Chapter 352 This Is Not Quite Understanding (Part [-])
When the sound of the drums for entering the watch came, the dining room of the Wangfu sent a pastry feast for supper.

There are ten kinds of fine dishes, and there are twenty-eight plates in total, mainly fried fruits, pastries, and hard pastries.

Perhaps the deacon's wife here told the dining room, and immediately prepared four seats, one in the north room and one in the south room, and two seats in the hall.

Everyone doesn't have to get together, it's more comfortable.

The sisters-in-law didn't go out, so they picked up two pieces of pastry and ate them with strong tea.

With fewer people, there will be less right and wrong.

In addition to the presence of the Crown Princess, San Fujin also restrained himself a lot, and everyone lived in peace.

Everyone is close on the surface, but they all know it in their hearts.

The princess is different from them,

From now on, this is the master and empress, and everyone can only respect her.

It's hard to tell about children's scriptures, so the rest is eating, drinking and dressing up.

But it's too late, after all, it's a night watch, so it's not too cheerful.

In the east side hall.

Brother Fourteen dared not sleep anymore.

He thought of the four institutes, and always felt that he could faintly hear that shrill and terrifying cry.

He acted as a little tail and followed Eighth Brother with a good eye.

Starling is not only good looking, but also has a good temper. He is his favorite brother.

The eighth elder brother was also very patient and talked with him.

When the pastry table came, seeing that the fourteenth elder brother was picky, the eighth elder brother asked someone to prepare a bowl of fried noodles for him.

The oily fried noodles were delicious, Brother Fourteen put the fried curly fruit in it, and ate it happily.

It's not that everyone is heartless, it's just that the funeral process took too long.

At the beginning of the funeral, everyone felt uncomfortable, and those few days were also uncomfortable for the bereaved family, and everyone also followed suit with mourning.

More than a month has passed, and everyone's emotions have long since calmed down.

Bringing up Dafujin again is just a sigh, and it's more of a formality.

The fourth elder brother was at the side, seeing the fourteenth elder brother eating by himself, not knowing how to send someone, he couldn't help frowning.

The twelfth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother are also nearby, and they are also young elder brothers.

Fortunately, the eighth elder brother was thoughtful, and asked people to make a lot of bowls, and everyone had a share.

Brother Jiu also placed a serving in front of him, with fried curly fruits in it.

He didn't eat, but watched, with some hesitation on his face.

Elder Brother Shi directly took it over and said, "I'm hungry, one bowl is not enough, this younger brother is here to eat..."

Seeing this, Eighth Brother said with concern: "Ninth Brother, this is..."

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "It's okay, I just ate a few pastries before I came out, and I'm not hungry yet..."

The eighth brother didn't say anything else, and the tenth brother had already eaten without explaining.

Elder Fourteen ate half a bowl, and said: "I know, I know, Sister-in-law Jiu doesn't tell Brother Jiu to eat fried fruit, it won't melt if he eats it, Brother Jiu dare not be disobedient..."

Brother Jiu didn't deny it, and said proudly: "There's no way, she just loves to talk and meddles all day long!"

Except for a few younger ones, everyone is married to Fujin, and seeing him like this is a bit of an eyesore.

The third elder brother said with a bit of earnestness: "Old Ninth, you can't do it, my husband is weak! Fujin at home has to be taught well, otherwise he will push his nose back and face his face, and the difficult days are still to come..."

Brother Jiu didn't want to hear it anymore, so he glanced at him and said, "I, Fujin, don't need to be taught. The queen mother and Khan Ama both praised me. Even if they talk about me, they still love me. In the future, only good things will happen. What's wrong with it?"

The third elder brother hates iron for not being like steel: "Then you have to be disciplined, you have to be obedient, and life in this family will be safe."

Otherwise, if you don't speak hard in the future, what should you do?
After having sons and daughters, what should the children do?
After raising a tigress, I regret that there is no place to buy medicine.

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said, "What do you mean, third brother? You have no good intentions, you have to have a fight between the two of us to be at ease, right? Why are we so restless? I am in charge of the outside, and Fujin is in charge , well-behaved, and didn't arrange Princess to be in charge of the house, why are you uneasy?"

