My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 351 We Are Different

Chapter 351 We Are Different

Shu Shu has personally experienced all these things.

She recounted what she had seen and heard, all in brief.

It's not good for Da Fujin to talk too much, and it's not good to talk about the dead.

Bafujin can't talk too much, otherwise, even if he tells the truth, it seems to be talking about Bafujin's right and wrong.

Shu Shu mentioned a few more words to Bouyin Gege, and praised: "She is a girl who likes to laugh, and she speaks straightforwardly. The county king Fujin also looks like a big-hearted..."

Buyin Gege is going to marry into the palace next year, and from now on he will rarely have to deal with his sister-in-law.

The Crown Princess shook Shu Shu's hand, with guilt on her face: "It's all my fault for delaying so many things..."

There is no master in the harem, the ten princes come from noble backgrounds, and the concubines are not qualified to take care of his marriage. The most suitable candidate is the crown prince.

However, the princess "sick" and never showed up.

Shu Shu persuaded: "Don't worry, no one picks on this reason, no one thought that Zhijun Wang would move overnight, Jiuye wanted to go to Beijing to marry the county Wang Fujin, afraid of delay, so he urged Qin Tianjian Nearly given the day..."

The princess nodded slightly.

These days, it's not that no one is blowing evil winds into her ears.

It is said that the ten Fujin got the engagement silver, the ten elder brother's initial appointment ceremony and so on.

It is said that Brother Nine is acting as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, employs nepotism, and excludes dissidents.

It is said that Jiufu Jin is exquisite in all aspects, to please Ningshou Palace and Yuqian.

Both true and false have their own intentions.

She forgets it all.

Now that she is in charge of palace affairs, she has seen the demeanor of those who coat clothes.

I can't wait to treat all the vacancies in the palace as world jobs, and the family occupies a piece.

All kinds of strife and strife are no different from the officialdom outside.

The reasoning was just to lend her hand to embarrass Jiu Age and his wife.

But he underestimated her.

Does she look like a fool?
This is the emperor's palace, not the palace of the East Palace.

Her daughter-in-law is acting temporarily for the palace, and she is not the hostess. Does she want to embarrass the emperor's son and daughter-in-law?

Not to mention, those are uncles and sisters-in-law who are ten years younger than them, and it's too late to be close and friendly. They are really going to be bullied by those wrapped-up hearts. How can the emperor and concubine Yi look at them?

Seeing that Shu Shu was still respectful to her, she was as close as ever, without suspicion.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, the carriage arrived at Zhijun Prince's Mansion.

Fortunately, they all rode in blue cloth carriages today, without any regulations, otherwise, Shu Shu would have to hide in the carriage to avoid them when everyone greeted them.

After all, the crown princess is a crown princess, and the husband and wife are also the mistress.

The gate of Zhijun Prince's Mansion was opened.

The two disciples ordered to welcome the female guests in the west.

This is also the current rule, men and women are separated.

Brother Nine also got out of the carriage, and entered at the east side of the gate.

Shu Shu has come to mourn several times, and the two Gao Mings have also met.

Seeing that she got out of the carriage first, she helped another person down.

There was some hesitation about the two orders.

In fact, everyone is wearing plain cotton gowns, and their identities cannot be seen.

But at this age, who else can make Prince Fujin respectful?

The two of them got a little flustered with guesses, they didn't know how to salute, and looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu said: "It's the princess who descended."

The two orders hurriedly blessed the ceremony: "The servant has seen the empress..."

Although they are under the name of the king of Zhijun, the emperor is the co-lord of the Eight Banners, and the prince and princess are different.

The Crown Princess raised her hand and called out, "Today I only talk about family rituals..."

This is what it means not to mobilize the masses.

The two were apprehensive, afraid to make a decision, and looked at Shu Shu as if asking for help.

This time Shu Shu ignored them, and only said to the Crown Princess: "The women's relatives are all in the west side hall of the front yard, I guess a few sister-in-laws have already arrived..."

She is also a guest, so there is no need to make decisions for others, is that to show off her close relationship with Zhijun Palace in front of the Crown Princess?
Not for that sake,

Since she was waving a small hoe, she was unwilling to let Brother Nine join the "Eighth Master Party", so naturally she would not let herself be part of the "Grandfather Party" in a muddle-headed way.

The Crown Princess took her hand and said, "Then let's go too..."

Behind the two, several court ladies and nuns followed.

On Shushu's side are Walnut and Xiaosong.

On the side of the crown princess, there are two nuns, two court ladies, and two little eunuchs.

The princess said in a low voice: "It's more convenient for mothers to do things in the palace sometimes. There are a lot of vacancies in the second school. If you have something to fill, just ask..."

Shu Shu said softly: "I was thinking about this before too. Our grandfather had a nanny outside. He was close to him when he was a child. I heard that she was straightforward. At first, he thought about asking someone to ask if he would come back to work. delayed..."

