My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 353 Stab the Knife

Chapter 353 Stabbing the Knife (Second Change)
Unexpectedly, Shu Shu thought that the sister-in-law was happy and harmonious, and the brothers in the east side hall turned their faces several times.

If she knew, she would definitely smile secretly.

It is one thing to untie the ninth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, and it is another to untie the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother.

Regarding the matter of Elder Brother Thirteen's move, others should not talk too much, otherwise they would be indifferent to Elder Brother Fourteen.

The thirteenth elder brother can express his opinion once.

Even if you don't feel compassionate, so what?
He is only half a child, so it is not easy to find fault with him,
What's more, he had mentioned several times in front of the imperial court a few months ago about staying in Ganxitou.

If he stood up and said not to move this time, would Kangxi still insist on moving?
It doesn't make sense.

In the west hall, the pastry seats have been removed.

Shu Shu just observed several sister-in-laws, they were all selected by the royal family, and they all had outstanding features.

Otherwise, even a good background is not the reason to become Prince Fujin,

The crown princess looks similar to Sifu Jin, the royal family's favorite tall tall man with a long face, gentle eyebrows and eyes, and slightly similar behavior, showing a sense of stability.

Not surprising.

You must know that although the crown princess got married late, she was the earliest among Zhu elder brothers Fujin.

The official decree was to come down in the [-]st year of Kangxi, but it is said that the candidate for the crown princess was selected as early as the [-]rd year of Kangxi.

At that time, the princess was less than ten years old.

The princess's home is the uncle's mansion, so she hired a nanny from the palace to teach the prince and concubine how to behave.

Here, Sifu Jin entered the palace at the age of twelve, and grew up under the guidance of the palace nurse.

Both of them behaved like the empresses in the palace, they were graceful, honest and restrained.

Sanfujin here, if he doesn't speak, it's like a painting, elegant and vulgar, with a radiant face.

Even though she kept talking about being fat, she was plump and even more charming.

I just can't speak, as long as I talk too much, it is easy to reveal my shortcomings.

I don't know how she passed the level of "staying in the palace" during the [-]th draft of Kangxi.

It is estimated that the elders in the family have warned.

Be careful what you say and do...

As for the comments made by the nuns in charge, they were all praises, so they were accused of being Prince Fujin.

She was born in Fujin on the side of the government's mansion, and her upbringing is insufficient, and it's not because her family doesn't pay attention to her. Just looking at her exquisite life and rich dowry, you can tell that she was raised by a petite child.

It's Peng Chun's wife who died again and again, and the first wife has changed several.

It is estimated that it was not easy to discipline when you first got married, and when you can discipline, you also leave.

Shu Shu looked at Sanfu Jin, feeling a little pity in her heart.

With Sanfujin's family background, as long as she doesn't marry into the royal family, her life will be fine.

Even if she is naive, with the support of her natal family and dowry, she is full of confidence.

But entering the royal family, this is a high marriage, and her natal family can't reach out.

Like Prince An's Mansion, it is possible for the princes of the clan to make it clear that chariots and horses will support Ba Fujin, but the courtiers cannot.

I met a bad mother-in-law again, who made her look like a spoiled little daughter-in-law, and the days to come will only be more difficult.

Seeing Shu Shu looking over, Sanfujin wanted to talk to her, so he got up and changed seats with Sifujin, and sat down.

"Are you confused?"

Sanfujin suppressed his voice and complained in a low voice.

Hearing this, Shu Shu was really confused.

What have you been doing recently?

I didn't do anything, I just prepared for the New Year.

Seeing her ignorance, Sanfujin shook his head and said, "Think about the New Year's ceremony in the Dutong Mansion!"

Today is the [-]st day of the twelfth lunar month, and the New Year's gifts everywhere have naturally been given out.

Shu Shu thought about the gift list carefully, the material of Er Nie's clothes, Ama's belt, a few small ones are the study room and bows and arrows, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Not only the Dutong Mansion, but her mother's family, as well as the uncle's mansion, the public mansion, the second house, the Prince Kang's mansion, and the uncle's family, the five relatives also gave away.

They are based on the population of each family, giving some suitable and decent things.

For example, at the uncle's mansion, there are orange red and persimmon frost, which are suitable for uncle and his son.

Some people in the government took part in Ganoderma lucidum, Peng Chun was sick, these are good nourishing things.

There are two good court beads on the old Erfang's side, and several colors of tribute satin with longevity patterns, which should also suit the wishes of Erfang's mother and son.

Kang Wang's mansion is rich and rich, and there is no shortage of good things, so Shu Shu picked two pots of precious stone bonsai and two pieces of tortoiseshell jewelry to honor her aunt; on the other side of her cousin, two black fox furs were picked by Brother Jiu.

As for my uncle's house, there are good materials such as brightly colored Ning silk and Shu brocade, as well as a few jewelry for young girls in the boudoir.

Fusong's eldest sister was the younger cousin who was ridiculed by Ba Fujin when Xizhu got married. The next year was thirteen, and it was time to talk about her.

She has a soft personality, which is different from her parents, and she is relatively close to Fu Song's half-brother.

In Shu Shu's heart, she also prefers these things. These things can be worn by her little cousin, and they can be kept or added to the dowry.

Shu Shu felt that she had done her best, but she was a first-year student, so she had no idea, so she was afraid that there might be omissions, so she sincerely asked, "Is there any deficiency?"

