Chapter 349 Put it away later (first update)
Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Calm was restored in the room, and the dining table was set up.

Tonight's dinner is a plate of steamed dumplings, a serving of millet hair cake, served with seaweed and egg flower soup, and two small vegetables.

In the early years, the Qianqing Palace only had breakfast and dinner.

In addition to "eating without two tastes", the imperial meals here also have "you can't eat at night, and you can go to bed when it's late", but in recent years, a small meal in the evening has also been added.

Like other places in the palace, Qianqing Palace also changed from two meals to three meals.

However, the main meal is the breakfast meal and the "dinner meal" at noon. In the evening, it is only a late meal, and the meal is relatively simple.

On such a simple dining table, the jar of Huadiao wine is very conspicuous once it is placed.

The eunuch who served food had long been by his side.

Not only to test the poison, but also to test the saltiness.

If it is salty or bland, it is not easy to send it to the imperial court.

But today, this is what my elder brother eats, so there is no such thing as a poison test, just a taste of saltiness.

The wine jar is covered with tinfoil.

After removing the tin foil and opening the lid of the wine jar, the overbearing and rich aroma of meat immediately rushed out, filling the whole room.

For a close eunuch like Liang Jiugong, the meal time was not fixed, and he had to wait until the emperor was late before going down for a bite, so his stomach had been empty for a long time.

As soon as the taste came over, the stomach groaned unsatisfactorily.

He was startled, and hurriedly shrunk his stomach.

When Kangxi heard it, he was also amazed. When Liang Jiugong interrupted him, he gave him an angry look.

The eunuch serving food took a small bowl, filled two spoons, and tasted the food beside him, his face also looked intoxicated.

Needless to say, you can also know that the taste is good.

After the two spoonfuls of ingredients were all eaten, the serving eunuch was still unsatisfied, bowed and said, "The saltiness is just right..."

Another eunuch came forward, took out a bowl, and sent it to the imperial court.

The taste is more pronounced.

Kangxi first took a sip of the soup and tasted it. The taste was richer than expected, full of meaty aroma.

There are only a dozen kinds of ingredients that can be seen with the naked eye, such as abalone, sea cucumber, shark's fin, scallops, ham, pork belly, quail eggs, tendon, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, etc.

"Too extravagant..."

Kangxi snorted lightly.

Collect delicacies from mountains and seas in one jar, it's no wonder it's not fragrant.

It's all Brother Nine, he's a picky eater, not good!

Dong E's life is too leisurely, thinking about eating and drinking all day long.

It's not good to be so gluttonous!

Before I knew it, the bowl was gone.

"one more bowl……"

The second room in the east.

Brother Nine came in proudly, and when he saw Shu Shu, he picked her up and circled her: "Haha! It's done! Three joys!"

Shu Shu also laughed.

She was still a little uncertain before, and she was afraid that Brother Jiu would be disappointed if Kangxi didn't nod.

Or worried that Kangxi had selfish intentions and refused to nod to let Brother Jiu repair the mansion after the year.

"The silver reward has arrived, and the house repair has been decided. What's the third joy?"

Shu Shu asked curiously.

Brother Nine said in a low voice: "The master recommended Yin De as the head of the palace, and Khan Ama agreed..."

Shu Shu also showed joy.

In this way, even if the title is not confirmed, the staff in the mansion can be allocated.

Not only the ten elder brother's side, but also my own side can follow the example.

Brother Nine put Shu Shu down, and couldn't wait to share the good news with Brother Ten, so he sent He Yuzhu: "Go and see if Lord Ten is back. If he comes back, let him come over for dinner!"

He Yuzhu went down in response.

Three, ten elder brothers just came back from outside, went outside to get clothes, and listened to the steward mentioning that the jars of vegetables sent by the second institute had not been opened yet.

Brother Ten has already heard Brother Nine mention it twice, saying that he has prepared for several days and is also looking forward to it.

Hearing He Yuzhu's message, his heart moved, and he ordered: "Don't open the jar..."

The taste of what Sister-in-law Jiu figured out must be the same.

It doesn't matter if you eat one more bite or one less, you can just send it to the inner hall, and let the county king Fujin and Gege taste it.

After a short time, Elder Brother Ten arrived.

He greeted Shu Shu, then looked at Brother Jiu.

Seeing Brother Nine's cheeks full of joy, Brother Ten's mood improved accordingly: "What's the big happy event for Brother Nine today?"

Ninth elder brother's appearance almost pinched his waist and laughed, looked at tenth elder brother and said: "Three happiness is coming, old ten, guess what?"

