My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 350 It seems like a few years have passed

Chapter 350 It seems like a few years have passed (second update)


Brother Twelve put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked at the jar in front of him thoughtfully.

This is the first time I have eaten such a strong and mellow taste.

This is a collection of the essence of delicacies from mountains and seas. How about trying to make a vegetarian dish according to this method?

Even if it can't compare with this taste, it can still taste better than ordinary vegetarian dishes.

Elder Brother Twelfth called over to take care of Mammy, and said, "Have you ever heard of how to make such jar dishes before?"

The nanny's family is also a family of stove masters, so she was working here as a steward. When she met her, she said, "I've heard of earthen pot beef, but it's almost the same as this one. It's all stewed..."

Elder Brother Twelve said, "If it's made into plain dishes, does Mammy have any good ideas?"

Brother Twelve keeps a low profile, and no one outside will notice the fifth school.

Therefore, no one knew that the Wusuo had to send food to Ningshou Palace every ten days.

It was Mammy Su Ma, so it was not counted as "food".

It is the filial piety of elder brother twelve to his adoptive mother.

It's just that Mammy Su Ma has eaten a long fast since the death of the Empress Dowager, so she doesn't touch meat.

Therefore, Elder Brother Twelve wanted to coax the old lady to eat too many bites, so he could only find a way on vegetarian dishes.

The mother on the stove said: "I just learned a vegetarian lion's head recently, but I can use this method to fry the tofu seasoning before cooking; the kelp, fungus, shiitake mushrooms, and bean curds sent by Jiufujin before You can put it inside, and add boiled yam and white radish, the taste should not be bad."

Elder Brother Twelve nodded and said, "Then Nanny has been trying to do it for the past two days..."

The mother on the stove responded and went down.

Elder Brother Twelve had a troubled look on his face.

The chief eunuch knew that his little master didn't like to owe others, it was embarrassing because he had received things from Jiufu Jin several times and didn't know how to return the gift.

The eunuch persuaded: "Reciprocity is not a temporary thing. She is my elder brother's brother and sister-in-law. If you have to settle the account clearly, you are heretics."

Brother Twelve pursed his lips and said nothing else.

This relationship is slightly annoying, but not annoying, a bit weird.

Head office.

Brother Thirteen is copying books in the study, not the homework left by the teacher.

He was copying the "Book of Filial Piety" from scratch, hoping to calm down his resentment.

He knows he shouldn't.

But I still can't help but miss the Northern Tour, those days when he was the youngest son Cheng Huanhan Ama.

To be honest, among the fifteen princes of Khan Ama, he received more favor than the top and more than the bottom.

Khan Ama asked about kung fu and personally pointed out the teacher.

Not to mention anything else, just say that Brother Nine, Brother Ten and Brother Twelfth don't have this kind of treatment.

"A husband's filial piety begins with serving relatives, and ends with serving the king, and finally establishes himself."

Seeing this sentence, Elder Brother Thirteen spit at himself in his heart.

During the northern tour, Khan Ama often asked himself to accompany him, not because he loved him the most among the princes, but because he was the youngest.

Khan Ama loves the young.

It's the same reason for Brother Fourteen now.

If the fourteenth brother was more stable, like a big child, and reassuring, it would not be so; but he is still a child with a temper, not at all stable, and it is not practical to move to Dongsuo alone.

Brother Thirteen's heart calmed down.

"Deng Deng Deng Deng", the fourteenth elder brother ran in directly.

Seeing Brother Thirteen copying books, he disapproved and said, "Do you need your eyes to copy books at night?"

The thirteenth brother came here in meditation.

Now that he was successful, he put down his pen and said, "Aren't you digesting food in the yard? Why did you come back?"

Now the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother live together in the head house.

The fourteenth elder brother lived in eleven rooms in the front yard.

The thirteenth elder brother lives in the eleventh room in the middle.

Neither of them had female relatives, and half of the nine rooms in the back were used as warehouses.

