My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 356 Little Bell's Story

Chapter 356 Xiao Zhong's Story (Part [-])

Putting it up later will be the "one fish, three meals" that Shu Shu never forgets.

Elder Brother Shi came over and brought joy too.

It's okay in summer, the imperial dining room occasionally prepares fresh river fish, and after spending money, you can still eat it once or twice.

After the season, it is not easy to eat fish once in the palace.

The so-called "one fish, three meals" refers to three ways to cook one fish.

The fish head is stewed with tofu, the fish tail is braised in braised fish tail, and the fish body is made into spicy grilled fish.

Even if you pick the smallest one, it still weighs five or six catties, and the serving size is not small.

Only one vinegared cabbage was added, nothing else.

The dining table was set up, and the three of them ate hard.

The spicy grilled fish was completely eaten, half of the braised fish tail was left, and the stewed fish head was also eaten.

The vinegared cabbage also went to the big plate.

When the dining table was taken down, seeing the two people's unfinished expressions, Shu Shu said with a smile: "I'm running out of time, why don't I pick a big one and it can make a table."

What steamed fish head, fried fish diced, fish balls, frozen fish scales and so on.

Elder Brother Ten said: "It's enough to satisfy your hunger. The grilled fish is really delicious, and it's even more tender when you eat it."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "These dishes are okay to cook and eat now, but won't they taste bad after making New Year's dishes?"

New Year's dishes are to be eaten heated.

There is nothing wrong with the big meat. The fish will not be so fresh and tender when it is reheated.

Shu Shu had already discussed with Xiaotang in the afternoon.

The second place has made crispy fish, which can be kept for a long time after marinating, frying and dipping in oil.

When eating, you can heat it up, or eat it cold, it tastes good, and the taste is similar to that of canned fish in later generations.

She said: "If you keep one, you can eat it twice a year ago. The leftover fish meat will be made into crispy fish, and the fish head and scales will be made into fish jelly. When the time comes, it will be served as a cold dish, and the taste will not change."

Elder Brother Ten was beside him and said, "Sister-in-law Nine, make half of the spicy crispy fish, it's more delicious."

Shu Shu agreed.

It's time for a change, and the ten elder brothers have gone back to the third institute.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine also washed up.

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "Since the recipes are going to be sent out, the number of servings will be reduced in the future, and once a month is enough, otherwise it will be too eye-catching..."

Just like what was bestowed today, only Ersuo and Yuqing Palace got it, which made people look sideways.

You must know that every palace in the palace has its own dining room.

This time, the Second Institute surpassed the dining room of other concubines to get these rewards, and it is estimated that many people are jealous.

Yuqing Palace will not take this matter to heart, because the daily supplies there are at the top of the list.

There is never a shortage of these things.

Just like the oranges that Er got, there were only two plates, but Yuqing Palace got two baskets directly.

Yuqing Palace is used to it, and other people in the palace are also used to it.

But if Er got two baskets of oranges, the concubines might not feel at ease.

Shu Shu nodded and said, "It was once a year ago."

Things have been bestowed so much, the second institute should also learn more, and send some New Year's dishes to the past.

In the next two days, the second dining room stepped up preparations for the New Year's dishes.

The six stoves are almost always idle, from morning till night.

Brother Jiu doesn't need to go to the House of Internal Affairs anymore, the couple are both free.

The two went to Jingyang Palace together, returned the "New Tang Book", and borrowed a set of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian".

The sixty-six volumes of "New Tang Book" were borrowed after the big wedding at the end of June, and I have only read them now.

Brother Jiu read this as a storybook, and his favorite is Li Ji, the British prince.

Because he has the merits of opening up the territory and expanding the territory, and has few defeats.

Which teenager doesn't have a dream of a great general in his heart?

After changing the "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", he did not read it from the beginning, but started from the Tang Dynasty, looking for the deeds of the British Duke from it.

Shu Shu started from the beginning.

The opening chapter of "Zizhi Tongjian" is "Separation of Jin from the Three Families", which is the boundary between the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

This period of history is not like the unified history of the Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, which is familiar to the people of later generations.

Quite novel.

It's just that the text is a bit obscure and the amount of information is too much.

After reading two pages, Shu Shu's mind was a little confused and her eyes were blurred, so she put it down.

She misses the words book outside.

Although the current script is not in the vernacular, it is almost in the style of "A Dream of Red Mansions". The reading feeling is much better, it is easy to read, and the brain does not get stuck.

Isn't it too leisurely to eat and read every day like this?

It doesn't seem to make sense.

Even if Xiao Yu writes the proposal for the Rouge Shop, the business outside will gradually spread out next year, but Shu Shu still seems to be living in chaos.

Shu Shu raised her head and saw the small gold-plated standing clock on the desk.

The clock face is only the size of a child's fist, and it looks very delicate, with a pattern of a giant dragon surrounding a golden sun embedded in the back.

That is, the shape of this dragon is obviously western style, it looks like a lizard with wings.

This one is not built-in, it is produced in France, and it was given by Brother Jiu on his tenth birthday.

The outside world is already in the process of industrialization.

The Qing Dynasty was still farming, and did not solve the problem of food and clothing.

Shu Shu looked at this and thought of a children's book story, which was recommended by a teacher in her previous life, called "The Story of Front Ya A Shang".

The whole story is full of childishness, and it tells the difficult and warm life from the perspective of Front Ya Shang.

It is not easy for me to write other things, and if my thoughts are exposed in it, it is the root of disaster.

Is it possible to write a fairy tale?
Write a story such as "Xiao Zhong Across the Ocean for Fifty Years"?

