until he was eight years old and had acne.

Cao Yin, the little brother of the nanny's family, was raised by Kangxi, and he also had a friendship with him when he was young.

For this reason, Cao Yin often went to and from the inner court in his early years. He was a reading companion when he was a child, and [-]% of them served as guards.

Until the twenty-ninth year of Kangxi, Cao Yin was released to weaving in Suzhou, and the master and servant were separated. Later, Cao Yin was appointed as weaving in Jiangning until now.

Cao Yindao: "My mother, Kangtai, is not deaf or blind. She likes to eat hickory nuts the most. She often talks about the master. If it wasn't for the winter when the servant came back this time, she would come back with her to say hello to the master!"

Kangxi nodded and said: "That's good, since Mammy came out of Beijing with you, it's been ten years since I was young."

After talking a few gossips, Kangxi asked about Jiangnan.

At the beginning of October, Fan Chengxun, the governor of Liangjiang, worried about Ding Mu, and returned to the flag to guard the system. Zhang Penghe, Minister of the Ministry of punishment, was appointed governor of Jiangnan and Jiangxi.

The governor's mansion of Liangjiang is in Jiangning, but what Kangxi asked was not about the new governor.

Because counting the time, before Zhang Penghe arrived in Jiangning, Cao Yin set off for the north.

What Kangxi was most concerned about was the price of rice. In the past two years, the floods in the south of the Yangtze River have caused no harvest in many places. In the first half of this year, the price of rice was twice that of previous years.

The imperial court put a lot of official rations down, but it didn't help.

Kangxi is most worried about this matter.

Cao Yin bowed and replied: "Before the harvest of summer grain, the price of rice is the most expensive. The price of rice is [-] renminbi per stone, which is converted into nine renminbi of silver; Only down to five hundred and sixty characters..."

Regarding the price of food, I have seen it once in the secret book, but after listening to it again, Kangxi is still worried.

You know, in the [-]th year of Kangxi, the price of rice in Jiangning was [-] yuan per stone.

The current food price is still [-]% higher than it was back then.

For the sake of food, the imperial court has once again issued a "prohibition order" to prohibit wineries from brewing shochu.

But for the lack of food, it is also a drop in the bucket.

"How much of the rice is left in the Liangjiang official warehouse?"

Kangxi asked.

Cao Yin thought about it carefully, and said, "According to the calculation of the food that was allocated and donated before, there is still [-]% on the account..."

Kangxi's face was as cold as ice.

"How much is in the warehouse?"

Cao Yin said: "Less than [-]%..."

In the thirty-five-year Jiangnan catastrophe, reported to the capital, it was a flood with a water height of four feet. In fact, it was a tide disaster that lasted for several years. At the worst time, the water height was two feet.

From the [-]nd to the [-]th year of Kangxi, there were several high tides.

It mostly happened in the second ten days of July, when there was violent wind and rain, and the water depth on the flat ground was three feet deep.

More than [-] people died directly from the tide disaster.

This was never reported in the imperial palace newspaper, because it was afraid of causing turmoil.

Now that the tidal disaster has passed two years, the influence still exists.

The land that was soaked along the coast that year has been cultivated for two years, but it has not been able to harvest normally.

In the thirty-fourth year of Kangxi, it was flooded first and then droughted.

Four years of famine, unprecedented in a hundred years.

In the thirty-sixth year, there were many civil disturbances.

Kangxi's southern tour was more for the sake of reassuring the people.

There is only [-]% solid grain in the granary, which makes people feel uneasy.

Kangxi also lost the interest in gossiping, and said to Cao Yin: "Jiu elder brother is acting as an agent for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you will meet me later..."

Cao Yin was not surprised by this news.

After all, elder brother Jiu is acting in September, and he hadn't set off yet when the news reached Jiangning.

This time he came to Beijing, he also specially prepared an "annual gift" for the new boss.

"When the servant left Beijing, Master Jiu only drew his bow. It's been all these years..."

Cao Yin sighed.

Kangxi recalled the past, and said: "Back then, you taught him archery for two days..."

Cao Yin also wrote down this. It was the twenty-sixth year of Kangxi. He left his father's filial piety and re-entered the palace as a servant.

The following year, the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother entered the study room, and when Master Wu's family had something to ask for leave, Cao Yin took over for two days.

The two young elder brothers look white and tender, and act delicately.

Because of the incorrect posture, brother Jiu was hit by the bowstring on his fingers, and cried loudly at that time.

Elder Brother Ten is clearly the younger brother, but he acts like a grown-up, coaxing his elder brother not to cry.

Compared with the prince elder brothers who are both civil and military, these two younger elder brothers seem to be far behind.

But that Yuxue's cute appearance is especially memorable.

Cao Yin's wife was pregnant at the time, and she was very jealous.

In a blink of an eye, the ninth elder brother was married, and the tenth elder brother also performed the preliminary ceremony.

After Kangxi finished talking about his son, he thought of Cao Yin's eldest son: "How old is Cao Yong?"

Cao Yindao: "The eldest son of the slave was born in twenty-eight years, ten years old..."

Cao Yin had few heirs, several wives and concubines, and only one son and two daughters under his knees.