The fourteenth elder brother was a little bored, sat down on the south kang, and said sullenly: "I heard the movement of the tenth brother coming out, the ninth brother and the ninth sister-in-law called the tenth brother to eat, but didn't call us..."

Elder Brother Thirteen washed the brush, disapproved, and said, "Didn't you bring food here?"

The thirteenth elder brother ate two bowls of a jar of "Fu Shou Xi", and the fourteenth elder brother ate the rest. His stomach was so full that he took a walk in the yard.

"Who knows if there are other dishes..."

The fourteenth elder brother was dissatisfied: "We are both younger brothers, so can't we treat them the same?"

The thirteenth elder brother said: "The ones above are all elder brothers. Are you still the same?"

Every time I see mynah, I'll be crazy, and when I see fourth brother, I'll hide, and the brother behind is still the same mother.

The fourteenth elder brother choked in panic, looked at the thirteenth elder brother, sized him up several times, and said, "Thirteenth elder brother, you are not quite right, you seem to be dissatisfied with your younger brother?"

Elder Brother Thirteen smiled lightly and said: "I think too much, but I think we don't need to compare with Brother Ten! Yongshou Palace is next to Yikun Palace. When Brother Ten was naked, he was with Brother Ninth, and we were studying together again. Five brothers can't compare to the friendship of more than ten years, so it doesn't make sense for us to compare with each other."

The fourteenth elder brother nodded, looked at the thirteenth elder brother, and said, "You're right! Then aren't we the best too? It's been many years since we grew up in Zhaoxiang Institute and went to school together?"

The thirteenth elder brother didn't want to nod very much, but seeing the fourteenth elder brother's persistent appearance, he still nodded and said: "Yeah."

Brother Fourteen just laughed, and said: "When the time comes, we will lead troops to fight together, and we will all be great generals..."

The old customs in Beijing and China, after Laba is the new year.

The New Year's Eve atmosphere in the palace is also becoming more and more obvious.

New Year's gifts from outside came in one after another.

Shu Shu here has been rearranged and reorganized, and sent out batch after batch.

As Si Fujin taught, not only do you not lose money, but you also earn money.

The money was finally seen on the books.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the yearly respect of the first official under the Ministry of Internal Affairs is tens of thousands of taels.

To be honest, each one is not a lot, two hundred or four hundred taels is a constant, but it can't stand the fact that there are many yamen in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and there are also many high-ranking officials.

Brother Nine feels that this manager can grow old all the time.

The annual ceremony of Guo Luoluo's family and the annual ceremony of Dutong Mansion also arrived.

All have silver seals.

Both relatives and monarchs.

The annual ceremony outside has some meaning of "respect for the year".

It's okay for Shu Shu to keep it, but Brother Jiu felt uncomfortable looking at the silver seal of Dutong Mansion.

Four seals of silver, two thousand taels, was exactly the amount he had thought about honoring his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Qi Xi is a first-rank official with an annual salary of one hundred and eighty taels of silver; there is also a third-rank noble with an annual salary of one hundred and sixty taels of silver.

This is still just promoted to a level, and it is also a credit for following the approval.

Otherwise, Qi Xi would only be a fourth rank noble with an annual salary of one hundred and thirty-five taels.

"Father-in-law's title is too low..."

Brother Jiu followed Shu Shu and said, "It's fine if you stay in the capital all the time, but if you leave the post, the younger brother-in-law and the others won't be able to get on with them, and they will become middle-class people..."

Shu Shu was also worried about this before.

It's because the younger brothers are all young, and the aptitudes above are also ordinary. The five and six years with the best aptitude are still too young.

Now that the world is peaceful, there is nowhere to go if you want to make contributions.

Even if you are not in the capital, it is easy to make money to garrison the Eight Banners, but it is difficult to recount your military exploits.

"Don't worry, let's see later..."