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "Needless to say, the silver reward is the first one! Khan Ama's kindness is more important than what I thought before..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Shu Shu and said: "It should be borrowed from sister-in-law Jiu. Before sister-in-law Jiu honored the queen mother and took care of younger brother Tong Shisan, it was all credit. If there is no reward yet, Ama Khan will definitely take it as well." inside..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I think so too, but half and half, and the other half is borrowed from you. You have already worked as an errand, and you have been sealed, so the reward will not be less..."

Elder Brother Ten doesn't want to hear this.

If you really want to say it, he still hurts Brother Nine more.

Brother Nine was as old as him, so he was ignored together.

What kind of affection can father and son have when they spend so little time together?
Besides, Khan Amma has so many sons, there is no shortage of older ones or younger ones.

Even though Brother Nine was the son of a concubine, he didn't get much favor at first.

It wasn't until Sister-in-law Jiu entered the door that the situation improved.

Elder Brother Shi changed the subject and said, "Then what is the second joy?"

Brother Nine beamed and said: "When spring begins, we will start to build the house! It is the open space to the west of Myna's house, we are next to each other!"

Elder Brother Ten was overjoyed and excited: "That would be great, when the time comes, we will build a racecourse and bring back the ponies from the village!"

Brother Jiu thought about the land, which was [-] mu in size.

Certainly not an equal split of the land.

The two nearby Baylor Mansions both have about [-] acres of land, so they will allocate [-] acres of land and keep it for themselves, and the rest will be given to the old ten to expand in the county prince's mansion.

The size of the palace in Beijing is also not fixed.

At present, Prince Kang's Mansion occupies the largest area, covering an area of ​​nearly [-] mu.

Prince Jane's Mansion is next, covering an area of ​​[-] mu.

Zhuang Wangfu is [-] acres.

There are also small ones. The Prince's Mansion in Shuncheng County is not big, only about five acres.

The sketches shown to Yuqian before were all ready-made, so Brother Nine took them out, faced the open space, and told Brother Ten his plan: "This is the official house, we will occupy it, or else the space will be vacated. Son, in the future, when others come to build a mansion, they won’t be able to escape..."

It happened to be a rectangular plot, and Brother Jiu drew a small strip next to Babeile's Mansion: "This is my prince's mansion, built according to Baylor's mansion; over there is your prince's mansion, built according to the county king's mansion." Regulatory construction..."

Elder Brother Ten quit and gestured for the middle position: "There is no need to divide it so much, half of the family!"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Then it's too much beyond the regulations, it's bigger than the house of the starling and the fourth brother, and there are not so many people, and it's a waste of money to build a bunch of empty houses..."

The tenth elder brother drew an open space on the side next to the eighth elder brother, and said: "Don't build a house on the east road, just build a big garden; the two families are too close to each other, and the eighth elder brother is not good-tempered, so the garden is separated." Let's go, and we can have less right and wrong in the future..."

Brother Nine hesitated and said, "Isn't it? Every family is closed to live, how can she still influence how we live?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Be prepared and be safe!"

Brother Jiu was a little unhappy, and muttered: "Did I think about it first? If you don't live in one place, you don't have to worry about this."

Elder Brother Shi persuaded: "How can there be perfection? It is also true that there are not many open spaces in the inner city. If you want to build a mansion, you should have more open spaces in the northern city..."

Beicheng is the territory of Shangsanqi.

The clan of the Shangsanqi, the highest is the Duke, and no palace or Baylor mansion was built.

In other places, all kinds of palaces are laid out, and there are also the mansions of the nobles of the Eight Banners in the middle, so it is difficult to clean up and vacate.

Thinking of the emperor's proposal today, brother Jiu also had lingering fears in his heart and said: "Ama Khan proposed Yunduan's Beizi Mansion, and wanted to give it to the Lord, I was so scared to death! If I really want to live there, let's separate, it's still the royal family of Prince An's Mansion Wozi, your sister-in-law Jiu must be bullied by them..."

Elder Brother Ten heard something else.

"Is it Zhenglan Qi? Most of Zhenglan Banner's public leaders these years were vacated by the brothers of King An, so I'm afraid it's not easy to control..."

Such a leader, even if he is called under the name of Brother Nine, his loyalty may be limited.

Who is King An still sits firmly as the leader of the Zhenglan Banner, regardless of his status or seniority, he is always over the head of Brother Jiu.

Ninth elder brother is going to be reduced to eighth elder brother's vassal.

Elder Brother Ten felt a little sullen in his heart.

Ninth elder brother said disapprovingly: "It's too far away! Let's move out, it's not bad. I guess the matter of conferring the title will wait until they get up on the [-]th or [-]th... Khan Ama loves waves, and the harem is like this , The same is true for enfeoffing princes, and we should be no exception!"

Elder Brother Ten felt relieved after hearing this, and said with a smile, "It's just right, I don't worry about anything, I can live freely!"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I think so too. If I really want to be a noble, life is so tight, I have to figure it out on my own. Just like now, it will save me a lot of worry if I get the supply from the Ministry of Internal Affairs!"

