My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 354 Want to be a younger brother

Chapter 354 Want to be a younger brother (third update)
stayed up all night.

The next day, even if everyone simply freshened up, they all looked haggard, which was just right for the occasion.

At the beginning of Chen, it is the auspicious time for divination.

Although it is a "small funeral", the ceremony is no different from that of a "big funeral".

How to send the gift is arranged by the people from the Ministry of Rituals and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and everyone just follow suit.

In front of the gate of Zhijun Prince's Mansion, it was already full of people.

The king's Zuoling, bodyguards, bureaucrats, and above rank officials all wear hemp and filial piety.

All the servants of the palace wear hemp and filial piety.

At first glance, it is all white.

Compared with Shu Shu's relatives and friends who came to the funeral, they seemed to be separated from each other.

In fact, it is indeed divided into inside and outside. According to the system of the Eight Banners, when the king of Zhijun enters the banner, it is no different from the prince of the previous dynasty who is a vassal, except that he does not crack the ground.

From then on, he and his bannermen, the soldiers and civilians, all prospered and all suffered losses.

Shu Shu stayed up all night and was also tired.

When he got into the carriage, he lost his shape and leaned on Brother Jiu.

Everyone has to go out with the funeral procession.

Da Fujin's coffin will be sent to the Beiding Niangniang Temple outside the city to be enshrined.

Beiding Niangniang Temple is located more than ten miles north of the capital. It is one of the royal temples built in the previous dynasty and is the ashram of Bixia Yuanjun.

Starting from Zhijun Wangfu, it is more than [-] miles away.

Because it is a funeral procession, the procession is slow, and it will take a while to walk seriously.

Seeing Shu Shu like this, Brother Jiu felt distressed, and held her in his arms, making her more comfortable: "Why are you so tired, didn't you rest last night?"

Shu Shu sighed, "There are too many people, it's hard to rest..."

An Arhat couch, with the middle one removed, can barely accommodate two people.

But cramped.

It's spacious to lie alone, so let the other Fujin just watch?

There was also the princess, who was upright and polite, but everyone just sat there all night.

Shu Shu's waist was about to straighten.

Brother Jiu rubbed her for her, and counted the time: "I estimate that it will take two hours to go back and forth, and I will be back at noon. If you are tired, close your eyes and squint..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Be patient, this rickety one is even more uncomfortable."

But she also breathed a sigh of relief.

This funeral is finally coming to an end.

Shu Shu talked to Brother Nine: "When we move out of the palace in the future, we won't go to the funeral all the time, it's too hard!"

From Dafu Jinxi, they went out of the palace four times before and after, and they sat four times at night.

Shu Shu felt that she was young, otherwise the dark circles under her eyes would have appeared.

Brother Jiu said: "Don't worry, it's only the cousins ​​who are close to the branch. We need a full ceremony, just Prince Yu's house, Prince Gong's house, and at most Prince Zhuang's house."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt at ease.

I'm not afraid of salutations, I'm afraid of this kind of thing, it's too useless.

When you arrive at the Beiding Niangniang Temple, there will be a fixed ceremony of offering peace.

Da Fujin's coffin is here to be enshrined in the side hall.

After the elder brother passed away, he moved to the blessed place and the husband and wife were buried together.

Shu Shu looked at the dilapidated temple and felt strange.

Three hundred years later, this is the North Fourth Ring Road.

In this bustling and bustling place, two venues that attract worldwide attention will be built next to it.

For the construction of the venue, some accidents happened in the middle, making the Niangniang Temple a legend.

It is still a wilderness.

Seeing Shu Shu's dark expression, Brother Jiu only thought that she was suffering for Da Fujin, and persuaded her: "Don't feel uncomfortable, no one can get away from this..."

Shu Shu glanced at him, this persuasion is not even persuasive.

Everyone is going to face death, but is dying the same as dying soon?

But Shu Shu didn't break up with him.

Anyway, she will definitely live a long life.

She is in such a state of mind, and if she can't live a long life, then it doesn't make sense.

The rest of the wealth and prosperity are exceptional.

It’s okay to have it, and it’s not impossible to not have it.

After more than a month of mourning, she felt that she had improved a lot.

Even more afraid of death.

Apart from life and death, nothing else matters.

Brother Jiu just said it easily, but he was a little scared in his heart.

On the way back to the city, he took Shu Shu's hand, feeling a little depressed, and said in a low voice: "If there is such a day in the future, don't stop 'five seven', people are smelly, and it's disgusting to think about it. Bury it in three days..."

Shu Shu thought it was a good idea, nodded and said, "Then shall we build a cemetery first?"

Brother Jiu's eyes widened, and he looked at Shu Shu with disbelief: "Do you want to do it now?"

Shu Shu said: "Are you prepared for any danger... Otherwise, you will have to search around in a hurry. Spring, autumn and summer are better. In the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, it will be difficult to dig a hole."

Brother Nine fell down in anger, stared at Shu Shu and said: "How can you be like this? Shouldn't you come to persuade the master to comfort you? This is hoping that the master will close his eyes early, why are you so peaceful?"

Shu Shu pinched him, and said: "Then why is the master so calm and talk so stupidly? The emperor and the empress gave birth to the master, did he fulfill his filial piety? Once I marry the master, the master will settle down Am I wrong? Being a son is not filial, being a husband is not considerate, you still want someone to comfort you?"

Brother Jiu returned to his arrogant appearance, no longer groaning without illness, nodded and said: "That's right, I still have so many things to take care of!"