The third elder brother blushed, and snorted softly: "Why don't you know what is good or bad? Honest words are harsh, I am your brother, so I worry about you, I said a few more words..."

These days, Sanbeile Mansion is not peaceful.

The past years have been good, and the annual ceremony is considered by the steward and Tian Gege.

This year, Sanfujin insisted on intervening, and it was a mess, and everyone was unhappy with it.

San elder brother called the people around San Fujin to ask why, knowing that it was Jiu Fujin who provoked the right and wrong, he felt dissatisfied in his heart, feeling that she was not safe.

This will be talked about with Brother Jiu, it is for Brother Jiu to think farther, and also to fan the flames to watch the excitement, but in the end, he was directly exposed, and he was a little ashamed.

The fifth elder brother said from the side: "Then shut up, don't talk about him, the third brother can't understand."

The third elder brother was not happy: "Is there anything I don't understand? It's a common principle to obey the father at home and obey the husband after marriage. How can you control your husband?"

Brother Nine turned dark, and said: "Third brother, be careful! We are living a good life, how come your mouth has lost the taste? Do you control me? You Han Ama is watching, our mother is watching, It's not your turn to worry about it. If you have free time, you can memorize the "Book of Filial Piety" twice in your heart, don't just copy it to your ears, and talk about others all day long, this kind of behavior is not like a man!"

Whose uncle talks endlessly about his aunt?

What's more, it's an impossible relationship.

Is it his turn to talk? !

The fifth elder brother looked at the third elder brother and frowned: "Third elder brother, if you want to say it, just say third sister-in-law, don't talk about others..."

The fourth elder brother was beside him, so he couldn't listen anymore.

This is against the rules.

Even though he is the younger brother, he is not qualified to reprimand the third elder brother. Although the ninth elder brother is wrong here, it is understandable, so he reprimanded the fourteenth elder brother: "What are you talking about? How about brother and sister-in-law? You can tell me?"

Brother Fourteen snorted softly and said, "I didn't make it up, so I can't tell the truth? Sister-in-law Nine takes care of Brother Nine, from his hair to the bottom of his feet, he has to make up his own mind about what to eat and wear, but it's too much. ..."

This time, it wasn't just Brother Nine who had the bad face, but even Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen all had ugly faces.

Ninth elder brother looked at fourteenth elder brother, and said with a sneer: "Okay, all the food that was eaten a few days ago was fed to the dog's belly?! Master Fujin provided you with delicious food and drink, but he confessed an enemy! Grandpa Fujin protected Grandpa and said something to you, are you going to take revenge and ruin her reputation?"

Elder Fourteen's eyes were flustered, and he quickly waved his hands and said, "No, Brother Ninth, you misunderstood! My brother just thinks something is wrong, and Brother Ninth is the head of the family. Isn't this afraid that Brother Ninth will suffer from you?"

He misunderstood before, thinking that Shu Shu was bluffing, and he still watched Brother Jiu do things on weekdays.

However, after living in the first place these days, he also understood what he saw and heard. In fact, Shu Shu has the final say in the second place.

He was unhappy.

Ninth elder brother knew it well, and looked at fourteenth elder brother with folded arms.

How can there be real children in the palace?
I also came here at this age, what else can't I understand?

Brother Jiu's eyes turned cold, and he said: "I don't dare to bother you, I didn't expect you to hold grudges but not gratitude! That's enough, the master has a memory! Can't you provoke or hide?! Go to the back ! Don't come close to Grandpa!"

Brother Fourteen couldn't help being anxious after hearing this.

Brother Jiu turned his head and didn't bother to talk to him.

Elder Brother Ten frowned and said, "Fourteenth Brother, Sister-in-law Nine didn't say anything last time, that is, she and Brother Nine were too young to bear the entrustment of Concubine De, so don't keep ordering Brother Nine, just these two sentences Just hold grudges? Then, do you remember your kindness first? Not to mention the food and drink you ate and drank in the past month, and sister-in-law Jiu made up a lot, just say that you had a fever that night, but sister-in-law Jiu managed to get you out of the high fever. The genius is alive and kicking, saying that the grace of saving his life has passed, but you have to accept it too!"

Brother Thirteen's face drooped.