Starting from France, its birthplace, from the workshops on the edge of the city to the distribution center of commodities, from the capital to the docks.

From the distant European continent, all the way across the ocean, to the mysterious oriental port of Guangzhou.

Then from Guangzhou Port to Beijing.

Her heart was pounding.

Kangxi has been an emperor for more than [-] years, and his thinking has solidified.

Year after year, the older you get, the more you seek stability and don't like change.

Brother Jiu's generation, the prince's elder brother, has formed an outlook on life that is difficult to shake.

What about the royal grandchildren?

Except for the eldest grandson of Yuqing Palace, the others are all milk dolls, and none of them have been enlightened.

It is a fairy tale, which is simple and easy to understand, so there is no need to research the history of watch making.

Just know a rough history line.

Counting the time, the current France happened to be in the long period of the Sun King's rule, and it was relatively stable.

Shu Shu picked up the pen and began to tell the story in Xiao Zhong's tone.

It was born in a handmade watch workshop in the suburbs of Paris and was polished by old craftsmen.

When he was just born, he looked ordinary, no different from the other eight brothers.

The boss talked loudly and told the craftsmen about the mysterious ancient oriental country full of gold.

"They are worth ten silver coins in Paris, and they can be sold for one hundred silver coins when they are transported to it, and it can be worth three hundred, plus the dragon, which is said to be the kingdom guarded by the dragon, plus The sun, engraved on the palace craftsman, oh, let's sell it for a thousand silver coins..."

The little clock fell into a deep sleep, and when it woke up again, it was not the ordinary little clock, but a golden wall, which almost blinded its own eyes, and it looked very expensive and extraordinary.

In order to make the characters less special, Shu Shu abandoned "Di De".

Although it is still vernacular, it is much more concise.

Shu Shu wrote very cheerfully, with a smile on her face involuntarily.

Sure enough, it is important to maintain a childlike innocence.

She had an innocent and cute little bell in her mind.

I don't know why, but she can't help but assume the appearance of Brother Jiu.

From west to east, it will grow into a knowledgeable and knowledgeable little clock.

At the right time, tell the new generation of emperors and grandchildren about the vastness of this world and the rapid development outside.

When Shu Shu wrote a few opening pages, her wrist was sore, and she put down her pen.

Then I heard Brother Nine say: "What's going on behind the scenes?"

He didn't know when he came over, and he watched it with great interest.

Shu Shu spread his hands and said, "I haven't thought about it yet..."

Brother Jiu asked: "Then we have to go to the pier? Get on the boat..."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "I don't know either, I just wrote this paragraph when I thought of it..."

As for the next plot, she hasn't thought about it yet.

Brother Jiu saw that there were only three pages and a few hundred characters in total, and shook his head, "You just made Fujin for my master. If you write a book, you have to beg for food..."

Shu Shu stretched out her hand and said, "What about the sore wrist?"

Brother Nine pulled her over, rubbed it for her, and said, "Ama Khan has quill pens from the West. Go and ask for two boxes..."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "No, no, you can write with eyebrow pencil as a refill later."

Brother Nine's eyes were still glued to those pages: "Why did you think of writing this? I showed it to you? When the cashmere cloth comes out, we will follow suit and make more tricks to double and sell it to France..."

As he spoke, he shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't. It's not easy for blue to be better than blue. It's more suitable to sell to places like Southeast Asia, Russia, and Mongolia...but our unique porcelain and satin can increase sales. Earn some money and come back..."

Shu Shu pointed to the "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" next to it and said: "I just think it's hard to watch, and I want to write a simple and fun little story, so I can go back and coax Xiao Liu and the others..."

Brother Jiu said with displeasure: "What are you going to do with all that effort? I'm tired of writing..."

Shu Shu said softly: "Being idle is idle, it's just to pass the time, if we have a little elder brother, we will also show the little elder brother..."

Ninth Brother fell silent.

Prince Zhuang's Mansion is a lesson from the past.

Without a son, he was regarded as fat by his cousins, and many people stared at him.

If you really can't have children in the future, then you can decide on an heir early, and you can save trouble.

He said: "Then why doesn't it seem easier to write directly from the Qing Dynasty after writing from France?"

Shu Shu pointed to the Sun Dragon Clock on the desk, and said, "Didn't you see it?"

Brother Jiu picked it up again, read it again, shook his head and said: "It looks too plain, it's hard to be elegant, why don't you polish it up for me?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "I don't take it out to engrave the block, I don't need to polish it, it's just a children's book, written for fun..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said, "It's fine, we don't care about the title of a talented woman."

Now there are talented women.

Also sought after by literati.

But the background is not very good, most of them are people in the social field.

For example, the late talented Nalan Rongruo had a concubine who was Shen Wan, a talented female poet from the south of the Yangtze River.

Some good families are mostly widows or something like that.

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing and said: "My lord thinks too highly of me, where is a serious book?"

What people value nowadays is poetry and poetry, and novels are not orthodox in the first place.

Not to mention Shu Shu, a children's book that is so plain and simple that it makes you heinous.

Even if it is really read by the great Confucianism, it will only be useless, and it is estimated that it will be regarded as a representative of ignorance and incompetence.

Brother Nine thought more, valued Shu Shu's erudition, and didn't regard this as a pure children's book, pointed to one of the passages and said: "But there is also a business book in it, why don't you change it? Don't let outsiders read it go!"

Shu Shu just wanted to use the "little bell" to subtly influence the next generation of emperors and grandchildren, but she didn't care much about the others.

She nodded and said, "I won't change the ones left at home, and I'll change everything else that I think is inappropriate..."

(End of this chapter)

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