Shu Shu said: "As long as we do well, we can give them time to be rich, and wait until the younger brothers grow up to earn credit."

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and said: "Father-in-law never thought about the title of earl of his ancestors? He and uncle are of the same generation. If they transfer over in the future, they can also inherit the title of earl..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "Ama won't attack, uncle don't worry about cousin..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Ama Khan doesn't like Baqi to be lazy, and the inheritance of the title is stuck! In May, several sons and princes were dismissed because they didn't go to the yamen and lived in chaos. Father-in-law Khan Amma didn’t like him if he wasn’t on the military register, and his cousin is weak, and he would have to be downgraded a few ranks before he could accept the title, so the title of earl would be for nothing..."

In fact, it is very common for the title of Eight Banners to be transferred.

After all, this title is passed down from the ancestors, and all children and grandchildren have the right to inherit it.

Shu Shudao: "Ama and Uncle have a deep relationship, and they will not go against Uncle's wishes. Uncle is only of the same blood as a cousin, so there is something to worry about."

Like Shu Shu's younger brothers, they are healthy and lively, and they can fill in the vacancy in the future as an errand; Xi Zhu is sick and weak, and has no other way out except to attack the prince.

Brother Jiu sighed and said, "Father-in-law is too honest! Brothers from other families want to beat their brains like dogs for the sake of the title. Father-in-law's title is right in front of us, so I won't take it..."

Shu Shu didn't say anything more.

No one is a saint.

If Ama didn't participate in the leadership and was promoted all the way, she was just a fourth-rank assistant leader, so she might have thoughts about the title passed down by her family.

After all, it is related to future generations, how many years of decency.

However, he was promoted to the capital and became a person who walks in front of the imperial court, so he has to be more careful in his actions.

If you really want to treat your elder brother disrespectfully and unkindly to your nephew, and your character is flawed, what does the emperor think?
Also, Xizhu's body is a thunder.

Weaker than uncle.

Not a sign of longevity.

If the title was really transferred and Xi Zhu died of illness, then Guadai Lixia really couldn't tell.

The days fly by.

On the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month, all the yamen in the capital were sealed, and Brother Nine also had an annual holiday here.

Today, everyone will go to Zhijun Prince's Mansion to sit at night.

On the eighteenth day of the [-]th month of the Dafu Jin Dynasty, the "May [-]th" small funeral is the [-]nd day of the twelfth lunar month.

Because the order was issued but the order was not issued, it was brought forward to the [-]st of the twelfth lunar month.

These days, everyone has been to the Zhijun Prince's Mansion several times, and they all have experience.

Everyone didn't set off so early, they set off in the afternoon.

This time there is one more person, the princess.

The princess was originally still slightly plump, round and jade-like.

Now after ten months of "recovery", she has lost a lot of weight and her complexion is a little sallow.

Braided hair on the head, no hair accessories.

She also wears a plain cotton gown, which looks a bit empty.

However, his demeanor was still warm and friendly, and he smiled when he saw Shu Shu.

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law haven't seen each other for half a year, and it's as if the world has changed.

The Crown Princess dragged Shu Shu into her carriage.

Shu Shu felt that her palms were wet and cold, and said worriedly: "Why bother holding on, I just sent Mammy over..."

The crown princess "sick" was in early November before Sheng Jia returned to the palace.

Although he has a small life now, it doesn't look like he has been well-raised.

Sitting up late tonight is going to make people suffer.

The Crown Princess sighed softly: "I haven't shown up for a long time, it's arousing criticism, besides, I also want to send my sister-in-law off..."

However, more than a month seems to have passed for several years, so many things happened in the palace.

The knighted prince and Fujin moved as soon as they said they would.

Elder Brother Ten's preliminary ceremony was also hastily arranged.

The eighth Fujin rebelled and was given the side Fujin.

Dafujin died.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother moved to the palace.

The mansions of Brother Nine and Brother Ten will be built after the next year...

(End of this chapter)

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