Sanfujin hated that iron cannot be made into steel, and said, "Where's the purse?"

The purse in the New Year's gift is almost the same as a silver seal.

Shu Shu said: "Add it, four pairs of purses..."

Sanfujin leaned over and said in a low voice: "Too few! I don't want to think about my family at this time, and if something happens in the future, how can my family support you and save face?"

Shu Shu listened, but her premonition was not very good.

"How much did the third sister-in-law send back?"

Sanfujin said proudly: "Sixteen pairs of purses, and another pair of gold furnace, gold vase, gold holding pot, and gold cup... Before in the palace, the family subsidized it every year, and now our master has conferred the title of noble and opened the mansion. Li naturally has to be lifted up..."

Speaking of this, she took an instructive tone and said: "You also take out the prince Fujin's pie, I have heard that the annual gifts of the House of Internal Affairs are very rich, you should also have ample money, you should be filial Still be filial."

Shu Shu was stunned: "Sister-in-law San drew up this gift list herself? Does Sanbeile know?"

Sanfujin snorted softly and said: "He must be reluctant. He wants to subsidize his wife's family and distribute money to those disciples. They are all stupid in studying. Only slaves respect their masters. How can masters give gifts to slaves? There is also the yamen. Over there, he is also confused. He is walking in the Ministry of Households now, but he asks people to prepare extra New Year gifts for the Minister of Rites. Now that you've settled down, if you still want to go to the Ministry of Rites, isn't that the way to go?"

When Shu Shu listened, she felt her scalp go numb.

Subsidize the little wife's house, do not comment.

Distributing money to the disciples is actually just a formality.

If there are old people and young children in the family of the assistant leader under the door, the purse will be rewarded, which shows the master's kindness.

But before that, the disciples of the Baylor Mansion were the most filial, and there would be no less.

So whether it is the so-called loose money or reward money, it is actually a gift in return.

The reply is too thin, remind the other party to give a generous gift next time.

If the answer is thick, it means telling the other party that you are satisfied and keep it up.

Shu Shu's side is also the same. The annual gifts received from the senior officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are also rewarded in the name of Brother Nine.

This is also the rule of up and down.

As for the two annual rites of the Minister of Rites, it is not difficult to guess.

The prince's six departments are not fixed departments, but special errands.

The third elder brother must have some errands from the Ministry of Accounts. He knew that the Ministry of Rites had similar errands to worry about, so he made a foreshadowing in advance.

Shu Shu looked at Sanfujin several times, and really wanted to ask her if she did it on purpose.

She stabbed these two knives really hard!
There is also Dong E's mansion, which nominally "subsidizes" the daughter and son-in-law, but in fact it is the "annual respect" of the Dong E family to the third elder brother, the prince's son-in-law.

Sanfujin all went back without saying anything, and even doubled the gift in return.

Dong E's family may be uneasy.

No matter how innocent and innocent she is, she is still a noble lady of the government, can't she be like this?
Shu Shu looked at Sanfujin, saw her half-smile, guessed, and whispered: "You did it on purpose?"

Sanfujin spread his hands and said: "What is it on purpose? If he doesn't teach me, how would I know the rest, I must do it according to my own mind..."

Shu Shu didn't know what to say.

Is this standing? !

Stand a little crooked!
It means killing one thousand enemies and harming oneself eight hundred.

It seems that the third elder brother let Tian Gege be the housekeeper, which touched Sanfujin's bottom line, and she didn't want to bear it anymore.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and persuaded: "Enough is enough, the emperor is watching."

If he did such a foolish thing and was picked on by that father-in-law of Kangxi, there would be no good fruit for Sanfujin in the future.

Sanfujin said disapprovingly: "I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, I acted according to the rules."

Shu Shu still frowned: "There's my cousin, he's sick, I'm afraid he's not happy..."

Sanfujin looked down at her fingernails and said: "I asked someone to send a message to my Ama, some of the gold objects are for my mother-in-law, and they will not be included in the public account!"

Sanfujin's mother-in-law is Peng Chun's aunt and cousin, Guo Shi, who has been formally invited to be a Sanpin Shuren, and she has only one daughter in Sanfujin.

The gold that was given to Guo Shuren was actually San Fujin's private house.

Shu Shu felt that this way of deducting money was quite cool.

But thinking of the stinginess of the third elder brother, Shu Shu couldn't help reminding: "It is the prince elder brother after all, be careful that he turns his face..."

When the time comes, the husband and wife will really break up. With Kangxi's behavior, if you blame your son for two points, you will blame Sanfu Jin for eight points. If you say something ugly, it will not be good if it affects Dong E's family.

Sanfujin lowered his volume and said, "It's just that after getting some money, he felt that his back was hard, so he slapped me in the face regardless. That would make him poor and lose his job. Let's see how he still speaks loudly?!"

Shu Shu felt a little uncomfortable.

Are the two cousins ​​so close?

Isn't it just a matter of saving face?
There is no need to tell her if this kind of couple is calculating.

Guessing that Sanfujin was holding back hard, she whispered to Shushu: "It was because I was so hot-tempered before that they treated me like a steamed stuffed bun and tried to step on me! Bah! I was appointed by the emperor." Prince Fujin, I respect you, who can not respect me?!"

(End of this chapter)

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