After hearing this, the princess understood what she meant.

If you are straightforward, you will not be harmonious enough.

Not very appropriate.

Naturally, the Crown Princess would not point fingers and talk too much about it, she just said: "If there is a suitable person in the accompanying room, you can also fill in as an errand..."

It's just a little more troublesome. The Ministry of Internal Affairs needs to check carefully.

Now and then, Brother Nine is now acting as an agent for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I am afraid that many people are looking forward to trouble, so that they can get hot.

Shu Shu thought for a while, then shook her head and said: "Forget it, I'm free every day, and I don't have much to do, just eat and drink, with a few girls around me as companions, life is relaxed, and I'm impatient when someone keeps talking about me rule……"

But these days are just free, and when Da Fujin "has a small funeral" tomorrow, they will not have so many taboos, and they will resume their greetings.

While talking, the sister-in-law arrived at the West Side Hall.

The Crown Princess still wanted to go in quietly, but the deacon woman at the door had already got the news first, and raised her voice: "The Crown Princess is here, Jiufu Jin is here!"

All the female relatives in the hall got up.

Including several Heshuo Prince Fujin.

They can discuss their seniority with the prince Fujin, but they can only discuss their superiority with the princess.

Shu Shu's footsteps stopped, it was not easy to follow behind.

Otherwise, it would be too much to accept everyone's gift.

It wasn't until the Crown Princess met Zhu Fujin that Shu Shu stepped over the threshold.

Because they wanted to make room for the crown princess, everyone moved.

There is no confusion.

This time, not only the nearby clan Fujin, but almost all the Fujins from all the prefectures have arrived.

Prince Zhuang Fujin, who is the first in the east, is the oldest person in the clan Fujin.

Her next head is Prince Gong Fujin.

Prince Gong Fujin was quick-witted, and when he saw this, he immediately gave up his position, moving from the second to the third place, and the people behind followed suit.

The first person on the west side was Prince Yu Fujin. Seeing this, he got up and emptied the first place on the west side, and the people behind him also moved one place back.

The Crown Princess was also helpless, she repeatedly said that she only talked about family etiquette, and all the clan Fujin were also cautious.

If she didn't sit, I was afraid that everyone would be uneasy, so she nodded to everyone and took the first seat.

In this way, on the east side are the Crown Princess, Prince Zhuang Fujin, Prince Gong Fujin, Xinjun Wang Fujin, Pingjun Wang Fujin, Sanfujin, Wufujin, and the rest are several Baylor, Mrs. Beizi, Mrs. Gong and so on.

To the west are Prince Yu Fujin, Prince Jian Fujin, Prince Xian Fujin, Anjun Wang Fujin, Si Fujin, Shu Shu, and the next ones are Baylor, Mrs. Beizi, Mrs. Gong and so on.

Shu Shu couldn't recognize her anymore.

Even the prince Fujin and county prince Fujin are familiar with them.

Prince Zhuang's mansion is said to be near the ancestor, the descendant of Emperor Taizong.

But the position in the clan is a bit embarrassing. The first king of this branch is Shuo Sai, the fifth son of Taizong, who came from Taizong's side Fujin.

Among the eight great meritorious kings in the founding of the country, only Shuo Sai was not a direct descendant, nor had he ever led the flag owner, and he entered the flag late, and only entered the Xianghong flag in the early years of Shunzhi.

But at that time, there were already King Keqin, the owner of the large banner, and Nikan Belle, the owner of the small banner, so there were not many assistant leaders in the lineage of King Zhuang.

This family is famous in the clan for seeking children.

Prince Zhuang is the emperor's cousin, about fifty years old, but has only three daughters under his knees.

In order to have a baby, Prince Zhuang has been like a madman in the past few years. Whenever he hears that someone has a daughter of Yi Nan, he will take a concubine.

But the women of the Eight Banners had to be drafted, and it was not up to him to choose, so he accepted a lot of folk girls, including several widows, and after twenty years of tossing, he added three princesses, but he still did not see his elder brother.

Anyway, jokes come out one by one.

The identity of Prince Zhuang Fujin is even more embarrassing. He is noble and honorable. He is the granddaughter of the last Mongolian great Khan Lindan Khan and the daughter of Prince Chahar Abu Nai.

It's embarrassing to say, because both father and brother were involved in the case and were executed one after another.

Because she was brought up by her aunt Gu Lun, Princess Wen Zhuang, and she was already married, she was not implicated.

But there is also self-knowledge, most of the time reclusive, not very active.

As a result, she didn't know anyone well, so she kept silent.

Prince Gong Fu Jin, who was next to her, wanted to talk to the Crown Princess, but it was inconvenient to be separated.