Only then did Shu Shu change her tone, and said softly: "If that's the case, I don't want to say it anymore, I don't want to hear it."

Brother Nine shook her hand, and said in a word: "Let's ignore Old Fourteen from now on, and the gifts sent to him will be cut in half!"

What I'm talking about here are some New Year's goods prepared by the kitchen. I plan to make more and give some to my elder brothers.

Bannerman rules, do not fire in the first month.

It doesn't mean not to cook, but not to cook new meals.

So all kinds of steamed buns, flower rolls, bean buns, rice cakes, rice, etc. must be prepared before New Year's Eve.

The same goes for the dishes, all kinds of fried goods and stews must be cooked.

Prepare food for a whole month.

In the first month, it is eaten hot.

Shu Shu felt that this was a bit like a prefabricated dish for later generations.

For the second institute, preparing New Year's dishes is extremely simple.

A lot of recipes have been added in the past six months.

Choose the best and get ready.

Shu Shu heard Brother Nine mentioning Brother Fourteen, and said, "What's wrong with him?"

The ninth elder brother didn't hide it either, and talked about the third elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother talking about their husband and wife.

"Fourteen is a white-eyed wolf. It's because I'm pissed at him; but the third one is like a convulsion. It's too shameful to talk about you..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt a little unhappy.

The third elder brother should be venting his anger, and he was dragged down by San Fujin.

Brother Fourteen is a bit too much here.

I haven't paid attention to him these days, and I don't have a double portion of the food that I asked someone to send to my head.

But even if it is one serving, the quantity is not small, enough for two people to eat.

Shu Shu said to Brother Jiu: "We just need to know who he is, don't be coaxed by him in the future, and we don't want anything from him, it's not rare!"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I see, they are not so big. When he moves to the east office, he will not be able to meet him easily."

Mentioning this, Brother Nine's eyes lit up, and said: "I guess, Shisan will go to Qianqing Palace in a while..."

During the northern tour, Brother Nine also knew a little about Brother Thirteen.

He looks amicable, not fighting or grabbing, but if he has an idea, it is not easy to change it.

Since the thirteenth elder brother said he would not move, then he would not just talk.

Shu Shu was simply pleasantly surprised, and said: "It would be great if that were the case, since each other's tempers will be friendly, and it will save trouble..."

The thirteenth brother can be kept away from the fourteenth brother.

Otherwise, if you get bullied and feel sulky, everyone won't see it.

When the carriage arrived at Shenwu Gate, everyone entered the palace the same way.

The concubine took Shu Shu's hand and said: "Xiao Jing came in two baskets of oranges outside, and later sent someone to bring you half a basket, just don't eat too much, it's easy to produce phlegm, it's very good to smoke the house."

Shu Shu knew that this was a return gift from Nuan Gongfangzi mentioned last night, nodded and said: "It's either frozen pears or hawthorns all day, and I'm craving fresh fruits, so I'll wait..."

The Crown Princess nodded with a smile, greeted her uncles, got on the chariot, and went back to Yuqing Palace.

After staying up all night and most of the day, everyone was tired.

No one spoke, and the group went back to Brother's office.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine simply washed up, took a few bites, and then lay down to catch up on sleep.

Head office.

Elder Fourteen finished grooming and then lay down.

This morning, he and Brother Thirteen were in a carriage, and neither of them spoke.

The fourteenth elder brother was so angry that he decided to ignore the thirteenth elder brother.

If you tell me to move, do you want to move?

If he doesn't move, who can kick him out? !

The room was warm, and he was also very tired, so he fell asleep in a daze.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

The thirteenth elder brother who had changed his clothes was in front of the imperial court, without going around in circles, he directly stated his intention of coming: "Khan Ama, my son intends to stay in Xitou, and my son wants the fourteenth elder brother to move early..."

Kangxi's face sank: "What did Brother Fourteen do?"

The thirteenth elder brother did not hide it, and replied truthfully: "These days, the fourteenth brother has a lot of resentment towards the ninth brother and the ninth sister-in-law. The son tried to persuade him a few times, but it was not very helpful; yesterday the fourteenth brother acted improperly. In front of everyone, speak disrespectfully to Brother Nine and Sister-in-law Nine!"

Kangxi looked at the thirteenth elder brother with dissatisfaction, and said: "There is something wrong with him, you are the elder brother's discipline, how can you dislike him?"

The thirteenth elder brother lowered his eyes and said: "The fourteenth brother complained to the ninth sister-in-law because the ninth sister-in-law said that the ninth brother is also the prince's elder brother, so that the fourteenth brother should not be sent around at will... My son is also the prince's elder brother, and I don't want to be punished by others." Order and dispatch..."

Kangxi rubbed his brows and said: "It's not that they have lived together for many years, and they are all fine, so why can't they live together?"

Elder Brother Thirteen didn't answer, he raised his head, looked at Kangxi and said, "Ama, have you forgotten? My son mentioned it to you during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he wants to live in the head house..."

Kangxi was dumbfounded, and then said: "At this moment and at that moment, you are older and more sensible than Elder Brother Fourteen, what are you doing with the same knowledge as him?"

The thirteenth elder brother had a sullen little face, and said solemnly: "Ama Khan, my son is also young, and I don't want to be the elder brother of the fourteenth brother, but want to be the younger brother of the ninth brother, the tenth brother, and the twelfth brother, okay?" ?”

The fourth is around midnight, everyone will watch it tomorrow morning, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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