The fourteenth elder brother murmured about his brother and sister-in-law a few times these days, but the thirteenth elder brother persuaded him to stop, but he didn't expect him to talk about it in front of so many people.

Men love face.

If Brother Jiu doesn't like to bear the name of "fear of internal affairs", and he will inevitably become fierce in the future, then the relationship between the couple will be good?

Brother Fourteen is taking revenge.

Such a method is hateful and ridiculous.

Elder Brother Thirteen looked at him and said, "I heard that the Dongsuo has been completely repaired, so you can move tomorrow!"

Brother Fourteen was still thinking about how to defend himself.

It was because of his quick talk that he ignored the words he usually complained about.

After hearing Elder Brother Thirteen's words, he couldn't help being taken aback: "Didn't we just move after the next year? Why are we moving now?"

Brother Jiu wouldn't let him move forward, so if he didn't move forward, he wouldn't even be able to hold his head?
The thirteenth elder brother said seriously: "I will go and tell Han Ama, I won't move, you can move it yourself!"

Fourteenth elder brother stood up all of a sudden, with anger on his face: "Are you kicking me out? How dare you kick me out?"

Elder Brother Thirteen lowered his eyes and said, "I'm just afraid. Ninth Brother and Ninth Sister-in-law treat you like this, but you can still complain; I'm right in front of you, who knows how much hatred you have in your heart..."

Brother Fourteen felt extremely ashamed, and felt that everyone's eyes were full of contempt.

His eyes were red with anger: "Move, move, who cares to squeeze with you?! You pretend to be hardworking all day long, you just want to play with Brother Nine and Brother Ten, and you don't want to play with me. If you belong to a group, just bully me! Hmph! I don’t care about you anymore!”

Say, run outside.

The eighth elder brother hurriedly stopped: "It's midnight, where are you going?"


The fourteenth elder brother hugged the eighth elder brother's arm and cried loudly: "They all bully me, mynah, let's stay away and ignore them..."

The entire east side hall is such a big place, and there are dozens of clans.

The princes and elder brothers were all behind the screen in the south, and as soon as the cry came out, everyone outside the screen fell silent.

The eighth elder brother was also at a loss for a while, looking at the fourth elder brother as if asking for help.

The fourth elder brother's face was dark.

He understood the cause and effect, and knew that Elder Fourteen had provoked public anger.

He didn't even want to say a word of reprimand.

Fourteenth elder brother's behavior of not knowing what is good or bad, holding grudges and being ungrateful, he has already experienced it many times.

Before, he always explained that he didn't care about Brother Fourteen because Brother Fourteen was still a child.

But the next year will be twelve, what else do you not understand?
The fourth elder brother was too lazy to waste his tongue, and said to the eighth elder brother: "The room has been reserved across the courtyard..."

That's where they will change and freshen up tomorrow morning.

The eighth elder brother had no choice but seeing that the hot yam couldn't be thrown out, so he could only walk out with his arms around the fourteenth elder brother, coaxing softly: "The eighth elder brother is tired, let's go to the other side, the fourteenth brother is always sensible and considerate, come with me, I almost wiped my tears, Feng Shao's face should hurt..."

Elder Fourteen wiped his face indiscriminately, nodded and said, "Yeah! Brother goes with Myna, Myna is the best to me..."

The two left.

The rest of the atmosphere was a little dignified.

The third elder brother was embarrassing in his heart.

He regretted it.


Who can be deceived by the [-]th elder brother's suffocating appearance like this?
All he had to do was write the word "provoking" on his face.

Did he become a joke just now?

Ninth elder brother was a little confused, and asked tenth elder brother: "Why does the eighth brother treat him the best? One lives in the palace, and the other lives outside the palace. I haven't seen him for a month, so I just need to coax him a few words? "

Elder Brother Shi took a look at him and said, "There is an old saying, 'a good word keeps the winter warm', maybe that's why..."

Unconvinced, Brother Jiu said: "What's this called? It's not good to try hard to treat him well, just take it seriously if you coax him casually, what about your usual cleverness?"

Brother Ten glanced at Brother Nine and wanted to ask a question.

Isn't this quite clear in my heart...

I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, eat and drink well, ^_^,

(End of this chapter)

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