The son is the eldest son Cao Yong, the eldest daughter who was born in [-] years, and the concubine who was born in [-] years.

When this son was born, he was already past his age.

It is difficult to raise a single seedling.

This son also suffered from three disasters and eight disasters, and his name was given to him by Kangxi.

Thinking about his own grandsons, Cao Yin is still guarding one son, and Kangxi is not good at talking about children, so he just said: "Go and see brother Jiu, come and have dinner with me later..."

Cao Yin bowed in response and withdrew.

Liang Jiugong was about to come in when the two bumped into each other.

All are acquaintances.

Liang Jiugong smiled and said, "Lord Cao is still handsome!"

Cao Yin pointed to the beard on his chin and said, "You were still young before you left Beijing, and now you can call yourself an old man..."

He entered the palace as a bodyguard in the [-]th year of Kangxi, Ding Jian in the [-]rd year, returned to his post as a Xiaoman in the [-]th year, and was released in the [-]th year. He also worked in the imperial court for more than ten years.

Liang Jiugong sighed: "So many years have passed? It seems like a blink of an eye."

Liang Jiugong wanted to go in and report, so the two said goodbye first.

On the steps at the entrance of Qianqing Palace, there stood a ten-year-old elder brother with arrogance in his eyes.

It was Brother Fourteen.

Seeing Cao Yin coming out, Elder Fourteen glanced twice, and looked away when he saw the peacock patch on his body clearly.

Just a third-rank official, don't bother.

Cao Yin didn't have much to do, he bowed slightly, left here, and went to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs.

Brother Fourteen is here to sue.

Kangxi didn't know the reason for Brother Fourteen's visit.

Hearing that Liang Jiugong told Fourteenth Brother to see him, he thought that Fourteenth Brother wanted someone to come.

The people around Brother Fourteen have already been interrogated for two rounds.


Although they are all little guys in the layout, there are no important characters.

If the fourteenth elder brother is still living in the fourth house, then if these little guys start to move, it may be a repeat of the eleventh elder brother's illness.

He was a little irritable, hesitating whether to see him or not.

Immediately thinking that he must say something to Brother Fourteen, he nodded and asked Liang Jiugong to lead him.

"Ama Khan, Brother Nine is too stingy, take care of Brother Nine!"

After entering the warm pavilion, Brother Fourteen couldn't wait to talk.

He didn't think about Shu Shu, because he saw Shu Shu's behavior before, he just looked at Brother Jiu's face, so he thought it was Brother Jiu's intention to ignore them in the past few days.

Kangxi was a little surprised: "What's wrong with Brother Nine?"

"It must be a vengeance. I won't let Mrs. Jiu deliver food to us!"

Elder Fourteen said angrily.

Kangxi frowned, he knew that both the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother had been removed from the dining room of the Qianqing palace.

A few days ago, it was indeed the second place who delivered meals to the two elder brothers.

"Then what did you have for lunch?"

Elder Fourteen muttered: "It's just a few casualties. The dining room in the head office has only just been established, and the manpower is not yet complete!"

However, Kangxi remembered what the people from the Ersuo palace said, that Jiufujin had given gifts to several uncles, there were dozens of kinds of food and so on.

Seeing Elder Fourteen's attitude, he frowned and said, "That's the second school, where your brother and sister-in-law are, not your dining room!"

The fourteenth brother is still not angry: "Then the ninth brother turned his face too quickly! He must think that his son occupied the fourth place before, and he said he wanted to beat him up!"

Kangxi snorted coldly: "Did you beat it?"

Brother Fourteen heard that his tone was wrong, he quickly shook his head and said, "Brother Ninth just said that, scaring people..."

Kangxi said lightly: "You also know what he said, so why tell me this?"

Fourteen Akka shells.

His small thoughts are all in Kangxi's eyes.

It was nothing more than offending his brother and sister-in-law, and he couldn't bear the shame to make amends. He wanted to pull the emperor's father to come forward, and turned the big thing into a small one.

Kangxi was a little displeased.

During the previous northern tour, the ninth elder brother and his wife took care of the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother for three and a half months, and everything was done properly.

The friendship with the thirteenth elder brother is also much closer than before the northern tour.

This time it is clear that I don't care about Brother Fourteen...

Brother Fourteen should reflect instead of complaining.

Kangxi was a little embarrassed.

Dong E's family looks good on weekdays. They treat their elders filially, and they are friendly with their peers.

She avoided the fourteenth elder brother and was unwilling to solicit any more, because she was angry in her heart.

Not even his father-in-law could be blamed.

Kangxi saw the inkstone out of the corner of his eyes, and when he remembered that day, he already regretted it.

But isn't it common for fathers to beat their sons in this world?
Why can't he die? !

Besides, he was really angry at the time.

Not only worried about fourteenth elder brother, but also annoyed ninth elder brother for self-discipline, not knowing the severity.

The safety of the prince and elder brother was involved, and it was not from the same mother. The best solution at that time was to report to the imperial court and wait for him to make a ruling.

That's the way to protect yourself.

That big fool of him, no matter what he doesn't care about, he doesn't think about what happens to the fourteenth elder brother, both of them will be left behind, right...

The next chapter will be updated at 9:7 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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