This is the third joy, Brother Nine didn't make a fool of himself, and he said it directly without waiting for Brother Ten to ask.

"My lord recommended Yin De to you as the chief secretary of the palace, Khan Ama is sure! It seems that we don't have a noble, but the servants and guards should be assigned. After all, we can't live without these people..."

Elder Brother Ten looked at Elder Ninth, stunned, speechless.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "What kind of expression is that on your face, don't cry for me..."

Elder Brother Ten had a solemn face, and said: "Brother Ninth, you don't have to speak for younger brother..."

Now the relationship between Ninth Brother and the emperor's father is closer than before, and he doesn't want to alienate the relationship because of himself.

Brother Nine rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Do you want to talk it over with Master? Master didn't say it on purpose, but he just caught up with the opportunity, and the conversation was so rushed..."

Ten elder brothers don't believe it.

But with a smile on his face, he didn't say anything else.

Shu Shu was at the side, listening to the two brothers talking, with a smile on his face involuntarily.

Elder Brother Shi hadn't noticed it yet, but he also took a small hoe and started digging the corners of the walls.

Ninth elder brother talked about being a younger brother, but he still looked like an older brother to tenth elder brother.

Brother Jiu saw that she was silent for a long time, so he leaned over, showed off, and said, "Speaking of which, Master has accomplished a big event today!"

Shu Shu looked at it, and really couldn't guess.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Master, get rid of the root of the trouble in Ah Ling's family!"

Shu Shu couldn't guess the reason: "Madam? Niu Hulu Gege? Didn't you send an apology?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "I offended us, and I didn't even say a word of apology. I just want to smooth it out with gold. It's too small for people!"

Shu Shu smiled when he heard Brother Jiu punishing Ah Ling's family.

She didn't like trouble.

This solution is simple and crude, but it is also effective.

Elder Brother Ten thought more and reminded: "Ah Ling is not magnanimous, Brother Ninth must be careful in the future..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I know, if you really dare to do sneaky things in the palace, then I really have to admire him, I'm afraid he doesn't have the guts..."

There are many happy events, and everyone is in a good mood.

When Fushouxi opened the jar, the happiness index increased even more.

The two catties of wine jars, except for Brother Nine who ate a bowl and a half, let Shu Shu and Brother Ten wrap up the rest.

The soup was all over the bibimbap, and there was not a bite left.

Elder Brother Ten was satisfied, and said to Shu Shuzan, "It doesn't matter if the soup is good or not, this dish can be on the banquet menu..."

Shu Shu said: "The method of jar dishes has been around for a long time, but this time there are too many ingredients, thinking about hodgepodge..."

Brother Jiu and You Rongyan said: "It's so delicious, everyone will be greedy after eating it, let's hold the recipe in our hands, don't let go, everyone will give it to you..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "It takes three or four days for such a troublesome dish, who can eat it all the time... I mean, the Imperial Palace, Ningshou Palace, and Yikun Palace will all send a list. In the future, the elders If you want to eat, it is convenient to prepare it in your own dining room..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "Don't give it lightly, you should think it's not expensive, wait until the reward comes down!"

The profit from selling the medicine was given out, and the plan for Xiyang Rong was also handed over, so he couldn't just live on five thousand taels of silver.

Brother Nine thinks that it can be open source.

Seeing his appearance as a money fanatic, Shu Shu didn't feel disappointed, and nodded with a smile: "Then listen to me..."

Seeing the elder brother and sister-in-law's appearance of "the husband sings and the wife follows", the ten princes are very envious.

Thinking of the "Fu Shou Xi" of the three schools that hadn't opened yet, Elder Brother Ten asked: "Sister-in-law Jiu's dish is cold, if you heat it directly, will the taste change?"

Shu Shu said: "It's not cooking, so I shouldn't be afraid of heat... I made ten jars today, and there are still two jars left, so I asked someone to put them in the cold storage directly. I didn't open the jars, and the taste should be the same after heating up." Not too bad...”

After finishing speaking, she came to her senses and said with a smile: "Do you want to send it to the inner hall? Then just ask someone to come and pick up an altar."

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly said: "No, no, the altar you asked someone to give you first hasn't been opened yet..."

Brother Jiu was by the side and didn't say anything else.

But after Elder Brother Shi left, he complained to Shu Shu: "Master, why do you feel that something is wrong... It's like dragging a big son and being filial to your mother-in-law..."

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing.

It has been the same since ancient times.

The son is raised by the mother-in-law.

But filial piety is also due. How many times is it not worth showing filial piety to a good girl who has grown up so much?
Brother Nine drew inferences from one instance, thinking of Yuqian, he muttered: "We have to hold back later, otherwise Ama Khan must be worried..."

(End of this chapter)

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