My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 343 The Silver Seal Has Arrived

Chapter 343 The Silver Seal Has Arrived (Part [-])
Kangxi looked at the Fourteenth Elder Brother with displeasure.

But if you make a mistake, change it.

This kind of knowing that you are wrong, but still unwilling to repent is a bit abominable.

When Kangxi thought of Concubine De, she was paranoid in her actions. He said it twice and listened respectfully each time, but he didn't care.

"Go back to study, no more absenteeism, one more time, next year you will live in the palace safely!"

Kangxi had a straight face, impatient to discipline his son, and directly reprimanded him.

Brother Fourteen immediately shut up.

He never forgets his followers.

Not only is it decent to follow out, but it is also affordable.

The thirteenth elder brother packed several boxes of gifts received during this northern tour.

Even if the fourteenth elder brother is subsidized by his biological mother, no one is afraid of too much money.

There is also the fact that he reacted to his mistakes, and Khan Ama definitely didn't like him like this.

Brothers and friends, I have lost my respect...

Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When he saw the post, he knew that it was Cao Yin who was here, so Brother Nine was so excited that he immediately called for a pass.

Since the tweed craft has been introduced, it is rare to make it better.

Only by turning into fabrics can there be more possibilities in patterns and colors.

At that time, go directly to Guangzhou Customs and sell to those Western businessmen to earn a lot of money.

Otherwise, it is a smooth fabric, which is not very competitive compared with the current Western fabrics.

When he met the real person, he vaguely recalled the events of his childhood, and couldn't help calling out: "Master Cao..."

Cao Yin said a thousand times: "I have seen Master Jiu, it is Cao Yin, the slave..."

Brother Jiu waved his hands and shouted, "Your Excellency, it doesn't look like much has changed."

He is very polite, this is an old friend of the emperor's father, he is not of high rank, but he is a trustworthy person.

As for the embarrassing things about childhood, well, it's all over, who didn't grow up when they were young?

Cao Yin looked at Elder Brother Jiu with a smile on his face: "Master Jiu is such a shame that the slaves don't dare to recognize him..."

When he left Beijing that year, elder brother Jiu was only seven years old and only reached his waist.

Without the eccentricity of his childhood, his body also has more momentum, showing a bit of leanness, which is completely different from the dude prince rumored outside.

Brother Nine coughed lightly and glanced at his right index finger, but there was no trace.

When I was learning archery at the beginning, the bowstring was flicked, and the red purlin was played.

At that time, it wasn't pain, but it was terrible.

It turned out to be ten years ago.

At that time, Cao Yin had just grown the beard on the top, but now he also grows the beard on the bottom, which is the style of some local officials.

Brother Jiu asked Cao Yin to sit down and asked directly about the situation in Zhizao Mansion.

Cao Yin, Jiangning Weaving, was previously called "Jiangning Weaving Doctor Stationed in Jiangnan", and later changed to "Jiangning Weaving Doctor". Everyone is used to calling it Jiangning Weaving.

This is one of the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But brother Jiu is not that stupid, he really regards Cao Yin as his subordinate.

You know, since the second year of Kangxi to the present, the Cao family father and son have been in the weaving position in Jiangning for [-] years.

Cao Yin's father took office in the second year of Kangxi, and died in office in the [-]rd year of Kangxi.

Cao Yin was appointed to weaving in Suzhou in the [-]th year of Kangxi, and transferred to Jiangning weaving in the [-]st year of Kangxi until now.

In the years between father and son, there was also a doctor named Sang'er.

When Cao Yin went down, Sang E was promoted to governor of Huguang, later moved to governor of Shandong, and was promoted to governor of water transport in thirty-four years.

From this promotion, it can be seen that Jiangning's weaving is not as important as a province's Futai in the imperial court.

He weighs more than an ordinary governor, after all, it is an important place in the south of the Yangtze River.

Therefore, the Jiangning Weaving Yamen is also called the Jiangning Weaving Department by Jiangnan officials, and its status in Jiangnan is second only to the Liangjiang Governor's Mansion.

Brother Jiu didn't think about wooing Cao Yin, and he couldn't.

He asked about the weaving bureau.

How many looms, how many weavers.

Cao Yin replied that the Weaving Bureau had five thousand looms and over ten thousand male and female weavers.

This is the weaving yamen's own manufacturing bureau.

All kinds of silk are specially made for upper use.

There are [-] looms and tens of thousands of weavers in Jiangning, making it one of the silk distribution centers in the south of the Yangtze River.

Brother Nine was heartbroken.

Those looms that may not necessarily be owned by the government, if you want to build another one, it will be easier to gather manpower.

"Since the opening of the sea, a lot of western materials have come in, and the price has remained high. Have you tried weaving at the Weaving Bureau?"

Brother Jiu asked.

Cao Yin shook his head and said: "The supply of materials within the manufacturing bureau is insufficient, and we need to buy them from outside..."

Brother Jiu showed disappointment, but it wasn't surprising.

We must know that the materials brought in by the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not only for the daily needs of the people in the palace.

The princes of the imperial family in the capital, the princes of the inner and outer vassals of Mongolia, and other vassal states, all those who come down with their silver salaries every year must have corresponding silk and satin materials.

What's more, the ready-made clothes used in the palace, the auspicious clothes and python clothes of other masters in the palace are all made by three major weaving and tailoring.

"What is the thickest material made by Jiangning?"

Brother Jiu asked.

Cao Yin thought for a while, and said: "Ning satin made by the government is the thickest, and each warp thread requires more than [-] strands of silk, which is three times that of Hangzhou silk..."