The senior ones above are silent, and the ones below are even more difficult to speak.

Shu Shu sat at the bottom of the Four Fujin, and the sister-in-law and sister-in-law were not easy to whisper to each other, they just kept silent with one look.

Shu Shu glanced at the north room and the south room.

There is no kang in the two houses, but there is an Arhat couch.

There's no show tonight.

With so many people, and many of them are of high seniority, it's not her turn to take a nap.

Sitting like this is too hard.

The scary thing is that everyone was afraid of being late and being rude, so they rushed early and dared not be late, but it turned out that it was time to hold the lanterns, and they hadn't entered the shift yet.

Shu Shu felt her back was sore now.

Compared to before, she felt that it was more comfortable for her cousins ​​to sit at night before the funeral, and there were not so many people.

The atmosphere in the room changed from chaotic to pure, and also a little condensed.

Seeing everyone's uneasiness, the Crown Princess knew that it was because of her own fault, so she got up and said: "Aunt Wang, please sit down, I haven't seen my younger siblings for a while, go down and talk about private matters..."

As soon as she spoke, the atmosphere in the room suddenly came alive.

Prince Zhuang Fujin nodded and said nothing, Prince Yu Fujin said: "Go, go, our side is going to be crooked, and some people will suffer..."

So several older clan members, Fujin, went to the South House, and the Crown Princess took the princes, Fujin, to the North House.

It is said to be a house, but it is actually separated by a screen.

The sisters-in-law look at me and I look at you, their faces are much more relaxed.

There were a lot of people just now, and they followed Fuli politely.

There are no outsiders now, so everyone just shakes hands and salutes.
Everyone could see that the princess's face was not good-looking, but no one said anything ignorantly. Everyone heard some rumors that Si Fujin helped her to sit on the Arhat couch.

San Fujin handed over his hand stove.

The Arhat couch has limited space, only two people can sit, and only the crown princess and Sanfujin are seated.

Shu Shu, Si Fujin, and Wu Fujin sat on stools.

Outside the screen, voices began to be heard.

The atmosphere in the entire west hall finally eased up.

Sanfujin looked at the princess and sighed inwardly.

There are already three concubines in the East Palace, and the eldest son and the second son are both born of Li Gege. Although he has not been invited to seal the side Fujin, it is said that this Li Gege has been recorded as "Prince Concubine" in the inner file of Yuqing Palace. It should be supplied cf. Prince Fujin.

The most terrible thing is that the eldest son over there is already eight years old, he is the eldest grandson of the emperor, and he is about to stand upright when he sees it.

There is not much time left for the princess.

In three to five years, if she doesn't have a son-in-law, then the prince will also ask Li Gege to seal him as a side Fujin in order to give the little elder brother his status.

Sanfujin was worried for the princess, but he also knew that he was not good at comforting her.

Who told her to give birth to two sons, talking about her sons and daughters, it seems to be showing off that she can give birth.

Si Fujin didn't think too much about it, but was worried about the princess's body, and said in a low voice: "We women belong to the yin genus, and our hands and feet tend to get cold in winter. A few days ago, the nine younger brothers and sisters told me a prescription, which is wolfberry, longan and jujube. It’s good to drink it as tea every day. I drank it for half a month, and my hands and feet are much warmer. The pain in the past few days was not so painful..."

The Crown Princess listened, and really cared, and said: "Soak it directly, or boil it?"

Si Fujin said: "It's better to cook it, and it can be soaked directly when it's inconvenient on weekdays."

The princess looked at Shu Shu: "Is there any other prescription?"

The rumors about Shu Shu are all about eating and drinking.

There are also sensible people who know that many of them are medicinal diets, which are tonic for Brother Jiu.

As for the effect of the medicinal diet, with the imperial doctor watching, naturally he would not eat it indiscriminately.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "There are two more similar ones, and I will eat them in turn, they are all relatively easy..."

Si Fujin said it mildly, but it was actually Nuan Gong Fang Zi.

In Shu Shu's heart, she still hoped that Si Fujin would have two more children.

If she had a golden finger, she wished she could be a Guanyin who sent a child.

Knowing that Sifujin has a cold palace syndrome, Shu Shu found a few palace-warming prescriptions, most of which are for nourishing blood and qi, nourishing yin and regulating menstruation.

Now that the Crown Princess looks depleted of energy and blood, Shu Shu didn't hide it, and said two prescriptions.

Red dates, longan and white fungus soup, angelica wolfberry and black chicken soup.

"Even though it's food, whether it has medicinal properties or not, it's better to consult the imperial physician first, and you must treat the symptoms..."

After Shu Shu finished speaking, she added one last sentence.

In case of three shifts, there is an extra boss father, and the fourth shift will be tomorrow. ^_^
The next chapter will be updated at 9:10 a.m. on September 8th. This book will be published on the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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