Having said that, he pointed to his clothes and said: "The clothes I wear are Ning satin..."

Brother Nine took a look and nodded.

Ning satin is thicker than other materials.

His winter auspicious clothes and winter dresses are also made of Ning satin.

"If we set up a weaving factory in Jiangning and recruit a thousand weavers to weave woolen fabrics, how much will it cost?"

Brother Jiu asked.

It's not that it can't be set up in other places, but that there are not so many skilled weavers.

Although the techniques are different, they are more or less the same, and they are quicker to learn than outsiders.

In addition to the supporting loom technology, the dyeing technology is mature, and it is more convenient to set up a new weaving factory in Jiangning.

Cao Yin showed surprise, he hesitated for a moment, and said: "The servant just arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, and he also asked people to pay attention to western fabrics. It is not silk fabric, but the material is like wool, and it is softer than wool. The dyeing is also different from silk and satin. I am afraid it will be difficult. Woven into..."

Brother Jiu looked at Cao Yin appreciatively, and said, "It's cashmere, the fluff on the black sheep..."

Cao Yin pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "So that's the case. No wonder the thick blankets made of Western materials are like wool felt, which are similar in purpose; there are also light and soft blankets, which look like silk but not silk. They should be woven with wool first, and then woven into fabrics. material!"

Brother Jiu took a pen and paper, and then drew a ball, marking the approximate locations of England, France, and Italy. Excited, he said to Cao Yin: "They are further north than the Qing Dynasty, and they need these thick materials. Let's make them." , exported from Guangdong Customs and sold to them..."

After Cao Yin heard this, he hesitated.

"Ninth elder brother, if it's government-made, we still have to focus on advancement... Whether it's the capital city or all over Mongolia, I'm afraid the quantity needed will only be high or low."

Brother Jiu frowned: "What about increasing production?"

Cao Yindao: "I'm afraid that within three to five years, I will not be able to make a confession; after three or five years, I will ask the emperor to decide what will happen."

What is "inside making"?
Not just craftsmanship, but decency.

Not allowed to circulate in the market.

It is only used for royal use, and this kind of material will only show the mighty grace of the emperor.

Brother Nine calculated the economic account in his mind. If it was included in the account of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the purchase price would be flat;

Brother Nine said: "Thank you Mr. Cao for reminding me, I've made a note of it."

Cao Yin just showed his face to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there were relatives and old friends in the capital who wanted to visit.

His return to Beijing for an audience this time is mainly for the southern tour next year, so he will not have many days in the capital, and he has to rush back to Jiangning.

After Cao Yin left, He Yuzhu came over with the gift list.

It's an annual gift.

Eight pairs of purses, eight boxes of velvet flowers, eight folding fans, and eight silver seals.

This is double the norm.

The previous head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was said to be a subordinate, but in fact he was also a colleague.

This time the manager has been replaced by the young master, if it is as usual, it will be slow.

Things don't take up space, and they are left directly in the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs along with the gift list.

When Brother Jiu came back from the yamen, he took it directly to the second office.

This is just the beginning.

Tomorrow is the twelfth lunar month, and the annual ceremonies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are arriving one after another.

Brother Jiu endured his complacency, and finally felt like supporting his family.

Shu Shu looked at the basket of things, thoughtful.

Brother Jiu had asked He Yuzhu to take a letter of silver and open it.

Now there is no fixed number of this letter of silver, and one can be called for three or five taels, and one can be called for three or five hundred taels.

Inside were a few pieces of silver pancakes, each of which was exactly one hundred taels.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows, he was quite satisfied.

Shu Shu has already opened the remaining few items.

The purse is very delicate, and it is decent to go directly to the ceremony.

The velvet flowers are gorgeous, no wonder they are deeply loved by Empress Fucha. They look lifelike and have more styles than other ornaments.

As for the folding fan, it wasn't that Cao Yin was stupid and sent something out of season, but that it was a famous item in Jiangning.

Bamboo and wood are used as the bones of the fan, and silk is used as the surface of the fan, which is also one of the tributes from Jiangnan.

Looking at the remaining items, Brother Jiu revealed his inadequacy: "I thought there would be brocade and black satin, which just happened to be spring clothes for you..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Don't count on these things this year, let's count on them when we move out..."

Brother Nine immediately understood.

This is the inconvenience of living in the palace, and it is not easy to receive gifts.

Shushu asked Xiaochun to register the purse, velvet flower, and folding fan into the warehouse.

There is no shortage of these items in the palace, but it is extremely respectable to salute to the outside world.

Brother Jiu counted the days and said, "When will Khan Ama's reward come down? It must come down before the seal..."

According to the rules, each yamen in the capital seals on the twentieth of the twelfth lunar month and opens on the nineteenth of the first lunar month.

It's a holiday.

He was looking forward to the money before, but now thinking about the annual ceremony of the subordinates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he is not so urgent.

He told Shu Shu, "Should we also prepare a few coins for the annual gift for our father-in-law and mother-in-law?"

He still remembered how Shu Shu cried for poverty before she got married, and that there were indeed more brother-in-laws in Dutong Mansion.

This is becoming small one after another, and it costs money to talk about marriage and make up errands.
As for the silver seal in his eyes, it is definitely not like Cao Yin's one hundred taels.

It always takes five hundred taels of silver for a piece, and four or six are decent.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "It doesn't have to be like this, the master hasn't consecrated the mansion yet, even if he is on errand, it's only been half a year, let's do what we can..."

(End of this chapter)

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